The Dialogue Thesaurus: A Fiction Writer's Sourcebook of Dialogue Tags and Phrases (8 page)

BOOK: The Dialogue Thesaurus: A Fiction Writer's Sourcebook of Dialogue Tags and Phrases
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"I'd like to see you try and make me," Gavin said


She said
, "No one is going to stop me!"


"Sorry, but I refuse," he said


"Mom, can I have an ice cream?" Nick continued


"Stay off my damn lawn," the old man yelled



Manner: Truthful

believably; candidly; conspicuously; correctly; factually; faithfully; forthrightly; frankly; genuinely; guilelessly; honestly; ingenuously; innocently; justifiedly; justly; kosherly; legitimately; naturally; openly; outrightly; outspokenly; pellucidly; plainly; plausibly; precisely; realistically; reliably; righteously; scrupulously; simply; sincerely; squarely; straightforwardly; trustingly; trustworthily; truthfully; unaffectedly; unfeignedly; unreservedly; unstudiedly; veraciously; verbatim; veritably; vindicatedly; virtuously.



"I don't deny it," Vivian said


"She can't cook worth a damn," her father said


, she spoke for the first time. "I can tell you only what I know."


He said
, "I will do what I can to help you."


"Jake was the one who started the fire," Michael responded



Manner: Vague

abstractly; abstrusely; allegorically; alliteratively; alludingly; allusively; ambiguously; arbitrarily; arcanely; bewilderingly; bizarrely; cryptically; elusively; enigmatically; esoterically; euphemistically; exotically; figuratively; foreignly; hiddenly; idiosyncratically; implicitly; indirectly; indistinctly; metaphorically; mysteriously; mystically; obliquely; obscurely; partially; peculiarly; poetically; queerly; strangely; symbolically; unclearly; undecipherably; unintelligibly; vaguely; weirdly.



"Judgments of the sky," she said


"Well," Ollie said
, "she's a lot of things."


"I know all," the man said


"Hath ye no Gods?" he replied


"We come, we go, we flow," Mr. Andrews said


Feelings, Emotions, and Internal Dialogue
words are used to express a character's emotional state.
Internal dialogue
thought tags
are used when you want to reveal a character's inner thoughts.



Feelings and Emotions in Alphabetical Order


A – Adjectives

abandoned; abashed; abhorred; abhorrent; abnormal; abominable; abrasive; absent-minded; absolved; absorbed; absurd; abused; abusive; abysmal; accepted; accepting; accessible; acclimated; accommodating; accomplished; accountable; accusatory; accused; acrimonious; adamant; addled; adequate; admirable; admiring; admonished; adorable; adoring; adrift; adventurous; adversarial; affable; affected; affectionate; afflicted; affronted; afraid; aggravated; aggressive; aggrieved; aghast; agitated; agog; agonized; agreeable; aimless; alarmed; alert; alienated; alive; alluring; allusive; almighty; alone; aloof; altruistic; amazed; ambitious; ambivalent; amenable; amoral; amorous; amused; anarchic; angelic; angerless; angry; angsty; anguished; animalistic; animated; annoyed; antagonistic; anticipatory; antipathetic; antisocial; antsy; anxious; apathetic; apologetic; appalled; appreciated; appreciative; apprehensive; ardent; argumentative; aristocratic; aroused; arrogant; ashamed; asinine; asleep; assertive; assured; astonished; astounded; astute; atrocious; attached; attacked; attentive; attracted; attractive; audacious; august; auspicious; austere; authoritative; autocratic; autonomous; avaricious; aversive; avid; awake; aware; awed; awesome; awestruck; awful; awkward.


A – Nouns / Phrases

abandonment; abashedness; abrasiveness; absolution; absurdity; abuse; acceptance; accessibility; accommodation; adamant; admirability; admiration; admonishment; adorability; adoration; adventurousness; affability; affection; aggravation; aggression / aggressiveness; aggrievement; agitation; agony; agreement; aimlessness; alert / alertness; alienation; allure; allusiveness; aloneness; altruism; amazement; ambition / ambitiousness; ambivalence; amorality; amorousness / amorosity; amusement; anarchy; anger; angerlessness; angst; anguish; animation; animosity; annoyance; antagonism; anticipation; antipathy; antsiness; anxiety; apathy; appreciation; apprehension; ardency; arousal; arrogance; assertiveness; astonishment; astoundment; astuteness; at a loss; at ease; at home; at peace; attentiveness; attraction; at war with (...); audaciousness / audacity; augustness; auspiciousness; austereness; autonomy; avarice; aversion; avidness; awe; awkwardness.


B – Adjectives

babied; bad; bad-tempered; badgered; baffled; baited; balanced; ballistic; bamboozled; banal; barren; bashful; battered; batty; bawdy; bearable; bearish; beastly; beat; beaten; beaten down; beautiful; bedazzled; bedeviled; befuddled; begrudged; beguiled; beholden; beleaguered; belittled; bellicose; belligerent; belonging; beloved; below average; bemused; benevolent; benign; berated; bereaved; bereft; berserk; beseeched; beset; besieged; besmirched; besotted; bested; bestial; betrayed; better; bewildered; bewitched; biased; big; bilious; bitched at; bitchy; bitter; bittersweet; bizarre; blamed; blameless; bland; blank; blanketed; blasphemous; blasé; bleak; bled dry; blessed; blighted; blind; blissful; blithe; bloated; bloodthirsty; blown away; bludgeoned; blue; blurry; blustered; boastful; bodacious; boggled; bogus; boisterous; bold; bombarded; bombastic; boorish; bored; bossed around; bossy; bothered; bothersome; bottled up; bought; bouncy; bound; bounded; boundless; bowled over; boxed in; boxed out; brainless; brainwashed; brainy; brash; bratty; brave; brazen; breathless; breathtaken; breezy; bridled; bright; bright eyed; brilliant; brisk; bristling; broad-minded; broken; broken down; brokenhearted; broken up; broody; browbeaten; bruised; brushed off; brutalized; brutish; bubbly; bugged; buggered; bulldozed; bullied; bullish; bummed; bummed out; buoyant; burdened; burdensome; burly; burned; burned out; burned up; bursting; buzzed.


B – Nouns / Phrases

babyishness; badness; bafflement; bamboozlement; banality; barrenness; bashfulness; battiness; bawdiness; bearishness; beastliness; beauty; bedazzlement; befuddlement; beguilement; belittlement; bellicosity; belligerence; belongingness; bemusement; benevolence; benignity; bent out of shape; bereavement; berserkness; beseechingness; besetment; besiegement; besottedness; bestiality; betrayal; betterment; bewilderment; bewitchment; bias; bigness; biliousness; bitchiness; bitterness; bittersweetness; bizarreness; blamelessness; blandness; blanketedness; blankness; blasphemy; bleakness; blessedness; blight; blindness; bliss; blitheness; bloatedness; bloodthirstiness; blueness; blurriness; boastfulness; bogusness; boisterousness; boldness; boorishness; boredom; bossiness; bounciness; boundedness; boundlessness; braininess; brainlessness; brashness; brattiness; bravery; brazenness; breathlessness; breeziness; brightness; brilliance; broad-mindedness; brokenheartedness; brokenness; broodiness; brutality; brutishness; bullishness; buoyancy; burliness.


C – Adjectives

caged; caged in; cagey; cajoled; calculating; callous; callow; calm; canny; cantankerous; capable; capricious; captious; captivated; captive; captured; cared for; carefree; careful; careless; careworn; caring; carried away; castigated; cast out; catatonic; cathartic; catty; caught out; cautious; cavalier; censored; censured; centered; certain; chafed; chagrined; chained; challenged; changed; chaotic; charged; charismatic; charitable; charmed; charming; chased; chaste; chastised; chatty; cheap; cheapened; cheated; cheated on; cheeky; cheerful; cheerless; cheery; cherished; chic; chicken; chided; childish; childlike; chilled; chilly; chipper; chivalrous; choked up; choosy; chosen; chuffed; churlish; circumspect; circumvented; civil; civilized; clammy; classy; claustrophobic; clean; cleansed; clear; clear-headed; clever; clingy; cloistered; closed; closed-minded; closed off; clouded; clued in; clueless; clumsy; coarse; coaxed; cocky; coddled; codependent; coerced; cold; cold-blooded; cold-hearted; collected; colorful; colossal; comatose; combative; comfortable; comforted; comfy; commanding; committed; common; communicative; compassionate; compatible; compelled; competent; competitive; complacent; complete; complex; compliant; complicated; composed; compromised; compulsive; conceited; concentrated; concerned; condemned; condescended to; condescending; confident; confined; conflicted; confounded; confronted; confronting; confused; connected; conned; conniving; conquered; conscientious; conscious; conservative; considerate; consoled; consoling; conspicuous; conspiratorial; conspired against; constrained; constricted; constructive; consumed; contagious; contained; contaminated; contemplative; contemptible; contemptuous; content; contented; contentious; contrite; controlled; controlling; convinced; convivial; cool; cooped up; cooperative; copacetic; cordial; cornered; corralled; correct; corrupted; courageous; courteous; courtly; coveted; covetous; cowardly; coy; cozy; crabby; crafty; cramped; cranky; crappy; crass; craven; crazed; crazy; creative; credulous; creeped out; creepy; crestfallen; criminal; crippled; critical; criticized; cross; crotchety; crowded; crucified; crude; cruel; crummy; crushed; cuckolded; cuckoo; cuddly; culpable; cultured; cumbersome; cunning; curious; curmudgeonly; cursed; cut; cut down; cut off; cute; cynical.


C – Nouns / Phrases

caginess; callousness; callowness; calmness; canniness; cantankerousness; capability; caprice / capriciousness; captiousness; captivation; care; carefulness; carelessness; castigation; catharsis; cattiness; caution / cautiousness; cavalierism / cavalierness; centeredness; certainty; chagrin; challenge; change; chaos; charisma; charity; charm; chastisement; chastity / chasteness; chattiness; cheapness; cheekiness; cheerfulness; cheeriness; cheerlessness; childishness; chilliness; chivalry; choosiness; churlishness; circumspection; circumvention; civility; clamminess; clarity; classiness; claustrophobia; cleanliness; clear-headedness; cleverness; clinginess; cloistered; closed-mindedness; close to (...); closure; cluelessness; clumsiness; coarseness; cockiness; codependency; coercion; cold-bloodedness; cold-heartedness; coldness; colossality; combativeness; comfiness; comfort; comfortability; command; commitment; commonality; compassion; compatibility; competence; competition; complacency; completeness; complexity; compliance; composure; compromise; compulsion; conceit; concentration; concern; condemnation; condescension; confidence; confinement; conflict; confrontation; confusion; connection; conscientiousness; consciousness; conservativeness; consideration; conspicuousness; constraint; constriction; constructiveness; consumption; contagiousness; contamination; contemplation; contempt; contemptibility; contentedness; contentiousness; contrary to (...); contrition; control; conviviality; coolness; cooperation; cordiality / cordialness; correctness; corruption; courage / courageousness; courtesy / courteousness; courtliness; covetousness; cowardliness; coyness; coziness; crabbiness; craftiness; crankiness; crappiness; crassness; cravenness; craziness; creativeness; credulity / credulousness; creepiness; criminality; criticism; crossness; crotchetiness; crudeness; cruelty; crumminess; cuddliness; culpability; culture; cumbersomeness; cunningness; curiosity / curiousness; cuteness; cynicalness.


D – Adjectives

daffy; dainty; damaged; damned; dandy; dangerous; dapper; daring; dark; dashed; dashing; dastardly; daunted; dauntless; dazed; dazzled; dazzling; dead; deafened; debased; debauched; debilitated; debonair; decadent; deceitful; deceived; decent; deceptive; decided; decimated; decisive; decorous; decrepit; dedicated; deep; defeated; defective; defenseless; defensive; deferential; defiant; deficient; defiled; definite; deflated; deformed; degenerate; degraded; dehumanized; dejected; delicate; delighted; delightful; delinquent; delirious; delivered; deluded; demanding; demeaned; demeaning; demented; democratic; demolished; demonized; demoralized; demotivated; demure; denatured; denigrated; denounced; dense; dependent; depleted; depraved; depressed; deprived; derailed; deranged; derided; derisive; deserted; deserving; desirable; desired; desirous; desolate; despairing; desperate; despicable; despised; despondent; destitute; destroyed; destructive; detached; determined; detestable; detested; devalued; devastated; deviant; devil-may-care; devious; devoted; devout; diabolical; dictatorial; didactic; different; difficult; diffident; diffused; dignified; diligent; dim; dimensionless; diminished; diminutive; diplomatic; dire; direct; directionless; direful; dirty; disabled; disaffected; disagreeable; disappointed; disapproved of; disapproving; disarmed; disbelieved; disbelieving; discarded; disciplined; discombobulated; discomfited; disconcerted; disconnected; disconsolate; discontent; discontented; discounted; discouraged; discouraging; discredited; discreet; discriminated; discriminating; disdainful; disembodied; disempowered; disenchanted; disenfranchised; disfavored; disgraced; disgraceful; disgruntled; disgusted; disgusting; disharmonious; disheartened; disheveled; dishonest; dishonorable; dishonored; disillusioned; disingenuous; disinterested; disjointed; disliked; disloyal; dismal; dismayed; dismembered; dismissed; dismissive; disobedient; disobeyed; disorderly; disorganized; disoriented; disowned; disparaged; dispassionate; dispensable; dispirited; displaced; displeased; disposable; disquieted; disregarded; disrespected; disrespectful; disruptive; dissatisfied; dissed; dissident; distant; distinguished; distorted; distracted; distraught; distressed; distrusted; distrustful; disturbed; ditched; divergent; diverted; divided; dizzy; docile; dogged; dogmatic; doleful; dolorous; domesticated; dominant; dominated; domineered; domineering; done; doomed; dorky; doted on; doting; double-crossed; doubted; doubtful; dour; dowdy; down; downcast; downhearted; downtrodden; draconian; dragged down; drained; dramatic; drawn in; dreaded; dreadful; dreamy; dreary; driven; droll; drunk; dubious; dull; dulled; dumb; dumbfounded; dumbstruck; duped; dutiful; dwarfed; dynamic; dysfunctional; dysphoric; dysthymic.

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