The Deadliest Cast Member - Disneyland Interactive Thriller Series - EPISODE FOUR (Jack Duncan) (SEASON ONE)

BOOK: The Deadliest Cast Member - Disneyland Interactive Thriller Series - EPISODE FOUR (Jack Duncan) (SEASON ONE)
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Title Page

Author's Note

















Author’s Note

Welcome to Episode Four of
The Deadliest Cast Member
. Season One will contain six Episodes. You can access previous Episodes from the links below:

Episode One

Episode Two

Episode Three

If you’ve submitted feedback for previous episodes via our
online form
, thank you! I included your name in the Credits chapter at the end of this Episode.

In this Episode, you’ll witness an epic fairy-tale proposal on the Rivers of America while we delve deeper into the brilliant mind of Walt Disney. You’ll experience joy, sorrow, and betrayal as Jack Duncan races against the clock to save the Disneyland Resort.

The Deadliest Cast Member
is a tribute to those who serve and protect our great country. Our military, intelligence agencies, law enforcement, first responders, and those who put themselves in harm’s way to protect others. Your sacrifices will not be forgotten.

Specifically, I would like to dedicate this Episode to fallen Riverside Police Officer Michael Crain who was ambushed in the line of duty on February 7, 2013. Our prayers go out to his family.

The Deadliest Cast Member is also dedicated to Disney Cast Members past and present, thank you for making the magic happen!

Thank you for your support and for all of your kind comments about the Series, your feedback is inspiring.

Kelly Johns

Founder of

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and your ideas could be integrated into future episodes.

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Disneyland Park

Walt Disney stood at the bottom of the towering new
Matterhorn Mountain
, cocked his head back, and smiled as he looked towards the peak. The “snow capped” manmade mountain modeled after the famous landmark in the Swiss Alps looked magnificent against the deep blue California sky. Walt used forced perspective, the same concept he utilized to build Main Street, to give the attraction a larger than life appearance. The Matterhorn was the first tubular steel continuous track roller coaster in history, complete with glacier caverns and alpine grottos.

“Can you believe that we built this thing without shutting down the Skyway for a single day, Stan?”

Stan smiled at how Walt was similar to a little kid marveling at a backyard construction project. His smile dissipated because he didn’t have good news for the boss.

“Walt,” Stan said as Walt continued to gaze into the sky with a big grin on his face, “I have some bad news. Khrushchev is extremely upset about what happened.”

Walt lowered his head as he transitioned from his fantasy world, to the cold reality of the business side of things. “Well, we thought he would be Stan, this is no surprise.”

“Yes, but it’s worse than we thought. Spyros Skouras upset him today during a public appearance in LA and they got into an argument about capitalism. Khrushchev said Skouras’ remarks were an attempt to heckle him during this trip. Then, his temper flared, and he said this about Disneyland,” Stan handed Walt a piece of paper with the quote from the Soviet Premiere.

I would very much like to go and see Disneyland. But then, we cannot guarantee your security, they say. Then what must I do? Commit suicide? What is it? Is there an epidemic of cholera there or something? Or have gangsters taken hold of the place that can destroy me?

Walt looked up at Stan after reading the quote with his eyebrow raised. “Wow, he does sound pretty upset.”

“Yes, apparently he took it extremely personal, and it even spurred talks about the arms race. Even worse, Nikolai Grusov just left a threatening message for me.”

The concern on Walt’s face grew as he listened. He knew this was not good for public relations, and potentially damaging to the fragile relationship between the two countries.

“Grusov confirmed Khrushchev’s sentiments, and reiterated the fact that they would not soon forget this action. He said that he would retaliate against us in his own way.”

“Oh, Stan, this is not good. Who is this Grusov? Why would he threaten us?”

“I’m not sure Walt, I’m trying to figure it out. Grusov is ex-KGB and was active the same time I was with the CIA back in the 40s. He seems to know a lot about me.”

“Ok, please do what you can. Call him back and smooth this over, we don’t want problems with the Soviets, and we sure don’t want this issue to escalate.”

“Sure, Walt, I’m on it.”

Walt turned towards Tomorrowland and started to walk. “I’m making progress with the gold plates, Stan. However, I’m becoming suspicious that someone is watching me. I worry about the wrong people finding out about the tunnel, and what’s down there.”

“What if we move everything to another location?”

“No, that would be too dangerous, and nothing is more secure than what we built under the River. I can’t put more money into creating another vault.”

“Ok, I will beef up security and watch for any suspicious activity.”

“Thanks, Stan. Let me know how it goes with Grusov.”

“Will do, Walt.”

Stan headed back to his office to call Grusov as he racked his brain trying to figure out their connection.
Why was Grusov using this incident to make threats?

He dialed Grusov. “Mr. Duncan, I’m sure you’ve heard by now how our Premiere was disrespected on US soil.” Grusov didn’t waste any time getting to the point.

“Mr. Grusov—”

“Listen, Duncan, listen to me closely. I have more power than you know—I gave you a chance to make this right. To allow Khrushchev to visit your Park, and all you could do was threaten me.”

“Yes, and I’m sorry about that,” Stan said.

“Sorry is not good enough, Duncan. Khrushchev will not publicly say another word about this, but I’m going to make sure you and your boss pay for this.”

“For what Grusov? We didn’t approve the visit for security reasons—why would you threaten us for that?”

“There’s much more to it than that, Duncan, and you know it. You hate our country and what we stand for—and your boss is a staunch anti-communist.”

Stan was silent on the other end.

“If you think I don’t know your hate for us was part of your decision, then you are dumber than I thought,” said Grusov.

Stan’s blood pressure rose, and he struggled to maintain his composure. He knew he needed to find a way to smooth this over for Walt.

“Look, you’re wrong about that Mr. Grusov, but let us make it up to you. On the Premier's next visit, we will make it right, and we will be in a better position to protect him.”

“There will not be a next time, Duncan. Now it’s my personal mission to come after you and your park.”

Stan raised his voice, “
Come after our Park
? Are you threatening to attack Disneyland? Are you kidding me?”

“This is not a threat, Duncan, this is a promise—I know more about your park than you think. Including the things you have hidden underground.”

Stan’s eyes widened, and his throat constricted.

“Oh, do I have your attention now? This has nothing to do with our government this is between me and you, my government would never approve or condone what I’m going to do.”

“I still don’t understand what this is all about, but I challenge you to come after me, you will lose—I will personally make sure of that. You have no idea what I am capable of.”

“Oh, but I do, Duncan. I know exactly what you’re capable of,” Nikolai’s voice cracked as it deepened—his Russian accent thickened with anger. He glared at the picture of his son on his desk. “You don’t remember, do you?”

“Remember what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“LET ME REFRESH YOUR MEMORY,” Nikolai yelled as he slammed his fist on the table, “In 1942, you interrogated a 19 year old KGB agent on our soil, DO YOU REMEMBER THAT?”

“No, I don’t remember most things that happened during that time, and you better lower your voice, Grusov.”

“Think, Duncan, he was just a kid, 19 years old, and you tortured him, you knew you could easily manipulate him because he was a rookie agent, so you pushed him to the limit until you pushed him too far—”

Stan’s stomach dropped.

“Do you remember that young agent’s last name?”

Stan was silent; his mind raced, and he couldn’t speak.


The image of the young KGB agent’s face flashed through Stan’s mind. At the time, there was an imminent threat on US soil—Stan had to extract information quickly from to stop the attack. He remembered the fear in the young man’s face and the ID card that he identified him with. The last name of the agent hit Stan like a sledgehammer as it came to him. He put his hands on his forehead and became sick to his stomach.

“You killed my son Duncan, and you made him suffer. You will most certainly pay for this,” There was a distant crackle on the line as the weight of his words sank in. “I have been watching you for a long time, and it’s time for me to finally get my revenge.”

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