The Crimson Bond (15 page)

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Authors: Erika Trevathan

BOOK: The Crimson Bond
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            A knock sounded at the door and Katina slipped in with a bag of something dark red. Upon further scrutiny, I realized it was a bag of blood. While it did hold some appeal, I instinctively knew it was not what I needed to ease the slow burning pain growing in me.  There was only one thing that I felt could ease that ache and it was Alex.

            “Where’s Alex?” I was momentarily surprised at how silky smooth my voice sounded. It must be another perk of the vampire package.

            Ethan and Katina exchanged a glance before Katina eased up next to me, guiding me to sit down in a velvet covered chair nearby. As I sat down she looked at me in wonder. “Wow. Most people improve once they are turned, but I think it’s safe to say your transformation goes far beyond that.” She laughed. “You, my darling, will have no trouble convincing unknowing men to fall for your charms. No, you will not starve.”

            She punctured the bag with her teeth and carefully handed it to me. “Drink,” she ordered.

            My eyes widened and I couldn’t stop the reflexive look of disgust that crossed my face. My recently former human self was still making itself present it seemed. But if I was honest with myself, the smooth red liquid looked delicious-- just not what I hungered for this minute.

            “I can’t drink that,” I said firmly. I stood up and started walking to the door. “I’m finding Alex. I need him.”

            I was pulled to an abrupt halt when Ethan grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him.

            “You can’t.”

            “I will.” My new vampire self seemed much more stubborn and unrelenting than the old Brooke.

            Ethan took on a pained expression. “No Brooke, you can’t. Alex barely had time to call me before the Regency guards were barging in here to haul him off after he turned you. The smell of your sweet blood was so strong everyone in the castle was aware within minutes of what was going on.”

            My stomach dropped and fear seeped into my bones. “Alex knew that would happen, didn’t he?”

            Ethan shrugged. “I suppose. But don’t worry too much. Alex is one of the oldest and strongest vampires in existence. He’ll escape and do exactly what he pleases. Just like he‘s always done. This isn‘t the first time he‘s bucked the system, so to speak.”

            I shook my head in disbelief and, apparently not losing the nervous gesture from my human existence, ran my hand threw my now wavy mass of silky hair. Startled, I dropped my hand. I lifted my eyes from the hair tumbling over my shoulders to meet Ethan’s eyes. His lips turned up and he said, “You’ll get use to it.”

            I rolled my eyes. “Where are they keeping him? I don’t know why, but I don’t want that blood,” I said eyeing the bag of blood Katina held in her elegant fingers. “I think I need Alex’s blood.” Just saying that caused my throat to burn.

            Ethan pulled his head back in confusion and looked at Katina who was slowly shaking her head from side to side.

            “Are you sure?” Ethan asked. “That is
the norm. Unless….,” his voice trailed off as his eyes lit up with a thought. “Unless, this is something to do with being bonded. It’s so rare and all, that we really don’t know what happens. And so far, each bonding has been unique.”

            Determined to find Alex, I took in a completely instinctual breath through my nose. I closed my eyes allowing myself to use my sense of smell to see if I could locate him. I gasped in surprise as my now sharpened senses picked up on a myriad of smells. It was amazing. I could smell Ethan’s purely unique scent and Katina’s delicate one, but then I was able to smell what I knew were other vampires throughout the castle and then the distinct smell of a human. When I listened closely, I could even hear the steady beat of the human‘s heart. I looked to Ethan in question.

“A human is here?”

            “Inconsequential. They won’t be here long.”

            And though the human blood smelled divine, it was not what I was craving. I concentrated on the scents of the vampires more closely, trying to determine if one belonged to Alex. After a few seconds I was positive that none did. I wasted no time in saying with determination, “He’s not here.”

            Ethan answered looking impressed. “You’re right. He’s not. I’m pretty sure they’ve taken him to another location in an attempt to weaken the connection the two of you share.  But not to worry, I have a feeling I know exactly where they’ve taken him.” When I cocked an eyebrow up in question he continued. “Ophelia has an estate in England.” He shrugged a shoulder and smirked. “Besides, I have a female friend on the council and I was able to talk her into sharing some information with me.”

            I gave him a look of disbelief. “You mean you were able to seduce the information out of her.”

            Katina let out an amused laugh before saying. “I must commend her, Ethan. She knows you very well for having just met you.”

            I smiled sweetly at Ethan and said to Katina. “Men like him are pretty predictable, actually.” I glanced back at Ethan to see him smiling at me. I had in no way offended him.
For some reason I loved to try and get under his skin and my vampire self seemed to have no filter. And besides he didn’t even have the decency to be ashamed. But then again, should I really be teasing him for using whatever means he could to find out Alex’s whereabouts? I mean, I myself had just resorted to the same thing while trying to convince him to turn me. I guess the knawing hunger was making me ornery.

            I started pacing the room. The burning hunger was really intensifying and I didn’t want to find out what kind of shape I’d be in if I couldn‘t get to Alex soon.

            I turned back to Ethan and Katina. “London? How far are we from there?”

            Katina answered levelly. “It’s less than a three hour flight from here. But don’t expect the Regency to let you leave just because you’re a vampire now. They need to believe you’re acceptant of the arrangement between you and Lucien. You may even need to enlist Demitrie’s help in leaving.”

            I looked to Ethan. “You’re kidding me, right?”

            “I wish. I’m going to get a car to pick us up within the hour. Go talk to Demitrie. Convince him that you’re fine with everything and tell him that I’m going to accompany you to feed. Lucien is out right now anyway, so you won’t have to deal with him, at least.”

            I breathed a sigh of relief that not only was he going to help me, but he also had a plan. I glanced over at Katina, glad that she had obviously sided with us in this as well. “Katina, do you mind walking me to Demitrie. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out against this hunger.” I looked down at the ruby filled with Alex’s blood on my hand. I had a feeling it was the only way I was functioning right now without him nearby. Thank goodness he had had the foresight to have it made.

            Ethan’s voice stopped me as I moved to the door. “One other thing.” I turned around slowly to face him, somehow knowing I wasn’t going to like what he had to say.

            “Even though the guards hauled him out of here, he went willingly with Ophelia.” My eyes widened. Another punch to the gut. At what must have been a look of horror on my face, Ethan continued. “Give him credit. He’s only doing what he has to, to appease the Regency for the moment. He most definitely has a plan of his own and knowing him, it‘s with your best interest in mind. He’s doing whatever it takes to keep the two of you alive.”

            I closed my eyes briefly and reminded myself to trust Alex
I was finding that trust was not coming easily. Perhaps it was because Alex was becoming a vital part of me; and the stakes of losing him were much higher than any I had ever had before.

            I studied Ethan for a moment, amazed that I had ever thought of him as evil. I looked at him thoughtfully.

            “I wonder if he knows what a champion he has in you.”

            He shrugged and looked away. “We’ve had our difficulties through the years, but he’s the closest thing to family that I have.”

            I held back a smile. It was obvious he wasn’t pleased at having to admit that.

            Deciding to let him off the hook for the time being, I turned to Katina. “You ready?”


            With Katina’s help I was able to locate Demitrie in the castle’s massive library. I hesitated just inside the doorway. I had no idea how I was going to deal with my father-- a father who also happened to be the king of the vampire society I was now a part of.  It was really kind of weird-- he barely looked ten years older than me. But it was easy to see what had attracted my mother to him. He was stunningly handsome-- even for a vampire. It was just a shame he was a dead beat dad. I didn’t know him at all, except for
fact and that he was known for his unforgiving rule of the vampire realm. As daunting as a task as it was going to be to convince Demitrie to let me to leave willingly, I didn’t have any doubt that I would accomplish it. Apparently, fierce determination was one of the things awakened in me when I crossed from mostly human to full fledged vampire. Focusing all of my attention on getting out from under the Regency’s hold and to Alex, I walked with a grace that I didn‘t know was in me to stand in front of him. The separation from Alex was killing me and I still hadn‘t fed since turning. I didn’t want anything until I found Alex. There was some instinct telling me that it was pertinent to feed from him first. And since no one seemed to know much about this bonding thing, with it being so rare, I wasn’t going to trust anyone else to tell me otherwise. With each passing minute the need seemed to grow. Somehow I was going to have to get out of here and to Alex before I either turned into a raging monster or passed out. I wondered if he was being affected the same way.
Hmm, I’m sure Ophelia was only too happy to distract him

            Beating down the urge to give into worry and jealousy, I turned my attention back to Demitrie, who had just turned to face me with a blood whiskey mixture in hand. I was immediately taken aback at the look of awe and then, if I was judging correctly, a flash of pride, that passed over his expression before it returned back to its usual composure. He stared at me for what seemed like an eternity before speaking.

            “Well, well, well. Brooke you’ve made a more profound transformation than even I expected you would.” He cocked his head to the side studying me carefully before continuing on. “I’m assuming now that the bond is complete, you’ve discovered what powers you have?”

            I kept my poise but secretly I knew that I would need Alex’s blood before the bonding process would be complete-- but I wasn’t about to let Demitrie know that.

I daintily shrugged a shoulder as if it concerned me none at all. “Nothing has really stood out. I can smell others and differentiate between human and vampire, but so far that’s it. Is that really worth keeping Alex and I apart for?”

            Demitrie’s eyebrows came together, perplexed. “Interesting. I wonder…” He let his voice trail off, setting his glass down and closing the distance between us. “Time shall tell. I have to say that I am quite pleased you have transitioned so nicely. With Lucien at your side, you should be helping to rule in no time.”

            Playing dumb, I asked, “So speaking of Lucien, where is he?”

            “He is out on business. He’s expected back in a few days.”

            “Oh, okay. Ethan has promised to take me out hunting. Show me the ropes and all of that. He said we would be gone a day or two.” Once again, human habits dying hard, I held my breath, hoping he wouldn’t see through my plan to escape. I couldn’t bring myself to actually ask permission to leave, since in my heart I didn’t feel he had any right to tell me what I could and couldn’t do. But seemingly, this vampire hierarchy was something I would have to play along with, whether I wanted to or not. 

            Demitrie studied me for several long seconds. After hundreds and hundreds of years ruling, he had surely developed some instinct to see through the lies of others. I just hoped his daughter would be an exception.

            Evidently deciding he believed my story, or perhaps interested to see the outcome of whatever plan I was concocting, he gave a short nod of consent.

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