The Cradle King (80 page)

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Authors: Alan Stewart

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History, #Biography, #Christian

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Young, Michael B
., James VI and I and the History of Homosexuality
(Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000)

Zaller, Robert,
The Parliament of 1621: A Study in Constitutional Conflict
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971)

Zeeberg, Peter, ‘The Inscriptions at Tycho Brahe’s Uraniborg’, in
A History of Nordic Neo-Latin Literature
(Odense: Odense University Press, 1995), 251–66


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Abbot, George, later Archbishop of Canterbury; campaigns to promote Villiers

Abbot, Robert

Aberdeen; Bishop of, see Blackburn, Peter

Act of Oblivion

Acutrie, John

Adamson, John

Adamson, Patrick, later Bishop of St Andrews

Addled Parliament

Alexander, William


Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Chichester (1605), Bishop of Ely (1609), Bishop of Winchester (1619);
Responsio ad apologiam cardinalis Bellarmini

Angus, Earl of, see Douglas, Archibald; Douglas, William (d. 1591); Douglas, William (d. 1611)

Anna, Princess of Denmark, later Queen of Scots and Queen of England; negotiations to marry James; marries James by proxy; attempts to sail to Scotland; marries James; coronation of; entry into Edinburgh; marriage to James; relations with James; relations with Maitland; relations with Melville; pregnancy of; gives birth to Henry; dispute over Henry’s upbringing; other children of; finances of; correspondence with Elizabeth; and Roman Catholicism; Kirk attacks on; attempts to take Henry from Stirling; miscarries; household in England; patronage of; objects to Elizabeth’s marriage; reaction to Henry’s death; campaigns to promote Villiers; death of; funeral of

Anne, Infanta of Spain

Apethorpe (Northants)

Archy, James’s jester

Aremberg, Count, Spanish agent

Argyll, Earl of, see Campbell, Archibald (d. 1573); Campbell, Colin; Campbell, Archibald (d. 1638)

Argyll, Janet, Countess of

Argyll, Countess of [Moray’s widow]

Armada, Spanish


Arminius, Jacobus

Arran, James, second Earl of, see Hamilton, James

Arran, James, Earl of, see Stewart, Captain James

Arthur, King


Arundel, Earl of

Ashby St Leger

Asheby, William

Assheton, Nicholas

Aston, Roger

Atholl, John, Earl of, see Stewart, John



Babington, Anthony

Babington Plot, the

Bacon, Anthony

Bacon, Francis, later Viscount St Albans;
[on Ralegh];
Novum organum;
prosecutes Somerset; relations with Villiers; fall of

Baker, servant of Buckingham

Balcalquall, Walter, minister

Balcomie, Margaret

Balfour, Sir James

Balfour, James, minister

Bancroft, Richard, Bishop of London, later Archbishop of Canterbury

Barclay, John

Barclay, William;
De potestate papae

Barlow, William, Dean of Chester; On the Hampton Court Conference;
Answer to a Catholike Englishman

Bate, John, merchant

Beaton, Archbishop

Bedford, Francis, Earl of, see Russell, Francis

Bedford, Lucy, Countess of

Bellarmine, Cardinal Robert;

Bellenden, Sir Lewis


Bettenson, Sir Richard, of Essex

Bèze, Théodore de;

Bible, new translation of

Bille, Steen

Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester

Black, David, minister

Black, John, minister

Black Acts

Blackature, Captain William

Blackburn, Peter, Bishop of Aberdeen

Blackwell, George, Archpriest

Blackwood, Adam

Blount, Charles, Lord Mountjoy, later Earl of Devonshire

Blyth, Helene

Bodleian Library, Oxford


Boig, George

Boig, John

Boleyn, Anne, Queen of England


Borthwick Castle

Bothwell, Francis, fifth Earl of, see Stewart, Francis Hepburn

Bothwell, Jean, Countess of, see Gordon, Lady Jean

Bothwell, James, fourth Earl of, see Hepburn, James

Bothwell, John, laird of Holyroodhouse

Bowes, Robert

Boy, Jerome

Boyd, James, Bishop of Glasgow

Brahe, Tygo (Tycho);
De nova stella


Brett, Arthur

Brig o’ Dee

British Library

Brokkes, William

Brooke, George, conspirator with Ralegh

Brooke, William, Lord Cobham

Brouncker, Sir Henry

Bruce, Edward, Abbot of Kinloss, later Lord Kinloss

Bruce, Sir George

Bruce, Harry

Bruce, Robert, intermediary with Spain

Bruce, Robert, minister

Buccleuch, Border nobleman

Buchanan, George;
Baptistes; De jure regni apud Scotos; Rerum Scotiarum historia

Burgh, Thomas, Lord

Burghley, William, Lord, see Cecil, Sir William

Caithness; Bishop of, see Gledstanes, George

Calderwood, David, minister; quarrel with James

Calvert, Sir George

Calvert, Samuel


Cambridge, University of

Camden, William

Campbell, Archibald (d. 1573), Earl of Argyll

Campbell, Archibald (d. 1638), Earl of Argyll

Campbell, Colin, Earl of Argyll

Campion, Thomas


Carberry Hill

Carey, Henry, first Lord Hunsdon

Carey, Sir Robert

Carey, Valentine, Dean of St Paul’s

Carleton, George

Carlisle, James, Earl of, see Hay, James

Carmichael, James, minister of Haddington

Carr, kinsman of Robert Carr

Carr, Robert, later Viscount Rochester, Earl of Somerset; meets James; becomes James’s favourite; rise of; courts Frances Howard; friendship with Overbury; commission into Essex/Howard marriage; marries Frances Howard; continued rise; resents Villiers; quarrels with James; asks for indemnification; promotes Bilson; implicated in Overbury murder; trial and sentence of

Carwood, Margaret

Cary, Sir George

Casaubon, Isaac

Cassillis, Gilbert, Earl of, see Kennedy, Gilbert

Castelnau de Mauvissière

Castilian Band

Catesby, Robert

Catherine de Bourbon

Cawbraith, James

Cecil, Sir Robert, later Viscount Cranborne, Earl of Salisbury; relations with James in Scotland; laments James’s regime; as Principal Secretary, as James’s ‘beagle’; becomes Earl of Salisbury; and Gunpowder Plot; as Lord Treasurer; and the Great Contract; 1610 Parliament; illness and death of; posthumous attacks on

Cecil, Sir William, later Lord Burghley

Chaderton, Laurence

Chamberlain, John

Chancery, Court of

Chapel Royal

Charles, Prince, later Charles I, King of England; birth of; guardianship of; as sickly child; becomes Prince of Wales; marriage plans for; relations with Villiers; relations with James; trip to Spain; return to England; and 1624 Parliament; as the ‘rising sun’; and French marriage negotiations; becomes King; marries Henrietta Maria; fall and execution of

Charles IX, King of France

Chaseabout Raid, the

Christian IV, King of Denmark

Christiana, Princess of France

Christiensen, Anders

Church of England

Chytræus, Nathan

Civil War, English


Clayton, Ralph

Clement VIII, Pope; James’s letter to

Clerke, Edward

Cobham, William, Lord, see Brooke, William

Cockburn, Captain

Coke, Sir Edward;

Coke, Roger

Colville, John

Combe Abbey (Warwickshire)

Common Law, English

Confederate Lords

Confession of Faith

Conway, Sir Edward


Corona Regia

Cottington, Francis

Cotton, Sir Robert

Council of Wales

Council of War


Craig, John, minister

Craig, Dr John


Cranborne, Robert, Viscount, see Cecil, Sir Robert

Cranfield, Sir Lionel, Lord Treasurer Middlesex; fall of

Cranston, Thomas

Crawford, Bessie

Crawford, David, tenth earl of, see Lindsey, David

Crichton, Father William

Cromarty, George, Earl of, see Mackenzie, George


Cuningham, Robert

Cunningham, Alexander, fifth Earl of Glencairn

Cunningham, John



Dalton, James

Daniel, Samuel

Davidson, John, minister

Davison, Francis

de Bohan, Duc

de Brienne, Comte

de Caus, Salomon

de Fentray, M.

d’Effiat, Marquis

de Fontenay, M.

de Inojosa, Marquis

Dekker, Thomas

de la Boderie

de Mayerne, Theodore

de Mendoza, Bernardino

Denmark; James sails for; James and Anna visit

de Perriet, Jean

de’ Servi, Constantino

de Vere, Susan

de Vere, Edward, Earl of Oxford

Devereux, Robert, second Earl of Essex, negotiations with James

Devereux, Robert, third Earl of Essex

d’Ewes, Simonds

Digby, Sir Everard

Digby, Sir John, later Earl of Bristol

Dingwall, Lord

Discourse of the Maner of the Discovery …

Doncaster, James, Viscount, see Hay, James

Donne, John

Douglas, Archibald, eighth Earl of Angus

Douglas, Archibald

Douglas, George

Douglas, James, fourth Earl of Morton; Lord Chancellor; flees to England; Regent; threatened by Lennox; denunciation of; execution of

Douglas, William (d. 1591), ninth Earl of Angus

Douglas, William (d. 1611), tenth Earl of Angus

Douglas, Sir William, of Lochleven

Douglas, Willie

Dove, Thomas, Dean of Peterborough


Dowland, John

Drummond, Jane

Drummond, William, of Hawthorden

Drury, Sir William

Du Croc

Dudley, Lord Robert, later Earl of Leicester


Dumbarton Castle




Dunfermline; Abbey of

Dunkeson, John


Dykes, John

Edinburgh; James’s entry into (1579); riots in; Anna’s entry into (1590); James leaves (1603); preparations for James’s visit (1617); James’s visit (1617);
Locations in:
Bow Street; Butter Trone; Canongate; Castle; Coinhouse; High Town; Mercat Cross; Nether Bow; St Giles’s Church; Salt Trone; Strait Bow; Tolbooth; University of; West Port

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