The Cradle King (75 page)

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Authors: Alan Stewart

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. Meade to Stuteville, [March 1625] cit. Nichols,
4: 1032.

. JC to DC, 9 April 1625. McClure 2: 608.

. Conway to DC, March 1625. Collet,
Relics of Literature,
cit. Nichols,
4: 1029.

. Paddy’s memorandum, cit. Nichols,
4: 1031–2.

. Williams,
Great Britains Salomon,

. JC to DC, 9 April 1625, London. McClure 2: 609.

. JC to DC, 9 April 1625, London. McClure 2: 609.

. Countess of Bedford to Jane Lady Cornwallis, 12 April [1625], More Lodge. Cornwallis,

. JC to DC, 9 April 1625, London. McClure 2: 609.

. Zuane Pesaro to Doge and Senate, 22 April/2 May 1625, London.
19: 26–7.

. JC to DC 9 April 1625, London. McClure 2: 609.
Fortescue Papers,
ed. Gardiner (1871), 213–14; Birch,
4. Lockyer 234.

. JC to DC 9 April 1625, London. McClure 2: 609.

. HMC,
Manuscripts of the Earl of Lonsdale:
‘Notes in Parliament’, 2–3, 4–6, 8–9, 13, 18, 28; Harley, ‘Political Post-Mortems’, 10.

. Advices from London, 3/13 February 1648.
28: 44.

. James VI and I,
ed. Craigie, 2: 182–91 and notes at 2: 262–5.


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