The Dirty Divorce Part 3 (6 page)

BOOK: The Dirty Divorce Part 3
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Chapter 6


“I know damn well this bitch don’t think I’m fuckin’ her,” I mumbled to myself as I approached Trixie’s door.

Standin’ in the doorway wit’ a revealin’ red negligee on, she looked just like a broke-ass Victoria Secret model. As a matter of fact, the lingerie was one of the pieces I’d bought her from La Perla back in the day. Maybe her triflin’-ass thought puttin’ on somethin’ sexy would get some sparks flyin’ between us. Even though her body looked phat to death as usual, pussy was the furst from my mind. Little did she know every time I pulled up to her house, I instantly got pissed off when flashbacks to me killin’ that nigga Mike in the same spot entered my mind. The thought of that dude raisin’ my daughter, Juanita all this time made my blood boil, so fuckin’ was the last thing on my mind.

I looked at Trixie up and down. I hated that she’d dyed her hair back blonde and cut it short. Even though it looked so much better jet black, the style did make her high cheek bones stand out.

“So, is this the reason you been blowin’ my phone up? Where’s my daughter?” I asked, walkin’ in the door.

“Rich please, I don’t want your ass. The only thing that’s going on between us is Juanita.”

“Bitch whatever! You know damn well you ain’t never turned down this good dick,” I replied with a smirk.

“Lower your voice with all that dumb shit, asshole. I have company.”

Once I made my way to the livin’ room, some young dude was sittin’ on the couch wit’ a wife beater and his shoes off lookin’ like he’d made himself right at home. To make matters worse, he had a blunt in his hand and looked high as hell. There was no way I could hold back.

“You fuckin’ whore! So, you laid up wit’ some nigga in front of my damn daughter? Smokin’ weed and shit! What the hell kind of mother are you? That muthafucka looks half your age!”

Trixie placed her hands on her small waist. “Don’t come up in here judging me. Besides, if your ass would’a been on time Juanita wouldn’t be here, now would she?”

“Who the fuck is this nigga?” I shot back muggin’ on the dude.

“None of your damn business!” Trixie retaliated.

“Look, man I ain’t here tryna cause no drama. Me and Trixie just met the other day. I mean Trix you cool and all, but I ain’t tryna come between nuffin’,” the dude said, actin’ like a real punk.

“He’s just my daughter’s father. I don’t fuck with him like that,” Trixie tried to explain.

“No, bitch don’t try and twist the shit up. I don’t fuck wit’ you like that,” I shot back. “Does this nigga know what kind of connivin’ bitch you are?”

Just when I was ready to go in on Trixie again, my daughter ran up to me at full speed.

“Daddy! Daddy!” Juanita screamed full of smiles.

“Hey, baby girl. How are you?” I quickly scooped her up in my arms.

“I’m fine. I missed you, Daddy.”

“I missed you, too, baby,” I said, givin’ her a kiss on her forehead. “You ready to go? Where’s your bag?” When Juanita shrugged her shoulders, I turned back toward Trixie who looked as if she was pleadin’ wit’ the grade school nigga not to go. “Where’s Juanita’s stuff?”

“In her room. If you wanna take her somewhere, then you pack the damn bag,” Trixie replied in a nasty tone.

Bitin’ my bottom lip, I wanted to walk up on that bitch and slap the shit out of her ass for disrespectin’ me, but didn’t want Juanita to see me do that to her mother. If I wanted her to grow up to be a strong, black woman and not take shit from a man, I had to lead by example. For once, I had to take the high road.

At that moment, I walked Juanita upstairs to her room so we could get her stuff together. One good thing I could say about Trixie was that she kept my daughter fly as hell. Her closet was full of Flowers by Zoe, Juicy, and True Religions. She always looked cute…real girly, which I liked. Juanita talked me to death as I packed her bag. Daddy this and Daddy that, is what she constantly said, which made me smile every time she called me that. Over the past few months, I really enjoyed spendin’ time wit’ my baby girl, and hoped she felt the same. I was really tryin’ to be a better father. The last thing I wanted was for our relationship to end up like me and Denie or even me and Juan. I’d obviously failed wit’ both of them somewhere down the line, and didn’t want the same thing to happen again.

“Daddy, it’s lighting up,” Juanita said, then pointed to the green light illuminatin’ from the top of my phone.

After takin’ it out of the holster, I looked at the caller-ID. I immediately recognized the 202 number. It was the hospital.

“Hello,” I answered in my best professional voice.

“Yes, may I please speak with Mr. Juan Sanchez?”

“Speakin’. How can I help you?”

“Hello, this is Dr. Ju calling from Saint Elizabeth’s how are you today?”

“I’m blessed.” I had to hold back a chuckle from the way I was talkin’. “Mrs. Carter told me to contact you because there was some concern about my ex-wife.”

“Yes. During our session a few days ago Lisa had what we call a relapse. She attacked me thinking I was your daughter, Denie. We had to sedate her, but she seems to be in a better place now. I apologize for taking so long to inform you and Mrs. Carter. I took some time off after the incident and this is my first day back.”

“Really. Well, I’m so sorry about that, Dr. Ju.”

“There’s no need to apologize for Lisa’s actions. I’m actually quite used to irate patients. My concern however lies with what she revealed during our session. Now, normally there is a patient confidentiality policy that we adhere to, but it appears as if Lisa didn’t sign the proper paperwork when she first arrived. In that case we are allowed to inform spouses about patient sessions.”

I continued to listen and hoped that Dr. Ju would hurry up and get to the point.

“Mr. Sanchez, I do realize that you and Lisa are no longer married, which technically doesn’t make you her spouse, but since you were the one who sought help for Lisa in the first place, I’m making an exception.”

“Great. So, what is this all about?”

“There was an incident that took place in a warehouse that she spoke of. Now, I was a bit confused, let me look at my notes here.” I could hear Dr. Ju shufflin’ some papers. “She spoke about Denie trying to kill her for what happened in the warehouse. Do you know anything about this?”

“Dr. Ju, my ex-wife is really sick and I don’t understand why she would say such a thing.”

“She also revealed in the session that you murdered your brother, Carlos because they had an affair and how much she missed him.”

My eyes increased.
Wait a minute. What the fuck did that bitch just say
, I thought. “Excuse me?”

“Your wife told me that you killed your brother, Carlos, Mr. Sanchez,” she repeated.

I was speechless. I couldn’t believe Lisa had been runnin’ her fuckin’ mouth. I didn’t care if she was doin’ it as part of her treatment or not. Talkin’ reckless was unacceptable at any time.

“Mr. Sanchez, are you there?” Dr. Ju asked.

“I’m here. Umm…yes, my brother was murdered last year.” I had to get my thoughts together and fast.

“Daddy…you ready to…” Juanita said, right before I quietly told her to be quiet.

“It really saddens me that my wife is this sick, and makes up these delusional stories,” I carried on.

“So, you’re saying that all the things she’s been disclosing are false?”

“Oh, most definitely.” I wanted to say, ‘bitch why would you believe one of your crazy-fuckin’ patients anyway?’

“Well, that’s makes me feel a lot better. I know the patients here can make false statements sometimes, and in this case I just wanted to be sure. Let me tell you this though Mr. Sanchez. Another reason why Lisa probably can’t come out of this deep depression is because she’s holding onto a great deal of remorse. She kept asking God to forgive her for killing the baby. She kept asking God, why he made you the father.”

There was complete silence. I couldn’t believe that Lisa had finally admitted to takin’ my innocent baby girl’s life.

“My daughter supposedly died of SIDS. Lisa, however, was the last person wit’ her before she died, so I had a feelin’ she was responsible.”

“Well, Lisa’s condition isn’t getting any better, it’s actually getting worse, especially her hallucinations. I’m thinking that we might need to do a hypnotic therapy treatment to see if we can get to the core of the problem. I might even ask you and her mother to be present, just in case there’s something that’s revealed from her childhood. The next time you come to the hospital I’ll need both you and Mrs. Carter to sign off on consent.”

“Oh, you can give her whatever treatment you want, I don’t care. I’ll sign whatever you need.”

Dr. Ju was quiet for a minute. I guess she was surprised by my statement.

“Umm, okay.”

“Thanks again for your call.”

“I’ll be in touch. Enjoy the remainder of your day.”

“You too.”

Holdin’ back my anger in front of Juanita had proven to be a difficult task as the thought of Lisa tellin’ her doctor about Carlos and admittin’ to Carlie’s death. I was so pissed off, I could’ve snapped that bitch’s neck in two. For me that was all I needed to hear, Lisa really did have to go now. Until I could plan her demise I had to do damage control so she wouldn’t run her mouth anymore. My plans wit’ Juanita changed right away.

Makin’ my way back downstairs, I wanted to let Trixie know that I would have to get Juanita later. But by the time Juanita and I made it to the livin’ room, Trixie had the dude straddled and was fuckin’ him like a true jockey. My anger toward Lisa combined by my daughter witnessin’ her mother havin’ sex immediately took me out of my body. Before Trixie could get up, I pulled her off of his dick, then punched the young guy straight in his face.

“Nigga, I can’t believe you sittin’ here fuckin’ this whore while me and my daughter were upstairs.” Enraged, I grabbed my gun from my waist and placed it against his head. “I can see you don’t have no respect. Do you know who you fuckin’ wit’?”

“Rich, no!” Trixie screamed.

Juanita screamed right along with her.

As I watched my baby girl wail, I slowly lowered the gun. It was this muthafucka’s lucky day.

“Get the fuck out of here, you bitch-ass nigga,” I ordered. I made sure to keep the gun in my hand just in case this clown felt brave.

Holdin’ his face, the dude didn’t hesitant grabbin’ his clothes and runnin’ out the door wit’ just his tank top on. Puttin’ my gun away, I walked over and punched Trixie in her face, too.

So much for my daughter seein’ me in a positive light
, I thought.

“You disrespectful bitch!”

“Rich, stop!” Trixie screamed. She held her hands up to protect herself.

“Don’t ever let me catch you doin’ that shit in front of my daughter again!”

“You fucked my money up!” she roared.

“Bitch, are you that pressed for a dollar?”

“I got bills! Your broke-ass ain’t doing shit for us!”

When I looked at Trixie’s face, I could tell she was gonna have a black eye.

“So, you think you’re that bitch because you got an upgrade off my doe. Bitch, the money that bought you all this shit was mine. That bitch-ass nigga Mike you was fuckin’ stole from me, remember?”

Trixie held onto her face. “Get out!”

“Daddy, no!” Juanita was in tears holdin’ onto my leg.

“I’m sorry, baby. Mommy was being really bad. I’m sorry you had to see this.” I kissed her forehead and started out the door.

Trixie yelled all kinds of obscenities as I headed toward my car. As bad as I wanted to go back and black her other eye I had business to take care of wit’ Lisa at the hospital before that bitch got me caught up.









Chapter 7


It was the first day I’d felt back to normal in the past twenty-four hours. Apparently after being pumped with tons of medication, the groggy feeling had finally subsided, but I still felt drained. From what Nurse Betty informed me, Dr. Ju was going around telling everyone that I’d attacked her during our last session. If that bitch was telling the truth, I damn sure didn’t remember. All I know is that Becky’s crazy-ass from down the hall kept telling me, ‘congratulations’ all day, so something must’ve happened. I honestly didn’t remember. I just knew that I wanted my life back.

“Come on sweetie open up, you gotta get some food in your system. You’re all skin and bones.”

As my mother gathered a spoon full of mashed potatoes, I knocked that shit right out of her hand. I was so tired of her pity.

“Stop treating me like I’m five years old!” I yelled. “I don’t want anything to eat!”

This time she grabbed the fork and stabbed some cold-ass string beans. “Come on, Lisa. The doctor said you haven’t been eating well.”

I held up my hand. “Don’t bring that nasty food near me. I just told you that I don’t want any.”

“Why do you have to be so difficult,” she said, putting the fork down. I could care less if her ass was frustrated.

“Because I’m in here that’s why!” I yelled, sitting up in the bed. “Why don’t you just get the hell out?”

“Look, Lisa I’m trying to help you get what’s left of your life back on track. Don’t be disrespectful to me. I’ve been praying to God that he helps you through this situation.”

I stared at the small mole on my mother’s left cheek. “Praying to God, really Ma? You never gave a damn about me, so don’t try to act like you care now!”

She seemed hurt by my comment. “You’re my daughter Lisa, I do care about you. How dare you say that?”

“Why now Ma, huh? Why now?”

“Did you forget that you’re the one who shut your family out because of Rich? We never turned our backs on you, Lisa. You were always welcomed to come back home at anytime. You made the choice to be with Rich. Your mental state is because of him, so don’t blame me.”

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