The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles (37 page)

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10.1.3 Parsing
The act of checking whether a grammar “accepts” an input text as valid is called parsing. As we noted earlier, parsing a given text means determining the exact correspondence between the text and the rules of a given grammar. Since the grammar rules are hierarchical, the output generated by the parser can be described in a tree-oriented data structure called a parse tree or a derivation tree. Figure 10.4 gives a typical example.
Figure 10.3
A subset of the C language grammar (left) and a sample code segment accepted by this grammar (right).
Note that as a side effect of the parsing process, the entire syntactic structure of the input text is uncovered. Some compilers represent this tree by an explicit data structure that is further used for code generation and error reporting. Other compilers (including the one that we will build) represent the program’s structure implicitly, generating code and reporting errors on the fly. Such compilers don’t have to hold the entire program structure in memory, but only the subtree associated with the presently parsed element. More about this later.
Recursive Descent Parsing
There are several algorithms for constructing parse trees. The top-down approach, also called recursive descent parsing, attempts to parse the tokens stream recursively, using the nested structure prescribed by the language grammar. Let us consider how a parser program that implements this strategy can be written. For every rule in the grammar describing a non-terminal, we can equip the parser program with a recursive routine designed to parse that non-terminal. If the non-terminal consists of terminal atoms only, the routine can simply process them. Otherwise, for every non-terminal building block in the rule’s right-hand side, the routine can recursively call the routine designed to parse this non-terminal. The process will continue recursively, until all the terminal atoms have been reached and processed.
Figure 10.4
Parse tree of a program segment according to a grammar segment. Solid triangles represent lower-level parse trees.
To illustrate, suppose we have to write a recursive descent parser that follows the grammar from figure 10.3. Since the grammar has five derivation rules, the parser implementation can consist of five major routines: parseStatement(), parseWhileStatement (), parseIfStatement(), parseStatementSequence(), and parseExpression(). The parsing logic of these routines should follow the syntactic patterns appearing in the right-hand sides of the corresponding grammar rules. Thus parseStatement() should probably start its processing by determining what is the first token in the input. Having established the token’s identity, the routine could determine which statement we are in, and then call the parsing routine associated with this statement type.
For example, if the input stream were that depicted in figure 10.4, the routine will establish that the first token is while, then call the parseWhileStatement() routine. According to the corresponding grammar rule, this routine should next attempt to read the terminals “while” and “(”, and then call parseExpression ( ) to parse the non-terminal expression. After parseExpression ( ) would return (having parsed the “count<=100” sequence in our example), the grammar dictates that parseWhileStatement() should attempt to read the terminal “)” and then recursively call parseStatement(). This call would continue recursively, until at some point only terminal atoms are read. Clearly, the same logic can also be used for detecting syntax errors in the source program. The better the compiler, the better will be its error diagnostics.
LL(0) Grammars
Recursive parsing algorithms are simple and elegant. The only possible complication arises when there are several alternatives for parsing non-terminals. For example, when parseStatement ( ) attempts to parse a statement, it does not know in advance whether this statement is a while-statement, an if-statement, or a bunch of statements enclosed in curly brackets. The span of possibilities is determined by the grammar, and in some cases it is easy to tell which alternative we are in. For example, consider figure 10.3. If the first token is “while,” it is clear that we are faced with a while statement, since this is the only alternative in the grammar that starts with a “while” token. This observation can be generalized as follows: whenever a non-terminal has several alternative derivation rules, the first token suffices to resolve without ambiguity which rule to use. Grammars that have this property are called
. These grammars can be handled simply and neatly by recursive descent algorithms.
When the first token does not suffice to resolve the element’s type, it is possible that a “look ahead” to the next token will settle the dilemma. Such parsing can obviously be done, but as we need to look ahead at more and more tokens down the stream, things start getting complicated. The Jack language grammar, which we now turn to present, is almost
, and thus it can be handled rather simply by a recursive descent parser. The only exception is the parsing of expressions, where just a little look ahead is necessary.
10.2 Specification
This section has two distinct parts. First, we specify the Jack language’s grammar. Next, we specify a syntax analyzer designed to parse programs according to this grammar.
10.2.1 The Jack Language Grammar
The functional specification of the Jack language given in chapter 9 was aimed at Jack programmers. We now turn to giving a formal specification of the language, aimed at Jack compiler developers. Our grammar specification is based on the following conventions:
quoted boldface is used for tokens that appear verbatim (“terminals”);
xxx: regular typeface is used for names of language constructs (“non-terminals”);
(): parentheses are used for grouping of language constructs;
x|y: indicates that either x or y can appear;
x?: indicates that x appears 0 or 1 times;
x*: indicates that x appears 0 or more times.
The Jack language syntax is given in figure 10.5, using the preceding conventions.
10.2.2 A Syntax Analyzer for the Jack Language
The main purpose of the syntax analyzer is to read a Jack program and “understand” its syntactic structure according to the Jack grammar. By understanding, we mean that the syntax analyzer must know, at each point in the parsing process, the structural identity of the program element that it is currently reading, namely, whether it is an expression, a statement, a variable name, and so on. The syntax analyzer must possess this syntactic knowledge in a complete recursive sense. Without it, it will be impossible to move on to code generation—the ultimate goal of the overall compiler.
Figure 10.5
Complete grammar of the Jack language.
The fact that the syntax analyzer “understands” the programmatic structure of the input can be demonstrated by having it print the processed text in some well-structured and easy-to-read format. One can think of several ways to cook up such a demonstration. In this book, we decided to have the syntax analyzer output an XML file whose marked-up format reflects the syntactic structure of the underlying program. By viewing this XML output file—a task that can be conveniently done with any Web browser—one should be able to tell right away if the syntax analyzer is doing the job or not.
10.2.3 The Syntax Analyzer’s Input
The Jack syntax analyzer accepts a single command line parameter, as follows:
is either a file name of the form Xxx.jack (the extension is mandatory) or a directory name containing one or more . jack files (in which case there is no extension). The syntax analyzer compiles the Xxx.jack file into a file named Xxx.xml, created in the same directory in which the source file is located. If source is a directory name, each .jack file located in it is compiled, creating a corresponding .xml file in the same directory.
Each Xxx.jack file is a stream of characters. This stream should be tokenized into a stream of tokens according to the rules specified by the lexical elements of the Jack language (see figure 10.5, top). The tokens may be separated by an arbitrary number of space characters, newline characters, and comments, which are ignored. Comments are of the standard formats /* comment until closing */, /** API comment */, and // comment to end of line.
10.2.4 The Syntax Analyzer’s Output
Recall that the development of the Jack compiler is split into two stages (see figure 10.1), starting with the syntax analyzer. In this chapter, we want the syntax analyzer to emit an XML description of the input program, as illustrated in figure 10.6. In order to do so, the syntax analyzer has to recognize two major types of language constructs: terminal and non-terminal elements. These constructs are handled as follows.

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