The Dialogue Thesaurus: A Fiction Writer's Sourcebook of Dialogue Tags and Phrases (7 page)

BOOK: The Dialogue Thesaurus: A Fiction Writer's Sourcebook of Dialogue Tags and Phrases
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"Keep silent, Susan," Mrs. Connors lisped



Manner: Deceptive

beguilingly; believably; cagily; calculatingly; clandestinely; coaxingly; confidentially; conflictedly; connivingly; conspiratorially; contrivedly; controlledly; convincingly; covertly; cunningly; deceitfully; deceptively; denyingly; deviously; dishonestly; disingenuously; distrustfully; distrustingly; dubiously; evasively; facetiously; fallaciously; falsely; farcically; feignedly; fibbingly; fraudulently; furtively; guilefully; guiltily; imitatively; incongrously; manipulatively; mischievously; misleadingly; mistrustfully; mistrustingly; opportunistically; ostensibly; paradoxically; perfidiously; persuasively; pliantly; predatorily; ruthlessly; sarcastically; satirically; schemingly; secretively; shiftily; shiftingly; shrewdly; sinfully; sinisterly; sketchily; sleekly; slickly; slyly; smoothly; sneakily; stealthily; straightfacedly; subversively; surreptitiously; suspectingly; suspiciously; tactically; traitorously; treacherously; treasonably; treasonously; trickily; twistedly; twitchily; twitchingly; underhandedly; unevenly; unreliably; unscrupulously; untruthfully; unvirtuously; wilily; wolfishly.



"Depends," Dennis said
. "What are you offering?"


"I miss her a lot," he said


"Well, I'll see you later," she said


"Tell me, is Mr. Jones married?" Karen asked


, he asked, "Do you mind if I use the bathroom?"



Manner: Disgusted

abhorrently; crudely; despicably; detestably; disgustedly; disgustingly; execrably; fetidly; filthily; foully; foulmouthedly; freakishly; fulsomely; grossly; grotesquely; gruesomely; immorally; indecently; indecorously; lewdly; licentiously; loathsomely; malodorously; nauseatingly; noxiously; obscenely; offensively; perversely; pervertedly; poisonously; putridly; rancidly; repulsedly; repulsively; revoltingly; salaciously; shamelessly; shockingly; sickeningly; slimily; sordidly; tastelessly; vilely; vulgarly; wickedly.



"She won't get a boyfriend if she doesn't put out," Wendy said


"We all like the taste of blood," Victor hissed


"No one cares when you're dead," he said


"It is only one night," the old man whispered


, the boy approached the girls and asked, "Which one of youse is gonna be my bitch?"



Manner: Embarrassed

abashedly; apprehensively; awkwardly; bashfully; clammily; disconcertedly; disconcertingly; embarrassedly; floridly; flusteredly; humiliatedly; humiliatingly; mortifiedly; nervously; red-facedly; reddeningly; self-consciously; shamefacedly; shamefully; sheepishly; shrinkingly; shyly; skittishly; squeamishly; stammeringly; stunnedly; stutteringly; surprisedly; traumatically; tremulously; uncomfortably; unevenly; unnervedly.



"Sorry about that," Lilly said


"I don't have anymore," he said


"No, you go first," she said


, she whimpered, "Can I be excused?"


Trudy uttered
, "I forgot my lines."



Manner: Jealous

accusatively; accusatorily; accusingly; adversarially; anxiously; argumentatively; avariciously; begrudgingly; bitchily; bitterly; brattily; broodingly; callously; callowly; cattily; childishly; competitively; confrontationally; connivingly; contemptibly; contemptuously; covetously; cunningly; cuttingly; demandingly; doubtingly; dramatically; embitteredly; emotionally; enviably; enviously; greedily; grudgingly; guardedly; immaturely; insinuatingly; jealously; manipulatively; melodramatically; mistrustfully; paranoidly; paternally; piercingly; possessively; protectively; pryingly; questioningly; resentfully; rottenly; saltily; scandalously; scornedly; scornfully; skeptically; solicitously; stingingly; sulkily; suspectingly; suspiciously; threateningly; unfaithfully; unromantically; untrustingly; vigilantly; warily; watchfully; woundedly; wrathfully; zealously.



"Where were you last night?" she asked


"I hate the way he looks," he said


Helen asked
, "Did your mother leave you anything in her will?"


, Bridget whispered, "She isn't all that pretty anyway."


"Fine," he said
, "leave me here to look after your stupid cats."



Manner: Pandering

abidingly; accessibly; accommodatingly; acknowledgingly; affirmatively; affirmingly; agreeably; agreeingly; amenably; amicably; apologetically; appeasingly; assentingly; complaisantly; compliantly; complicitly; complimentarily; compromisingly; concedingly; confirmingly; congenially; consentingly; convivially; cooperatively; credulously; docilely; flatteringly; friendlily; generously; genially; good-naturedly; hospitably; idolizingly; ingratiatingly; invitingly; leisurely; loyally; obediently; obligedly; obligingly; obsequiously; panderingly; peaceably; peacefully; permissively; piously; placatingly; positively; profusely; propitiatingly; propitiously; receptively; reciprocatively; salutatorily; selflessly; servilely; sincerely; slavishly; smarmily; submissively; subserviently; suppliantly; supplicatingly; supportively; surrenderingly; sycophantically; trustingly; unimposingly; uxoriously; veneratively; vyingly; worshipfully; worshippingly; yieldingly.



"Can I get you anything else, Sir?" she asked


"Yes, of course," he said
. "The man deserved it."


, she replied, "Whatever you think is best."


"I will do anything you ask of me," he said


"I aim to please," she whispered



Manner: Polite

abidingly; acceptingly; accessibly; accommodatingly; acknowledgingly; affably; amiably; banteringly; casually; charmingly; chattily; chivalrously; civilly; classily; complimentarily; considerately; conversationally; cordially; courteously; cultivatedly; culturedly; decently; deferentially; formally; friendlily; genially; genteelly; gentlemanly; good-naturedly; graciously; hospitably; mannerly; mild-manneredly; nicely; obeisantly; obligingly; pleasantly; pleasingly; polishedly; politely; primly; punctiliously; punctually; respectfully; smilingly; smoothly; sociably; thankfully; thoughtfully; unimposingly; warmly; welcomingly; well-manneredly; well-meaningly.



"Good morning," he said
as she entered the room.


"Pleased to meet you," Robert said


Alfred said
, "The guests have arrived, Sir."


"May I use the restroom?" she asked


"I'm glad you could make it," Daniel said



Manner: Proud / Austere

accomplishedly; ambitiously; approvingly; aristocratically; arrogantly; assertively; audaciously; auspiciously; austerely; authoritatively; autocratically; autonomously; boastfully; boastingly; boldly; bossily; braggingly; brilliantly; cavalierly; charismatically; charmingly; chauvinistically; cockily; commandingly; complacently; conceitedly; condescendingly; confidently; cultivatedly; culturedly; dapperly; debonairly; decorously; despotically; deviously; dictatorily; dignifiedly; distinguishedly; dominantly; domineeringly; draconially; dutifully; egotistically; elegantly; exaltedly; flamboyantly; foppishly; garishly; gaudily; gloatingly; grandiosely; grandly; haughtily; immodestly; impeccably; imperiously; indulgently; loftily; magisterially; magnanimously; magniloquently; masterfully; momentously; narcissistically; nobly; obnoxiously; oppressively; orderingly; ostentatiously; outspokenly; overconfidently; patriarchally; patriotically; peremptorily; piquantly; platitudinously; poisedly; polishedly; pompously; pontifically; portentously; pretentiously; pridefully; prissily; pristinely; prodigally; proudly; puissantly; refinedly; regally; righteously; royally; sanctimoniously; satisfiedly; savoringly; self-absorbedly; self-approvingly; self-assuredly; self-centeredly; self-confidently; self-importantly; self-interestedly; self-possessedly; self-righteously; self-satisfiedly; sententiously; showily; smugly; snobbily; snobbishly; snootily; sophisticatedly; stylishly; suavely; superciliously; superiorily; swaggeringly; triumphantly; tyrannically; unctuously; urbanely; vaingloriously; vainly; victoriously; wryly.



"Don't speak to me in that tone," she said


said: "We have no time for pointless pursuits."


"I demand a room at once," he said


, Andrew broke in, "Well, what do you expect from a savage!"


"Care for a Chardonnay?" the gentleman asked



Manner: Rude

abrasively; abruptly; abusively; affrontedly; antisocially; backhandedly; bad-manneredly; barbarically; barbarously; bluntly; boorishly; bossily; brusquely; brutishly; bullyingly; caddishly; cantankerously; carelessly; chauvinistically; classlessly; coarsely; complainingly; contumeliously; crassly; crudely; curtly; defamatorily; demandingly; deplorably; derogatively; discordantly; discourteously; disobligingly; disrespectfully; disruptively; distastefully; flagrantly; flippantly; gracelessly; impertinently; impolitely; imprudently; impudently; impulsively; inappropriately; inconsiderately; indecently; indecorously; indelicately; indignantly; inharmoniously; inimically; insensitively; insincerely; insolently; insubordinately; insultingly; lewdly; libelously; loutishly; negatively; obscenely; offhandedly; pesteringly; rashly; rudely; snidely; tactlessly; tartly; tastelessly; thanklessly; thoughtlessly; unamiably; unapologetically; unceremoniously; uncharitably; uncivilly; uncommunicatively; uncordially; uncouthly; unethically; ungenerously; ungenially; ungraciously; ungratefully; unharmoniously; uninhibitedly; unkindly; unpleasantly; unprofessionally; unrefinedly; unwelcomingly.



"I don't care what you think," Martin said


"No," he said
. "I don't need your help."


"Hey you," she demanded
, "get me a drink."


, she replied: "Now fetch me my coat."


"Perhaps if you weren't so thick," he said
, "you wouldn't need a handout."



Manner: Serious / Rational

academically; accurately; adroitly; amorally; analytically; aptly; articulately; astutely; bluffly; bluntly; briefly; briskly; candidly; civilly; clinically; cogently; competently; composedly; concisely; conscientiously; consideringly; critically; darkly; deadpan; decisively; deductively; diligently; diplomatically; directly; direly; dryly/drily; educationally; eloquently; enlightenedly; enquiringly; enterprisingly; eruditely; expansively; experiencedly; expertly; explanatively; explicitly; factually; fairly; firmly; flatly; fluently; formally; forthrightly; forwardly; frankly; frugally; geekily; groundedly; heavily; heedfully; helpfully; illuminatedly; illustratively; importantly; informatively; ingeniously; instructively; intelligently; intensely; intently; interrogatively; knowledgeably; laboriously; laconically; learnedly; legalistically; lengthily; leniently; limpidly; logically; long-windedly; matter-of-factly; maturely; meaningfully; measuredly; meditatively; methodically; meticulously; militaristically; mindfully; morally; notably; observantly; officially; passionlessly; patiently; pedantically; penetratingly; perspicaciously; perspicuously; pertinently; philosophically; plainly; poignantly; pointblank; pointedly; politically; potently; powerfully; practically; pragmatically; precisely; probingly; professionally; proficiently; progressively; prolifically; prosaically; prosily; puritanically; purposefully; rationally; realistically; realizingly; reasonably; responsibly; restrainedly; rhetorically; rigidly; sagaciously; sagely; scholastically; scientifically; sensibly; seriously; severely; sharply; shrewdly; significantly; simply; skillfully; smartly; soberly; staunchly; steadfastly; steelily; sternly; stiffly; stoically; stolidly; stonily; straightfacedly; strategically; strictly; studiously; systematically; tautly; tensely; tersely; theoretically; tightly; unamusedly; unblinkingly; unerringly; unfalteringly; unfazedly; unflinchingly; unsmilingly; validly; verbosely; warningly; weightily; wisely; wordily.



"According to statistics," he said
, "most people are unable to cope with stress."


"I tried to do my part," she said
. "Unfortunately, they didn't let me."


"The seas of change are upon us," the CEO said


David replied
, "Perhaps you should concentrate on your own job."


"Children need love to flourish," she offered



Manner: Stubborn

adamantly; anarchically; antagonistically; antisocially; argumentatively; bossily; brattily; bullheadedly; cantankerously; close-mindedly; combatively; contumaciously; defiantly; determinedly; disagreeably; disagreeingly; disobediently; dissentingly; doggedly; dogmatically; formidably; hardheadedly; immovably; immutably; impedingly; impertinently; implacably; inflexibly; intransigently; mulishly; mutinously; noncompliantly; obdurately; obstinately; obstreperously; obtrusively; offensively; opinionatedly; opposedly; perseveringly; persistently; pertinaciously; petulantly; pigheadedly; protestingly; rebelliously; recalcitrantly; refractorily; resolutely; resolvedly; rigidly; singlemindedly; stubbornly; territorially; unbendingly; uncompliantly; uncompromisingly; uncooperatively; unequivocally; unreasonably; unreceptively; unrelentingly; unshakably; unwaveringly; unwillingly; unyieldingly; willfully.

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