The Dollhouse Society Volume IV: Lucky (Includes Lady Luck, House of Dolls, The Reluctant Bride, A Woman on Top, plus a bonus story!) (4 page)

BOOK: The Dollhouse Society Volume IV: Lucky (Includes Lady Luck, House of Dolls, The Reluctant Bride, A Woman on Top, plus a bonus story!)
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Dinner was abysmal. Charlotte kept trying to lift my spirits when I wanted no such thing to happen, and Tiberius kept making references to horsemanship, usually flickering his eyes in my direction. And each time he did, I felt a flutter of panic and dropped my fork or else choked on my food so I just
everyone was aware my bad luck was acting up tonight.

The men retired to the drawing room for after-dinner drinks, and Charlotte and I escaped to the gaming room to play Cribbage. It was there that Charlotte finally realized my locket was absent, due to the low cut of my court gown, but I offered her a deplorable excuse about it being repaired in town which I don’t think she believed for even one moment. We played for hours until Charlotte yawned for the first time. Checking the clock on the mantel, she finally jumped up and announced that she really ought to get home before the twins drove the housekeeper crazy. I tried to keep her, and we played a few more rounds, but I knew in my heart that this day had to end sometime.

With a heavy heart, I retired upstairs. I turned up an oil lamp and noticed that Nellie had thoughtfully started a fire for me in the hearth, but the room still seemed bleak and somehow threatening. I forced myself to sit down at my dressing table and started unpinning my hair when I heard a soft knock on my door. My heart immediately attempted to fly straight up my throat and out of my mouth.
Please, God, let it be Nellie!
I prayed as I rose to answer it. Perhaps she was bringing me the repaired clothes I had damaged that morning.

But of course, luck was not on my side. The large, hulking shape of Tiberius Sloan slipped inside my room and closed and locked the door, turning the key in the lock so I felt much like a prisoner.

I took a step back and hissed, “Did anyone see you?”

No, my spirited little filly, no one saw me.” He turned and leaned against the door to glance at me appreciatively. “I like your hair down. It’s such a lovely shade of corn silk.”

I ignored his statement. “I’d hoped you wouldn’t come. As a child, I used to hide away up here when you visited my father.”

I know,” he said, speaking low. “Am I really so frightening to you? Such an ogre?”

I blushed that he should be aware of that moniker. “Mr. Sloan, I’m not afraid
you so much as
you. You do know that I am cursed with bad luck?”

The witch’s curse. Yes, I remember your father telling me. Do you really believe such nonsense?”

I lifted my chin. “I know it to be true. I see it in my daily life!”

Then perhaps you require a handsome prince to break the curse,” he said, gliding across the floor toward me.

I backed up until I hit the chair at my dressing table and could retreat no further. “Would you happen to know of any?” I parried.

He stopped and looked at me, but not with insult. “Such a spitfire, my filly. You do realize that mouth of yours is destined to get you in trouble one of these days?”

My lips curled in a sardonic smile, and I was about to parry that as well when he pounced on me like a hungry cat on a mouse. He grabbed my chin, jerked my head up, and kissed me. I had never been kissed before. His mouth was hot and very wet and slightly sweet from the port he had drunk. He kissed me like he meant to consume me. It certainly was nothing like the kisses I had read about in the tales of romance in my father’s library! His free hand moved like lightning to the back of my head and he snared it in my hair to keep me in place as his tongue pushed forcefully into my mouth. His hold on my hair hurt, and yet, at the same time, a delightful feeling trilled through my body. His tongue slithered over my teeth and tangled with mine and I heard a low groan come from his throat, a vibration of noise that quickly had me gasping into his mouth in response.

You realize a true gentleman would never take advantage of a woman in my position,” I panted, my heart slamming against my ribs like a frantic bird in a cage.

I am a gentleman, yes,” he informed me.

You certainly don’t act it,” I said as he moved his hand from the back of my head, down my back, and grasped my backside with a startling urgency.

There are many definition of what a gentleman is,” he said, his voice a faint growl I could feel vibrating in his chest as he crushed my body against the front of him. The warm, sweetly pungent, male scent of him made my head swim and I could feel the sharpness of his arousal pressing into my belly. “In my case, it means I’m part of the Society.”


It’s what we call ourselves.”

And what Society is this?”

The same one your father and mother were a part of.”

I don’t understand, Mr. Sloan.”

You’ll know soon enough, my filly.” He guided me toward my four-poster bed and pushed me down in a puff of skirts and undergarments. He knelt down and started working on my garments like a man excavating through layers of earth and rock to find a treasure beneath. He was very good at undressing a woman, very learned, and within minutes, I found myself in only my chemise and stockings and feeling most exposed. I instinctively covered myself but he forced my arms down so he could look me over at his leisure.

You’re quite beautiful under all that nonsense,” Tiberius said approvingly. “Like some tiny alabaster doll. I should like to play with you, Lucky,” he said, and I blushed furiously at his statement. He studied me carefully, drinking in my appearance with his eyes before lowering his head to flick his tongue against my exposed collarbone. I squeaked at the sensation and he reached out and slid his hands up my back to steady me. He buried his face in the side of my neck, his whiskers tickling me. “I take it you know nothing about these matters?”

I know enough. I’ve studied human anatomy in my father’s library,” I told him, suddenly breathless, my chest heaving against him. “It’s really quite a natural process, repeated again and again in nature. Pheromones are involved…” I squeaked again as his mouth moved lower and he first licked and then sucked at the tips of my breasts through the chemise, thoroughly wetting the cotton material until it was transparent and my nipples were so hard they hurt. I started making kitten-like noises. That dragged a low growl of pleasure from his throat, and I wondered about all the stories that I had read about the adventures between men and woman. They certainly had neglected to mention the things that Tiberius was doing to me! His hot, damp mouth sucked and sucked until I moaned at the sensation, then I felt his teeth nipping enough to make me wriggle uncontrollably on the bed. A bolt of pleasure ripped through my body from top to bottom and I felt the peculiar sensation of wetness gathering between my legs and blushed furiously at the realization that my body was responding to Tiberius’s ministrations whether I wanted it to or not.

Tiberius…” I began, but he quickly cut me off.

No. When we’re together, I am Mr. Sloan to you. You should address your gentleman appropriately…”

Really, I don’t see the purpose of such formalities…aaaahhhh…”

He licked, sucked and bit a slow trail down my body, stopping only briefly to wet my belly button with his tongue before moving lower. As he did so, his enormously powerful hands shoved my legs wide apart. He lowered his head and snorted between my legs so I groaned at the sensation, then nearly cried out when his hand found me and his thumb pressed into my wetness.

Tiberius…Mr. Sloan…”

Yes, Lucky.”

I really must insist…”

Be quiet,” he said and pressed his thumb inward so hard I jumped and cried out in pure pleasure. In the past, both Charlotte and I had experimented with such things, usually with dismal results. Despite the things we had read about in her father’s copy of the
Kama Sutra
, we had seldom been able to drag any kind of reaction from our own bodies. Mr. Sloan had no trouble at all. “Listen to me, Lucky. You’ll feel a pinch of pain, but it won’t last very long,” he patiently explained. “You can take far more than you think.” As he slowly and forcefully nudged two fingers inside my body I began to whimper and thrash, trying to move away from the pain, but he didn’t relent. He climbed up on the bed and pinned me beneath his weight and kept forcing his way inward until I felt a burst of pain shoot deeply, and briefly, inside of me. When he finally withdrew his fingers, they were covered in streaks of blood.

Oh,” I said in wonder.

He looked at me before bringing his fingers to his lips to lick. “It’s quite natural, Lucky, I assure you. A woman’s first time is often marked by blood. It’s nothing to be concerned about…”

Yes, I know. But this is the first time I’m seeing any such thing. It’s quite interesting, isn’t it? Almost like some rite of passage.”

He looked bemused. “I don’t understand.”

I took a deep breath and explained to him what I had never explained to anyone except Charlotte, and my father. “I don’t…I mean…the curse…you see, it has quite passed me by.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “You don’t menstruate?”

I winced at his words, that he should be so frank. I lifted my chin proudly so he would not think I was too ashamed. “You may as well know now, Mr. Sloan. I am barren—unable to bear children. So now you know my terrible secret. The witch’s curse has robbed me of even this. I cannot have children, and, as a result, I shall never have a husband.”

I had hoped the information might deter him. I knew that no man wanted a woman who could not bear him an heir, a woman who was not really a woman at all! But, if anything, he seemed even more fascinated by me. He pushed the skirt of my chemise to my waist and lowered his head so the most private parts of me were exposed to him. I tried to close my legs but his big hands held me open for his perusal. His hot breath touched me, made me tremble, and then he began to lick tenderly at the pain he had caused me earlier.

Another thing my father’s books had not prepared me for! I squirmed and moaned as he licked and suckled me there. The pain had finally lessened, and now only a warm euphoria spread out from the place where his tongue and lips touched me. I sank my fingers into his dark, lush hair, and it wasn’t very long before I started moving my hips against the wonderful, almost drowsy, bliss of his mouth. My stomach muscles tightened and I started thrusting rather urgently against his face.  

You might be barren, Lucky, but you taste delightful,” he told me, his tongue tracing a warm, insistent path all along my long, wet slit.

I tried to answer but all that came out of my mouth were garbled whimpers.

Do you enjoy that, Lucky?” he asked, lapping at me and probing into my soreness with his hot, wet tongue. “Do you like what I’m doing?”

I made more of those strangled whimpers.

I’ve finally found something to hush you up,” he said, and the vibration of his voice against my oversensitive flesh made me thrash wildly against him. Finally, he slid his hands under my backside and dragged me forward so I was sitting on just the edge of the bed. He forced my shoulders down onto the bed so I was at a better angle to be serviced by him and then returned to the task at hand. His wet mouth swallowed me, sucking harder and harder, so that very soon my entire body writhed, my stomach quivered, and I began convulsing like some madwoman, thrashing against the bedclothes, tossing my head from side to side and mewling as my body jerked spastically in his arms and against his mouth. More wetness gushed from me and was hungrily licked up by Mr. Sloan’s skillful mouth. It didn’t last very long, and I was trembling when it was over, but at the same time, I wanted to do it all over again.

But Mr. Sloan had other plans. He had undone his trousers, and I soon learned how wrong Charlotte was about her socks theory. Mr. Sloan’s thick, well-veined cock lay stiffly against the ridged flatness of his un-corseted waist, reminding me of the horses during their mating season. “I really do wish to be inside you, Lucky,” he said, looking down upon me both tenderly and fiercely at the same time. “You have no idea.”

I knew he was asking my permission.

Yes,” I answered. I should have been frightened, but I was more curious about what it felt like, this secret shared between married people. I watched his cock bob up and down with his movements and wondered if he would let me touch it. The more he looked at me, the larger it seemed to grow, and pearls of moisture formed at the bulbous head. I didn’t know that a man could be as wet as a woman.

Will you be mine, Lucky?” he asked, looking down upon me so I could clearly see what he had for me. “Will you be my courtesan?”

Yes,” I said again, my voice barely audible. For the first time, I could think of no wittier repartee.

Oh Lucky…” he said, as if surprised that I shouldn’t try and fight him off. He gripped my legs and yanked them so only my shoulders rested on the bed and my knees were hooked over his shoulders. The sudden motion made me yelp in surprise. His eyes pinned me with furious lust as he guided that enormous cock of his inside my body. He rubbed it against the front of me, then watched me intently as he bucked the swollen head in and out of my wetness in a steady rhythm. He didn’t go very far at first, nudging only a few inches inside as if afraid he might hurt me. I felt my face burning under his scrutiny. I knew he was searching me for a reaction. I knew he was worried I would reject him. But I felt I had a strange kinship with him now. In a way, we were both castoffs of the marriage pool, so in many ways we belonged together. There was some pain as I took him inside, but nothing very bad. The pressure of his fingers earlier had hurt more.

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