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Authors: C.A. Williams

The Crush (11 page)

BOOK: The Crush
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I couldn’t believe she had lied to me like that when I was seriously considering breaking up with Lexie before she dropped that little bombshell of hers. Apparently she had told the rest of her friends too because they were all giving me the cold shoulder, I even felt a little bit of a chill from Vance and he was
best friend.

“Grier!” I heard the familiar squeal of Lexie come up behind me and I had to try so hard not to grimace at the sound of her voice. Lately it was like nails on a chalkboard to me.

“Hey Princess, how’s it going?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and she ran one of her perfectly manicured fingers up my chest.

“You’re still planning on coming out with daddy and me tonight, right?”

Oh yeah I had almost forgotten that I had agreed to that. I’m sure this was some kind of meet up they had planned together to talk about getting a ring on his precious daughters finger before he threw down the money on a place for us.

“Sure, I’ll be there. You said to meet you around 6:00, right?”

“Perfect,” she said before planting a quick kiss on my lips and turning to sashay down the hallway in that short ass skirt of hers. She sure didn’t act like the virgin she still was with some of the getups she paraded around school in and she seemed to enjoy the attention.

I walked down the hallway to meet up with Vance where he was standing near our lockers with Hallie by his side. Every time I saw that scene I still had to take a second glance. That little blonde thing had him wrapped around her finger and I never thought I’d see the day that Vance Nelson was in love.

We hadn’t seen much of each other lately since he seemed to spend most of his time with Hallie. Lexie didn’t get along well with other girls especially since they had migrated away from our lunch table which Lexie seemed to view as her throne. That just led Lexie to talk even more shit about Wynn and how she had turned the girls against her.

“Hey guys what’s happening?” I opened up my locker and began pulling out the books that I needed for the rest of the day.

“Not much dude,” Vance replied with a pat on my back. “You wanna hang tonight, Hals got something goin’ on with the girls for the weekend and it’s been a long time.” We had a short school week with a teachers in-service day falling on Friday, giving us an extra long weekend that I had been looking forward to after this week from hell.

“Wish I could but I’ve got something going on with Lexie and her dad tonight. Maybe we can do something over the weekend though.”

“Sounds like a blast bud, I’m so glad I’m not you. We’ll see about this weekend, I might have other plans.” He answered with a smirk before leaning down to place a kiss on Hallies waiting lips as I trailed behind them where they stopped at her locker which of course just happened to be right next to Wynns.

“It’ll be alright sweetie,” I overhead Collins saying to Wynn who looked like she was trying to shield herself with the locker door.

“I promise if we need to we’ll take off. Me, you, Tess, and Hal. We can bring Vance along for the muscles. I’ve always wanted to go to Europe, that sounds like fun right?”

Collins was able to draw a small laugh out of her with that and she slammed the locker shut to face her group of friends that surrounded her while I stood on the edge watching.

“Thanks guys, it really means a lot to have you all on my side.”

“Not a problem Wynnie,” Vance answered back for the group. “We all gotch your back, trust me your going to get sick of us always being around, we won’t let you out of our sight for even a second darlin’. That asshole won’t want to get a piece of me.”

“What’s goin’ on here girl? What’s everyone talkin’ about?” I asked as I stepped forward right in the line of a very shaken up Wynns vision. The way her eyes widened told me she hadn’t realized I had been standing there the whole time.

Collins stepped in front of her though like she was shielding her from me. “None of your god damned business Grier Daniels. You lost that right when you believed that hoe bag of yours over Wynnie here who had no reason whatsoever to lie to you in the first place. Now get,” she hissed out between clenched teeth.

I had known Collins Wakefield basically since we were in diapers and I don’t think I had ever seen her so worked up in my life even when Vance had beheaded her favorite baby doll and chucked it like a football into the ocean.

“Can you just give us a minute guys, I’d like to talk to Grier alone if you all don’t mind.”

 Everyone nodded their heads in agreement before Hallie leaned over and whispered something in Wynns ear and then gave me one of those evil eye stare downs and pulled Vance behind her. Who was on a leash now?

“What’s goin’ on Wynn? I know we haven’t exactly been friends lately but I still care about you and don’t want to see you get hurt.”

She narrowed those pretty eyes at me and gave me the same kind of stare down I had just received from Hallie, apparently everyone thought I was an asshole around here now.

“Trust me, we are from friends but if you must know it’s about Richard. He’s trying to claim visitation rights on me, moms been trying everything she can to stop it but seeing as how he’s a lawyer he’s been pulling out his whole bag of tricks and it looks like he’s coming pretty close to get just what he wants.”

I just stared back at her in disbelief. How could something like that even be possible after that man had hurt her the way he did and almost raped her?

“So what are you plannin’ on doing about that? I won’t let that jackass get near you girl, I’ll tear his fuckin’ throat out before that happens.”

 I reached out to swipe a tear with my thumb that was rolling down her cheek but she flinched at my touch. That had never happened before, she had always been comfortable around me from day one and to know that’s how she felt about me made me feel like complete and utter shit.

“I don’t need your protection Grier, you lost out on being my friend when you didn’t trust me. I have some great friends who care about me but if I have to I’ll leave town on my own so no one can find me. I don’t want anyone getting hurt because of me.”

“Fine Wynn,” I said as I ran a hand through my hair, biting my tongue so I wouldn’t upset her any further. That damn girl could be so stubborn sometimes but I was not about to let anything happen to her whether she liked it or not. “Can I at least walk you to your next class?”

She gave me a brief nod but didn’t utter a word to me the whole time I followed her down the hallway and deposited her at the door of her American Government class.

“So where you girls goin’? Vance said you all were heading out somewhere and ditchin’ his ass for the weekend. I’m surprised y’all were able to tear him and Hallie apart, their normally stuck together like glue.”

 I leaned an arm above her head against the doorframe and managed to get a small smile out of her.

“Yeah their cute together aren’t they? Actually everyone is dragging me out to a concert in Panama City and then we’re staying there for the weekend. It’ll be good to get out of town for a few days.”

“Oh yeah which one?” I was glad she would be able to have some fun and take her mind off things.

“Taylor Swift.”

I made a face at her and she even gave me a small giggle. “I can see why Vance didn’t want to go. I though you didn’t even like country music.”

“Well living around here for awhile it’s hard not to.” I nodded my head in agreement and she gave me a small wave before heading into class. I continued on with my day even though I think I barely heard a word. My mind was on one person only.

“Uh did you hear about Wynn Campbell?” Lexie asked as she made herself comfortable in my lap at lunch. There were plenty of open seats at our table since the others girls had moved but Lexie had to put on a show for everyone, like they didn’t know we were together or something.

“What about her princess?” She twirled a blonde curl around her finger and started to pick through her salad before she answered me in a hushed tone.

“Well Miranda here said that she was blubbering in the hallway over something, I’m sure she was a mess and I heard from Becka it’s because she went and got herself knocked up. She probably doesn’t even know who the daddy is with all of those guys she’s been out with.”

I rolled my eyes at her and shifted her off my lap. I’m sure Lexie was at the root of any rumors that were being spread around school about Wynn but I was not about to tell her the real cause of her tears. That would be a mess.

“First of all Wynn doesn’t date so I don’t know what guys you’re talkin about…”

Miranda piped up to interrupt me with a quick shake of her head. “Oh yes she does, Hallie is always setting her up so she can go on double dates with her and Vance. She normally doesn’t go on any second dates with any of ‘em, not that the guys don’t try but she just doesn’t seem interested. Wynns not that type of girl though, I’m sure there was something else goin’ on there.”

She shot a nervous look at Lexie who looked she had steam rollin’ out of her ears by the way one of her loyal subjects had just defied her in front of everyone. At least Miranda had the guts to stick up for Wynn.

“Oh please Miranda, you and everyone else knows
type. She might come off as shy and innocent but we all know she’s spreadin’ her legs for anyone in town who wants a piece. Or maybe the babies her step-daddy’s, now wouldn’t that be a hoot?”

“That’s enough Lexie,” I bit out, clenching my jaw so I didn’t lose my shit in front of everyone. How she knew anything about the situation with Wynns step dad was beyond me and I couldn’t believe she would make a joke out of it. “Stop being a bitch and just mind your business.”

She let out a small gasp and widened her eyes at me. “Excuse me? Are you seriously siding with that girl over your future wife?”

“We’ll talk about this later,” I whispered in her ear. “I need to head out, see ya’ll later.”

 I gave a quick nod to everyone that was surrounding Lexie who all seemed to be in shock that I had just talked to her that way. I’m sure there would be another empty seat tomorrow vacated by Miranda. I couldn’t wait till I got away from all of this high school drama but I had a feeling if I married Lexie Brockett my life would be one big ole soap opera.


After school I went home to change into a pair of khaki shorts and a white button down shirt that I left untucked   before having dinner with Lexie and her dad. Sometimes that wasn’t even dressy enough for the places we went too but I wasn’t about to dress up in one of those fancy suits like her daddy. Not my thing.

“You look nice sweetheart. Where you heading out to all dressed up?” Mom asked, as she sorted through a stack of bills while sitting at the kitchen counter drinking a glass of her favorite wine.

“Just out with Lexie and her dad.” I took a swig of my coke and leaned back against the counter to study my mom. She looked up and gave me one of those serious mom looks she got when I knew some big lecture was coming.

“Now Grier you know how proud of you I am with all of the hard work you’ve put into school and football. Everyone in town is just buzzing about their very own playing for the Crimson Tide. I don’t want you to go screwing any of that up by thinking you have to marry that girl. I’m sorry I don’t like her but I can’t help myself, she is vindictive and isn’t interested in anything other than money. I don’t want you to make the same mistake I did with your father. Obviously I got you out of that whole thing and I will never regret it but your dad and I got married way too young and frankly we were both dumb and immature. Your father hasn’t changed much since then.”

“I know mom, trust me. I’ve been thinking things over a lot more lately but I just need to get a few things straightened out in my head before I go makin’ any life changing decisions like that. I’m sure what this dinner tonight is all about though.”

Mom came over and wrapped me in a warm hug before placing a kiss on my forehead.“You got a good head on your shoulders Grier Daniels, I know you’ll make the right decisions. Speaking of, how’s things with Wynn lately?”

Now I was sure mom knew something happened between us but she wasn’t one to pry in my business if I didn’t bring issues up. I’m sure it was a dead giveaway when I stopped showing up at her office on Thursdays when I knew Wynn would be there for her weekly appointments and she certainly didn’t need to know about what happened after the party.

“Not much mama I don’t want to get into it but she lied to me about somethin’ and I just can’t be friends with a person like that. She’s going through something right now with that dick back home that messed her up though. I wouldn’t be surprised if you got a call from her. She was a mess at school, apparently the guys trying to get visitation with Wynn or somethin’.  I don’t know how that could ever happen, it seemed like there was plenty of evidence to put the guy away.”

Mom didn’t seem too shocked about what I told her and just shook her head at me. “I thought something like this would happen when Cecelia Jane told me how he had adopted Wynn when she was a little girl. That man is clearly obsessed with Wynn and he probably see’s her as the reason their marriage ended. Thanks for telling me honey, I think I’ll give her a call to see how she’s doing.”

I glanced down at my watch and saw that it was almost 5:00. I figured I should head over to Lexies so I could have a talk with her about leaving Wynn alone in private and maybe a talk about the direction of our relationship. Just because I wasn’t going to be with Wynn didn’t mean I needed to stay with Lexie.

“’Kay sounds good. I’m gonna head out, I’ll see you later on.”

I walked about a mile up to the beach where Lexies house stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the more modest houses that surrounded it that looked more like little beach cottages. Her daddy sure liked to flaunt the fact that he was rollin’ in the dough.

“Lex,” I called out from the expansive entry way, almost every surface was marble and there was expensive artwork and statues lining the whole way. Every time I came over I felt like I had to tiptoe around the place so I wouldn’t knock anything over. If I ever happened to make it to the NFL like I had planned out, I didn’t want my first paycheck going to Mr. Brockett.

BOOK: The Crush
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