The Draglen Brothers - SHOWKEN (BK 2) (3 page)

BOOK: The Draglen Brothers - SHOWKEN (BK 2)
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Thank heavens I have today off. It’s been forever since I had a day off from both jobs. I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying in my pajamas and relaxing today. I decide to cook myself a real breakfast instead of the on-the-go bars I usually eat. Today, I’m cooking blueberry pancakes, eggs with cheese and some crispy bacon. I’m not worried about calories today; it’s all about me. I drift back to my night, seeing his eyes staring at me, and a slight moan escapes, “Mmmm.” Shit, Marilyn, get yourself together. He doesn’t really want you; he was probably so drunk he didn’t realize what he was saying. After I fix Bruiser some breakfast, I finish cooking and sit at my tiny table. I eat in silence, and a feeling of disappointment comes over me. ‘It was nice to have Showken pursuing you’, my subconscious says. I'm drawn from my thoughts of last night when my cell rings.

, Jasmine,” I say, stuffing my mouth.

Marilyn, guess who came in last night after you left, and wanted to know when you are working?”

me you didn’t.”

“I so fucking did, and I even gave him your address
,” Jasmine says. Why the hell would she do that, he could be a stalker or worse.

“Jasmine, why did you think it wa
s okay to do that? I mean he-” before I can finish, she cuts me off, talking again.

“Listen, I did some diggin
g, and that is not just some regular guy, that’s Showken Draglen from Out of World Enterprises. Sweetie, that, my dear, is better than awesome,” Jasmine is very excited, and one horny lady. She is 25 years old with a 3 year-old daughter. She was drunk when she got pregnant and can’t remember who the father is, which makes her a single parent. Rachel is my god-daughter and I love her, so it’s like Jasmine and I share her.

“Jasmine! Oh
Jasmine, I don’t care who he is. I’m not seeing him, and you shouldn’t have given him my address. As much as I’d like to be pissed, I can’t stay mad at you for long. I hope he doesn’t come to my place, for your sake,” I say, stuffing my mouth with more food.

“I hope he
does. I mean you and your B.O.B. are too well acquainted, it’s time for the real thing, and I think Showken Draglen wants to rock your world. I mean, I did throw myself at him, and he turned me down like a perfect gentleman, meaning he wants you,” she says, enthusiastically. I hear Rachel playing in the background, and it makes me smile. I used to wish for children when I was a little girl; now, I pray I never have one.

“Jasmine, he better not show up at my door. I’m not kidding; you know how I feel abou
t strangers coming to my house. If he gets shot I’m blaming you,” I say, walking my empty plate over to the sink.

“If that sexy man shows up at your door with the
body and smile he has, you need to invite him in and show him to the bedroom,” she says. I can picture her silly grin right now.

“I wo
n’t do that, thanks for giving a stranger my address! I’m going to sit and relax, give Rachel a kiss for me,” I say.

“Anytime, and I will give her a kiss for you, bye
, Marilyn.”

“Bye, Jazz
,” I say, ending the call. I plop down on my sofa, and turn on the television. I begin watching, and the next thing I know I fall asleep. A knock at the door wakes me up. I get up, and see it’s just after noon. Wow, I was really tired. I walk slowly to the door and open it without thinking. His fragrance hits me like a ton of bricks. I raise my head slowly, meeting his gaze, and instantly my body reacts to his intense stare and green eyes.

, Marilyn,” he says. His smile is captivating. I’m lost for words, and struggle to gain composure.

m, umm, why are you here?” I ask, admiring him in his sexy slacks and casual shirt. He looks amazing, but I still don’t want him.

“I got your address from your friend Jasmine
, and was wondering if you would be more likely to see me outside the bar. I would like to take you to lunch,” he says, turning his smile into a very seductive look.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea
, Showken,” I say, fixing my t-shirt over my pajama pants.

Marilyn, I think it’s a great idea, and I love that you remember my name,” he says, looking over my shoulder. “What is the name of your dog?” he asks. I see Bruiser in the corner watching us. Shit, he doesn’t know Showken, Bruiser should be barking his ass off right now. He and I will have a talk later about my protection.

“That’s Bruiser, and I’m st
ill not going to lunch with you. Besides, I hear you’re some hot-shot businessman; why do you want me, anyway?” I ask, giving him a serious look. I don’t understand why he is pursuing me so hard, and I don’t want to find out.

Marilyn, I’ll wait for you to get dressed, besides it’s just lunch, and I’m not a hot-shot businessman; I’m more of a hot-flaming beast,” he says, putting emphasis on beast. He pushes past me, despite my protest, and sits on my sofa. He is so huge my sofa looks like a mini sofa with him on it. “Bruiser, come sit with me,” he says, and Bruiser, my best friend and guard dog, betrays me and sits at his feet. What the hell?

” I say, placing my hands on my hips, while trying to control my attraction to this guy.  “If the only way to get you out of my house is to go to lunch, then I’ll go, but you have to promise to leave me alone afterward.” The last man I was with sexually was a year ago and it lasted maybe ten minutes.

Marilyn, lunch is just the beginning.”

e stare at each other, and I get lost in those eyes. I turn and storm into my room. My first thought is to snatch my gun, but I walk past my nightstand, and jump in the shower for my unwanted lunch date.




“Bruiser, you are such a good boy,” I say to her dog. He responds by rubbing his head against my leg for a pat. This Marilyn is such a challenge, but I smelled her sex as soon as I came to her door. Layern wants me to leave her alone, but I can’t. I need this woman under me, begging me for more. She is so stubborn and I want her badly; I will have her. She walks out of the bathroom after forty-five minutes, looking amazing. She has on a white tank with a pair of jeans. She has her hair down, and my mouth opens as she enters. I smell coconut oozing from her. I smile and she rolls her eyes, but I caught her slight smile. She likes the attention.

Marilyn, you look - and smell - amazing, let’s get something to eat,” I say, standing.

“Showken, remember what I said after
we eat lunch,” she says. I shake my head, arching a brow at her.

“You know I’m not listening to you
, right,” I say, laughing. We go to the door, and I let her lead, so I can look at that ass walking in front of me. Yes, she will be in my bed.

“You remember, or else
,” she says. I stop her by pulling at her arm, and she tries to snatch away. “Keep your hands off me or lunch is off,” she snarls at me. Shit, she can growl. I really like her now.

“There will never be a
n ‘or else’ with me, like I said, I just want to get to know you in every way. Oh, I love the almost growl you did, also. I hope to hear that again, under different circumstances,” I say, waving my hand towards the car.

“You, driving?” s
he asks, shocked.

, you thought I would have a driver, well I told you I’m a hot-flaming beast and I don’t need a driver, bodyguard or anything else to survive in this country,” I say, opening the door to my Hummer. She climbs in, looking at me strangely. and then her arousal hits me again. I really didn’t want to do lunch; I just want her in my bed. When I get her in my bed, I’m so going to taste her all night long. That body wash and her natural juice are driving me insane, my beast is going crazy. I would hate to use my powers on her, this woman I will have.

“I know a great Mexican restaurant nearby that we could go
to,” she says. I feel her anxiety.

Marilyn, calm down, I promise you that nothing will happen to you,” I say, smelling the gun she’s carrying. “I’m much better protection than the gun you carry, angel.”

“I don’t li
ke to be called names that aren’t mine.”

ay, precious,” I say, chuckling, oh I can’t wait to get you naked, Marilyn. We drive off, and she gives me directions to this restaurant she’s talking about. We get inside and order all sorts of food, well, I order all sorts of Mexican dishes, she settles for enchiladas. I watch her eat, and she watches me for a few minutes, should I see why she’s so angry, before I have her?

“So, tell
me, what is it that has you angry at the world?” I ask, putting down my fork and giving her my undivided attention. Her grey eyes narrow slightly.

“I’m not angry at the world, just
at stalkers who don’t know how to leave a girl alone,” she says, taking a sip of her Coke. I nod, letting her believe that she will get away with that answer.

“I’m not a stalker, I just k
now that we can have some fun. I’m not asking for your hand in marriage, just one night of hot, sweaty sex,” I say, staring her in the eyes, giving her no chance to look away. I see the blood rush straight to her cheeks. I continue to stare and she blinks a few times, caught off guard by my forwardness. I really have stepped out of my comfort zone. Tracking a girl down just to sleep with her is not my style. I have never been rejected, and Marilyn is not getting off that easily. She has the body of a goddess, and sex appeal surrounding her. I lick my lips. Just visualizing her rocking in my bed instantly gets me hard.

“Showken, it’s not gonna happen, please stop. You
’re wasting your time with me; I’m not that girl. I think . . . I think I will be catching the bus home.” She rises to leave, and I panic.

“Please, don’t embarrass me. I drove you here and I will drive you
home, if that is what you wish,” I say, sighing as she sits back down. I entwine my fingers together in front of me. My anger with this woman is at another level right now. I’m not used to this, and she thought she was going to catch a bus home. What type of guy does she think I am? “I don’t know what or who has hurt you, Marilyn, but I would like to get to know you better, even if only as friends. You intrigue me, and that has not happened in a very long time. I won’t ask for sex, if you spend time with me, deal?” I ask. If she thinks I’m going to let her go, she doesn’t know me, my beast hits me inside and I feel a need to release. Maybe if I can find out the problem with her anger I can get what I want. This wouldn’t be a problem if I took on a Giver, except I don’t want one. I’ve always had many women, with a Giver, a bond can form, making you only react to her. I could never see myself with one woman like Draken. Cess has him wrapped around her finger. I’m never getting that involved, not for a long time. I hope she accepts my offer, for I really want to feel her body.

“Why would you want to sp
end time with me as a friend?” she asks, looking shocked.

“I told you. You intrigue me and
I would like to know you better. Besides, I don’t have any friends, and you seem like you need a friend like I do,” I say, giving her a look that I know she likes, as her arousal reaches my nose. I tense, knowing I could throw her on top of the table right now.

“I’m not
in need of friends, Showken. I appreciate the lunch, but I would like to go home now,” she says, looking me in the eyes. I see past all the anger and hurt, I know she needs me.

ay, I’ll take you home,” I say, leaving a fifty on the table and waiting for her to stand.

“You know, you are generous with tips
,” she says, eyeing the fifty on the table.

“In my land
, giving is what we do. In your land, giving is done only for tax breaks,” I say, giving her my full smile. I see her hesitation as I wave for her to walk in front, but I have to see that nice, firm ass.

“What country are you from?” s
he asks, glancing back. She catches me looking at her ass, fuck.

“A place you haven’t heard of. H
ey, how about we go for a walk in the park?” I ask, diverting her question. My land is not up for discussion.

“Umm, I want to go home, remember I said
‘no’ to the friend thing,” she says. I hold open the restaurant door for her, walking her to my Hummer.

, yeah, you did say that. We’re talking now, and I think I see a very small smile coming across your face. Yes, there it is,” I say, watching as she can’t help but smile. She is beautiful. She is not a piece of steel, just wounded. “What a beautiful smile you have, Marilyn, and I’m saying it as a friend,” I say, opening the door and watching her perfect body climb into my vehicle.

“You are pushy
, but I just want to go home and spend time with Bruiser,” she says. “That’s my friend, and sometimes Jasmine, whom I might take back my friendship since she gave you my address.” I stand there holding her door open, but I really want to lean in and give her a long kiss. Instead, I use some of my heat and push it out of my body, sending it right to hers, giving her a really good, warm feeling everywhere. I finally close the door and drive her back to her tiny apartment. She jumps out fast, but not fast enough. I reach her just as she shuts her door.

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