Read The Darker Side of Pleasure Online

Authors: Eden Bradley

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Romance

The Darker Side of Pleasure (30 page)

BOOK: The Darker Side of Pleasure
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He saw the shock in her eyes. Oh, yes, she’d been interested enough, fascinated even, until things had really begun to happen. Now she would struggle. He’d expected it, had wanted to shock her a bit. Not simply for sadistic pleasure, although he couldn’t deny he derived pleasure from it. But because he felt it was the only way to take her into this. She was not the kind of woman to handle with kid gloves. She was too strong for that. He had to catch her off balance, had to unsettle her, break through her reserve, through the wall she kept around her.

“We will begin now.”

He could see the storm rising in her eyes, in her flushed cheeks, and he loved it. He could feel the excitement beneath her rage, and it fed his own, fed his need to touch her. “You’re angry. That’s fine with me. Your anger is the only place right now where you can show your emotions. Because despite your claims to sexual sophistication, despite all of your experience, this is utterly new to you. And the only way it will really work is to break through those boundaries, to reach that buried place of passion. Don’t worry. I know just how to do it.”

“You are unbelievable!” She rose to her feet. “You are the most self-satisfied human being I’ve ever met! To think you can manipulate me like that—”

“You have to understand that this is my job. Domination is more about mind-fuck than anything else, if you’ll pardon my language.”

“You brought me here simply to fuck with my head?”

Her gray eyes were absolutely blazing with fury. God, she was beautiful like this. He stepped closer.

“I brought you here because I wanted you here, Magdalena. And you wanted to be here. You can’t deny it. Because there is something electric in the air between us. And you are as anxious to explore it as I am.”

“How dare you—”

He dragged her body in close to his and kissed her. He meant to silence her, to help her convert her temper to desire. But he didn’t expect the raging surge of lust that roared through his system at the sweet crush of her lips beneath his.

He pulled away. What had happened? He could swear he felt dizzy. The scent of her lingered in his nostrils. Something dark and spicy, definitely nothing sweet and innocent about the way she smelled. His cock twitched in answer to that lovely, feminine scent, demanding to be sated.

Lord help him.

“I…” Her eyes were glazed now, the fiery silver sparks a muted gray.

He had to pull himself together. Control was key.

“Have you changed your mind, Magdalena?” he asked softly.

She shook her head. “No.”

He reached out, rested his hand on her shoulder, felt her tremble. He could almost smell the fear on her. But she was going to do this, anyway. He admired her strength, her resolve.

“Come with me.”

With a hand at her waist, he guided her back out into the foyer, down the hall. At the end was a door. He opened it, flipped a switch that turned on the lights, took her hand, and led the way through.

“Watch your step.”

Down the stairs with her hand warm in his. So small, so fragile. But there was nothing fragile about this woman.

Another door at the bottom of the staircase. He stopped and turned to her.

“This is where it all happens, on the other side of this door. This is your last chance to back out. Tell me, Magdalena, once more. Do you want this?”

She looked into his eyes as though she were searching for something. Reassurance, perhaps? He gave her hand a squeeze. “I can promise you an adventure like none you’ve ever experienced before.”

Images flashed in his mind: of her, naked, bent over his lap. Of his hands on her perfectly rounded ass, bringing the welts up on her skin…

She nodded her head, her blond hair sweeping her cheek. “I want it.”

“Then you shall have it. A true sensual fantasy.”

He paused, stroked her face. Her skin was as smooth and cool as porcelain, except for her cheeks, which were flushed with heat. He wanted to stop and question his tender treatment of her, what it was about her that brought out such unusual behavior in him. But now was not the time. Now he would introduce her into his world, a world of secret desires brought into the light. He swung the door open, and smiled when he heard her gasp.




amber lights, enough to illuminate the large space filled with pieces of equipment she’d only ever seen in movies. Images of medieval torture chambers flashed through her mind. Yet everything was clean, elegant, luxurious. Padded benches of different heights, covered in deep red velvet, were hung with golden chains and gold-plated manacles. The walls were draped in gold damask. Handcuffs made of red leather and lined in fur dangled from chains in the ceiling. Gilded cages in various shapes and sizes sat on white fur rugs on the floor. A fairyland of torture devices. A playland for the rich and deviant. A perverse sense of irony about it all.

Her knees went weak.

She had never seen anything like it. She was about to enter this place, had agreed to it. And she wanted to.

“Inside now, Magdalena.”

She could not get her feet to move.

He said softly, “Do it now, or I’ll make you enter on your knees.”

That was all she needed to hear. She stepped into the room. He was right behind her, closing the heavy door. She felt absolutely cut off from the world. She should have been frightened; instead she was as turned on as she’d ever been in her life. Even better when he smoothed his hands over her shoulders, standing behind her still. She couldn’t see him, but she could smell him, that dark, masculine scent. And she could
him. His presence alone was a palpable thing. Electrifying.

He leaned in and whispered, “I’m going to undress you now.”

She started to shake her head. But he moved in closer, held the edge of her turtleneck down with his hand, and kissed her just below her ear.

That kiss went straight to her sex, which filled, swelled, pulsed with need. When had she ever known a man who could do that to her with nothing more than a small kiss?

His hands were everywhere, gentle, exploring her curves, yet never quite touching her breasts, her bottom. By the time he slipped her sweater over her head she was ready, wanting him to do it.

“Ah, such lovely skin.” His voice was low, soothing.

He stroked her bare skin with his hands, still not crossing the boundaries of her black lace bra. Her breasts ached for his touch. In any other circumstance she would have torn her bra off and demanded what she wanted. But not now, not with him. This was different. Frustrating, in a keenly exquisite way.

He smoothed his palms over her shoulders, her back, her belly.

Lower, yes…

As though he heard her silent plea, his hands dipped lower, unbuttoned her wool slacks, let them slide down her legs.

“Christ, Magdalena, but you are gorgeous. Every silken inch of you.” He moved his hands down, over her hips, her thighs. “Your skin is so polished. Unmarked. Virginal. But I’ll take care of that eventually.”

She shuddered. What would he do to her? Her nerves were strung tight. Combined with her increasing arousal, she could barely stand still.

He came around to the front of her body, ran one finger over the curve of her breast, and her nipples peaked. “Spectacular. Have you ever had your nipples pinched hard enough to hurt? Really hurt?”

Oh, God.

Her nipples hardened even more.

“That’s only one of the things I will do to you. Maybe not today, but eventually.” He paused, smiled. “Or maybe today. One thing I can promise is to keep you guessing. You should know, for your article, for yourself, that that’s a part of it. The element of surprise. The wondering. The small heartbeat of fear about what might happen next. The anticipation for the bottom. The smug satisfaction for the top. Yes, we can be evil in that way. You will learn to love it, if you don’t already. But I think you might have discovered the pleasure of the unknown even now. That little thrill.”

He moved around behind her again, lifted her hair, stroked the back of her neck. She felt as though his fingers were between her thighs. Her sex went damp. She pressed her thighs together.

“No, Magdalena. In fact, let’s have you spread your legs for me.”

He couldn’t be saying this to her, couldn’t be asking her to do this!

His mouth was right next to her ear. “You will do it, Magdalena. For me.”

His hands slid down over her lace-clad buttocks, his fingers brushing the back of her thighs, then insinuating themselves between them.

“Spread for me.

His voice was harder than it had been before. Her legs were shaking. She moved them apart a little and his hand immediately dove in to cup her damp mound.

“More. I know you want to. My hand is right there. I can feel your heat, your need. You’re soaking wet and I’ve hardly touched you. Do it, Magdalena. Don’t fight me.”

Her mind whirling, she did as he said. She couldn’t manage to think about it. What was happening to her?

“Ah, much better.”

Why did she feel pleased at the approval in his voice?

“You see, it’s an easy thing to do, following orders. You simply need to hand yourself over to me. I’ll take care of everything. Now, down on your knees.”


“Shh. No talking back. Just do as I say.”

“But I can’t—”

“You can. And you will.” He pressed his hand to the back of her neck. Not enough to hurt, but it was clear he would force her down if she didn’t go on her own.

She sank to the floor, her heart slamming into her ribs.

“That’s it. Now spread your knees apart. Place your hands on the top of your thighs, palms up.”

She did it, hardly believing this was her on her knees on the floor, doing whatever this man told her to do. And enjoying it. Yes, something inside her was breaking apart, opening up already. How much more would he put her through before this was over? How lost would she become in what was happening here?

“I’m going to go over the rules now. The most important thing for you to remember is that I am in charge. You will not speak unless I tell you to. And when you do, you will address me as ‘Sir.’ You will do as I tell you, obey me without question or pause. You may wonder why I ask certain things of you. Trust that I know exactly what I’m doing, that everything has a purpose. You will come to understand eventually. Meanwhile, if you have questions, you will ask them once the scene is over. When we are no longer in role, you may speak to me as you normally would. Is that understood? You may answer me.”

She nodded, a strange sense of liquid heat infusing her limbs. It became all too real at this moment. “Yes. I understand.”

He reached out and buried the fingers of one hand in her hair, pulled tight, until her scalp burned just a little. But he’d made his point.

She gasped at the small shock of pain, and at the way her sex clenched in response. “Yes, Sir.”


He let her go, turned, and she watched him walk to a high, carved, antique armoire set against one wall. He opened the doors. Inside was an array of leather items, some with dangling bits of metal. There were also chains and lengths of rope, coiled and hung from hooks. The same heat that had coursed through her body earlier turned to fire. Her head was spinning.

He came back to her. “Lift your hair for me.”

She complied. He bent over her and fastened a leather collar around her neck.

She felt…she wasn’t sure what exactly. There was a tightness in her body. Reluctance? No, more than that. Fear? Panic?

Tears stung her eyes. She shook her head, biting her lip. She whispered, “I cannot do this. Please. I can’t.”

He went down on one knee so he could look her in the eye. He held her chin in his hand, forcing her to meet his gaze.

“You can. I know what you’re feeling. You’re fighting it. But your body has already proven that you want this. Just let it go. Stop struggling. You can do this. You can allow yourself to have this. Don’t you understand this means you don’t have to be responsible for anything while you’re with me?”

BOOK: The Darker Side of Pleasure
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