The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town (21 page)

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Authors: Riley Moreno

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Sports, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Westerns

BOOK: The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
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Chapter Seven


‘’What the Hell Rafael!’’ Viktor then said moving in front of Natasha and wandering if his friend had gone wacko.

‘’Viktor! All morning I have been trying to reach you by Phone, that woman is a freaking spy for Gavril! I have camera footage of her rummaging in your office this morning looking for something. So you better move away from her, she could be dangerous and sent to kill you!’’

Rafael then shouted to the utter horror of Natasha. Why the heck had she not thought about the office having cameras and she was now caught. If Gavril heard about this, her brother was totally dead.

More tears started trailing down her face and she was also worried about Viktor`s reaction.

He first froze at this news and turned to look at her for confirmation on whether this was true while inside hoping it was not. But when he saw her face, he knew it was true.  This truly broke his heart to shattered pieces.

As for Natasha she could not take the look of betrayal and agony on his face.

Without saying a word, he abruptly left and headed for his office.

He then came out holding khaki envelope.

‘’What the hell are you doing Viktor man!’’ Rafael shouted looking at his friend as if he had gone crazy after he realized what he was about to do. After all it hadn’t been him that had to go through a lot to get all that evidence against Gavril.

‘’I’m just giving her exactly what she came here for.’’ Viktor then said bitterly.

‘’Here, take it. Go and give it to your boss. Tell him I said bravo, well done. Bringing some seductress black woman, making me fall for her and her breaking my heart. He has won! ‘’ Viktor then said handing out the khaki envelope to Natasha.

Natasha so wanted to just chuck that envelope away and tell Viktor that she wanted and loved him. But she could not do so, as that would mean an instant death for her brother Jeremiah and the only family she had left. 

This was a sacrifice she was just willing to take, losing the love of the man who consumed her heart to save her brother.

So she made the hardest choice of her life,

‘’I’m truly sorry Viktor.’’ She whispered broken heartedly to him and took the envelope. She then rushed to the bedroom took her dress and quickly left with more tears, leaving a bewildered looking Raphael and a totally broken looking Viktor.

‘’Why Viktor, out of all the stupid things you have done, this ranked the highest. You have just handed out the whole damn evidence we had against Gavril like it was Christmas time!’’ Rafael bellowed out in anger.

‘’I did it for love my friend, I thought maybe what we had shared was real and she would choose me. I guess I was wrong.’’ Viktor answered with an empty voice.

Rafael was shocked silent as he had never seen his best friend looking this worse. Even after his wife Natalia died, at least at that time, Viktor still had some light left in him. But now it was like he was looking at someone who had just decided to give up on life and was an empty shell.

What the hell had this Natasha girl done to his best friend in such a short time?

Chapter Eight


‘’Sis can you believe it, I actually got to stay at a Russian billionaires mansion. Apparently he chose me out of all people at my college class to come and teach his Daughter Katya the English language and help her improve on some grammar.  And he offered to pay my whole college fees, how could I even refuse such an offer.’’

Natasha sat in the dining room of the house owned by the Turners, Jeremiah`s adopted parents, she had travelled all the way from New York to come here to see her brother in this little town called Virginia town.

The Turners sat on the other sofa while her brother sat beside her, looking totally animated and talking  about his wonderful holiday spend at Gavril`s Mansion house.

‘’But why did you not call and tell us that young man. Me and your mother we were worried about you not visiting for the holiday. ‘’ Peter Turner Jeremiah`s adopted father then said to him sternly.

‘’Sorry dad, I really did not think about that and got lost in all the exciting things I found at Gavril`s Mansion from Jacuzzis to advanced computers. Plus i was not allowed to use my cellphone as Gavril said something about the safety of his daughter.’’

Luckily for her, her brother Jeremiah did not know that he had been kidnapped and would have died there at Gavril`s Mansion if she had not given him what he wanted.

After she texted Gavril that she had the evidence, he had sent one of his guys to come take it along with the blackberry and luckily kept his word on releasing her brother unharmed.

But at what cost? She had now lost the love of her life.

Every time she thought about Viktor, tears threatened to fall down her face. He had even told her he loved her but she had tumbled his heart to pieces and chose that damn stupid envelope instead of him.

A week had passed but her heart hurt nonetheless.

It was then as Mrs. Turner or Agnes brought out some plate of Mac and cheese that the smell reached Natasha’s nose causing her to quickly rush out of the room heading for the bathroom.

In there she started vomiting until her stomach felt empty.

Mrs. Turner had followed her inside, while Mr. Turner and her brother stood outside by the door wondering if she was okay.  They were wonderful people the Turners and also considered her their daughter.

‘’Oh my, I so don’t miss that symptom of pregnancy, so who is the father?’’ Mrs. Turner then said looking at her with a bright smile on her face.

At the sound of Pregnancy, Natasha froze and paled in shock.

How the hell could she be pregnant? How had she let that happen? The only person she had slept with this year was Viktor and... Oh bloody hell.

Lost in throes of passion that night, they had forgotten to use a condom!

And she had also forgotten that she had stopped using her birth control pills 2 months ago since there had not been a single man to catch her interest before Viktor.

This was so not the way she had imagined her life going.

She was so not ready to become a mother as heck she was already struggling financially right now on her own. Add a baby to the mix, who was going to need nappies, a babysitter etc. she could not even afford that and would be penniless.

And now Mrs. Turner was looking at her expectantly wanting to know the name of the baby`s father, a father who would never accept her or the child. She had after all betrayed him.

And then there was a Jeremiah having heard about her being pregnant was now shouting in excitement.

‘’I can’t believe I’m going to be an Uncle!’’

While all Natasha wanted to do was to burst in tears at her predicament.


Chapter Nine

Future worries...


‘’I think you should go and tell him. He is the father and it his baby too after all. Plus he is a freakin billionaire, why the hell should you have to struggle to take care of the baby by yourself?’’ Monica`s voice bellowed from the phone as Natasha was in the car now driving home from her trip to the turner`s house to see Jeremiah. She was now totally sure she was pregnant after also doing the pregnancy check.

Needing someone to talk to she had called her best friend and told her about how she was pregnant. And with Monica`s persistent questioning about the father, Natasha had ended up telling her the truth about the Father being Viktor.

Monica knowing about him the Russian billionaire had first screamed over the phone in surprise even questioning her on how the heck was she able to snag one of the most eligible bachelors and unattainable Russian man in New York.

Natasha had almost told her that it was because she had gone to spy on him but she zipped her mouth shut at that as Gavril had told her he would still be watching her and if she dares utter to anyone about that he would come after her.

And it was so not clever to say anything to Monica on the phone when Gavril could be checking her phone calls too.

Right now the thought of that man Gavril almost mad her burst in rage, she hated and loathed him with her whole heart.

It was because of him she was now in this predicament!

If he had not interfered with her ordinary daily life and forced her to spy for him, she would not be here busy worrying about an unplanned pregnancy with her heart breakingly missing the father who wanted nothing to do with her.

‘’No Monica, I did something horrible to him and he will never accept me nor the pregnancy.’’  Natasha then answered her best friend and hanged up.

It was because of her that Viktor could no longer get back at the people who played part in the death of his wife.

Feeling uncertain about her life with her hand on her stomach at the thought of her unborn baby, she got out of her car upon arriving at her house and walked out.

As she walked up to her porch, she stopped up on noticing her door locker facing in the wrong direction again.

She almost groaned while thinking not again! Hoping this time it was not another Russian mafia here to give her an assignment.

If it was Gavril again, she was going to let him experience the full wrath of a mad black pregnant woman! But when she last heard from him he had promised to never bother her again. And weren’t Russians known to never go against their word? 

She unlocked the door against her better judgment again, and entered. Her shopping bags dropped hitting a thud to the floor upon being shocked by whom she saw sitting on one of her sofas. 

Chapter Ten

Starting again...


‘’Ah um what are you doing here? And how did you even get in?’’ Natasha almost hit herself by the head on how this had to be her first words upon seeing Viktor again.

And to think of how much this past week, she had dreamed of meeting him again. And now as he miraculously sat by her sofa looking perfectly as if he belonged there, those were the first words she could only think of.

‘’I have a CIA and FBI best friend who can find anyone, where they live and also easily unlock doors. ‘’ Viktor replied as her as he looked up at her.

She was surprised by how rugged he looked as if he had faced a tsunami this past week, so very different from the well put and held together Russian billionaire Viktor she had first met. But he was still as handsome as ever and the ruggedness only added to his attractiveness making him too sexy for her liking.

But it also comforted her in a weird way to know she had not been the only one feeling miserable this past week.  All those days spent crying and thinking of him.

‘’But as for what I am doing here...I came to see you.’’ Viktor then whispered standing up and walking up to her, showing no emotion on his face.

Since she could not know what he was feeling she did not know whether to be full of joy that maybe he still wanted her or to be scared if he was here for revenge.

As he walked up to her, she took more steps back, until her back hit the door wanting to escape if he was here for the latter, revenge.

Although she knew he would not hurt her physically, it was the thought of what he would do to her heart. If he even dared kiss her again bringing her body to life, only to leave her in a much worse state desperately aching for him, it would totally break her.

But before she could escape and leave her house, he quickly caught her and pulled her into him arms. As her body molded perfectly into his he turned her to look at him. 

‘’I’m truly sorry Viktor about the evidence and making you lose your chance for revenge.’’ Natasha then whispered to him in apology as she stared directly into his intense grey eyes. She truly wanted him to know that she had not meant to hurt him.

‘’ I don’t care about that damn evidence anymore
Lyublmaya moyA
because of you I realize I need to let go of the past. This past 5 years, I have been so caught up and blinded by my growing hunger for revenge. When my dear sweet dead wife, Natalia would have wanted me to live life to the fullest for the sacrifice she paid for me. As for that new life, the only way I can live it is if you are in it. ‘’ Viktor then said using his hand to lightly brush against her cheek.

‘’But I chose that envelope and betrayed you.’’ Natasha then whispered in a low voice.

‘’And i now know why you did it Natasha, to save your brother. I’m sorry for trying to make you choose between me and your brother. If I had known earlier, I would not have done so.’’ Viktor then said to her.

‘’But how did you end up knowing?’’ Natasha then asked him with wide eyes.

‘’One of the hotel maids, found a white letter while cleaning my room. And then brought it to me yesterday after reading the contents and withholding it for a week. Luckily she did not go straight to the police but came to me and I made her promise not to say anything.  I then rushed to your house wanting to apologize but you were not there and so I came again today. ‘’ as Viktor told her that, Natasha then remembered the first letter written to her by Gavril in which he also explained that he had her brother.

She had totally forgotten about it and had last seen it after her night with Viktor. It must have fallen to the floor when he ripped away her bra.

But right now she was just happy that he now knew the truth.

‘’If it wasn’t for my brother`s life on the line, I well just want you to know that I would have gladly chosen you.’’  Natasha then said to him pouring her heart out.

Her heart then soared up at the smile which now graced his face at hearing that.

‘’So does that mean, you still want me?’’ Viktor then said pulling her closer.

‘’Yes, it does and In fact i missed you so much that i want you inside me right now.’’ Natasha then replied him while placing her lips upon his to show him just how much she still wanted and loved him.

And soon they were caught up in a heavy make out full of passion which started becoming more. 

‘’Wait, Viktor I have something to tell you.’’ Natasha then said breaking the kiss breathlessly as she realized she also had to tell him something important before they ended up in bed and her losing all her senses.

He stopped and looked at her giving her his full attention, this just made her more nervous.

‘’I am well...What I mean to say is that I am pregnant...with your child.’’  Natasha then finally uttered the dreaded words after some hesitation and not knowing how he was going to react.

He first froze looking at her in shock.

‘’ I just want you to know that I didn’t do this on purpose, I am not after your billions and will take care of the child myself. I just wanted you to know as the father so that you can just be there for the child as a father. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, I will totally understand...” Natasha then continued now blabbering not knowing how to take his silence.

‘’I’m a going to be a father?’’ Viktor then asked snapping out of his shock. And Natasha just nodded with a nervous smile.

’ti viydesh zamuzh za menya?’’
Viktor then said to her in Russian with his voice thick with emotion, his eyes lighted up while tenderly holding her hand.

It was time like this that made Natasha decide she was going to take some Russians classes and the way Viktor said those words, they sounded really important.

Lyublmaya moyA, my sweetheart
, I am just overcome with emotion and tend to change to my mother tongue when so, ‘’ he then said to her with a happy smile. His eyes then became intense staring into her as he looked about to bare out his soul to her.

‘’You have just now made me the happiest man in the world with this wonderful gift of a child.  I love you with all my heart and soul. I now can’t imagine a life without you. As I start again, I want to start that life with you and my child as a family. So what I meant to say in English, is this life changing question,’’ he said and to her surprise kneeled down in front of her looking serious.

‘’Will you marry me?’’

Natasha first looked at him with wide eyes while inside praying hard that this was not a dream but was truly happening. That Viktor Ivanovich Dmitri the white Russian billionaire and the father of her unborn child was actually kneeling down here right now and asking her to marry him.

‘’My answer is yes, yes, yes I will marry you.’’ Natasha then replied beaming with joy upon realizing that this was truly happening.

With his eyes dancing with joy, Viktor quickly stood up hugging her and then playfully hoisted her upon his shoulder and headed for the bedroom to celebrate and have his wicked ways with her...his future Wife.


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