The Dying Room (19 page)

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Authors: Debra Webb

Tags: #Melinda Leigh, #Police Procedural, #Karen Robards, #Faces of Evil Series, #Reunited Lovers, #opposites attract, #Lisa Gardner, #southern mystery, #secrets and lies, #family secret, #Thriller

BOOK: The Dying Room
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Chapter 4

Cathedral of St. Paul Boardroom

2120 3rd Avenue North, 3:30 p.m.

Dan reached for his tux jacket. He slipped it on and adjusted the lapels.

His father clapped him on the back. “It’s almost time, son.”

Dan smiled. He was so grateful to have his father as his best man for this amazing moment. A few months ago he’d thought he had lost him, but Daniel Thomas Burnett, Senior, had survived his second heart attack as well as the brutal assault of a serial killer.

“I’m ready.” Dan couldn’t wait to begin this journey with Jess. “You have the ring.”

His father patted his chest. “Interior jacket pocket.”

“You’re not getting cold feet on us, are you, Danny boy?”

Dan glanced at the most recent addition to his lineup of groomsmen. “Not a chance, Corlew.”

Buddy Corlew was Jess’s oldest friend. Dan’s cousin had ended up in the hospital earlier this week with acute appendicitis. Corlew was standing in for him. Fortunately, his cousin’s tux had been a perfect fit since it had been too late to order and tailor another one. Dan doubted Corlew had ever or would ever again be caught in a tuxedo. A former BPD detective and a little rough around the edges, Corlew made his living as a private investigator. He was a damned good one, Dan had to admit, even if some of his methods skirted the law.

Frank Teller slid his cell into his pocket and held his hands up in surrender before Dan could remind him yet again to turn the damned thing off.

“It’s off. I swear.” The man was one of Dan’s oldest friends and a highly respected Birmingham attorney. “You know how it is, there are some calls you just have to take.”

“I guess I missed the bachelor party,” Corlew said, drawing Dan’s attention back to him. He leaned against the conference table. “What’d you guys do, discuss your financial portfolios?”

“Funny, Corlew.” Dan adjusted his black bow tie. “My bachelor days have been over for a while.”

“I figured as much.” Corlew grinned. “Don’t worry, last night I celebrated the demise of your bachelorhood for you. Umm-hmm. Not one but two strippers—twins—helped me celebrate. It doesn’t get better than that.”

“Did you take pictures?” Frank wanted to know.

“Don’t encourage him,” Dan advised. “Corlew, you’re the only person I know who would talk about strippers in the boardroom of St. Paul’s.”

“Come on now. I’m just pulling your leg. I was on surveillance last night. I’m working a big case. It does, however, involve twins. They share an apartment and apparently don’t ever close the blinds. They did this little—”

A rap on the door preceded Mary Green’s entrance. “Gentlemen, we’ll be proceeding to the sanctuary in five minutes.”

Anxious to get started, Dan smiled. “Thank you, Mary.”

“I’ll just have a quick look to make sure all is in order.” She surveyed each of them from their red rosebud boutonnieres to their well-polished black leather oxfords. “Very good, gentlemen. I believe we’re ready.”

She flashed Dan a smile of approval and closed the door once more. Mary, the cathedral’s wedding coordinator, had kept his mother in line. Katherine Burnett had a tendency to go overboard. Dan had to give her credit though, she had done a wonderful job with the wedding. More importantly, she’d been respectful of Jess’s wishes. He’d worried about that in the beginning.

“Have you and Jess decided if you’re running for mayor next year?” Frank asked.

Dan had wondered how long it would be before his old friend would inquire about those rumors. Dan had been offered the position when Joseph Pratt had stepped down, but he’d decided to hold off. He liked being chief of police. He and Jess had been busy with their personal lives the past few months. Buying a home, getting settled, and preparing for the baby’s arrival next spring had been their primary focus. The timing simply hadn’t been right. The deputy mayor who had actually planned to retire stepped in until the next election. The powers that be were still leaning on Dan for an answer on the upcoming election. Jess insisted the decision was his. He wasn’t saying no just yet, but he was far from a yes.

“We’ll consider the proposal in the spring.” The position of mayor required a tremendous commitment, personally as well as professionally. With the baby coming he wasn’t sure he wanted to spend more of his time away from home. They had a great deal to consider before he made a decision.

“I spoke to Sylvia at the rehearsal dinner,” Frank said, “she mentioned that Nina is doing extraordinarily well at the new clinic.”

Nina was Dan’s second wife and Sylvia’s younger sister. She’d suffered with mental illness her entire adult life. The outlook had been quite dire the past few years. Now, however, a new medication recently approved by the FDA was helping her to make great strides at an innovative facility in New York.

“If she continues on her current path, she may be home in a few months. She’s made an incredible turnaround.”

“It’s a miracle,” his father agreed. “Your mother and I are very happy for her family.”

“Speaking of miracles and Barons,” Corlew said, “what kind of miracle would it take to get you to swap bridesmaids with me, Teller?”

Frank raised a skeptical eyebrow. “I think Mrs. Burnett and Mrs. Green would have something to say about that, Corlew.”

Dan grinned. It shouldn’t but the idea that Corlew was uncomfortable escorting Sylvia gave him just a little glee. “What’s the matter, Corlew? You afraid Sylvia might bite?”

“I don’t think she likes me too much.” He shifted his attention back to Frank. “I’ll even throw in a bonus and teach that investigative team of yours some of my secrets.”

“No way,” Frank said. “I’m not getting in trouble with Dan’s mom. I’ve been down that road, Corlew. Believe me, you do not want to go there.”

Dan laughed. “You’d better listen to him, Corlew.”

“I know I would,” Dan Senior agreed.

Corlew shook his head. “Maybe you have a point. She’s been on my back all week about cutting my hair.” He shook his head. “I was afraid to go to sleep at night. The lady is persistent.”

Dan hadn’t missed the wedding coordinator’s raised eyebrows at Corlew’s ponytail. Corlew was about as far from a good Catholic boy as one could be, but he was Jess’s friend. Back in high school, Dan and Corlew had been serious enemies, but those days were over. Dan owed the man. He was proud to have Corlew as one of his groomsmen.

The door opened and Mary waved her arm. “This way, gentlemen.”

His father placed a hand on Dan’s arm. “Just a minute, son.”

“We need a moment,” Dan said to Mary.

“We’ll be waiting for you.” Mary ushered Corlew and Frank into the corridor and closed the door.

His father took him by the arms and smiled. Dan didn’t miss the sheen of tears in his eyes.

“You’re a good man, Dan. Your mother and I are immensely proud of you, not only for the way you’ve served this city but also for the outstanding human being you’ve always been. From the time you were old enough to have a paper route you were kind and helpful to others. It makes our hearts glad to know that we had a little something to do with making you the man you are today.”

Dan blinked back some tears of his own. “Thank you, Dad. I wish I could take the credit, but I have an excellent role model to follow.”

His father smiled. “We’ve always respected your decisions, and never once have we doubted the plans you’ve made.” His father squeezed his arms. “I just want you to know that we are especially thankful you’re marrying Jess.”

Dan couldn’t speak for a moment.

“You and I both know your mother wasn’t so keen on Jess back when the two of you were kids, but she realizes now how wrong she was. Jess is a wonderful woman. We’re very pleased to be welcoming her to the family not only as your wife but as our daughter.”

“That means more than you can know, to both of us.”

“We’re going to spoil your children every single day.” His father laughed. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am to be here for this day. Your mother and I are looking forward to many, many more wondrous events with you and your new family.”

Dan hugged his father hard. “I love you, Dad.”

“I love you, son.” His father drew back. “Today you’ll watch your bride walk down the aisle toward you the way I watched your mother walk toward me all those decades ago.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Right now,” his father laughed, “if we keep Mary waiting any longer, she’ll be calling your mother to come and light a fire under us.”

Dan laughed. “We should go then.”

He’d been waiting for this moment a very long time.


Chapter 5

Cathedral of St. Paul

3:40 p.m.

While Lily helped Maddie pick up the rose petals she’d decided to spread around a little early, Jess took a moment alone before the call to take their positions. She stood in the room that had been designated as the dressing room for the bride. When Katherine had first suggested having the wedding at St. Paul’s, Jess hadn’t been very happy. She hadn’t wanted a big formal wedding. She’d wanted a private ceremony with only close family and friends. Sometime during the past couple of months, Jess had changed her mind.

This cathedral had graced downtown Birmingham for more than one hundred twenty years. It’s neo-gothic architecture and incredible stained glass windows made it awe inspiring. Jess had never been inside until the wedding planning began. If she’d thought the exterior was beautiful, the interior was breathtaking. The granite columns, vaulted ceiling, and arches soared high overhead to the ornate domed ceiling. Rich hand hewn wood floors filled the space with warmth. Something about the sacred beauty and history had changed her feelings about a big wedding. Knowing that Katherine and Dan Senior had taken their vows here had sealed the deal for Jess. This was another of the traditions she and Dan wanted to have in their lives.

She pressed her hand to her belly. A few months from now, they would be baptizing their child here. Perhaps their son or daughter would one day take his or her vows in this cathedral.

Jess moved to the full-length mirror and checked her reflection one last time. The gorgeous earrings Dan had given her twinkled from her earlobes. Her wedding gown was only the third one she’d tried on and both Lily and Lori had urged her to look at others, but this had been the one. The gown was made of soft, elegant tulle overlaid with lace and accented with a grosgrain belt and a crystal gemstone bow. The three-quarter-sleeved wrap-over bodice was fashioned from the most exquisite lace. Jess loved the way it hugged her body. The floor length A-line skirt of the gown was embellished with lace appliques and a scalloped hem. The matching sheer veil fastened at the back of her head allowing the gauzy fabric to drape down her back and along the length of her gown. Jess adored the way it featured the same lovely lace and crystal appliques. The soft ivory color of the gown and veil made her skin appear more radiant.

Wanda had done a marvelous job with her hair. The half up do was exactly the look she’d wanted. Wanda was right about Jess looking like her mother. Blinking back the tears that would ruin her make-up, she fingered the delicate silver bracelet. “Wish you were here.”

A knock on the door sounded about two seconds before Lily, Maddie, and the others poured into the room with the soft rasps of tulle, satin, and taffeta.

“Oh my God, Jess,” Gina cried. “You look...” She pressed her fingers to her lips.

Sylvia smiled, her lips trembled just a little. “What she’s trying to say,” she finished for Gina, “is that you look stunning.”

Lori nodded. “You were right, Jess. This gown was the one.”

Maddie touched one of the lace appliques. “Looks like my dress.”

“It sure does,” Jess agreed. As the flower girl, Maddie’s little dress had been made to complement Jess’s.

“Dan is simply going to melt when he sees you,” Lily promised.

“Thank you.” Jess surveyed her sister and dear friends. “And look at all of you.” Lily and Lori wore dresses of silver satin and taffeta. The formfitting bodices and long sleeves flowed into cinched waists and floor-length A-line skirts. Gina and Sylvia’s were a deep Christmas red in that same striking fabric. The dresses glittered as if they’d all been dusted with diamonds. Jess sighed. “Just wow.”

Lily hugged her, careful of their make-up and dresses. “I’m so happy for you and Dan.”

“Okay, okay, ladies,” Sylvia scolded, “no tears. We have a few last minute details to cover.”

Lori stepped forward. “You have something new.”

Jess touched one of the diamond earrings Dan had given her and smiled. “Yes.”

“The chief also gave you something a long time ago that you asked me to be sure you didn’t forget to bring.” Lori held out the locket Dan had given Jess when they were seniors in high school.

Jess’s breath caught. “Thank you for remembering, Lori.”

Gina held Jess’s hair and veil aside while Lori fastened the tiny catch. The cool white gold of the locket rested against Jess’s throat. Inside was a photo of her and of Dan. God, they had been so young. Jess had kept this locket safely tucked away for more than two decades.

She touched the cherished locket, relished the feel of it against her skin. “This was the first important gift Dan gave me.”

“Stop,” Lily protested, “you’re going to make me tear up again!”

“Moving on,” Sylvia announced. “You have something blue, that leaves the something borrowed. I brought the something borrowed.” She handed Jess a lady’s handkerchief. Tiny pink flowers were embroidered on the soft ivory linen. “My great grandmother brought that handkerchief with her from Ireland. You may borrow it for this auspicious occasion.”

Gina produced Jess’s bouquet. “We thought you could tuck it into the bouquet in case you need it.”

“Good idea.” Jess bit her lips together to stop their trembling. Tears brimmed on her lashes as she clutched her bouquet. She had selected every flower being used today and simply looking at them made her heart glad. They were so very lovely. Roses of red and varying blush shades, cream colored tulips, and orchids, with baby’s breath and delicate silver sprigs as accents. In the cathedral were more roses, tulips, and orchids, along with hydrangeas. The ends of all the pews were festooned with silk ribbons and hanging drifts of the gorgeous flowers. It was so lovely.

“Since I’m walking you down the aisle for Dad,” Lily spoke up, “I brought the six pence for your shoe.”

More emotional laughter had Jess battling tears. Lori helped Lily to place the small silver coin in Jess’s shoe.

Jess took her sister’s hand in hers. “Thank you, Lil, for being an amazing big sister.”

Lil squeezed her hand. “Any time.”

A fluttering deep inside made Jess gasp.

“Are you all right?” Lori searched her face, worry in hers.

Jess smiled, more of those confounding tears burning her eyes. “I think I just felt the baby move.”

“Oh!” Lil placed a hand on Jess’s belly. “Isn’t it incredible?”

Another of those little butterfly flutters made Jess gasp again. “It’s incredible.”

“Tissues!” Sylvia rushed across the room and grabbed the box.

Jess couldn’t help smiling as her friends dabbed their eyes. Lori handed Jess a tissue and she did the same. A rap on the door made them all jump.

“That’s probably the wedding coordinator,” Lil warned. “It’s almost time.”

Lori went to the door and opened it. She looked surprised. “Just a moment,” she said to whoever was on the other side of the door before turning to Jess. “There’s someone here to see you.”

“As long as it’s not Dan,” Lil cautioned.

Lori shook her head and opened the door. Wesley Duvall walked in.

Jess’s breath caught again and this time it had nothing to do with the baby. “Wesley!” He’d said he was coming. She was glad to see he’d made it.

“Jess.” He nodded to the others. “Ladies.”

Before Jess could make any introductions, Wesley kissed her on the cheek. “You are simply glowing, Jess.”

Wesley Duvall was her ex-husband. They’d realized soon after the marriage that they were better at being friends. “Thank you, Wesley.” Jess glanced at her friends. “Does everyone know Wesley? He’s—”

“The fool who let her get away,” Wesley announced.

Sylvia thrust out her hand. “Sylvia Baron.”

Wesley shook Sylvia’s hand. “Wesley Duvall.”

“Gina Coleman.” Gina shook his hand next.

“We’ve met,” Lori said with a nod and a brush of palms.

“Yes, Detective Wells, we certainly have.”

Lil took her turn but opted to give him a hug rather than shake his hand. “Did you see Blake and the kids out there?”

“I did. In fact, I’m sitting with your family. The usher said that’s where I was to sit. I hope that’s right.”

“You are family,” Jess assured him. She and Dan had discussed the issue of exes. Annette Denton and her daughter Andrea were seated with Dan’s mother. Technically, now that all the required paperwork was done, neither she nor Dan had an ex. This would be their first and only marriage in the eyes of the Church.

Wesley smiled. “I have to leave right after the ceremony and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to say hello so I convinced the wedding coordinator to give me a moment.” He took Jess’s hand in his and gave it a squeeze. “I wanted to tell you that I’m so happy for you and Dan. I look forward to an invitation to the christening.”

“Absolutely,” Jess promised.

After a careful hug, Wesley hurried away to take his seat. Mary returned with the three-minute warning.

After more careful hugs and air kisses, the bridal party filed out of the dressing room and moved to the vestibule. Jess could hardly hold herself together as the heartrending notes of Canon in D Major filled the cathedral. Buddy sneaked over and gave her a hug.

“Love you, kid,” he murmured, almost starting a flood of fresh tears. Thank God for Sylvia’s great-grandmother’s hankie.

A moment later Buddy wrapped Sylvia’s arm around his and started their walk down the center aisle.

Next Frank Teller escorted Gina along that same path.

Dan’s father left a kiss on Jess’s cheek before taking Lori’s arm and heading down the aisle.

“Ready, sis?” Lil asked, her face beaming with the same happiness filling Jess so completely.

Jess nodded.

The wedding coordinator gave the signal.

With Maddie leading the way, Jess and Lil moved into the main aisle. The guests rose and turned to watch as Jess and Lil started forward. Sweet little Maddie wandered along just as she’d been instructed, leaving a trail of red and cream colored rose petals.

Jess’s gaze settled on Dan who looked so very handsome in his black tuxedo. Despite how much time had passed, they had never stopped loving each other. No force on earth had been able to keep them apart.

When it came time to take their vows, Dan and Jess stood facing each other. It was as if they were the only two people in the cathedral. All other thought vanished and there was only the man Jess loved with all her heart standing before her.

“I Daniel Thomas take thee Jessie Lee...”

The sweet words he spoke wrapped her heart with such love and tenderness, filling her with a sense of being honored and treasured.

“I Jessie Lee take thee Daniel Thomas...”

She pledged her endless love and devotion to him, her voice catching ever so slightly at the incredible happiness shining in his blue eyes.

“You may kiss your bride...”

Dan smiled down at her for a moment before taking her into his arms and kissing her breath away.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Thomas Burnett.”

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