The Drazen World: Torn (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Torn #1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Drazen World: Torn (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Torn #1)
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              “No, not anymore.”  I whisper, my gaze flickering between his gorgeous brown eyes.  Being this close to him sets off a flood of heat pulsating between my legs.  I gasp softly as his eyes turn black with need. 

I can’t get involved with anyone right now.
I’m sorry, that kiss was a mistake.  I should go.”  I set my glass on the table and stand.  I have to put some distance between us.

              He stands, immediately closing the distance between us. “No man, really?”  He cocks his head with a slight arrogance, his eyes searching my lips.

              “Really.”  I side step toward the door and he blocks my way.  “Please.”  I squeeze my eyes shut.
If I look at him, I’m going to let him fuck me
.  The dewy pine sent of his cologne is intoxicating, it’s clouding my mind.  “I really should go.”  My eyes flutter open, tracing his full lips, wanting to feel them wherever he wants to put them.

              “Stupido.  Any man that would let you go is stupido.”  Another firework discharges in the sky, this one illuminating his power jaw and gorgeous cheekbones.  His eyes reflect the silver and gold waterfalls that twinkle and sizzle in the sky. 
God he’s sexy.

              His full lips fall on mine, his tongue a guilty pleasure.  “Let me take you out tomorrow.”  He whispers softly, his warm breath tickling the sweet spot below my ear.  “Tomorrow, it’s a celebration, Si?  A beautiful Angelo like you, shouldn’t be alone.”  His sexy Italian invitation sends shivers up my spine as his lips travel down my neck. 

              “I like being...”  His lips hit the curve of my neck, making me lose track of my thoughts.

              His strong but gentle hands cupped my face, tracing my jawline with his thumbs.  “Go out with me.”  He leans in, the stubble of his chin grazing my cheek. “I promise to behave.” 

              I can’t stop the soft moan that escaped my lips.  God I want to lose myself in his promises.  “You Mr. Martelli, don’t play fair.” 
God help me, I need another taste.

              His powerful fingers feel their way down my back, cupping my ass.  “No, I don’t play fair, especially when I want something.”  His fingers dig into my ass, thrusting my body against his.  “Say. Yes.”  He’s on me before I can catch my breath.  His mouth commanding the kiss as his powerful body pins me to the brick wall.

              My fingers itch to explore every muscle in his body.  Threading my fingers through his silky black hair, I pull him even closer, sending a low moan from his throat. I feel him shift, his erection grazing my hip, pressing into my stomach. 
God I want to fuck him. 
More importantly, I wanted him to fuck me.

              A loud bang ricochets through the air, jolting me back to reality.  The blast is so powerful I feel the shockwaves against my chest. 
That had to be an M-80
. I didn’t think those were legal in the city limits without a permit.  Suddenly my common sense kicks in, reminding me that I’ve just met this man.  I firmly push against his chest, “I should be going.”

              He leans back, giving me only an inch.  “You don’t have to.”  His lips smile against my ear, his teeth nip my earlobe.

Oh fuck. 
A white hot ball of lust sizzles down my spine like a sparkler burning red hot.  “Yes, I do.”  I have to get out of here now, before he seduces me into his bed.

              “As you wish.”  He gently rests his forehead against mine. I can feel his chest heaving, as he grasps for restraint.  “Tomorrow, I pick you up at eight-thirty.”  He’s not asking.

              “Okay.”  The word escapes my mouth before I have the time to remember what day tomorrow was. 
The Fourth of July.
  “It’s the Fourth of July, I’m sure you have plans with friends.”  I slip out from under him, making my way through his living room toward his front door. 

              Suddenly, I’m spun around and pinned to the door.  His mouth is on me like lightening, his tongue probing my lips.  “I pick you up at eight-thirty tomorrow.”  He yanks my leg around his waist, grinding his hardness into my wet softness.  “Si?”  His lips claim mine, giving me no option but to say yes.  “We’ll make our own fireworks.”  He grins, abruptly stepping back.

              I stand, gasping for air, needy. 
The bastard.
  I turn, not saying a word, unlocking the door.

              He leans in, pushing my front against the door with his hard chest.  “Eight-thirty Angelo.”  His stubble rubbing against my cheek, making my clit beg to be licked.

              “Eight-thirty.”  I agree, hoping he fucks me against the door. 

              I miss his body as soon as he steps back. 
Damn him. 
Without saying a word, I step through his door, squinting from the bright lights in the hall.  Unlocking my door, I don’t look over my shoulder.  I know he’s still there, waiting for me to get inside safely.

              “See you at eight-thirty, Angelo.” His voice is a sexy invitation that I just can’t turn down.

              I step into my apartment and close the door.  For the first time in a long time, I’m actually looking forward to the Fourth of July.


Chapter Seven






              I didn’t know if Faith was the type of woman who needed commitment.  Was she the type of woman who was looking for a man to give her a family? 

Woman, they all need the promise of a future
.  Paulie’s words echo through my head. 
Don’t get involved with her Spin.  We don’t need a needy woman causing drama. 
Faith Winters didn’t seem like the needy type.  She seemed like the kind of woman who could take care of herself. 

Your cock need to fuck something?  We’ll get Marina here, you can fuck her day and night.  Just stay away from the American.
  I snort out loud, Paulie was stupid to Marina.  Marina was drama personified.  She was needy.  She expected a future, a future I had no intention of giving her.

              Faith Winters wasn’t one of us.   Maybe that’s what made her so attractive, or maybe it was her body.  My cock wanted her, and I had every intention of getting what I wanted.  What could it hurt?  I was here in hiding.  To her I was Tony Martelli, clean cut boy, not Antonio Spinelli, capo and former consigliere. 
I was more danger to her than she was to me.
So what would fucking her hurt?

              Rolling my wrist, the face of my watch telling me it was time to go pick up my date.  Grinning,
all the arrangements are finished for our date.

              As I step into the hall and lock my door, my cock twitches to life.  Her expensive perfume lingers in the air, making me want to skip the fireworks and fuck her in the hall.  Nice thought, but not practical.  I spin my keys on my finger before stuffing them in my jeans.

              Stepping to her door I tap firmly, waiting.  There’s a brief second of doubt that rages through my body. 
She stands me up, I will fuck her in the hall.
  Like music to my ears, I hear her lock click and watch as her door swings open. 

              “Hi.”  A warm blush spreads across her cheeks.

              “Ciao.”  I nod, admiring the white cotton sundress that clings to her tits and hips.  “Ready
?”  I extend my elbow trying to make a good impression.  If she only knew what I wanted to do to her, she’d slam the door in my face. 
Or would she?

              “Ready.”  She steps toward me, pulling the door closed behind her. 

              I don’t move, making her rub against me to lock her door.  She doesn’t seem to mind, if anything I think she leans into my chest.  I lean in and smell her, she smells like expensive sin.

              “Where are we going? There’s only about an hour before the fireworks start.”  Her eyes twinkle with excitement.

              “Trust me?”  If she knew who I really was, she’d say no.

              She stops and searches my eyes.  “Yes.”

              “Grazie.  This way.”  I point up the stairs.  She should never trust me - ever.  At the least, I was going to ruin her virtue, at the most I could get her killed.

              “What?”  Confusion floods her face.  “There’s nothing up there but another set of apartments”

              “Ah that’s where you’re wrong.”  I lead her past the upper apartments to a single door that looks like a closet.

              “You’re taking me to a closet.”  Her lips twitch with humor.

              “Funny girl.  But no.”  I reach into my pocket and pull out the single key that Joe, the building supervisor gave me.  You’d be amazed what you can buy with enough money.  Sliding it into the lock, I open the door and motion for her to go first.  She thinks I’m being polite, but truthfully, I want to stare at her ass.

              “Oh.  Wow.  I didn’t even know this was here.”  The wonderment in her voice bounces off the staircase making me want to surprise her every day.

              “Careful at the top.” 

              She stops on the top step, making room for me to open the door.  For a few seconds I stand there, enjoying that our bodies are forced together because of circumstances.  A slight blush graces her cheeks as I hear her inhale my scent. 

Fuck it. 
I lean forward, sealing my mouth over her luscious lip.  “I’ve been waiting to do that since you left last night.”  I open the door and step down, offering her my hand.  “Careful.”

              I watch her face, as she steps down and her eyes take in the roof.  Her face lights up and the most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen floods her face.

              “Oh Tony, this is beautiful.”  She wanders forward, taking in her surroundings.

              “You like.”  I walk backwards, leading her to the cushions and food.  I had the waiter set everything up earlier.

              “It’s beautiful.”  Her eyes scan the small lanterns placed around our picnic area.  Then her eyes flicker to the sky.  “I’ll bet we’ll be able to see a ton of stars from up here.”  Her face glows with appreciation, something that most woman don’t show.  “You did all this for me?”  A soft blush graces her cheeks, she’s fucking gorgeous. 

              Most woman I fuck
what I have to offer, this woman - expects nothing.  “Let’s eat.”  I lead her over to the cushions spread out in the center of the roof.  My eyes watch as she kicks of her shoes and gracefully sits, tucking her legs under her fabulous ass.

              “What is that?  It smells fabulous.”  Her eyes twinkle, showing off the gold tint in her eyes.

              I slide the tray between us, pulling the top off.  “I hope you like…”

              “Sliders!  OMG how did you know.”  She squeals, giggling like a little girl.

              Just the sound of her laughter has my cock stiffen and my balls ache.  “Nothing’s more American than hamburgers – right?”  I grin.

              “Right.”  I watch as she leans over the tray, eyeing the mini-hamburgers, pickles, Italian olives and french fries.  “Oh my god, this smells like heaven.”

              My cock strains against my zipper as I watch her tongue run across her lower lip.  I can hardly wait to fuck her mouth.  “I hope you’re hungry.” 
I know I fucking am.

              “I’m starved.”  She grabs two plates, handing me one.  “There ya go.”

              “Grazie.”  I purposely brush her hand.  I reach behind me and flip the top of the cooler open.  “Beer okay?”

              “Sure, it’s great.”  She nods, setting a slider on each of our plates.

              “I have pop or water if you don’t want beer.”  Most women that I know don’t drink beer.

              “No a beer sounds wonderful.”  Her delicate fingers wrap around the bottle, twisting the top off like she’s done that before.  I watch as she wraps her lips around the bottle and takes a long swig.  “Oh my god that’s good.  I haven’t had a nice cold beer in a long time.”

              I lean over and grab an olive off the tray.  “Try this.  It’s an Ascolana olive.”  I run the olive along her bottom lip, painting her lip with its juices.  “Open.” 

              Her gorgeous lips part as she bites the olive in half.  I lean forward, running my tongue along her lower lip, then taking her lips. 
Fuck she tastes good. 
Her tongue taste of sweetness and olive.

              Pulling back, I smile and offer the other half.  She opens, letting me place the other half on her lips.  Sucking the olive in, she takes my fingers with it.  My eyes flare with heat and my cock hardens.  A low moan settles in the back of my throat as I watch her lick and nip at my finger.
I feel every nip and lick in my balls.   I growl, wrapping my hand around her delicate wrist.  “You keep that up and I’m going to fuck you before we eat.”

              I watch her eyes dilate with need.  Her mouth forms a perfect ‘O’ as my words register.  “Okay.”  She picks up her hamburger and takes a bite.  Her head rolls back as a soft moan resonates from her throat.  “Oh my God, this is delicious.”

Fucking hell. 
I know one this for sure.  As soon as she’s done eating I’m going to take her hard.  I lean in and lick the small drop of ketchup from the corner of her mouth.  “You are delicious.”  My eyes travel down to her plump round tits, noticing her hard nipples peeking through the fabric.  My mouth starts to water just thinking about sucking on her tits.

              Suddenly her phone chimes to life.  Both of our eyes lock onto the screen. 
  Who the fucking hell is Roy.

              “Oh, hang on, this is my friend Roy.”  She chirps happily.  Grabbing her phone, she hit ‘accept.’  “Roy?”  Her voice lights up the night sky, fanning my jealously to dangerous levels.  “How are Heather and my God Son doing?”

God Son? 
I take a slow pull off my beer and listen.

              “I’m so glad to hear that.”  Her eyes snap to me, “yes I’m fine.”  Suddenly a random firecracker erupts in the sky, making her jump and squeal.  “Yes, I’m watching the fireworks.  With Tony.”  She throws a sexy smile in my direction.  “Yeah, he lives next door.”  She rools her eyes, “can we talk about this tomorrow?”

              I chuckle openly, obviously this guy is no threat.

              “Okay.  Please give Heather and Michael a hug and kiss.  I will, bye.”  She hit ‘end’ and tosses her phone in one of her shoes.  “Sorry.  That was an old friend from back home.  Roy and his wife just had a baby boy.”  I watch as pride fill her eyes.  “I’m going to be his God Mother.”

              “That’s a very important job.”  Where I come from God parents have as much say in a child’s up bringing as the parents.  “Salute.  Congratulations.”  We toast to happy occasions.

              Half-hour-later, we’ve both consumed our fill of American junk food.  She grabs her beer and takes a long sip.

              “Not many woman I know drink beer.”  My eyes roam this fascinating woman sitting in front of me.  Not only is her body spectacular, so is her heart.  That’s something I hadn’t planned on.

              “Well you just don’t know the right women.”  A sexy grin graces her lips.  I watch her reach for her purse, grabbing her camera.  “Take a picture with me.  Please?”

Fuck I hate pictures
.  In my line of business, pictures can get you killed.  “I don’t do pictures.”

              “Pretty please.”  She leans over and licks my bottom lip.  Threading her fingers through my hair she pulls my mouth firmly against her. 

              My fingers trace up her thigh, running along the curve of her tight ass. 
I’m going to love fucking this tight ass.

She pulls back, both of us panting.  “Please, just for me.  I want something to remember this day.  I won’t show it to anyone.  It’s just for me.  Please.”  She bats her eyelashes and smiles sweetly.

Fuck, how can I turn her down,
“fine.  But the picture is for your eyes only.”

              “Yay!  Of course.”  She slides onto my lap, her back to my front.  I warp my arms around her pulling her close.  I watch as she holds the camera at arm’s length and grins.  “Say cheese!”   She giggles, flicking her thumb over the button.  “There.  See, that wasn’t so bad.  Look.”  She holds out the camera for me to see. 

              My eyes roam the picture, she looks happy and beautiful.  We’re a mixed match.  Her light skin against my olive skin.  We’re so different, yet we look like we belong together.

              “Thank you.”  She leans back and kisses my cheek.  She shuts down her phone and throws it back in her shoe.

              “Come here Angelo.”  I pull her closer between my legs and wrap my arms around her.  “The fireworks are about to start.”  My cock stirs to life as her hard ass wiggles, getting comfortable.

              “Oh there they are.”  She squeals as enormous flashes of light brighten the dark sky. 

              I gently drop me head, kissing the side of her neck.  She is so fucking sexy.  I should take her home and never see her again, but my cock is greedy

I’m greedy.

              “Tony.”  Her warm sexy voice catches my attention as she leans back and turns her mouth to mine. 

              Our kiss is tender at first, her mouth is soft and supple, her tongue sweet as sin.  Slowly I taste her, savoring every flick of her tongue and every twist of our lips.  Wrapping my hand around her neck, guiding her mouth with my thumb, I deepen the kiss wanting more.

              Slowly she turns, twisting her soft body until she’s straddling my waist.  I feel her fingers run through my hair, as she grinds softly against my cock. “Tony.”  Her kiss is like sin and her voice is an invitation.

              My cock strains, aching to sink into her cunt.  “Faith, I have wanted to fuck you since I saw you.”  I thread my fingers through her long silky hair, pulling her head back and exposing her throat.  A soft groan escapes her throat as my lips work their way up her neck.

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