The Drazen World: Torn (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Torn #1) (6 page)

BOOK: The Drazen World: Torn (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Torn #1)
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              “Oh God please.”  Her voice is needy.

              “That’s right Princess, beg.”  I feel her quiver around my fingers.  “Not yet.”  I pull my fingers out running her juices across her lips.

              “Ah, no.”  She immediately sucks my fingers into her mouth, licking and sucking hard, making my cock strain.

              I pull my fingers from her mouth.  “I wanna taste you on my tongue.”  Our lips lock, both working to taste each other.  Our tongues playing and dancing like old dance partners. 

              Suddenly my phone goes off on the table.  I know that ringtone – Jessica.  I step back, both of us gasping for air.

              “Sorry, I have to take that.”  I run my hands through hair, trying to catch my breath.

              “What?”  There’s a look of disbelieve on her face.

              I stride over to my phone, picking it up off the table.  “Jessica?”  I whisper, eyeing the screen.  “I have to take this, I’ll be right back.”  I walk to the other side of the room, turning my back.  “Hello, Jessica?”  I turn back to motion to Faith, finding an empty room. 






Chapter Five






              I let my finger mindlessly tap against the keys. My nails clicking softly, revealing their own form of morse code. 
Tap. Click. Tap - Tap. 
My brain shut down yesterday after Johnathan left me hanging to answer a phone call from his ex-wife. 
Really?  Who the fuck does that?

              Rolling my eyes, I can’t believe I let things get so out of hand.  How stupid can I be, especially with a man like Johnathan Drazen.  I snort softly, everything they say about him is true.  Well thank god he’s on his way back to L.A. for the holiday.  I don’t have to deal with him and I can get what I need out of his office.

              I’m just biding my time until everyone leaves early for the holiday weekend.  Today is the perfect day to get pictures of the China Hotel file.  It’s the Friday before the Fourth of July and the office is practically empty.  As my fingers slow, my eyes scan the large windows lining my office, revealing a floor that looks abandoned and unloved. 

              Pulling my fingers from the keys, I listen. 

              Standing and stretching, twisting at the waist,
I have to get a new freaking chair.

              I pull open my bottom desk drawer and grab my burner phone from its designated pocket.  I quickly tap in my access code, silencing the ringer.  Quickly, swiping my thumb across the screen, I open the camera app made especially for my phone. I reach into the front pocket of my purse, grabbing the pick tools I’ll need for any locks I run up against.  I slide them into my front pocket, with my phone. 

              I need to get this done - today.  The head office has been hounding me for days to get them this information.  You’d think they’d have enough with the computer files I sent them, but I guess there was nothing in them.  Butterflies explode my stomach, fluttering nervously.
Johnathan’s in his jet flying to L.A., this I have verified.

              I grab the New York file that Johnathan had given me earlier, using it as a decoy, just in case someone catches me in his office.  I make my way to the door, and out into the hall - listening.  Scanning the rows of cubicles, I make sure everyone is gone. Silently, I make my way across the hall to Johnathan’s office.  His door sits open, inviting me in. 
This has to be fast.

              Walking over to his desk I scan the top looking for anything marked China.  I couldn’t get so lucky as to find what I want without having to dig.  Carefully my fingers flip through the papers and numerous files that are strewn across his desk.  For such a successful business man this guy really needs to get organized. 

              I go straight for the drawer I know he keeps his files in, on the bottom right.  Giving it a gentle tug

the drawer doesn’t move.  Locked.  Bingo.

              My eyes quickly scan my surroundings making sure I’m still alone.  Grabbing the picks from my pocket, I nimble work the two tiny steel rods, twisting and turning.  With a slight click,
I’m in.
I grin.  He really needs to replace this old desk with a new, more secure desk. 

              Sliding the drawer open, there laid out in front of me are numerous multicolor folders neatly labeled.  Okay maybe Johnathan has
organizational skills.

              Softly, I let my fingernails tick along the name tags until I come across two files labels China. 
Grabbing both files I start with the one on the top.  I flip it open, grabbing my camera and snapping pictures of both sides of the page.  Quickly, and methodically I snap my way through the first file, flipping it closed.  Opening the next file I stop short. 
Invoices and customs forms?  Hmmm.
  As if on auto pilot I start snapping photos of every receipt and scrap of paper in the folder, making sure to replace them in the exact order I found them.

              With one last click. 
I sigh, tension escaping my shoulders.  Now I just need to put these back, lock the drawer and get the hell out of here.

              Suddenly, I hear a faint squeaking coming from down the hall.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! 
I feel my pulse racing in my ears, I forgot about the cleaning crew.  Quickly, I slide the desk drawer open, returning the folders to their designated spot.  Locking the drawer, slipping my tools and camera back into my pocket, I step back and scan his desk making sure nothing is out of place.  Sliding his chair back, I grab the New York folder.  I hold my breath, making my way across his office. 
I’m about out,
I pick up the pace. 
I’ll have to come back another time to finish searching his office.
I find it hard to believe those are the only two folders on his China Hotel, but that’ll have to wait for another time.

              Just as I step from his office Maria rounds the corner, pushing her cleaning cart.  I slam into the cart, cleaning supplies scattering everywhere.

              “Oh my, Lordy!”  Her body jerks back as her eyes spring open.

              A can of pledge rolls aimlessly in my direction.   “Oh Maria!”  I fake a gasp.  “You scared me.”

              “Lordy, Lordy!”  She fans herself, gasping to catch her breathe. 

              I bend and grab the can of Pledge.  “I’m so sorry.  Let me help you with that.”  I make sure to set the file in her sight, I want her to see the name ‘New York Hotel’ stamped across the front.  If she’s ever ask, she’ll never know I was up to no good.

              I squat, helping her pickup the cleaning supplies.

              “Thank you dear.”  Her eyes flicker to the folder then back to me.  “You’re working late.”

              I grab the folder, grinning to myself.  “Yeah, Mr. Drazen needs this done by Monday.”

              Her eyes scan the folder and smile warmly.  “Well don’t stay to late dear.  It is a holiday weekend you know.”

              Sadness slams into my gut. I was trying not to remember the holiday.  While everyone is celebrating with sparkles and fireworks I’ll be drowning my sorrows in a bottle of something eighty proof.

              “No worries Maria.  I’ll be taking this home with me.”  I throw her a playful wink.  “I’ll be able to get it done over the weekend.” 

              I walk with her as she makes her way down the hall.  “Well don’t work too hard dear.”  She pushes her chart past my office.

              “You either Maria.  Enjoy the fireworks.”  Those words burn my tongue as my pleasant wishes leave my lips.

              Walking to my desk, I toss the files in my briefcase and lock my desk.  I stop scanning my office, making sure I have everything I need.  I walk from my office into a holiday that I wish had never existed.  If I drink enough, I won’t remember the day.  That’s what I usually do. 




Chapter Six






              As I step through the security door, I smell him before I see him.  Cloves, fresh pine and a crisp woodsy smell tickle my nerve endings making them dance with delight. 

              Slowly, I make my way up the stairs, revealing my very handsome neighbor sitting in the hall.  A metal ashtray sitting on his right, a bottle of wine on his left.

              “Ciao.”  His warm voice resonates through the hall. He aggressive tamps out his cigarette, while releasing a thin wisp of smoke through his plump lips. 
That’s what smells like cloves,
Italian cigarettes.  His warm voice ripples through the air causing my nerve endings to crave his touch. 
Damn he’s hot.

              “Um - hello.”  My apprehensive voice falls at his bare feet.  My eyes travel from his dark brown eyes to the fire extinguisher hanging above his head, to the no smoking sign hung above the extinguisher.  “I don’t think you’re supposed to be smoking in the hall.”  I point to the sign and the obvious extinguisher.

              His head tilts back revealing his masculine jaw dusted with day old stubble.  His eyes scan the sign.  “You always do what you’re supposed to?”  His lips twitch with humor as his eyes flare with double meaning.

              “Excuse me?” 

              My eyes widen as this hunk of a man stands to full height in front of me. 
Holy shit. 
He grabs the wine and throws me a sexy grin.

              “What’s that?”  I point to the wine. 
Well that was a stupid question.

              “I’m the welcoming committee.”  His voice is playful.

              I throw him a confused look, cocking my head to the side.  “Welcoming Committee?”

              “You know.”  He spreads his arms wide.  “Welcome to the neighborhood.”  He chuckles.

              “Umm.  I think you have that backwards.  I was here first.  So
should be bringing
a bottle of wine, welcoming you to the neighborhood.

              His eyes twinkle.  “
Come voui tu.”
  He thrust the bottle of wine in my hand.

              Heat rages through my system.  I could listen to his accent all night long.

              “Fine.  You bring the wine.  Come over and welcome me to the neighborhood.”  He turns and grabs his ashtray off the floor.  Looking back over his shoulder, “throw your things in your apartment, I’ll leave the door open.”

              I just stand there, my mouth hanging open. 
What the hell just happened?
  I watch as he disappears through his door, leaving it wide open.  My eyes flicker from the bottle in my hand, to his door and back. 
Do I actually want to have a glass of wine with him?
  Yes!  My subconscious screams! 

              Suddenly his face appears in the door way.  “Are you coming?”

Not yet.  Stop it!
  I screw my eyes shut counting to three.  If he’s still standing there this isn’t a dream. 
One, two, three.
  Slowly I open one eye,
yay, he’s still there?

              “Are you okay?”  His lips twitch playfully.

              My eyes lock onto his lips,
god I wonder what they feel like.
  A small moan escape my throat. 

              Suddenly, I see his eyebrows shoot upward.

Oh god I moaned out loud. 
I feel a hot blush race across my cheeks. 
  “Yes, I’m fine.”  I snap into action, unlocking my door and setting my bags inside the door.  I flick my feet, flipping my shoes through the door into the middle of the living room. I snatch my phone from my purse, locking my door.  Turning on my heels,
I need a drink. 
“Let’s drink!”  I happily announce as I stride into his apartment.

              I stop suddenly as I notice the candles flickering softly in the breeze. His patio door is open with two cushy chairs sitting next to each other.  A little wooden table with two wineglasses perched on top, sits in front of the chairs.

              I turn back to see that same sexy smirk on his gorgeous plump lips.  “Awful presumptuous, wouldn’t you say?”

              He cocks his head playfully, “I knew you’d say yes.”

              His Italian accent makes my loins ache. 
Why am I so turned on by this guy?

              “Tony Martelli.”  He extends his hand. 

              “Oh, I’m Hay...” 
  I stop abruptly, catching myself before I give him my real name, Haley Nichols.  “Hey Tony, I’m Faith Winters.”  I think I covered that well, I hope. I extend my hand, stepping forward to shake his hand.

              As soon as my hand touches his, I’m pulled forward and kissed on both cheeks.  “Ciao.  It’s nice to meet you again.  Thank you for bringing the wine.” He smirks, his eyes dancing with evil intentions.

              He’s standing so close, all I’d have to do is go up on my tippy toes and lean in…

              “I’ll pour, have a seat.”  He grabs the wine from my hand, striding toward the patio.

              I lean forward stumbling a little,
what the hell was I doing?
  I really need to pull it together. 

              My eyes roam the dimly lit room as I make my way toward his patio.  The room is decorated in creme’s and dark browns.  There’s not much on the walls, a few nondescript pictures and a gorgeous beveled mirror.  My eyes roam the dark oak bookshelves, scanning the books, not quite able to read the titles.  You can tell a lot about a person by what books they read.  One thing that stands out, the lack of photographs.  There are no pictures of family, or friends, just generic decorations.

              I slide into the cushioned patio chair, noticing his patio is laid out just like mine.  Same brick wall, same railing, same view.

              “Bella.”  A glass of red wine appears out of nowhere.  “Salute.”  He lightly taps the rims of our glasses together as he slides into the chair next to mine.

              “Thank you.”  I whisper as I place my nose over the glass and inhale.  A sweet, fruity smell tickles my nose.  “Hmm.”  I hum into the glass, taking a small sip.  The flavors explode on my tongue, bold, full-bodied, perfection

just like the Italian god sitting across from me.  “Hmm, this is wonderful.  Thank you.”

              “Grazie.”  He smiles warmly, his beautiful brown eyes sparkling in the candle light.  “The pleasure, is all mine.”

              “What is this?”  I hold the glass up, swirling the beautiful red liquid, watching as it shimmers red with maroon highlights.

              “It’s a red Taurasi.  It’s imported from the Campania region in southern Italy. 

              My eyes watch with appreciation as he talks.  “Wow.”  I whisper. 

              “By law, Taurasis must age at least three years before bottling.”  His eyes intently study the red liquid, worshiping it as it swirls thoughtfully around his glass.  His eyes snap to mine, inciting a sexy smile.  “Sorry, just a bit of useless trivia.”

              “Nothing you ever learn is useless.”  I take another sip as his eyes thoughtfully search my face.  “Is that where you’re from?  Southern Italy.”

              “Si.  Napoli, in Campania, Italy.”  I watch as his plump lips rest against the rim of his glass, taking a healthy sip of wine.

              “I bet it’s beautiful there.”  I sigh thoughtfully, leaning back in my chair letting my eyes roam the sky

              “No.  Not anymore.”  His voice sounds sad.  “Naples has been a dumping ground for toxic waste for years.”

              “Really?”  My face snaps back to his.  “I didn’t know that.”

              “Si.”  A sadness hangs in the air.

              I take a long thoughtful sip, letting the flavors of the wine tell their story. 

              “The country region of Campania is breath taking, the cities

not so much.”  His voice falls off.

              “Actually, Italy is on my bucket list.”  A warm blush flooding my face, my brain mouth filter failing.

              His eyes snap to mine, sparkling with enthusiasm.  “Excellent choice.  What else is on that bucket list?  What do you like to do?”

              I sit silently.  “I

um, like to run.”  I stop and think.  “I don’t know.  I guess I haven’t given it much thought past Italy.” I smile over the top of my glass.  “What about you?  What do you like to do?” 

              I watch his face as he thoughtfully considers my question.  “I like to work with my hands.”  His voice turns husky, as his eyes leisurely travel my body with hope.

              I gasp, inhaling a mouthful of wine.  Coughing, “your hands?”  I cough, gasping for air. 
He does have fantastic hands. 
It was one of the first things I noticed about him.  He has thick muscular writs and large strong hands.  I bet he could do some wickedly wonderful things with those fingers.  My face warms again, blushing all the way to my ears.

              A low throaty chuckle resonates from his chest. 

I wonder if he can see me blush.

              “So, tell me Faith Winters, what do you do for a living?”  He talks into his glass, then takes a sip.

              My glass stops in mid-air. 
I can’t tell him I work for the FBI.
I’m pretty sure that would kill the mood
“I work for the Drazen Corporation, I’m one of their operations managers.  They just purchased what used to be the old Escapade Hotel. 

              “Ah, a business mind.”  He grins.  “I wish I had a level head for business.”  I watch a knowing smirk flutter across his lips. 

              “What do you do for a living?”  I’m gone all day, so I never see him come or go.

              “I’m an attorney.”  His voice flattens out.

              “Really?  Which firm do you work for?” 
An attorney? I would never have guessed.

              “I don’t practice in Iowa. I’m just consulting - helping a friend out.”  His eyes roam to the sky.

              “So, you’re not from Iowa.  Where do you normally practice?”

              His gaze drops back to my face.  “Los Angeles.”

              “Oh wow.” 
He’s from L.A.?
  I try to remember if I’ve seen him before.  “You’re from California?  Well Iowa must be culture shock for you.”

              “You have no idea.”  He states drily, his eyes twinkle with humor.

              I can’t help giggle.  “Oh I think I know.  So how long will you be in Iowa?”

              “That depends on how negotiations go.”  His voice darkens, his eyes giving away nothing.

              “Very impressive.”  I smile warmly.

              Suddenly a loud pop randomly shatters the night, sending multi-colored sparkles littering the sky. 

“Ah yes, America’s Fourth of July.”  He motions toward the sky, showcasing his strong masculine hands.  “Are you going to the fireworks tomorrow?”

              My eyes drop to my glass,
I am not getting into this with him. 
I shift uncomfortably, not saying a word.

              “Are you okay?  Did I say something wrong?”  His eyebrows drop with concern.

              “No.  I mean, Yes I’m fine.  No, you said nothing wrong.  I just haven’t been to fireworks in...  Well, a really long time.”  I try to hide the emotion from my voice.  I don’t need him asking any questions.

              “Let me take you tomorrow.”  He leans forward resting his elbows on his knees.

              “What?”  My eyes snap to his.

              “Si.  A date.  Let me take you to the fireworks.”

              “Oh I don’t know…”  I shake my head.

              Another firework explodes in the sky, this time illuminating everything is a golden hue.

              “You’re very beautiful.”  He leans forward, claiming my lips.  His lips are strong but soft, demanding but gentle.  An unfamiliar warmth seeps through my body..

              Before I know it, his powerful fingers are threading through my long locks and his tongue is dancing with mine.  A soft moan escapes my mouth, just the air around him sucks me into his seductive world.

              He leans back, breaking our connection.  “There a man who’s going to try to kick my ass for that kiss?”  His eyes dancing, loving the thought of a good fight.

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