The Crimson Bond (5 page)

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Authors: Erika Trevathan

BOOK: The Crimson Bond
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            “Nice to meet you, Mr. Chase”, I said this politely while at the same time glaring at him and quickly withdrew my hand. I worried that it would totally discredit me if Julie thought I had something going on with our boss.
Julie appeared oblivious to our silent exchange and handed me the package. “Thank you for your help today. I’ll see you in the morning.”
Without a second glance at Alex, I slipped back out the door and continued towards the elevators with Kara.
Kara nudged me with her elbow as we walked. “Omg, that man is beyond gorgeous, and rich and successful to boot. It’s too bad that he never dates his employees. Trust me, I’ve tried to get his attention and he’s all business.” She gave an overdramatic sigh as we entered the elevator and rode down.
“So he owns the company. Interesting.”
Why didn’t he tell me he owned the company I would be working at?
He had to have known when I told him where I would be working the other night at the bar. I was brooding over this as I said goodbye to Kara and headed to my car. I stopped next to my car door to dig my keys out of my pocketbook. When I finally located them and looked up, the object of my thoughts was standing in front of me. He had removed his jacket and loosened his tie. The sleeves of his long sleeved dress shirt were rolled up showing his muscular forearms. He looked incredibly sexy and it was no wonder girls like Kara were falling all over themselves to get his attention. I jumped, dropping my pocketbook. “Aaagh, you scared me! How did you get down here so fast?”
He cocked one eyebrow up. “I think you know why. I trust you had a good first day here?”

            “Alex, this is crazy. I work for you now too? So not only am I bonded to you, but you’re my boss as well?!” I mean, really. Talk about completely taking over my life. Unbelievably, I didn’t really resent that he was so quickly becoming a major part of my life. No one had ever made me feel the way he did and it was almost as if a magnetic pull was between us. I knew that whatever this bond was, it was incredibly strong and completely inhuman.
Alex opened my car door and waited while I got in. “Brooke, I know you have a lot of questions. You are the one who asked for time to come to terms with this. I am not a patient man as you will find out. I’ll come by your house Friday night and we can talk all you want. As far as me being your boss, I’m relieved you’ve gotten a position here where I’ll be nearby. Until you’re turned, you’re vulnerable to other vampires. The last thing they want is for us to complete the bond and gain power. More importantly, you mean too much to me to allow any harm to come to you.”

            I closed my eyes shaking my head slightly. I massaged my temples with my fingers. “This whole thing is just unbelievable. There’s so much I don’t understand. There’s only one thing that I feel sure of.” I looked up from where I sat in the driver’s seat and met his eyes. It was crazy how I could feel his nearness rushing through my blood and the beat of his heart reverberating throughout me. I have no idea where I got the nerve to spill my guts to him, but I was definitely getting ready to now. Alex standing so close to me and giving me the full attention of his piercing blue eyes, completely broke down my walls and had my true feelings spilling out.” For some reason, I feel completely at peace when you’re near me, but when we’re apart, I feel like I’m ripping in two. Whatever this is between us is so strong it’s scaring me.”
            He studied me for a minute with his intense gaze before replying, “Brooke. Without a doubt, we are meant for each other. When vampires bond with someone, it is stronger than any human relationship ever could be. What you are feeling is completely normal and if it makes you feel better, I feel the same way.” He gave me a sexy little half grin when my eyes widened with shock that he was just as affected as I was. I had no idea why he had bonded with me, but I felt incredibly lucky and a whole lot of scared about what it all meant. He leaned down and gently brushed my lips with his. The feelings this sparked within me were sharp and overwhelming. He must have felt it too, because he deepened the kiss causing feelings to flare up with an intensity that was indescribable. He pulled back and then placed a chaste kiss on my forehead. “Be safe on your way home.” Shaken and more than a little drained from the rollercoaster of emotions, I made my way back to the apartment, once again feeling way out of my league. 


            After a good night sleep and a restoring cup of coffee, I was again heading into work and preparing myself to face Alex. As if worrying about doing well at my new job wasn’t enough- add to the fact that I also had to worry about impressing Alex, and you had a very stressful work environment developing. While at work, I did my best to avoid him, mostly because I couldn’t seem to think straight when he was nearby. When we did run into each other he maintained an outwardly professional demeanor, but that didn’t stop him from speaking to me using our connection. And even though most of what he said would have been appropriate even if spoken aloud, what bothered me about it was the way it affected me. When it came to him, I was completely hopeless at controlling my reactions.

            Unfortunately, Julie flagged me down first thing when I arrived and asked me to go in her place to a meeting later in the morning. My stomach dropped. I knew Alex would be there and the idea of sitting at the same table with him while ignoring the effect he had on me and at the same time do my job, made me very nervous. It was going to be a challenge to control the way my body reacted to him, whether it was just him or the bond or both, I didn’t know. But whatever the reason, I was going to be in for it.

            I spent most of the morning watching the clock, wanting time to hurry by so I could get this meeting over with. Seeing that I still had twenty minutes, I grabbed my coffee mug and headed to the break room to refill. I headed back to my office and sat down to check my emails to pass the time. Just as I was closing out of my email account my hand hit my mug sending hot coffee dumping into my lap. I gasped as the coffee seeped through the fabric of my pale blue skirt. I stood up quickly, grabbing a handful of napkins and dabbing frantically at my skirt in an attempt to soak up some of the liquid. I started to panic. There was no saving my skirt; it was sopping wet with a huge dark coffee stain marring the front. I glanced at the clock and a jolt of dread hit me when I realized that I would have to go into my first real meeting at Chase looking like a complete train wreck. What was worse, was Alex would be there to witness the disaster.
Think Brooke, think.
Looking out my office door, inspiration hit. I hightailed it around my desk, rushing up to Kara. Hearing me coming up behind her she turned around, her mouth dropping when she saw I was covered in coffee. She glanced worriedly at the clock.

            “Uh, oh Brooke. You’re supposed to be downstairs in that meeting, like, right now!”

            “I know. I can’t believe this is happening to me. I have the absolute worst luck ever.” I gave her a pleading look. “Can you please; please switch skirts with me for just long enough for me to go to this meeting. I promise to switch back as soon as I’m done.”

Kara eyed my soaking wet skirt and then finally stood up. “Brooke you owe me one. Big time.”

            “Oh God, thank you so much. I’m going to be late, but at least I won’t be covered with coffee.”

            After quickly swapping skirts, I raced over to the elevator hitting the down button several times. Luckily, the door opened right up and I was able to ride down to the second floor with no stops. Butterflies fluttered around my stomach as I headed to the meeting room. By my watch I was already ten minutes late. Not good for my first time covering for Julie. She was big on being prompt. My stomach really took a nosedive when I opened the door and eight heads turned to watch me walk in.
So much for slipping in unnoticed
. I was pulling out a chair to sit down and was just about to apologize when I heard Alex’s voice in my head.
Don’t apologize. They have no idea that you weren’t expected to be late.

            I placed my laptop in front of me and busied my self with opening it up while answering him.
I had an unexpected incident to deal with.

            His voice held humor when he responded.
I know.

            My eyes flew up to meet his and I was horrified to see him holding back laughter. Clearly he had read my thoughts and had seen the whole embarrassing incident play out. I didn’t know whether to laugh or be angry. I bit my lip and turned my attention to one of my coworkers who had picked up where he had left off when I walked in. I sighed inwardly as I realized that there would be no secrets with Alex around for the rest of eternity.

            The next few days were spent catching up on all of the work Julie had given me from her weeks without an assistant. I was so busy that I ate the lunch while working at my desk. Amazingly, I had not seen Alex all week. My guess was that he was keeping to his promise to give me until the weekend to process everything. I was already regretting my need for space and marveled at the emptiness inside me that I knew would be completely filled the moment he was near again. Time passed quickly and before I knew it the sun was fading outside of my office window. Kara peeked her head in my doorway with her pocketbook on her shoulder and her keys in her hand. “Aren’t you ready to leave yet?
            I glanced at the time on my computer and was shocked to see it was almost 6:30pm. “Wow, I guess so. I had no idea it had gotten so late.” I was just signing off my computer when Julie came rushing into my office.
            “Brooke, I know it’s getting late and you’re getting ready to leave, but, is there any way you could drop this by the Rettings corporate office? It’s only a couple of blocks from here and they’re expecting this by the end of the day.” I could tell she hated to ask me considering all the extra hours I had already put in this first week. I smiled and took the manila envelope from her.
            “Of course I can. I don’t mind at all.” And I really didn’t. Julie was one of those bosses you didn’t mind going the extra mile for.
            After getting directions from Julie, I headed to my car with Kara. We said our goodbyes and I drove the couple of blocks to the Rettings corporate office building with no problem at all. I knew enough to know that Rettings was a huge pharmaceutical giant and Chase handled advertising for the company. I could only assume that whatever Julie had in the envelope was probably pretty important. I quickly made my way inside the building, passing a few people leaving as I found the office of the woman Julie had instructed me to leave the envelope with. After a few wrong turns I finally located the office and delivered the envelope safely into the hands of the nearly frantic lady who had been awaiting it. With my last task for the day completed, I allowed my mind to wonder to Alex as I stepped out into the night and walked towards my car in the now nearly empty parking lot. I was completely lost in thought when I felt a tingling warning sensation running down my spine. The feeling was distinct enough that I immediately associated it with Ethan, the vampire from the bar patio my first night in Charlotte. I froze mid stride, quickly assessing the distance to my car and the odds of making it there before anyone or anything could overtake me. My stomach sank when I realized how far away my car was and what little chance I’d have to make it there. From a few feet behind me I heard Ethan’s alluring voice.
            “So we meet again, sweet Brooke.”
            When I turned around, I was surprised to see him dressed in an expensive looking suit, obviously having just left from work. I found it odd that this mysterious vampire was apparently a successful business man. But I guess that was not so odd since it seemed that most of the vampires I had met so far were successful businessmen. This one, however, had danger radiating from his very essence. His stunning green eyes held me frozen in my place as he lazily walked toward me. It was as if he knew he had me where he wanted me and was finding some enjoyment in the cat and mouse game.
            “I had a feeling you and I would meet again.”
            He reached a cool hand out and ran a finger down my cheek, letting it trail to my neck. I remained frozen, unable to wrench my eyes away from his and unbelievably, part of me was not wanting to. In the back of my mind I was screaming at the inappropriateness of the gesture and urging myself to run. But for some reason, I was not able to move an inch. Keeping his eyes locked on mine he stepped directly in front of me, his head dipping to my neck as if to press his lips there. Too late I remembered what he was and I felt two sharp pricks at my neck before I could even comprehend what was happening. Almost instantaneously he jerked away from me dragging in an angry breath.             The rage in his face was like nothing I had ever seen before.
            “He’s bonded with you!” he growled. Snapping out of the trance he had me in, a wash of adrenaline had me turning and running as fast as my feet would carry me. Unfortunately, the heels I was wearing were not made for sprinting and before I knew it I was sprawled on the pavement of the parking lot, blood seeping from the abrasions to my knees and elbows. I flipped quickly into a sitting position watching as he walked slowly up to me. My heart was pounding in my ears and I jumped when I heard a familiar voice from behind me.
            “What is this? Is the CEO of Rettings attacking innocent females now?”
            I don’t believe I had ever been so relieved to hear someone’s voice in my life.
He kneeled down next to me and gently assisted me to my feet while never taking his eyes off of Ethan.
            Ethan gazed at us in disgust as he spoke. “Wait until the others find out you’ve bonded. I give you two weeks before they’ve destroyed you and the human. Do you really think they’re going to let you gain that kind of power?” He smirked at us and then let his gaze fall to me. I could see the desire and envy in his eyes as they found my neck.
            “It’s too bad he came upon you before I did. You and I would have been good together.”
            Alex stepped between Ethan and I, glaring fiercely at Ethan. “Knock it off. You treat humans like living blood banks and before long you would have drained her of everything. That’s beside the point anyway, as you have found out.”
            Ethan looked at the puncture wounds his teeth had left on my neck. “Oh yes, that’s pretty apparent. Her blood fairly reeks of you. A real shame, that is.”
And in a blur he was gone, and Alex and I were left standing in the empty parking lot.      Alex turned to me brushing the hair away from my neck. I could see the outrage as he stared at the bite. “I can’t believe the bastard bit you. He’s never crossed that kind of line before, especially not someone he knows is important to me. He’s really asking for it.” He ran his fingers through his hair, obviously bothered by what had just happened. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked at me intently. “Brooke, I thought you would have a little bit longer before you were in danger from other vampires, but you are not going to be able to stay human much longer. It’s just too dangerous.”

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