Read The Douchebag Bible Online
Authors: TJ Kirk
and subdued Douchey, I found myself quite unable
to stand. I couldn't stand at all for a week afterward.
Nor could I walk very well for months after that.
Today, my leg is much better, but still not 100% of
what it was before the fight. And really, it's Holly's
fault. It wasn't any of Douchey's attacks that felled
me, but Holly's attempt to break the fight up. To this
day, I have never been to the doctor for my leg injury.
I suspect that I tore my ACL.
I had to fill out an incident report both with the
security for Universal’s Citiwalk and with the
Orlando Police Department. Douchey was
ultimately banned from the park for a year. I, on the
other hand, was kicked out for the day, but told that
I was welcome to return anytime that I liked. Both
park security and the employees of the store backed
me up on the fact that Douchey was the aggressor,
even though I threw the first punch. They wanted to
see him get punched in the face every bit as much as
I wanted to punch him, and they were joyously
happy when I did so. Several employees and store
patrons came up to me after the fight as I was sitting
on a store bench filling out an incident report, and
told me that I was awesome and that me beating the
shit out of Douchey was among one of the best
things they’d ever seen. I must confess, it's among
the best things I've ever done. Or it would have been,
if it hadn't come at the high price of my left leg's
It seems that there are few moments of
triumph in life that don't come with a price.
But I really don’t know how to contain my
anger without containing everything else. I don’t
know how to express all of my emotions
anger. It’s all or nothing with me. I am either a cold,
distant person who seems to have no emotion. Or I
am a cauldron of impotent rage with no focus. My
rage is unending. Even now, it is there. I can feel it.
A monster beneath my skin. Hating. Screaming.
Throwing a tantrum. Demanding that I smash
things. Demanding that I punch people in the face.
Demanding that I put myself in bad situations.
Demanding that I make the bad situations I’m
already in worse.
I have no idea how to placate my rage. So it
broils and boils and gnarls within my chest,
constricting my lungs and overworking my heart. It
will not bargain with me. It will not relent.
It will not back down from anyone. Not even
me. Especially not me.
My father was an angry man. And it is, I’m
almost certain, part of what killed him. My brother
is an angry man, and I’ve seen how it affects him.
I’ve seen how powerless he can become against it.
And I know that I am just as powerless against my
own anger.
Of course, it can be fun to be angry. More often,
however, it's a tremendous liability. I no longer feel
glee when I verbally eviscerate someone. I no longer
get a burst of joy from smashing something. I no
longer want my daydreams of going on a rampage. I
want this fire tamed. Not put out. But tamed. I want
to control my anger. Right now, it controls me. I am
not the master of my hatred. It is my master. And
when, on a cold day, my left leg aches and tightens
up, I am reminded of the toll I have already paid for
allowing my rage to hold the reigns.
At the same time, it's hard to deny that rage has
been good to me. I am an extremely belligerent and
contentious asshole, and people seem to like that. If
anything, people wish I was more belligerent. The
more contentious I become, it seems, the more views
I get on YouTube. It seems that no one wants to “like”
me in any sort of traditional way. People want to be
entertained by me, by my ranting and raving and
screaming and yelling.
Be honest. Who would you rather watch in a
debate? Two kindly folks having a civil disagreement
or two bitter enemies who hate one another and
view each other as lower than dog shit?
If you answered the former you are either part
of a very tiny minority or you are a fucking liar.
People love to see two assholes go head to head. Do
you think my YouTube inbox every week is stuffed
to the brim with people asking me to nicely refute
idiots on YouTube? No. It’s full of requests for me to
cruelly obliterate idiots with extreme prejudice and
zero empathy. So, from an entertainment
standpoint, there is at least one pro to being an
emotionally stunted rage-o-holic. It's more
entertaining, and if you’re not entertaining then who
is going to watch? Who is going to listen?
But that does bring up a big follow-up question,
doesn't it? Why am I worth listening to? What about
me makes me uniquely qualified to speak up and to
speak out? I'm a reasonably intelligent man, but
there are smarter ones. I can speak eloquently, but
many have oratory gifts that put mine to shame. I
am not an expert on any subject, nor am I a strong
advocate of or activist for any particular position.
That's a hard question for me to answer,
because I have such a low opinion of myself. My
depression, though held at bay by sheer force of will,
still whispers to me:
“27 years old? You’re nearly 30.
What the fuck have you accomplished? You fat fuck.
You’ll never lose weight. You’re fucking ugly. You
suck at life. You fail. No one likes you. No one cares
about you. Every relationship you have is a fucking