The Culture of Fear (53 page)

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Authors: Barry Glassner

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Bogart, John
teen drug abuse and
Boot camps
Boston Globe
on abortion/cancer risk
on elderly/crime
Bovie, Bill and Linda metaphorical illness and
Boynton, Graham on TWA Flight 800 crash
Bradley Foundation
Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
Brazelton, T. Berry
Breast cancer
abortion and
risk for
Breast implants
ban on
connective tissue disease and
debates about
disorders from
panic over
studies of
Brecher, Elinor on breast implants
Brind, Joel on breast cancer/abortion
Broder, David on illegitimacy
Brown, David on GWS
Brown, Larry
Brownstein, Henry on drug violence/bystanders
Brunvand, Jan Harold
Brustein, Robert on NAS
Bryant, Adam
on aviation safety
Bryant, Sherain murder by
Buchanan, Patrick
Buckley, William F.
Buffalo News,
Walsh in
Bush, George
on crime bill/veterans
drug abuse and
on Hussein
PC and
Bush, George W, post-9/11
Business Week
on counterfeit parts
government regulation and
Butterfield, Fox on juveniles/punishment
Byrne, Dennis on battered husbands
Caldas, Stephen on teen motherhood
Califano, Joseph survey by
Cancer risk of.
See also
Breast cancer
Prostate cancer
Cantril, Hadley
on scare stories
War of the Worlds
Capsular contracture, breast implants and
Cash, Johnny violent lyrics by
Cato, Michael
Cato Institute
Carmegie Mellon University
Cassidy, Veronica
CBS Early Show
CBS Morning News,
on road rage
CBS News
on antikidnapping products
on aviation safety
on crack babies
on drug abuse
on ValuJet crash
“CBS This Morning,” Clinton on
Center for Communication Policy (UCLA), on television crimes
Center for Violence Research and Prevention, Columbia University
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
GWS and
Centerwall, Brandon crime rate analysis by
Chadwick, Alex on road rage
Chapman, Stephen on commuter airlines
Chasnoff, Ira on crack baby panic
Chavez, Linda on totalitarianism/college campuses
Chemical weapons
Cheney, Dick
Chicago Sun-Times
on battered husbands
on GHB
Chicago Tribune,
on commuter airlines
Chico Stateat
Child abduction.
Child abuse
abortion and
clergy and
coverage of
fatalities resulting from
fathers and
monster moms and
statistics on
Child Lures,
publication of
Child pornography
fear mongering about
on Internet
crime and
dangers for
divorce and
fear of
media coverage of
violence against
See also
Missing children
Children Now, study by
Children’s Defense Fund
Child safety seats, aviation safety and
Christian Coalition
Christian Science Monitor,
on teen gambling
Chronicle of Higher Education
Chung, Connie on aviation safety
Ciba Geigy, Ritalin profits for
Civil liberties, after 9/11
Clay, Andrew Dice
Clergy, pedophilia and
Cleveland Plain Dealer
on crack babies
Clinton, Bill
on absent fathers
airport security and
drug policies of
heroin scare and
on juvenile crime
on teen motherhood
tort reform and
Clinton, Chelsea
Clinton, Hillary Rodham on child rearing
on budget carriers
on GWS
Headline News Network
on road rage
on teen drug abuse
on teen pregnancy
Coats, Christian
Coats, Dan
Cobain, Kurt
death of
Coffey, Shelby on journalistic skepticism
Cohen, Richard
on black anti-Semitism
on illegitimacy
Cole, K. C.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Columbia Journalism Review,
on elder abandonment
Columbia University’s Center for Violence Research and Prevention
on clergy/pedophilia
Communications Decency Act (1996)
Commuter airlines, fears about
First Amendment and
PC and
Contract with America
Cook, Gareth on aviation safety
Cooke, Patrick on television violence
Coors Foundation
Corrections Corporation of America
Council on Scientific Affairs, report from
Counterfeit parts
Country music, violence in
Couric, Katie
scare stories and Walsh interview by
Crack baby panic
demise of
Crack cocaine
panic over
popularity of
Crenshaw, Kimberlé Williams on
Nasty As They Wanna Be
Crier, Catherine on elder abuse
and advertising
black men and
children and
coverage of
media induced fear of
television violence and
victims of
Croteau, Scott death of
Cuisinart Effect
Culture of fear waste on
Cunningham-Burley, Sarah on teen pregnancy
Current Research in Social Pshchology
Cyber Angels
panic about
Dadd, Debra Lynn MCS and
Dahmer, Jeffrey
Daily Mail,
on Dunblane massacre
Daily Telegraph
on Quintana
on teen violence
Dallas Morning News,
on Rohypnol
Danson, Ted
Dartmouth Review
Date rape
drug abuse and
victims of
Davis, Richard Allen
“Dear Mama” (Shakur)
Del-Debbio, Peter conviction of
Post, on missing children
Department of Defense, Persian Gulf War and
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
on drug abuse
and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders
road rage and
Die Zeit
(German newspaper)
Diller, Lawrence
Diptheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) vaccine
panic about
Discount tickets, aviation safety and
Disney, rap music and
Dissatisfied Parents Together, Fisher and
Dodd, Westley Alan
Dole, Bob
drug policies and
on juveniles/punishment
on lawsuit abuse
on rap music
Shakur and
Dow Corning
breast implant scare and
bankruptcy for
Dowd, Maureen
on drug abuse
on 9/11 attacks
Downs, Hugh
on pornography/pedophilia
on road rage
impact of
workplace violence and
“DPT: Vaccine Roulette” (WRC-TV)
DPT vaccine. See Diptheria-pertussis-tetanus vaccine
Dreese, John on clergy/pedophilia
Drug abuse.
See also
Legal drugs
coverage for
date rape and
decline in
fears of
flower children and
Teen drug abuse
Drug Enforcement Agency
Drug prohibition laws
Drug scares
poster children of
presidentially inspired
Drunk driving
media coverage for
and road rage compared
DSM. See
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
D’Souza, Dinesh
Dubious Conceptions
Dunblane massacre.
See also
Hamilton, Thomas
DuPont, breast implant scare and
Tucker in
Economy (crisis)
Edwards, Bob
Edwards, Don
abandonment of
violent crime and
Elders, Joycelyn
teen motherhood and
Eli Stone
(TV show)
Ellis, Bill on Halloween crimes
Ellison, Ralph
Elshtain, Jean Bethke
Empower America
fear mongering and
glorification of
secondary scholars and
“Eye to Eye with Connie Chung,” on Muhammad
Federal Aviation Administration
Fagen, Jeffrey
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR),
Kolata and
Fall from Grace
“Family Protection Network” service
Family Research
Fan, David drug crisis and
Farley, Christopher on black anti-Semitism
Farrakhan, Louis W. anti-Semitism of
Fatherless America
children and
fear mongering about
menace of
U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Feagin, Joe on black anti-Semitism
unacknowledged guilt and
See also
Culture of fear
Fear mongering
authorities/experts and
credibility for
impact of
PC and
tricks of(n2)
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
aviation safety and
on commuter airlines
counterfeit parts and
criticism of
Valujet crash and
Federal Welfare Law (1996)
Feminism and Psychology,
on MCS
breast implants and
Fields, Gary
Fisher, Barbara Loe
Dissatisfied Parents Together and
expertise of
Flanders, Laura
Floyd, H. Hugh on MCS
Flying Blind, Flying Safe
Folger Shakespeare Library
Ford, Tennessee Ernie violent lyrics by
on O’Quinn/Laminack
“48 Hours,” mock abductions on
Fox, James Alan
Fragin, Sheryl
on Kolata
Frankfurter, Felix
“Frontline,” on GWS
Frum, David on Buchanan
Gabriel, Sherine
Gacy, John Wayne
addictions to
raising age for.
See also
Teen gambling
Gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB)
Garcia, Cindy.
Quintana, Adella
Gates, Henry Louis on rap lyrics
Gelles, Richard on battered husbands
George, Nelson
Georgetown Universityat
Gerbner, George mean-world syndrome
Gergen, Kenneth
Gamma hydroxybutyric acid
Gibson, Pamela Reed on MCS
Giuliani, Rudolph Muhammad and
Gloucester, Massachusetts, “pregnancy pact,”
Goldstein, Richard
on black/white shootings
on Lopez
New York Post
analysis by
Gompers, Samuel on Chinese immigrants
Gonzales, Jacob
“Good Morning America,” on drug abuse
Grace, Nancy
Granny dumping
Greeley, Andrew M. on clergy/pedophilia
Griego, Diana on missing children
Gulf War Syndrome (GWS)
birth defects and
fear mongering about
medicine and
Pentagon criticism and
speculation about
studies on
control of
proliferation of
road rage and
teen suicide and
and school shootings
on television
Gulf War Syndrome
Haberman, Clyde on TWA Flight 800 crash
Haederle, Michael on Bell/MCS
Haemophilus influenzae bacteria
Halloween crimes
panic about
Hamilton, Thomas
mass murder by
pedophilia and
See also
Dunblane massacre
Hardy, Ernest on Shakur death
Harris, Scott on homicide reporting

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