The Culture of Fear (54 page)

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Authors: Barry Glassner

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Hastings Center Report, on Ritalin
Harvard University
Health and Human Services Department, United States
black men and
Heaton, Jeanne
Thorpe and
Hentoff, Nat on Muhammad
Heimpel, Daniel
Herbert, Bob
Muhammad/anti-Semitism and
Herd immunity
return of
Hersh, Seymour on nerve gas exposure
Hilgeman, Georgia
Ideon and
Hill and Knowlton, Kuwaitis/public relations and
Hinckley, John
Hinson, David
on Valujet crash
Hitchcock, Alfred
HLN (CNN’s Headline News Network)
Hoffman, Donna on cyberporn
Hoffmann-La Roche, Rohypnol and
Hollings, Ernest
Homeland Security, Department of
on television
of tourists
victims of
See also
Mass murder
fear mongering and
mass murder and
pedophilia and
Homosexuality AIDS and
Horn, Wade on fatherlessness
Horowitz, David
on television/murder rate
Hurt, Nathaniel shooting by
Husband abuse. See Battered husbands
Hussein, Saddam
Hysterical Epidemics and Modern Media
International Airline Passengers Association
Ident-A-Kid, child registration by
Ideon Group, child registration by
Bennett on
panic mongering about
teen motherhood and
Illiberal Education
Illness as Metaphor
media and
Immigrants, fears about
Immunizations. See Vaccines
Imus, Don
Indianapolis Star,
on teen gambling
Indiscriminate victimization, myth of
Influenza epidemic, of 1918,
Innocent Images
Institute for Food and Development Policy, statistics from(n4)
Insurance companies, psychiatric hospitalization and
Intermittent explosive disorder
International Airline Passengers Association (IAPA)
Internet, pornography/pedophilia on
Internet, positive uses
Internet addiction
Internet paranoia
Invasion from Mars,
The (Cantril)
Invisible Man
Iraq War I.
Gulf War Syndrome
Iraq War II,
It Takes a Village
Ivy, Marilyn on missing children/marketing
Izquierdo, Elisa murder of
Jackson,Jesse teen motherhood and
Jacobs, Durand on teen gambling
Jardine, Alice on PC,
Jarriel, Tom on road rage
Jenkins, Philip on homophobia/pedophilia/mass murders
Jennings, Peter
Jews anti-Semitism and
Joffe, Joseph
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Jones, Paula
Journal of the American Medical Association
on advertisements/violence
on breast implants
on guns
Journal of the National Cancer Institute
on abortion/breast
on breast implants
Joyce, James
Judd, Jackie on juvenile crime
Justice Department, statistics from
Juvenile crime/delinquency
increase in
Kaiser Permanente, study by
Kaufman, Jonathan
Kerry, John
book publishers and
child molesters and
fears about
products to prevent
publicity aboutSee
Missing children
Kilzer, Louis on missing children
Kimball, Roger on PC,
King, Larry
King, Martin Luther
Kingery, John abandonment of
Klaas, Marc
Klaas, Polly
Klein, Joe on illegitimacy
Knox, Richard on abortion/cancer risk
Kolata, Gina(n57) on airline accidents
FAIR and
on GWS
on implant-milking attorneys
Konner, Melvin
Koontz, Miki media attention for
Koppel, Ted
Pena and
Kraft, Randy
Krajicek, David on unidentified black males
Kramer, Sharon
Kroll-Smith, Steve
on MCS
Kubeck, Candi death of
Ladd, Anthony criticism by
Laden, Osama bin
Lake, Ricki on teen pregnancy
Laminack, Rick breast implant suits by
Lancet, The
Landers, Ann
Larson, Erik on workplace violence
on Shakur death
Lawyers, breast implant scare and
Legal drugs, abuse of
Leigh, Jennifer Jason
Leo, John
on battered husbands
on Chico State/PC
Levy, Steven on Werner murder
LifeFax, child-registration/recovery service by
Limbaugh, Rush on PC,
Liz Claiborne, Incorporated study
Locke, Hubert on black anti-Semitism
Lopez, Awilda
media coverage of
sadism of
Los Angeles Times
on black anti-Semitism
on crack babies
on drug abuse
on elderly/crime
on Fisher
on GWS
on Headline News Network
homicide reporting in
Los Angeles Times
on MCS
on Riggs murder
on road rage
on roofie rapes
on sexual abuse/cyberspace
on Shakur
on teen gambling
on teen pregnancy
on Valujet crash
on Web crime
on Young
Low-cost carriers, safety and
Luker, Kristin
Lung disease, deaths from
McCain, John
McCann, Madeleine
McCarthy, Charlie
McCarthy, Jenny
McClave, Megan death of
McCollum, Bill on cyberpredators
McDonald’s, suit against
Macintyre, Sally on teen-pregnancy causes
McNitt, Judy and Neal
Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Magidson, Peggy
Magruder, Jeb
Maher, Bill
Males, Mike
Manson, Marilyn
Manzie, Sam
Werner murder and
“March Against Drugs” (ABC)
missing children and
Martin, Emily on vaccinations
Massing, Michael on heroin
Mass murder
homophobia/pedophilia and
“Maury Povich” show, Thorpe and
Mayo Clinic, breast implants and
Multiple chemical sensitivity
Mead, Walter Russell on pedophile priests
Mean-world syndrome
Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine
availability heuristic and
culture of fear and
crime coverage
pharmaceutical industry and
PC and
portrayal of teenagers
and September 11, 2001,
Medical malpractice suits
Melvoin, Jonathan death of
Metaphorical illnesses
advocates for
fear campaigns about
lawsuits concerning
talk shows and
truth and
vaccines and
Miami Herald,
on breast implants
Mickey Finn
Middleton, Otesa
Minneapolis Star Tribune,
on abortion/child abuse
Missing children
coverage about
fear mongering about
marketing and
profiting from
as throwaways.
See also
Missing Children’s Day
Modern Language Association, data from
Moehringer, J. R. on GWS
Mold, toxic
homosexuals/heterosexuals and
magazine, on vaccines
Monster moms
child abuse by
media tales of
Moore, Joan
Moran, Richard
on random killings/unsolved murders
Morning After, The
Morrison, Toni
Morrow, Lance on Hamilton/pedophilia
Monster moms
Single mothers
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick teen motherhood and
on breast implants
on sexism/drug prescriptions
on women/medical devices
Mueller, John,
Muhammad, Khalid
anti-Semitism of
attention for
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) coverage for
medicine and
Murphy, Sheigla on monster moms
NAS. See National Association of Scholars
Nasty As
Be (2 Live Crew), criticism of
Nation, The
National Academy of Science’s Institute of Medicine
National Association of Black Journalists
National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals, guidelines by
National Association of Scholars (NAS) and
National Center for Education Statistics, survey by
National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect
National College Health Risk Behavior Survey, statistics from
National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse
National Council of Breast Cancer Organizations
National Endowment for the Humanities, budget slashing at
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, road rage and
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse
National Public Radio
National Review
on battered husbands
National Rifle Association (NRA)
National Safe Kids Campaign, surveys by
National Transportation Safety Board, aviation safety and
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)
DPT vaccine and
Nation of Islam
NBC News
“The 411: Teens and Sex,”
on teen drug abuse
on Valujet crash
To Catcha Predator
(TV show)
Nerenberg, Arnold
Neurologizing of social problems
Newcomb, Polly on breast cancer/abortion
New England Journal ofMedicine
on breast cancer/abortion
on breast implants
on GWS/birth defects
New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement, Rimm and
Newman, Richard on commuter airlines
New Republic, The
Newsmagazines on commuter air travel
News organizations media content and
on aviation safety
on budget carriers
on crack babies
on Dunblane massacre
on gun control laws
on Halloween crimes
on Hamilton
on homophobia/pedophilia
on illegitimacy
on Klaas murder
on rap lyrics
on road rage
on school shootings
on Smith
on TWA Flight 800 crash
on Werner murder
on youth crime
on vaccine dangers
New York Daily News
on black/white shootings
on Bryant
on drug wars
on Izquierdo
on unidentified black males
New York
magazine, on crack epidemic
New York Observer
on TWA Flight 800 crash
New York Post
analysis of
on black/white shootings
on Internet/pedophiles
on Izquierdo
on Lopez
on TWA Flight 800 crash
New York Times
on aviation safety
on AMBER Alert system
on black anti-Semitism
on black/white shootings
on Bryant
on crack babies
on downsizing
on drug abuse
on elder abandonment
on fatherlessness
on GWS
on Halloween crimes
on Homeland Security warnings
on implant-milking attorneys
on Internet dangers
on juvenile crime
on Kubeck
on Lopez
on monster moms
on Muhammad
on 9/11 attacks
on pornography/pedophilia
prints terror scenarios
on rap lyrics
on Shakur
on teen gambling
on teen suicide

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