The Crimson Bond (11 page)

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Authors: Erika Trevathan

BOOK: The Crimson Bond
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            “Alex, wait. I’m not ready to do this yet.” I’m not sure why I didn’t want to seal our commitment to each other now, maybe it was the enormity of what I had just discovered, but I felt like it wasn’t the right time. That was one thing I knew about myself. I would know when the timing was right and once I made that decision, there would be no regrets.  He gently brushed the hair out of my eyes and looked searchingly into them. I knew the minute he read my thoughts and saw everything that had happened. If I hadn’t been so happy to see him, I would have been angry that he invaded my thoughts without my permission.

            “Brooke. I’m sorry. I knew you were upset about something, but seeing you finally… it made me lose my mind a little bit.”

I took a deep breath. “I thought you weren’t going to read my mind unless I wanted you to.”

            “Brooke, it’s obvious something bad has happened and I had to know what it was in case I needed to protect you. It was a safety issue, but I promise not to do it again unless the circumstances warrant it.”

            I rolled my eyes and wondered how often circumstances would warrant it. I decided to let the issue slide for the time being. I had way more important things to worry about right now.

            Alex gently let his fingers smooth my hair off my forehead while he waited for my sniffles to subside. After a few minutes he finally said, “So, Demitrie is your father.” As he made this statement I could almost see the wheels turning in his head. Alex looked me intently in the eye. “Please don’t make the mistake of thinking that he wouldn’t have you done away with, if he deemed it necessary. I’ve seen him operate for hundreds of years and I don’t think we should trust him.”

            I held his gaze as I said firmly, “There’s not a chance in Hell that I would trust him.” I had already made up my mind that my so called father
had lost my trust the day he turned his back on my mother and I. No, Alex needn’t worry that I would run blindly into Demitrie’s arms, even if we did share the same DNA.

He sighed deeply. “Brooke, we need to get you out of here and the best way to do that is by going along with them. We need them to believe that we have no intentions of using our power against them. Which we don’t….as long as they don’t expect to control us. I won’t be used to intimidate the rest of the vampire population. The fact that Demitrie is your father makes this complicated. I had hoped after you’re turned and the bond is complete, we could pretty much go back to our lives. Unfortunately, technically speaking you are a member of the royal family and more will be expected of you. But don’t worry about that now. All you need to know is that I will
let anything happen to you or make you unhappy. There is nothing in this world more important to me than you. I just can’t believe I’m lucky enough to have you for eternity.”

            He leaned down and gently brushed my lips with his. When he pulled back to look into my eyes, the look on his face left absolutely no doubt in my mind of his feelings for me. All my reservations melted away and all of the sudden I wanted nothing more than for him to sink his teeth into my neck and bond us together forever.

            A look of shock and then pleasure crossed his face as he read my thoughts. And then he looked guiltily away. “I’m sorry, Brooke. I’m going to have to work on not reading your thoughts. At times like this when there is so much going on, I feel desperate to know how you’re taking it. I can’t help but to want to know how you are feeling and make it better.”

            “It’s okay Alex. I understand in this situation, but don’t make it a habit.” I playfully tapped his nose with my finger and he smiled down at me, his amazing blue eyes lighting up.

            “So, you’re ready for me to change you now, huh?” He leaned down and trailed his lips down my neck. He gently grazed his teeth over my skin. A shiver ran through me and I tensed slightly in anticipation.

            He chuckled and lifted his face back up to look at me. “You don’t really think I would do it right now, do you? With the entire vampire court surrounding us. They would storm this room and you would be completely helpless. No, we need to get there permission first if possible. It would make things a lot easier. But don’t worry. If for some reason I think they are going to rule against us, we will get out of here and complete the bond, with or without their permission.”

            At my look of disappointment he smiled sympathetically. “Make no mistake Brooke. I have every intention of turning you and a whole lot more. I just want to try this the easy way first.”

            I pouted a little, but conceded, “Alright Alex, but I don’t want to wait forever.”

            He smirked and then sat up. He let his eyes burn a hot path from my face and down my exposed neck and even further to the ample amount of cleavage that was showing over my black lacy bra. That and the matching black thong panties were the only thing left after our overeager reunion. “I can promise you that waiting will be much harder for me than it is for you.”

            His perusal had left me breathless and even after he had gotten up and headed downstairs to talk with my father and some of the others, I laid there staring at the ceiling and imagining what it would be like to have him drink my blood. There was something incredibly sexy about the thought of him doing that and it led me to think about how close we had come to doing a lot more than just that. I wondered if it would be better to wait until I was turned or experience it as a human. I laughed lightly to myself as I thought about how he had proven earlier that he would be more than happy to accommodate me either way. I drifted off to sleep feeling much more relaxed than I had since being kidnapped. Something about Alex’s presence made me feel secure and treasured even while sleeping in a hotbed of vampires.


            I awoke to Katina standing over my bed. “Come on, Brooke. You need to get up. There is going to be a ball here tonight and you will be expected to attend. We’ve got to get you dressed and downstairs pretty soon.” She hurried around the room, at a speed only a vampire could do, pulling a stunning floor length gown in ocean blue and some strappy heels in silver out of the armoire. I sat up and glanced at the clock, seeing that it was already nine o’clock at night. I furrowed my brow and asked, “A ball? Here? Tonight?”           
Was she for real?
Katina continued moving around the room, pulling out jewelry and hair products and answered with a shrug of her delicate shoulders. “We have them here all the time. This ones been planned for a while, but I wasn’t sure if you would be attending until Demitrie sent word to me a few minutes ago.” She turned from the tub where she had run a bath and waved a hand towards it. “You need to bathe and get dressed as quickly as possible. I’m going to get ready and someone will retrieve you in an hour.” 

            After bathing hastily, I slipped on the gorgeous dress she had pulled out for me. My breath caught as I looked at myself in the ornate wooden full length mirror. The ocean blue gown clung to my body emphasizing my small waist and flared out at the bottom. The low neckline gave me a little more cleavage than I liked to show, but I couldn’t help but love the way the color brought a sparkling shade of blue out in my gray eyes that I never knew I had. The entire dress was overlaid with a delicate lace in the same color and the back of the dress dipped low showing a large expanse of creamy skin. I had never felt so beautiful. I used the large barrel curling iron to curl my hair and then I piled it on top of my head. I hated to leave my neck so exposed, but part of me hoped I could tempt Alex into being sneaky and changing me tonight. It was worth a try anyway. After applying makeup I slipped into the sky high heels and turned around just as the door to my room opened. Standing in the doorway was Alex, looking so mouthwatering in a stylishly cut suit and his hair deliciously rumpled. He took me in with his blue eyes hungrily making there way up my body to meet my own hungry gaze. Butterflies burst free in my stomach when our eyes found each other and that now familiar humming in my blood became overpowering. Before I could even blink Alex was right in front of me pulling my lips up to his. He breathed me in as he ran his face down the side of my neck and placed a cool kiss at the juncture of my neck and shoulder. A delicious shiver ran down me as he pulled his head back and looked at me with darkened eyes. He let his hands run down the sides of my body and stop to rest on my hips. “Brooke, if we don’t go down stairs now, I’m afraid I’m going to change my mind and ravish you right here and now.”

            I took a shaky breath in and linked my arm with his. We headed down into the congregation of vampires below. I felt so much better going down with Alex by my side. My heart soared at the realization that from now on, regardless of the Regency’s decision; we would take the world on just as we were now, side by side.

            The ball below was exactly what I would have imagined a royal ball to be--only filled with elegantly dressed vampires instead. Everyone was so perfectly gorgeous, with that same pearlescent skin, regardless of their complexion. We stepped into the vast marble ballroom complete with columns and heavy red velvet tapestries. There were tons of sparkling chandeliers and everything seemed to glisten. It was almost as if I had stepped into a storybook; expect this castle was overflowing with bloodsucking vampires. A chill ran through me and Alex squeezed my hand in reassurance. My bet was that he was reading my mind again. I internally shrugged and decided I’d better not sweat the small stuff and keep my mind on the game. We walked out onto the packed dance floor and he pulled me into his arms. I let out a sigh of relief. With his arms around me I could almost fool myself into believing I wasn’t surrounded by dangerous beings that had my fate in their hands. When the music ended, I saw Demitrie heading our way with the ethereal blond vampire from the first night by his side. She was beyond intimidating with her long, straight, pale blonde hair, perfect complexion and model looks.
Too bad her superior attitude took away from her prettiness.
I heard Alex try to hold back a laugh and seconds later I heard his voice in my head.

“Brooke, you sent that thought right to me. I didn’t read your mind. Promise.”
He glanced over to me smirking and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. I sent him back a message of my own. “
Yeah, right!”
  I quickly composed myself and greeted Demitrie and his blonde friend with as polite a smile as I could manage.

            Demitrie inclined his head to Alex and then his eyes came to rest on mine. While his face remained passive, his eyes gave away uncertainty and sadness. I had not seen him since his big reveal earlier and I’m guessing he was unsure of where he stood with me. And while I wasn’t going to be giving him any daughterly hugs, I wasn’t about to completely alienate him while Alex and my future hung in his, and the other Regency members’, hands.

            Demitrie was the first to speak in his elegantly accented voice. “I hope you are enjoying your first Regency ball?”

            I smiled what I hoped was a genuine looking smile, since I certainly didn’t feel like smiling right this second. “I am. Thank you.”

            Demitrie turned his attention to the blonde at his side. “This is Ophelia. She has been around almost as long as I have and I’m sure will be happy to help you any way that she can.”

            Ophelia gave me a cursory glance and then let her gaze stray to Alex. “Alex. “ She held her hand out for him to kiss and I nearly combusted with anger when he placed a gentle kiss on the top of her smooth hand.  Their obvious familiarity was riling to say the least. I took advantage of our bond and communicated directly to his mind. “
What the hell Alex!?”
He glanced at me quickly with a confused expression and then looked back at Ophelia, completely composed.

            “It’s been a long time Lia.”
I swallowed the bile rising in my throat.
Why is he using a nickname? What in the hell is going on here?

            I did my absolute best to keep my composure and appear outwardly unbothered, while internally I was a raging fire.

            Ophelia gave me a victorious glance before purring. “Too long, Alex. Too long. We have so much to catch up on.” She cut between us and looped her arm through Alex’s. He gave me a reassuring glance before blending into the crowd with Ophelia.

            I was left standing there brewing with such anger that I thought I was going to explode. I was disgusted by Ophelia, of course. But women like her were common enough. It was Alex’s reaction that had me wanting to stab someone. The fact that he had acted so familiar with her, and even allowed her to draw him away, was not making me happy. Call me crazy, but I had expected him to completely brush her, or any other flirtatious floozy, off. Brad always had--granted he and Alex were in totally different spheres as far as personality went, but it had always made me feel secure.
Had Alex forgotten his sweet promise to never make me unhappy?
Because I was definitely not a happy girl right this minute. I sent my next thought straight to him.
Oh, when I get you alone, it is not going to be pretty.
His response was immediate.
Trust me, Brooke. I need to take care of something and you need to talk with Demitrie.

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