The Dirty Divorce Part 3 (2 page)

BOOK: The Dirty Divorce Part 3
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The bitch was obviously in pain, but still tried to fight back. Once she scratched my neck, my anger instantly intensified.

“Oh, yeah bitch!” I cocked the gun back to let her ass know that I meant business. “You think this shit a joke!”

As my neck stung like hell I tried to stay focused and almost forgot about my Jamaican accent.

“Please don’t shoot me, I’m a mother,” she finally pleaded.

“I don’t give a fuck if ya a mauder or not! Where de money at?” I reached down and grabbed her long hair.

I hadn’t seen her in a while so I noticed that she’d let her hair grow back which was good. I wasn’t down wit’ that fake-ass weave shit.

“I don’t have any money. Here, take my car,” she said, throwin’ the keys.

“Bumboclot bitch, I don’t want ya car, I want de money! I want it now or ya gonna die and ya kids won’t have nobody!”

She paused for a moment. “It’s in the suitcase.” She handed the luggage over. “Take it, just don’t hurt me.”

Grabbin’ her roughly between her legs I held onto her pussy as she squirmed, but cooperated. Lookin’ sexy in one of those long maxi dresses, I couldn’t resist feelin’ her up.

“Ya know I would take ya pussy if I had da time.”

“Please, don’t, I’ll give you whatever you want! I just need to go home to my babies!”

Although she was pleadin’ for her life, the crazy part about it was that she’d yet to shed a single tear.

“Keep ya head down bitch!” I yelled, then kicked her in the mouth for tryin’ to look up at me. “If de money not here, I’m gonna kill ya kids.”

“It’s there! It’s there!” she screamed.

I threw her car keys over the wall so I would have enough time to get away.

“Bitch ya don’t get up until ya count to five hundred. And don’t try any funny business because my man is watchin’ ya. If he sees ya get up sooner than I instructed, ya die. Got me?”

“Yes…yes,” she said, holdin’ her mouth.

She was bleedin’ pretty bad, and when I looked down, I realized some of the blood had gotten on my New Balance sneakers.

Hoppin’ over the concrete wall wit’ the Louie luggage in hand, I looked around to see if anyone was watchin’ before runnin’ to my car that was in the hourly parkin’ lot. As soon as I reached the rented Jeep Cherokee, I jumped inside and pulled off. I made sure to take the mask off before payin’ the attendant, but also made sure not to look the old-lookin’ man in his face. My plan had succeeded so far, so I didn’t need him to get suspicious.

Hoppin’ on I-66, I blasted my Drake CD and smiled.
It’s gonna feel good to be back on top
, I thought to myself. I was tired of barely makin’ it and as bad as I felt, I had to do what I had to do to survive.

Sorry I had to do that shit to you Marisol, but a nigga gotta eat

There weren’t many people on the road, so I actually made it home to my mother’s house in less than forty minutes. Pullin’ up in the driveway the anticipation was killin’ me. I couldn’t wait to find out how much bread I’d made out wit’. I put the luggage in a trash bag before gettin’ out of the car just in case someone was watchin’, then power walked up to the door. After walkin’ inside, I ran up to my room takin’ two steps at a time.

I felt somewhat bad for what I’d done, but then again that bitch was on her way back from doin’ a deal that I helped her set up, so part of the money belonged to me anyway. I couldn’t believe Marisol had let Renzo’s punk-ass talk her out of dealin’ wit’ me. She shouldn’t even be fuckin’ wit’ that nigga after what he did to Juan in the first place. That was sendin’ me a ‘money over fam’ message. We didn’t need Renzo to run this shit, but obviously that bitch felt otherwise, so fuck her. I was done wit’ her anyway. If it wasn’t for Marisol, Juan might’ve still been alive. Shit, she ucky I hadn’t killed her ass for that. Hell, she deserved an ass whoopin’ for leavin’ Denie on me and Lisa’s doorstep alone. Her wounds would heal, but my son was gone and my daughter was probably messed up for life, so I had no remorse.

I was so happy that her nanny, Maria, had called me in a panic when she couldn’t get in touch wit’ Marisol. It was her who’d told me that Marisol was supposed to be on a red eye from Vegas and what airport her plane was due to land. Apparently, Mia was sick once again. I didn’t understand why Maria thought Marisol could answer the phone while she was on the plane anyway, but was ecstatic for the information. After assurin’ Maria that Marisol would be in touch as soon she landed, I made plans to make my move. I knew what that bitch was in Vegas about, and she wasn’t about to get paid without me.

Dumpin’ the luggage out of the trash bag, then onto the bed, I unzipped the bag that was filled wit’ clothes. Tossin’ all that shit out along wit’ three pairs of shoes, I was startin’ to think Marisol had lied until I finally came across a matchin’ Louis Vuitton toiletry case. Once I opened it and saw four bundles of cash, I thought I’d hit the jackpot. However those thoughts quickly changed.

“What the fuck is this?” I asked starin’ at the cash.

After openin’ the first two bundles and countin’, fifty, one-hundred dollar bills in each one, I knew the other stacks were exactly the same. All the fuck I got out of this shit was a lousy twenty g’s.

Grabbin’ the luggage, I turned that shit upside, hopin’ some more money would fall out. I even tapped the bottom a few times, but nothin’ came out but a tube of Mariosl’s fuckin’ lipstick. What the fuck was I supposed to do wit’ this little bit of cash? I’d hit that bitch off for some short shit! I wondered if Marisol had done somethin’ wit’ the rest of the dough before I got to her. Turnin’ around, I took my fist and rammed it straight through the drywall before goin’ back downstairs to take a shot.

This was some bullshit for real.





















Chapter 2


My face felt like it was on fire. At that moment I wish I could’ve been strong, but it was too late as tears of anger streamed down my cheeks. When I found out who was responsible for this shit, they were definitely gonna die of a slow, miserable death for violating me. The last thing I wanted was for the streets to think I was weak. Now, it’s a must that I stay strapped at all times.

As I crawled closer to my purse and picked up all my things that were scattered all over the ground, I wondered how the hell I was gonna get home. I wasn’t in any condition to go searching for my keys. Just when I felt defeated, I remembered my spare key being in a magnetic case under the car. That was one good thing about Carlos; he trained me to always have a spare key compartment in all my vehicles and even at the house in case of an emergency, especially since I was forever to my pug my keys.

How the hell did I allow somebody to catch me slipping?

After all the things Carlos taught me so I would be prepared for a moment like this, I still got robbed. I could honestly say that for once I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings, which in this game was a no-no. Picking my sore body off the ground, I walked toward the left rear tire, reached under the car and grabbed the case. After retrieving the spare key, the first thing I did when I finally got inside my truck was pull the visor down.

I can’t believe that muthafucka busted my lip,” I said, eyeing the damage. Even my front tooth felt loose.

There was no way my girls could see me like this, so my intentions were to head to Carlos’ old stash house in Clinton to get myself cleaned up and make sure that bastard hadn’t hit that spot up while I was out of town.

It was a shame that Rich was the only person I really could call to help me right now, but I needed him. I had to swallow my pride and let him know what was going on despite the fact that we still weren’t on good terms. Ever since I’d revealed that Denie was my daughter, along with Juan being murdered, and me still dealing with Renzo, things hadn’t been the same between us. I could admit that it was foul for me to keep the Denie secret away from him all these years, but I had nothing to do with Juan getting killed. Hell, I didn’t even know that he was a snitch. However, informant or not, I loved Juan and never wanted to see him get hurt. As crazy as these streets were, Rich could’ve been next in line to take a hit, so I had to warn him. Maybe this would bring us closer together.

I picked up my phone and dialed Rich’s number, but he didn’t answer. I had to be persistent in this case, so I called again. This time he answered.

“Hello,” Rich whispered. It sounded as if he was half asleep.

“Rich, wake up! Somebody just robbed me!” I yelled hysterically.

“What? Where are you?”

“I’m about to leave Dulles airport. That bitch-ass nigga robbed me in the parking garage when I was about to get into my truck.”

“Damn, that’s fucked up. So, it was just one dude? Did you see anybody else?”

“Yeah, it was just one guy. He said somebody else was with him, but I think his ass was lying,” I informed.

“Did he hurt you?” Rich asked.

“I’m a little sore and swollen, but I’ll live. If my front tooth comes out from him kicking me though, I’m gonna fucking lose it!”

“Shit could’ve been worse. At least he didn’t try to take your pussy or nothin’.”

I paused for a moment. “Damn, that was really nice to say.”

“My bad. What did he get?”

“All he got was some short change. I was on my way back from Vegas. I was actually out there tryin’ to take care of that deal you and I put together a while ago, but I never got a chance to do anything. I had to leave early because I got a call about Mia being sick. Shit, all he got was my shopping and play money for real,” I stated. “He threatened my kids, Rich. I’m gonna kill that muthafucka when I find out who it is!”

“Damn, who do you think it was? Maybe he knows somethin’.”

“He sounded Jamaican. I wonder if it was David and them from Uptown. But then again how would they have known I was gonna be at the airport? Dulles airport at that?”

At that moment, I began to rack my brain as to who knew my whereabouts, and then it hit me…Maria. She was the only one who knew I was coming back.

“I have no idea. So, what do you need me to do?” Rich questioned.

“Nothing I guess. I just wanted to let you know what was going on. I wouldn’t want a nigga to catch you off guard. Where are you anyway?”

“I’m not in town right now, but I’ll be back tomorrow. We can meet up if you still wanna talk.”

I displayed a slight smile. It had been a few months since I’d seen him.

“Okay. I need to figure out who’s responsible for this shit. They might be connected to what happened to Carlos.”

“Damn, you right. Well I’ma holler at you when I get back in town. Watch your back and make sure nobody is followin’ you.”

“I will.”




It’s always something
, I thought to myself as I hung up the phone. As if I didn’t have enough shit going on right now, I’d just agreed to meet Jade’s brother, Javier, later that evening. With the way my day started, I wasn’t in the mood to meet with anybody, but the urgency in his voice had me concerned. He thought he was slick. Didn’t he know I could see straight through his bullshit? I knew his ass didn’t want to meet me for nothing. With the recession along with a drought in the streets, I’m sure the thirsty nigga just wanted a quick come up. Even though we’d done business together in the past, I wasn’t about to add him to the payroll though, especially since my relationship with his sister was strained. I hadn’t heard from that bitch in months. She’d proven her friendship when she turned her back on me, so Jade could definitely kiss my ass. However, despite my personal feeling for his sister, I was gonna try my best to keep that shit separate from business.

After stopping by the stash house to check on things, I drove around for almost two hours trying to get myself together. The last thing I wanted was for me to be upset when I got home to my girls. Blowing off as much steam as possible was the best way to put me in a good ‘mommy’ role, so I made sure my mind was clear before pulling up to my house.

However, as soon as I placed my car in park, there was something that had me paralyzed and I couldn’t get out. The May weather had finally turned over and I admired throse bushes that Carlos and I planted when we first bought our house. As I sat in my truck and peered through the tinted windows, I felt a sense of guilt. I wondered what Carlos would think of me now, knowing how I’d betrayed him. Sleeping with his brother was one thing, but letting Rich father my first born would’ve definitely been unforgivable. As a mother to Carmen and Mia, I’m also sure he wouldn’t have liked the way I’d abandoned Denie and allowed Lisa to raise her.

Wondering if he would’ve tried to take my youngest daughters away from me, my thoughts suddenly drifted to Mia. I couldn’t believe she was sick was again. Listening to Maria tell me about her symptoms, I hoped her Leukemia hadn’t returned. If that was the case, if she had to go to one of the best doctor’s in the country, I was gonna do everything in my power to make sure we beat that shit once and for all. Sure…I was a horrible mother with Denie, but considered myself an excellent one now.

When I finally got out of the car and walked through the door, I was instantly greeted by my two little rug rats. I automatically felt uplifted.

“Mommy, Mommy!” they yelled enthused and excited to see me.

It was only eight o’clock and Carmen already had tons of energy.

“Hello Mommy’s pumpkins. How are you?”

All three of us embraced in a huge hug.

“Good! What’s in the bags Mommy? Are those gifts for us?” Carmen yelled.

It was sad, but true. I’d spoiled these girls so much that they expected gifts every time I came home. That was my way of covering up my absence, it was my guilt.

“Mommy, what happened to your mouth?” Carmen asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Mommy just had a small accident, that’s all.” I turned to my other daughter. “Mia, honey, how are you feeling?”

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