The Elegant Universe (45 page)

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Authors: Brian Greene

BOOK: The Elegant Universe
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2, require such unimaginably high energy to be produced, branes have only a small effect on much of physics (but not on all, as we shall see in the next chapter). However, when we venture outside the peninsular regions of Figure 12.11, the higher-dimensional branes become lighter and hence increasingly important.14

And so, the image you should have in mind is the following. In the central region of Figure 12.11, we have a theory whose fundamental ingredients are not just strings or membranes, but rather “branes” of a variety of dimensions, all more or less on equal footing. Currently, we do not have a firm grasp on many essential features of this full theory. But one thing we do know is that as we move from the central region to any of the peninsular regions, only the strings (or membranes curled up to look ever more like strings, as in Figures 12.7 and 12.8) are light enough to make contact with physics as we know it—the particles of Table 1.1 and the four forces through which they interact. The perturbative analyses string theorists have made use of for close to two decades have not been refined enough to discover even the existence of the super-massive extended objects of other dimensions; strings dominated the analyses and the theory was given the far-from-democratic name of string theory. Again, in these regions of Figure 12.11 we are justified, for most considerations, in ignoring all but the strings. In essence, this is what we have done so far in this book. We see now, though, that in actuality the theory is more rich than anyone previously imagined.

Does Any of This Solve the Unanswered Questions in String Theory?

Yes and no. We have managed to deepen our understanding by breaking free of certain conclusions that, in retrospect, were a consequence of perturbative approximate analyses rather than true string physics. But the current scope of our nonperturbative tools is quite limited. The discovery of the remarkable web of duality relations affords us far greater insight into string theory, but many issues remain unresolved. At present, for example, we do not know how to go beyond the approximate equations for the value of the string coupling constant—equations that, as we have seen, are too coarse to give us any useful information. Nor do we have any greater insight into why there are precisely three extended spatial dimensions, or how to choose the detailed form for the curled-up dimensions. These questions require more sharply honed nonperturbative methods than we currently possess.

What we do have is a far deeper understanding of the logical structure and theoretical reach of string theory. Prior to the realizations summarized in Figure 12.11, the strong coupling behavior of each string theory was a black box, a complete mystery. As on maps of old, the realm of strong coupling was uncharted territory, potentially filled with dragons and sea monsters. But now we see that although the journey to strong coupling may take us through unfamiliar regions of M-theory, it ultimately lands us back in the comfortable surrounds of weak coupling—albeit in the dual language of what was once thought to be a different string theory.

Duality and M-theory unite the five string theories and they suggest an important conclusion. It may well be that there aren’t other surprises, on par with the ones just discussed, that are awaiting our discovery. Once a cartographer can fill in every region on a spherical globe of the earth, the map is done and geographical knowledge is complete. That’s not to say explorations in Antarctica or on an isolated island in Micronesia are without scientific or cultural merit. It only means that the age of geographic discovery is over. The absence of blank spots on the globe ensures this. The “theory map” of Figure 12.11 plays a similar role for string theorists. It covers the entire range of theories that can be reached by setting sail from any one of the five string constructions. Although we are far from a full understanding of the terra incognita of M-theory, there are no blank regions on the map. Like the cartographer, the string theorist can now claim with guarded optimism that the spectrum of logically sound theories incorporating the essential discoveries of the past century—special and general relativity; quantum mechanics; gauge theories of the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces; supersymmetry; extra dimensions of Kaluza and Klein—is fully mapped out by Figure 12.11.

The challenge to the string theorist—or perhaps we should say the M-theorist—is to show that some point on the theory map of Figure 12.11 actually describes our universe. To do this requires finding the full and exact equations whose solution will pick out this elusive point on the map, and then understanding the corresponding physics with sufficient precision to allow comparisons with experiment. As Witten has said, “Understanding what M-theory really is—the physics it embodies—would transform our understanding of nature at least as radically as occurred in any of the major scientific upheavals of the past.”15 This is the program for unification in the twenty-first century.

The Elegant Universe
Chapter 13

Black Holes: A String/M-Theory Perspective


he pre-string theory conflict between general relativity and quantum mechanics was an affront to our visceral sense that the laws of nature should fit together in a seamless, coherent whole. But this antagonism was more than a towering abstract disjunction. The extreme physical conditions that occurred at the moment of the big bang and that prevail within black holes cannot be understood without a quantum mechanical formulation of the gravitational force. With the discovery of string theory, we now have a hope of solving these deep mysteries. In this and the next chapter, we describe how far string theorists have gone toward understanding black holes and the origin of the universe.

Black Holes and Elementary Particles

At first sight it’s hard to imagine any two things more radically different than black holes and elementary particles. We usually picture black holes as the most gargantuan of heavenly bodies, whereas elementary particles are the most minute specks of matter. But the research of a number of physicists during the late 1960s and early 1970s, including Demetrios Christodoulou, Werner Israel, Richard Price, Brandon Carter, Roy Kerr, David Robinson, Hawking, and Penrose, showed that black holes and elementary particles are perhaps not as different as one might think. These physicists found increasingly persuasive evidence for what John Wheeler has summarized by the statement “black holes have no hair.” By this, Wheeler meant that except for a small number of distinguishing features, all black holes appear to be alike. The distinguishing features? One, of course, is the black hole’s mass. What are the others? Research has revealed that they are the electric and certain other force charges a black hole can carry, as well as the rate at which it spins. And that’s it. Any two black holes with the same mass, force charges, and spin are completely identical. Black holes do not have fancy “hairdos”—that is, other intrinsic traits—that distinguish one from another. This should ring a loud bell. Recall that it is precisely such properties—mass, force charges, and spin—that distinguish one elementary particle from another. The similarity of the defining traits has led a number of physicists over the years to the strange speculation that black holes might actually be gigantic elementary particles.

In fact, according to Einstein’s theory, there is no minimum mass for a black hole. If we crush a chunk of matter of any mass to a small enough size, a straightforward application of general relativity shows that it will become a black hole. (The lighter the mass, the smaller we must crush it.) And so, we can imagine a thought experiment in which we start with ever-lighter blobs of matter, crush them into ever-smaller black holes, and compare the properties of the resulting black holes with the properties of elementary particles. Wheeler’s no-hair statement leads us to conclude that for small enough masses the black holes we form in this manner will look very much like elementary particles. Both will look like tiny bundles characterized completely by their mass, force charges, and spin.

But there is a catch. Astrophysical black holes, with masses many times that of the sun, are so large and heavy that quantum mechanics is largely irrelevant and only the equations of general relativity need be used to understand their properties. (We are here discussing the overall structure of the black hole, not the singular central point of collapse within a black hole, whose tiny size most certainly requires a quantum-mechanical description.) As we try to make ever less massive black holes, however, there comes a point when they are so light and small that quantum mechanics does comes into play. This happens if the total mass of the black hole is about the Planck mass or less. (From the point of view of elementary particle physics, the Planck mass is huge—some ten billion billion times the mass of a proton. From the point of view of black holes, though, the Planck mass, being equal to that of an average grain of dust, is quite tiny) And so, physicists who speculated that tiny black holes and elementary particles might be closely related immediately ran up against the incompatibility between general relativity—the theoretical heart of black holes—and quantum mechanics. In the past, the incompatibility stymied all progress in this intriguing direction.

Does String Theory Allow Us to Go Forward?

It does. Through a fairly unexpected and sophisticated realization of black holes, string theory provides the first theoretically sound connection between black holes and elementary particles. The road to this connection is a bit circuitous, but it takes us through some of the most interesting developments in string theory, making it a journey well worth taking.

It begins with a seemingly unrelated question that string theorists have kicked around since the late 1980s. Mathematicians and physicists have long known that when six spatial dimensions are curled up into a CalabiYau shape, there are generally two kinds of spheres that are embedded within the shape’s fabric. One kind are the two-dimensional spheres, like the surface of a beach ball, that played a vital role in the space-tearing flop transitions of Chapter 11. The other kind are harder to picture but they are equally prevalent. They are three-dimensional spheres—like the surfaces of beach balls adorning the sandy ocean shores of a universe with four extended space dimensions. Of course, as we discussed in Chapter 11, an ordinary beach ball in our world is itself a three-dimensional object, but its surface, just like the surface of a garden hose, is two-dimensional: You need only two numbers—latitude and longitude, for instance—to locate any position on its surface. But we are now imagining having one more space dimension: a four-dimensional beach ball whose surface is three-dimensional. As it’s pretty close to impossible to picture such a beach ball in your mind’s eye, for the most part we will appeal to lower-dimensional analogs that are more easily visualized. But, as we shall now see, one aspect of the three-dimensional nature of the spherical surfaces is of prime importance.

By studying the equations of string theory, physicists realized that it is possible, and even likely, that as time evolves, these three-dimensional spheres will shrink—collapse—to vanishingly small volume. But what would happen, string theorists asked, if the fabric of space were to collapse in this manner? Will there be some catastrophic effect from this kind of pinching of the spatial fabric? This is much like the question we posed and resolved in Chapter 11, but here we are focusing on collapsing three-dimensional spheres, whereas in Chapter 11 we focused solely on collapsing two-dimensional spheres. (As in Chapter 11, since we are envisioning that a piece of a Calabi-Yau shape is shrinking, as opposed to the whole Calabi-Yau shape itself, the small radius/large radius identification of Chapter 10 does not apply.) Here is the essential qualitative difference arising from the change in dimension.1 We recall from Chapter 11 that a pivotal realization is that strings, as they move through space, can lasso a two-dimensional sphere. That is, their two-dimensional worldsheet can fully surround a two-dimensional sphere, as in Figure 11.6. This proves to be just enough protection to keep a collapsing, pinching two-dimensional sphere from causing physical catastrophes. But now we are looking at the other kind of sphere inside a Calabi-Yau space, and it has too many dimensions for it to be surrounded by a moving string. If you have trouble seeing this, it is perfectly okay to think of the analogy obtained by lowering all dimensions by one. You can picture three-dimensional spheres as if they are two-dimensional surfaces of ordinary beach balls, so long as you also picture one-dimensional strings as if they are zero-dimensional point particles. Then, in analogy with the fact that a zero-dimensional point-particle cannot lasso anything, let alone a two-dimensional sphere, a one-dimensional string cannot lasso a three-dimensional sphere.

Such reasoning led string theorists to speculate that if a three-dimensional sphere inside a Calabi-Yau space were to collapse, something that the approximate equations showed to be a perfectly possible if not commonplace evolution in string theory, it might yield a cataclysmic result. In fact, the approximate equations of string theory developed prior to the mid-1990s seemed to indicate that the workings of the universe would grind to a halt if such a collapse were to occur; they indicated that certain of the infinities tamed by string theory would be unleashed by such a pinching of the spatial fabric. For a number of years, string theorists had to live with this disturbing, albeit inconclusive, state of understanding. But in 1995, Andrew Strominger showed that these doomsaying speculations were wrong.

Strominger, following earlier groundbreaking work of Witten and Seiberg, made use of the realization that string theory, when analyzed with the newfound precision of the second superstring revolution, is not just a theory of one-dimensional strings. He reasoned as follows. A one-dimensional string—a one-brane in the newer language of the field—can completely surround a one-dimensional piece of space, like a circle, as we illustrate in Figure 13.1. (Notice that this is different from Figure 11.6, in which a one-dimensional string, as it moves through time, lassos a two-dimensional sphere. Figure 13.1 should be viewed as a snapshot taken at one instant in time.) Similarly, in Figure 13.1 we see that a two-dimensional membrane—a two-brane—can wrap around and completely cover a two-dimensional sphere, much as a piece of plastic wrap can be tightly wrapped around the surface of an orange. Although it’s harder to visualize, Strominger followed the pattern and realized that the newly discovered three-dimensional ingredients in string theory—the three-branes—can wrap around and completely cover a three-dimensional sphere. Having seen clear to this insight, Strominger then showed, with a simple and standard physics calculation, that the wrapped three-brane provides a tailor-made shield that exactly cancels all of the potentially cataclysmic effects that string theorists had previously feared would occur if a three-dimensional sphere were to collapse.

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