The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town (41 page)

Read The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town Online

Authors: Riley Moreno

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Sports, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Westerns

BOOK: The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
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“Strigoi I am tired.” Coloi-Eru stated at the center of the assembly, “I have slaved with the cosmic sea trapped above as long as you all have, nay longer!”

The assembly was silent. They knew what was coming.

“By now none of you should be strangers to death for you have lived far longer than the average Baleian and have seen past generations of Strigoi pass away before” Coloi intoned into the assembly “But unlike my brothers, who died during those dark days we earlier talked about in the memories, I cannot die with a smile knowing that the future of our race is in peril.”

The others nodded solemnly. Strigoi did not cry at the passing of another, or if it happened, only rarely. Every heart in the room was heavy at the thought of the passing of Coloi, however, because it felt like a huge part of their history was slipping into myth forever. Just like their planet or what remained of it, cloaked from sight from other worlds, coasted into myth and legend as it drifted through space.

“As you all know several centuries after the attrition, the Cosmic Sea stopped producing Strigoi and we have not seen a new generation since yours. The only way we have been able to maintain the gigantic source of energy up in the sky has been by sharing the responsibility through time as it would be too heavy for all of us at once, in one place, for too long.”

There were murmurs of agreement all over the hall. By constantly exchanging prima-radiation with the new sun, they had been able to stay alive for this task for an abnormally long amount of time. Some of them gathered in the hall had lived for over five thousand Baleian years or over twenty Baleian cycles. Many of them had lived longer. Coloi’s age was legendary and commanded instant respect. That was the reason for putting him at the point farthest along the time stream. He, more than anyone, was capable of ensuring the continuity of the race, because, he knew what it had cost to get to that point.

Coloi continued, “Unbeknownst to the rest of you, we had anticipated this shortly before authorizing the attrition bomb. We were aware that it was not just the cosmic sea but also its interaction with our environment that gave rise to the Strigoi. It was a risk we took and none of us regret it, but we took measures. Shortly after the attrition, we sent out emissaries to scour the universe. For some it would prove to be a one way journey. Most of them were Strigoi because the ships needed Prima-radiation for power. They were to seek out different sentient beings with which the Strigoi could mate and produce a Strigoi hybrid that could produce Strigoi by way of procreation. A hybrid Baleian, if you like.  Of those who returned, none bore good news. The rest were thought lost.”

“So that is why you have been experimenting with cloning?!” One of the Strigoi gathered in the great hall broke in.

“Yes,” Coloi admitted, “and I have only met with failure. I was losing hope, my power is fading. That is the reason for the fading sun. The link in the chain is breaking and needs to be adjusted. This is possible with our number left but we would just be postponing the inevitable, and I feared I would not leave you stronger as others had. That is until recently, of course.”


The silence in the hall was deathly as they instinctively put their minds together telepathically.

“One group of our people found a sentient species far from here, a backward race from a planet now known as Earth. They had no Strigoi among them, and so, had no means of coming back, so they mingled with the population and successfully procreated. The only thing they could do in duty to their mission was to set off a low-powered beacon which as expected took its time to get back to us which explains why it hit at the farthest end of the time stream and just in time too. Their offspring were far superior to anything that had previously existed on that planet, and were viewed as great heroes of the past. Nephilim they called them there. Only one such creature seems to exist down there now, and we have been in communication recently. Gene pool watered down only the dignified air is left and the minutest bit of telepathy.”

They all chorused together in full understanding, “But us Baleians, going back to our earliest days, are monogamous. Even if we find somebody to go along with our plan, will it still be possible for us?”

At this juncture all eyes fell on Yaan-Rostan. He pulled out of the mind chain immediately.

“Why me?!” he protested “Many of you here gathered have lost your partners to time!” but even as he protested he knew there was no way out. Baleians only loved once in their entire lives. He, on the other hand, had never found anybody special.

Coloi synced up with him in his mind immediately “I intend passing on the mantle to you Yaan.”

Yaan was still speechless. The Baleians were not power hungry in the least bit even though; they knew the importance of leadership more than most.

“I want you to take it because, you more than all the rest understand what makes us strong! You will be able to hold the fort at the farthest end of the stream. The marriage bit is just a bonus. These creatures look like us and my source assures me we have the perfect candidate for a lone wolf like you.”

Yaan was still speechless.


Earth: 2195 A.D.

Alexa pushed tentatively through the door that led to the living room. Royal Purple light bounced off the walls, and unto her face as she stepped in. The light seemed to be coming from within the device she had earlier seen in the center of the living room. She peered closer into the light, all the time moving closer. She had absolutely no fear, the voice in her head seemed to be hers.  She was almost upon the object itself when all of a sudden she fell!

Or she seemed to be falling, she was not sure exactly. A kaleidoscope of lights seemed to brush past her and carry her at the same time. Her head felt light, and she momentarily lost consciousness as she landed on a surface.


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In the hall of memories, there was a feeling of bemusement in the air as it became apparent that Yaan-Rostan would take the mantle of leader at the farthest end as well as his bride. The term surrogate did not sit well with the sentimentalities of the group. Yaan on his part was still very much speechless.

However he asked, “So do I get to keep my assistant, or have you thought of that as well?”

The group laughed a bit uneasily. Time travel was generally forbidden to regular Baleians in order to reduce the risks associated with the same person occupying the same time and space loop twice. A person who suddenly by passed his future by moving into the distant future would suddenly find his past, or former future growing much faster, or getting much faster than normal, and this was not always a good thing.

“Oh I think we can make an exception this time around don’t you think?” Coloi replied with a twinkle in his eye, “not since the assistants used to be mandatorily Strigoi has that been allowed but we live in changing times Strigoi.” He continued, this time addressing the crowd gathered, “Besides I would hate for you to go in without any familiar face Yaan”


“Tell us more about these failed experiments Elder.” One in the crowd chimed in.

“Another reason why Yaan must not go in alone,” Coloi said gravely “Our attempts were half successful in that we cloned something. Just, not Strigoi. We produced something else,” The hall was once again silent, “something dangerous.”

“Dangerous in what sense?!”Yaan asked, more from curiosity than anything fear, for Strigoi were the most physically capable among the Baleians.

“Well they look like us, walk, and talk like us, but they are psychopathic, deranged and violent. We have been taking care of them so far by keeping a lookout, but more decisive action is needed”


A few hours later, they exited the hall to meet the people. A decision had been taken to the effect of informing the good people of Baleia of a change in leadership, but only that and nothing more. Yaan led the way forward.


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Alexa woke up from the best sleep she had had in years.  She kept her eyes closed as she let her body get used to her surroundings especially the soft bed. This had to be the softest bed she had ever encountered, and she opened her eyes with reluctance thinking that Alora had finally gotten the morning bit right.

She froze.

This was definitely not her ceiling. God, it was beautiful but still not hers. She heard a voice in her head again and immediately sprang off the bed. Memories and questions tumbled through her brain, and she slipped to the carpeted floor.
Where am I?
She thought, struggling against panic.
Had she been kidnapped?
She could remember a purple glow, and falling down, and then … nothing! She was dressed in the most exquisite silk but she felt dirty.
Had she been
What would she do now?
Establish contact that’s what she thought to herself, gathering her wits about her.

She turned swiftly to face the door. She thought she heard voices. Now they were footsteps approaching fast. She quickly scanned the room, for anything she could use as a weapon, silently cursing herself for never learning how to fight. There was nothing she could see, so she grabbed the blanket-anything would do at this point. She knew the probability of there being another person was almost a certainty, but she would make a dash and hope for the best. Surprise, not the blanket, was her real weapon

The minute the door drew open, Alexa threw the blanket over the first thing that came through, and made a run for it. She did not make it to three steps however. Standing squarely in her way was none other than Major Jordan O’toole!

Alexa froze, but quickly gathered her wits.

“You!” She spluttered “Well come along quick! I think we have been kidnapped, and we have to get out of here to find a safe haven where we can plan our escape” She was out of breath, and already about to move past when she felt a hand on shoulder. She swung her arm backwards, and felt it connect squarely with a chin. She had to admit that it felt good.

“Hey Alexa what gives?!” Maggie squealed, “Will you calm down?!”

Alexa froze at the sound of Maggie’s voice. Too exasperated by the constant introduction of variables into her assessment of the situation, she gave up trying, and became very calm

“You two start explaining.” She said, arms folded “Now!”

“Perhaps I should be the one to do the honors.” Yann chipped in; emerging from a marble wall that bounded the passageway they were in, “I am, after all, the owner of the house”

Jordan immediately paid deference, to the obvious amusement of Maggie who also moved away. Alexa could not believe what she was seeing. Though, he looked like one, she could tell he was obviously not human. He seemed too ethereal, too beautiful to be true in a way. Besides, he just walked out of a wall!

Alexa could not believe it, but he seemed to grow denser as he approached, so that by the time he stood about a meter from her he was fully solid. She had seen Aliens do strange things, but this was something else.

“Hello” she whimpered as he offered his hand.

“I will be off Elder” Jordan said as he retreated.

“Yeah we better leave you two alone.” Maggie said as she made after the major.

Alexa wanted to protest, to hang on to her friend for support, but something in Jaan’s golden-green eyes held her spellbound.

“I am Jaan-Rostan,” Alexa heard in her head, “I know you are Alexa Kayma.”

She noticed he had not moved his lips once, and realized he was speaking to her with his mind. She had never known that telepathy would be this strong or feel this intimate. She pulled herself together, and decided she was not going to be a pushover.

“I would prefer you talk normally. If, you don’t mind.” She said looking straight into the golden green pools which were his eyes.

She was not entirely sure, but she thought she had caught him off guard. He certainly smiled though, as he took her hand, and led her down the corridor.


Chapter 3

2195 A.D.


Alexa woke up with a start. She grimaced as she rubbed her temples. She had just had the most realistic dream in her entire life. She had dreamt she had been in a beautiful place unlike any other she had yet seen. With angel-like beings living upon several hundred floating asteroids forming what could surely be considered Utopia. However, the highlight of the whole dream had been the person who had taken her on tour. He was clearly some sort of leader. She could not say king (their society seemed not to operate in that way), but the respect and deference was there to be sure, unlike anything she had ever witnessed. The most remarkable thing however, had been the way he had handled her. The respect and care had been sublime. The intimacy they had achieved without his ever violating her boundaries had bordered on the surreal. In truth, what a dream!

“Good morning Dr Kayma. It is 5:30 in the morning.” Alora intoned as usual as Alexa got out of bed.

“Good morning Alora!” Alexa chimed like a schoolgirl. She was pretty sure nothing could get her spirits down after a night like the one she had just had. Not even Alora’s usual bumbling.

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