The Divine Whisper (41 page)

Read The Divine Whisper Online

Authors: Rebekah Daniels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Romantic Suspense, #Teen & Young Adult, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Angels, #Demons & Devils

BOOK: The Divine Whisper
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“Would you believe it was a drunken night, after the movie Rocky came out and the song “Eye of the Tiger” became popular?”

She heard what he was saying, but his emotions told a different story. “You don’t have to do that with me anymore. You can tell me when you’re ready.”

“It’s not that.”
He looked down at the design that encompassed his shoulder and continued. “I’ve added to it throughout the years, but it represents ripples in the water. When you live as long as I have, with nothing to grab hold of, it seems that life is only a series of events affecting one thing after another. It gets lonely and a little daunting. I have it there to remind myself that one small pebble can make a world of difference.”

Nicole ran her fingertips slowly over every line.
“I love it.”

Being that close, she could see his throat move as he swallowed.
“So what was it you wanted to try?”

“Shhh..,” she whispered as she dragged her fingers lightly over his chest, and at the same time leaned forward and gently nipped the skin of his peck with her teeth.
She then shut her eyes, and concentrated on what his skin felt like, how it tasted, and how it felt to be able to touch him like that. The feeling was so powerful and overwhelming.

“Oh Shit,” Gemariah said on a breath and fell back against the wall.

She didn’t stop when she realized it was working.
Instead, she doubled her efforts, and pinched a nipple between her teeth while gently running her nails over his skin. The entire time, her concentration was centered on her feelings. She knew that he was receiving all the sensations she was sending him as well as feeling all the physical movements first hand when his breathing became heavier by the second.

Without warning, he tightly gripped her hair and angled her head up for a kiss.
It wasn’t the sweet and careful kiss as before. Instead, it was consuming. She lost all sense of time and what she was doing, and she gave as good as she got.

At last she pulled away and said breathlessly, “I’m not done yet.”

He dropped his head back against the wall and groaned, “You’re going to kill me.”

Ever since the hospital when they became one, he had been able to put up a wall, so she couldn’t feel everything he was.
It wasn’t able to block out everything, therefore she caught remnants of emotion, but right then, she wanted it all.

She took the hand that wasn’t’ tangled in her hair and placed it on her breast.
He didn’t need any other prompting and started to knead the mound under his hand. When he gently pinched her nipple and she gasped, he did as well and she knew that he felt the spike of sensation that would slowly start to expand.

He felt everything from her, and she needed to know what it was like to be that connected.
“Show me,” she pleaded as she arched her back to push her breast closer to him. “I need to feel it all.”

She looked up and her eyes hit on the very same set of blue that she had stared into so many times before.
Slowly, she felt something move inside of her, spreading from the tips of her fingers to the tips of her toes. It was amazing at how much more complete she felt. It was a mixture of lust, excitement, and most of all… love. Gradually, it filled her till she felt as if she would explode. It brought tears to her eyes, but she still wanted more.

On a gasp, she dropped down to her knees.
She felt his shock and anticipation tingle through her spine, and she wasted no time undoing his pants and pulling him out. They both knew that this was new to her, but she was fueled on by his reaction.

Leaning forward, she boldly ran her tongue up the bottom of his length and the hand that never left her hair tightened.
Relying on instinct, when she got to the tip, she wrapped her lips around him and brought him into her mouth. When she swirled her tongue around the tip, she couldn’t stop the moan that came out when she felt the amazing sensations pouring off of him.

“Nicole, you… you need to st… Ahh...” His speech was labored, but he stopped trying to talk when she suction more of his length into her mouth.

She looked up to watch his reaction and saw that he was looking down at her as well. Their eyes locked as she continued to please him. Every sensation he was experiencing was coursing through her body, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before she came from the overload of feeling.

Concentrating on the incredible feel of his silky length in her mouth and the slight pain from his hand pulling her hair, she filled her senses so he knew what it was like for her.

There was a pull on her hair that almost removed her from him, but she tightened her grip on his base to stay in place.

“Too much… Shit, Nicole, I can’t… Shit!”

That was the last thing she heard before a burst of warmth hit her tongue and she saw stars.


In all his years of his life, there was not one time he had ever felt like he did right then. It was amazing. He had come so hard, and the vibrations from her screaming through her own release around his cock added fuel to the fire.

She had taken the lead on what just happened, and he had painstakingly let her.
After being sucked dry, he was amazed that he wasn’t out for the count, at least for a little while. It was the complete opposite. He needed her, and he needed her right then.

After a moment of catching his breath, he bent over and reached under both her arms to lift her up.
In one fluid motion, he had her up, and as if she had done it a million times before, she wrapped both her legs around his waist.

“My turn,” he said in a ruff voice as he walked toward the bed.

He unceremoniously dropped her on the bed and she let out a tiny squeal when she bounced. After moving her to the middle, he stepped back with a command not to move.

Quickly, he took off his shoes and socks, slightly stumbling in his haste.
Then he pulled off his remaining clothing, and stepped back up to the bed.

Nicole still looked as if she was drunk on the pleasure from before and he hardly had gotten to touch her.
She licked her lips and reached out for his cock once more and he grabbed her hand before she could touch him. “No touching,” he said, repeating her earlier command. Bringing her hand up to his mouth, he kissed her palm and laid it back down on the bed.

He knelt onto the bed and crawled between her legs.
Sitting back on his heels, he looked down at her and she squirmed at his perusal. Opening his senses, he felt none of the nervousness or shyness he was expecting, but instead he felt her eagerness. Who would have thought that his little Tinker Bell could be as sex hungry as he was?

He grabbed a hold of her barely there panties that had him rock hard as soon as he saw her crouched in front of the dresser.
“Lift,” he commanded, talking about her hips.

In his opinion, it took her too long to comply and he didn’t hesitate to rip them off of her.

She gasped in shock. “That was a new pair!”

He didn’t give a shit.
He would buy her ten more to replace them. That way, he could do it again and hear that sexy gasp nine more times. All he did was shrug and say, “Next time, don’t take so long.”

“Why you…”

He didn’t let her finish, but instead grabbed the hem of her shirt and repeated himself by saying, “Lift.”

She quickly stopped objecting, sat up, and lifted her arms.
The shirt was pulled quickly away and thrown to the floor next to the scraps of her underwear.

She fell back down to the bed and he followed.
His mouth immediately made contact with hers and he took advantage of her gasp to move his tongue between her lips. Their tongues dueled and when she sucked on his tongue just as she had done with his dick, he thrust his hips and slid himself against her core.

“You ready for me?” he asked when he pulled his mouth away.

Instead of giving her time to answer, he moved his hand down and inserted two fingers inside of her.
She arched her back at the sudden intrusion and moaned. The spike of pleasure that went through her also coursed through him. The entire experience was amazing and he pumped his fingers in and out a few more times to prolong it, even though she was more than wet from the start.

“Oh yeah.
You’re ready.”

He positioned himself at her opening, and slowly slid inside.
Closing his eyes, he marveled in the swirl of emotions coursing through him as he slowly moved in and out of her.

“It’s amazing,” he whispered. “Everything your feeling is heightening what I am until I can’t tell them apart anymore.”

“I know. Can you feel this?” she asked breathlessly and dug her nails into his lower back which made him buck in surprise.

He moaned, but continued with a steady, confident rhythm, prolonging what had to be the best feeling he had ever had while being inside of a woman. Swooping down, he drew one of her nipples into his mouth with a bit of suction and then released it just as fast.

“Dammit, stop treating me like I’m made of glass!” she snapped and grabbed both his hips before trying to pull him into her.

He chuckled and smiled down at her. “Lauguage Ms. Summers… I must be rubbing off on you.”

She smiled wickedly up at him before wrapping her legs and arms around him.
“We’re rubbing off on each other,” she purred before angling her hips up to try and take in more of him. “And I’m stronger than you think, so…” She stopped talking on a gasp when he pushed hard and fast inside of her.

She was right, she was stronger than he gave her credit for.
They would have many years together, and he would have many more times to relish in the sensations they were sharing. Therefore, he decided to give her what she had been begging for and each thrust became a little harder than the one before it.

The sounds of intimacy surrounded them as they were both built up to extraordinary heights.
It was then that something snapped. There was no longer a bed, no longer a room, nothing but the two of them and the feeling of weightlessness. Everyplace he touched her would buzz before starting to heat. It didn’t take long before he felt as if he was on fire and his heart would beat out of his chest.

With a new sense of urgency, he pushed harder and covered his mouth over hers to swallow her cries of passion.
It was then that he felt all of her heat and her muscles start to tighten around him. Her release was quick to set off his own, and he buried his face in her shoulder to yell it out.

They stayed together until every shuddering aftershock had passed.
Eventually, he pulled out but didn’t have the strength to do much more than move down to lay between her legs with his head on her chest.

“Oh my,” she breathed.
“That was…”

She didn’t finish, but she didn’t have to.
“Yeah,” he wholeheartedly agreed. “I finally understand why Malachi and Trinity are always sneaking off together.”

They both laughed at the joke, and he gingerly moved up to lay beside her before gathering her into his arms.
“What did I ever do in all my years to deserve this,” he looked around the room before zeroing back in on her, “… to deserve you?”

“Oh don’t give me that.
You might be a little egotistical, and stubborn, and overbearing.”

“Watch it,” he warned teasingly and swooped down to nip at her earlobe.

She giggled and tried, unsuccessfully, to shove him back, but then continued. “But you also have helped more people than you can possibly imagine. You deserve everything you get and more. You better get used to it because you’re stuck with me for life, Buddy.”

Gemariah rolled and pinned her beneath him.
“I plan on holding you to that.”

“You better,” she said before wrapping her arms around his back to hold onto him.

He took a deep breath and took in everything their combined senses were giving him. It was an amazing feeling that he didn’t know if he was ever going to get enough of. He had become so hooked on the woman underneath him, something that he never had seen in his future. With it came a sense of peace; a peace that he would never be able to live without.




Nicole raised her face to the sky and let the sun warm her skin.
The babies were napping, and the weather was perfect to work outside. So there she was, planting flowers and pulling weeds.

She had just pushed the small spade into the dirt when she heard the whistling, and when she looked over her shoulder, she saw a man on the sidewalk.
People passed by all the time, but he kept her attention because he looked so out of place. His long white hair was flowing and moving in the breeze, and he had an outfit on that looked as if it belonged in the early 1900’s. There was a vague sense of recollection, but she brushed it off. It would have been impossible to forget a man that looked like the one that was passing their house.

Our house
, she thought with a smile as she turned back to what she was doing. For the longest time she had stayed there, but as a guest. Now, it was her home, and with the family inside, she couldn’t be happier.

“Excuse me,” she heard and startled in surprise.

Looking up, she saw that the same man from the side walk had strolled right up to her and she had been too distracted to notice.

“I’m sorry.
I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

She smiled, and waved away his concern.
“Don’t worry about it. I was off in my own little world.” She stood up and brushed herself off. “Can I help you with something?”

“Oh no.”
He clasped his hands behind his back and rocked back on his heels. “I’m just new to the area and when I saw you working, I thought I would say hello.”

“Well… welcome.”
She took off a gardening glove and held out her hand to him. “I’m Nicole.”

Instead of taking her offered hand, he kept his hands behind his back and walked around her.
“Those are pretty”, he said.

Confused by the sudden change in topic, it took her a second to realize that he was referring to the flowers that she had just planted.

“Um, thanks.”

There was something strange about the meeting that she couldn’t put her finger on.
She didn’t know if it was from the vague sense of recollection or her instincts kicking in, but she had a sudden urge to be far away from the man. “Listen, I was about to go inside, so maybe we could continue this another time?” She moved to pass by him on the way to the front door.

“That’s too bad. I was hoping for your help.”

“Help?” she asked turning around.

“Yeah,” he said before chuckling softly.
“Where are my manners? I never introduced myself.” He walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s nice to finely meet you, Nicci. They call me Ramiel.”

There was a moment’s shock before everything went black.


Ramiel blinked a few times and looked down at his hands; perfectly feminine and delicate hands.
One was still even protected by a gardening glove. Looking around his new form, he admitted to himself that he had been in worse.

He could corrupt souls left and right, but possession was difficult to accomplish.
Turning a corporeal form into something nonphysical was hard enough, but to inhabit someone or something else took extreme power.
Doing it to someone so pure was almost impossible
, he thought with a grin. Luckily, this time, it worked in his favor.

The sound of a baby crying brought his attention back to the house.
Slowly, he walked up the front steps and in the front door. The crying seemed to echo through the house, and he turned in the direction it was coming from.

Walking through the hallway, he ran his nails along the wall beside him.

The incessant noise wouldn’t stop even when opened the door to the nursery.
There were two cribs side by side, and the ear piercing noise was coming from both.

“Do you know how much I’m going to enjoy this?” he asked as he picked up a small pillow from the rocking chair.

The children seemed to cry harder, sensing that the familiar figure was not their mother.

When he walked in between the cribs, he looked down at the boy and held the pillow above the baby.
“No offense. It’s nothing personal. I just can’t allow you to grow into maturity. The more good hearted relations I have out there, the more people I have to watch out for… and with parents like yours, there’s no doubt you would be good.” He finished with a sneer.

When he moved to press the pillow over the baby’s face, his arms stopped on the way down.
He tried once again with the same result. Frustrated, he pivoted to face the crib with the pink bumper and tried over there. Again, his arms wouldn’t let him within a foot of the baby.

He yelled and threw the pillow across the room.
Holding up his hands, he gripped them into tight fists. “You bitch! Let go. Your body is mine right now, so stop interfering!”

He should have known.
The soul of the source was sickeningly clean. Because of that, it was harder to control if it was something that they really didn’t want to happen. The more stubborn ones were hard to break. “But they always break,” he spat.

There are other ways to skin a cat
, he thought when he reached down for the girl. Even without the pillow, his hand was stopped before he could touch the little one.

He yelled in frustration and hit the crib as he passed, leaving the room and the still screaming infants behind.
There was only a matter of time before Gemariah got there and before that happened, Ramiel went to go find a drink.

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