The Crush

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Authors: C.A. Williams

BOOK: The Crush
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The Crush

By C.A. Williams



Text Copyright 2012 C.A. Williams

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C.A. Williams

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To my husband and kids for all of their love and support

Especially my husband who helped me out with all of the sports facts I needed to put this story together, he is like an encyclopedia with all that knowledge



“I pray to be like the ocean, with soft currents, maybe waves at times. More and more, I want the consistency rather than the highs and the lows.”

Drew Barrymore


Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23




Uh you would think after living in Michigan for more than half of my existence I would be used to this ever-changing weather by now. Nope, never going to happen. One day it’s sunny and warm and the next day it could be snowing. I don’t think I would ever get used to it. Today was excrutiantely hot and it didn’t help that I had been stuck in a closed up classroom where the teacher refused to turn the a/c on due to budget cuts.

I had left school early with a major headache after the office got the okay from my mom who was out running errands a few towns over and said she would be home later in the day to check on me. I’m pretty sure the major headache was from my so called BFF Claire, who was trying to argue her way with me about dating my ex boyfriend Tim. What kind of best friend does that you ask? Uh Claire.

Not that I was ever really in love with Tim or anything, we had some fun times together but that boy was a few fries short of a Happy Meal to put it lightly. I’m pretty sure he got dropped on his head more than once when he was a baby. But we had dated for a few months and even done the deed after awhile albeit a little awkwardly. I’m still not really sure what all the hype was about. I basically laid there while he ran his meaty hands all over my body, grunted a few times, and wham bam thank you ma’m, end of story.

We broke up pretty much right after that but not before Tim tried to get in my pants about 100 more times. And Claire knew all of this. Of course she was supposedly my BFF so she was the one and only person I told. So what does she do? Tries to date him the day after we break up telling me how she’s the perfect match for him and how it shouldn’t matter to me. Blah, Blah, Blah Claire. There’s like a girl code for that.

Luckily I was able to drive myself home and didn’t need to rely on mom anymore for rides. I had just gotten my license and was among the few who were instantly gifted by their dad with a car for passing the driver’s test. Of course it only took me about four tries but I got it and that’s all that counts.

To say I was a daddy’s girl was an understatement. Not that I asked for much but if I happened to go shopping, there was my dad holding out the credit card for me always making sure I had the best of the best. And he always tended to side with me over mom when I wanted my way. I felt a little guilty always having him on my side over my mom sometimes but I was a teenager, who wouldn’t want their way?

I felt the blast of cool air as soon as I opened the door and proceeded up the stairs to my bedroom to strip off my sweaty clothes and changed into a tank top and boxer shorts. Ah relaxation. I would have the house to myself before my mom came home buzzing around trying to find new messes to clean or something to bake.

My mom was a true southern girl at heart: always having a pitcher of iced tea sitting in the fridge, a plate of cookies filled for any guests who might happen to drop by and always ALWAYS having a home cooked dinner on the table for her husband nightly. Now whether or not dad showed up was a different story. Often times it ended up just being me and her, with a leftover plate wrapped and put away until dad got home.

My dad, Richard Campbell III, was a nice guy. Well for all intents and purposes he was my dad. My real dad had been killed in a car accident when I was about three years old so I don’t remember anything about him. Supposedly Richard was passing through the small town where my mom lived and swept her off her feet. They got married, moved us away, and Richard adopted me, so he really was the only dad I’ve ever known. Sometimes he came off as a pompous jackass with his flashy car, designer clothes, and I’m-better-than-you attitude but really he meant well.

After grabbing a coke and a couple of moms chocolate chunky gobs, which would be the perfect cure for my headache, I plopped down on the pristine cream leather couch, tucking my feet underneath me and clicked on the TV. Oh if mom could see me now she would be having a shitfest. First of all we were to NEVER eat in this room and second of all I wasn’t sitting like a proper southern gal, something that had been drilled into me since the minute I was out of her womb.

I was just setting my cup down on the glass end table, without a coaster,
ah the travesty,
when I heard a loud banging noise coming from upstairs. I instantly swiveled my head around, grabbing the remote like it would be a totally useful weapon and headed towards the staircase to creep up the stairs. Okay I was totally doing one of those movie cliché things, shouldn’t I be running the other way or calling oh I don’t know the cops? Nope not me.

I cautiously opened up each door with my handy remote held out in front of me ready to swing away and take out the bad guy. I made it to the last door being my parent’s room and quickly swung it open, maybe I’ll take the perpetrator by surprise. And quickly wished I would have never done that and been able to zap the memory of my dad sitting in the computer chair with his pants hanging around his ankles and his hand down

“Wynn what are you doing home?” My dad asked, looking not even the slightest embarrassed by the whole situation. I tried to cover my eyes and back quickly out of the room without stumbling over my clumsy feet. Excuse me I’m going to go wash my eyeballs in acid.

“Um sorry, I didn’t feel well, came home early, mom okayed it, gotta go bye,” I managed to ramble out while my damn feet seemed to not be cooperating.

“Wait Wynn, come over here. Maybe you can help me out.” Um excuse me? Maybe I needed to unclog my ears as well now. I think my feet were frozen in place or I was in shock or something.

“The way you’re always running around in those skimpy clothes and always having that Tim boy in your room, I know your an experienced girl. No one would ever have to know. It would be our little secret.” His voice came out in a low husky tone that I did not like one bit and the hairs on the back of my neck began to prickle.

I slowly uncovered my eyes to look into his to see if he was actually being serious. Haha Wynn what a funny jokester I am! But no such luck, he had a strange look on his face that I had never seen before and I didn’t like it one bit.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea
” Any man that propositioned me with his pants down was not any father of mine in my eyes.

“Alright,” he huffed out like he was annoyed with me and stood up pulling his pants with him, doing up the zipper and sliding his buckle into place.

“But your mother hears nothing about this. Simple misunderstanding. Agreed?”

He squinted his beady eyes at me with his arms crossed over his chest, tapping his foot like I had done something wrong. And now he thought I would just live with some perv and not tell my mom what happened? Yeah, don’t think so.

“Oh trust me mom will be hearing about this Richard,” I managed to bite out and the minute those words left my mouth he went ballistic. He had covered the short distance between us in a flash and had a hand around my throat before I even knew what he was doing.

“This is your last chance Wynn.” His hot rancid breath was so close to my face and at that moment I realized how much he resembled a snake. “Not a word of this to your mother or your car will be taken away.”

Now I might love my car, Suzy, was truly my best friend. We went everywhere together and she didn’t try for my sloppy seconds like my supposed BFF Claire. But I was not about to be some bratty teenager who could be shut up and bribed with a car. But of course I couldn’t keep my mouth shut, do the smart thing and just get myself out the situation.

He loosened his grip on my throat, thinking his little threat would shut me up but that was not going to happen.“Mom will hear about this and how much of a douche bag you really are.” I swear his eyes practically bulged right out of his head and his face turned a sickly shade of purple.

 “Alright you little bitch,” he said raising his voice and pushing me to the floor with clenched teeth. “Just remember you asked for this.”

One hand instantly had my wrists trapped above my head, his nails digging in, clearly puncturing the sensitive skin while the other hand made its way into my shorts, tearing them down along with my underwear as I tried to twist and free my body. One swift kick from my struggling feet seemed to knock him off balance and I was able to turn over onto my stomach and crawl towards the open doorway.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He snapped out as he grabbed onto one of my ankles so tightly I think I heard a bone snap, twisting my body back around and pinning me against the floor. I thrashed and screamed so hard my throat was raw but I couldn’t move his body with mine. I tried lifting my head up to slam into his but he quickly smashed it back down against the floor causing my teeth to slice through my lip and I tasted the metallic blood filling up my mouth.

“Please,” I pleaded through blurry eyes. “Don’t do this, I won’t tell. Nothing happened.”

But by then Richard was so far gone, I don’t think he even heard me. It was like something had snapped in his head. He worked his pants back down with his free hand, situating himself between my legs and I squeezed my eyes shut, not believing that this could actually be happening. But I couldn’t give up. This could not happen.

“Don’t worry it’ll all be over soon enough, just hold still you’ll only make it worse.”

Then the door swung open and in came my mom all five feet two of her, eyes flashing with anger, not a blonde hair out of place to save the day. She looked like an angel the way the sunlight was hitting her hair just right that it created a golden halo.

“What in the hell is going on here?”

Chapter 1

One Month Later

“Mom are you sure you want to do this?”

“Wynn. We are not having this discussion again. This will be best for us, you’ll see.”

I rolled my eyes at her, trying to crank down the window of the U-Haul we had crammed all of our belongings into for a day and a half journey to good old Bayside, Alabama. Yes we did have the discussion several times now but mom was not budging. Even though she had tried all of her life to get out of the small town where she grew up, we were making the long journey back.

After the ‘incident’ as I refer to it with Richard, mom unleashed a can of whop ass on him that I didn’t know she even had in her. An ER visit, police charges, lots of therapy sessions, delivered divorce papers and a whole lot of packing all led up to the decision that we would be better off with my Grams and Aunt Gracie.

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