The Dragons of Sara Sara (46 page)

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Authors: Robert Chalmers

BOOK: The Dragons of Sara Sara
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It seemed inert. Lifeless. Its surface markings as unreadable as the pages of the book. Rees handed it to Elsa. She held its weight gingerly. As though it were alive and dangerous. She turned it over a few times, then placed it next to the crystal orb of The Moon Gate.. As she placed it down, its edge fell against the sphere. The result was instantaneous and spectacular. A loud crack, as though a whip had been cracked was followed immediately by a beam of light that shot up from the centre of the disk into the grey morning sky. The beam was only as thick as a man's thumb, yet it disappeared into the heavens as far as eyesight could follow it. The disk itself was glowing green. The crystal sphere of The Moon Gate was humming like a bee hive. Rees and Elsa both, were flat on their backs in surprise and haste to back away from the objects. In trying to move backwards from that position, Elsa's foot moved the disk away from contact with the sphere. The beam of light was instantly cut off. The humming stopped and Elsa was sure she could hear her heart pounding. She looked at Rees and blinked in silent embarrassment. He in turn was brushing grass off his coat, trying to feign nonchalance.

"That was interesting." Was Elsa's dry comment. She moved a little further away from the objects. Desare hadn't stirred. Rees scratched his growing beard, and reached into the chest. He carefully cradled the statue in both hands and lifted it out. He would not drop it in surprise this time, he told himself. With Elsa watching beside him, he inspected the statue closely. It was made of a fine ivory like substance. Rees didn't think it was ivory, it was warm and smooth, just like the skin of a real person. He gave a start, but held on. Elsa was watching, and he was not about to be the fool in front of her again. He looked closely. The figure was very thinly dressed. Indeed, if in real life, this person was dressed in very little. Why, every detail was carved into this statue, even the tiny smile lines at the corner of her eyes. Rees's heart thumped in his chest and he was breathing hard, but he was not going to put this down until he had discovered its secrets. Elsa too seemed spellbound. Whoever this person had been in life, she had been beautiful.

"Rees, do you know who this is?" Said Elsa in a whisper.

"Mei'An tells me she is, or was the Keeper of the Blue tower. She is ... an immortal. How that can be I don't know. Ask Mei'An." Rees shook his head. The lady, the statue was smiling at him. He could see her breasts rise and fall as she breathed. He could see every inch of her beautiful body. He tried to tear his eyes away, but could not. The base of the statue rested on the left knee of his crossed legs as he steadied it in his hands. One hand enclosing the base and the statues feet, the other holding around its hips. He gave a squeak in his throat as he realized where his hand was and quickly moved to grasp her around the waist. He could not think of it entirely as a statue, even though he knew it surely was. He knew it was only a carved object, but he could feel the life in it. Elsa smiled at him, but he could see the uncertainties in that smile.

"Rees, I can see her breathing," whispered Elsa. "Is she alive? Or is this a magic we don't know? Mei'An said that you were linked somehow to this object. To the Blue Tower. To Antonin."

At the mention of Antonin's name, the eyes of the statue shifted to look directly at Elsa. It was her turn to squeak like a mouse. The smile was gone from its face, replaced by concern. If the statue had been hot iron from the forge, Rees would not have found it harder to hold. He gasped as a voice in his head spoke to him. The accent was thick, almost unintelligible, but it was female and he had no doubt the voice of the Keeper.

"Retain your hold on my waist, but put me down next to the Gate of the Moon, and the Disk of the Sun. Quickly now my friend." Rees looked at Elsa, and it was obvious she had heard the voice too. She nodded to Rees.

Carefully she separated the two objects, and Rees placed the statue between the two. He kept his right hand around the statues waist.

It started to take on a hazy look. Small tendrils of light reached out to the disk and the orb. Rees thought they were light anyway. He wasn't sure. The statue rapidly increased in size until he had to stand, now his hand only rested on its - her waist. He couldn't look away, yet his face burned at what - who stood before him. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and clad only in gossamer mist. Still he clung to her waist. His huge hand fitting the curves of her side just above her hips.

She was a little shorter than Rees, and she looked up into his eyes and smiled.

"Thank you my Lord Rees, of the Star Field Plain. So long have I languished in the Tower, that I had forgotten the feel of a man's hand on my waist."

Her eyes opened very wide as Rees made to remove his hand. She clasped her hand over his and held him there.

"You must not break the bond Rees. Not yet." The Keeper smiled at Rees' discomfit.

"Do not be concerned Lord Rees. I am here only because of your strength. If you take your hand away, I will be returned to the Blue Tower and you will have only a statue in your hands again. You and I can link through this object. As in an age past, so again are you come to me. My Commander of the Hosts of the Dragon Lord. The Right Hand of the King, the Master of the Tower. So are you titled." She paused. "My Lord, why have you summoned me hence?"

Rees had regained some composure by now, and Elsa was gazing wide eyed at the Keeper. She was the most beautiful woman Elsa had ever seen. Her accent was difficult to follow, but it only served to enhance her charm. For the first time in her life, Elsa felt unsure of herself. The Keeper reached out a slim arm to Elsa.

"Come child. Closer to me. I can feel the power of a Wind Reader in you, yet faint. I would touch your skin to pass on what I can. Be sure of yourself, be sure of your own beauty and skill. There are very few like you."

Elsa moved closer to the young woman. Indeterminate age, old - yet young. She felt a touch on her temple and a thousand lights sparkled in her eyes. Elsa felt a momentary dizziness and reached to Rees to steady herself. The lights cleared, her vision cleared, and she felt as though a fog had cleared from her mind. Elsa stepped back in wonder, her eyes blinking in surprise. Rees looked at her questioningly.

"Later Rees. I will tell you later. You must listen to Ellenaria for she is The Keeper of the Blue Tower. Ellenaria is her name. Danger is at hand."

Rees was instantly on guard, yet he dared not take his hand from the waist of The Keeper - Ellenaria.

Elsa was scanning the low scrub and trees about them, looking up and down the road. Nothing stirred. Even the crickets were silent.

"Rees," said Ellenaria. "You are all in danger here, most of all Desare." The Dark Lord would take her alive. The nearby band of Tharsians are his. Mordos has lost control of them to the Lord of Chaos. I will shift you all to the camp of the Warriors of the Plains. From there I will shift you all to surround and accompany the Lord of the Dragon Armies. Quickly, gather up your treasures, wake our sleeping child. Bring everything within a tight circle around us. Even the horses."

Elsa moved rapidly, leaving the treasures strictly alone. Somehow The Keeper was still linked to them. Desare was woken, and her surprise at seeing the Keeper standing there in Rees' grasp was great. Elsa gave her no time. Within minutes all was pulled in as close as possible around Rees and Ellenaria, Elsa and Desare.

"They come." Whispered Ellenaria. Rees looked around to see a band of Tharsians leaping out of the thickets at the edge of the road.

Everything seemed in a fog though. There was no sound. A sudden cry from Desare echoed as though in a vast cavern. There was darkness for a moment, then the light returned, and the fog cleared. Rees still held Ellenaria. Desare was hanging limp in his left arm.

Cloud swirled about them. Huge drifts rolling like waves across a vast flat valley. The Keeper looked at Desare. A cry escaped from her lips. Desare hung limp, a broad head bolt from a Tharsian crossbow had gone right though her shoulder. Blood stained the front of her dress, and dripped in a steady stream from the exit wound in her back. The arrow quivered as shudders began to wrack the body of the girl.

No sooner had Ellenaria seen Desare than the darkness descended again. A flurry of features, and the whole party, horses and all stood within the gardens of the Blue Tower.

"Quickly Elsa," cried Ellenaria. "Cut away the shaft of the arrow so it can be drawn though. I can heal the wound then. I cannot touch anything wrought by the hand of a Dark One. Rees, let go now. Here in the Tower, I am free to move."

Rees looked from her to the statue, now it's normal small size, resting with the other treasures.

Quickly Elsa removed the arrow. Her long training and many encounters with Tharsians had prepared her for this. Desare moaned pitifully as the arrow shaft was drawn out. Ellenaria as quickly poured a measure of water from the tinkling fountain in the garden over the wound. Within minutes, all trace of the torn flesh was gone.

"The healing properties of my little fountain will work well for this girl Desare. Almost as well for any female. Not at all for any male." Ellenaria looked at Rees and gave a little shrug. "I'm sorry my Lord. It has always been that way."

Rees didn't know what to say. He couldn't find his tongue at all. This girl. This goddess so ancient that she had existed even before this world had existed, and she called him Lord. Yet he knew he was only a Star Field Plains boy. Not even old enough yet to sit with the men in council.

"Oh, I think you are old enough now my Lord." Ellenaria smiled at Rees' startled look.

"Come Desare, how do you feel?"Desare looked at her bared shoulder in wonder. The blood still stained her cloths, but her skin was again as smooth and unblemished as always.

"I... feel fine. Thank you for saving me." She looked about her. "Why, I'm back in the Tower. This is where I first came seeking Antonin." The horses shied, Rees clapped his hands to his ears and Elsa staggered as the vast spaces of the tower vibrated from the toll of the huge bell. As everyone got their feet back and the sound faded Elsa muttered.

"Mei'An will at least now know that Desare is still alive. I can't imagine what the other Wind Readers make of it." Ellenaria just shook her head and smiled.

"We must return to the snow fields. Desare must be taken to Antonin's care, then you Rees, Elsa and I go to fetch the warriors who wait in the Borderlands. We bypass the forests. I cannot let the battle begin there. It is for the Lord of the Dragon Armies to decide."

"Ellenaria, why did the Tharsians try to kill Desare this time?" Asked Rees.

"Was it Desare the Tharsians aimed at?" She asked in return.

"Come, gather about. Rees, you must hold my waist again. Quickly now."

Within moments they were back in the icy wastes where momentarily only minutes before they had touched, the snow still swirling about them. The horses gave some protection, but not much. Ellenaria pointed to the towering escarpments nearby. "Elsa, take Desare there." She pointed to the base of a cliff that could be seen in the distance. "There you will find a cave already provisioned with furs and food and water. You must wait there for the arrival of Antonin. Go now. quickly. None will hunt you there. I have hidden you well. Protect the girl with your life however. Trust no one but Antonin to see her first. Go. Go." Ellenaria hurried the pair away from where they stood. The prospect of furs and food lent wings to their feet.

"Rees, we go now." It seemed to Rees that he had only blinked, but now they were in warm dry country. Low hills all around. Rees stood stock still, his arm around the waist of the Keeper. All around them, thousands of hard eyed warriors and a circle of those moving slowly back away from the pair who had appeared so mysteriously in their midst. Everyone of them with their eyes fixed firmly on the pair. It seemed as though not even the grass dared move. Carefully Rees looked around. It seemed their sudden arrival had actually forcefully dispersed some warriors who's camp now lay scattered around them.

"Oops.." Said Ellenaria in a small voice. Rees cleared his throat.

"Where is Jardine, of the Stone Lion clan? We have urgent need to speak with him."

Only one man moved. He sped away at a run, disappeared over a nearby round top hill, the brown grass hardly marking his passage. No one else moved. Only Rees was armed. He knew that was of no use though. If these hard eyed warriors decided to cut them down where they stood there would be nothing they could do about it. Their horses stamped and tossed with nervousness. Ellenaria looked up at Rees calmly.

"Do not worry Rees," she said. "These men will not harm us." Rees just looked at her and blinked. He was not sure he liked the idea of someone sharing his thoughts. Then smiled as he realized she must be sharing that one too.

A large band of Maidens of the Mare Altan came trotting around the base of a hill, directly toward them. In moments they were closely pressed on all sides by these new arrivals. One of them approached. She knelt at Ellenaria's feet, one knee on the ground, head bowed.

"Keeper of the Blue Tower. My Lady. Our friend and sister Elsa has told me of your coming and who you are. We are your guard. We are yours to command if you will accept our humble offer." She paused and looked up at Ellenaria. "These men," she swept her arm in an all encompassing arc, "are so busy standing around looking fierce they cannot protect themselves." A smile played on her lips. Some of her companions howled with delight. The men who had heard her clear voice glared and rattled their spears against hide bucklers.

"You see what I mean." Said the kneeling maiden. Some of the others were actually doubled over with laughter.

Ellenaria looked every inch a Queen. If a very scantily clad one. Rees hadn't moved, and he could not take his hand from her waist for more than a moment. The Maidens had noticed this of course, and hand talk was flickering around the party. Chuckles and knowing looks greeted Rees's look in their direction. Ellenaria added to his discomfort by twining her arm through his and snuggling close.

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