The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town (20 page)

Read The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town Online

Authors: Riley Moreno

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Medieval, #Holidays, #Multicultural, #Romantic Comedy, #Sports, #Western, #Historical Romance, #Lgbt, #Bisexual Romance, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Westerns

BOOK: The Cowboy Who Strolled Into Town
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Chapter Four

Mischievous Aleksey...

As Natasha stood there frozen, staring at him she could not believe how hard her heart was beating.  It was as if everything was now a blur and all she could focus on was him.

She felt like she was looking at an angel in human form as those photos had not done Viktor justice! From those high angled cheekbones on that gorgeous handsome Russian face, that raven black smooth looking hair which she wanted to run through with her hands to those heaven inviting lips.

Then there was also that well-muscled body hidden behind that ridiculously expensive looking navy blue suit. Let’s not even mention again those dark intense grey eyes which looked to be eye unwrapping her and she loved it.

Whenever those eyes caught hers, her body just felt as if it was heating up to 90 degrees and she was slipping down a chain reaction.

The moment between them then ended as his companion the one who was talking to him said something causing him to turn away from staring at her.

She felt as if she could now breathe properly as that short moment had been too intense even for her. She then pretended to go back to ordering her drink.

She unsuspiciously peeked at him again unable to stop herself and saw him talking some more with his male companion. She realized they were arguing about her as the male companion Viktor was talking to, kept on pointing to her as they talked while Viktor just glared at him.

As Viktor looked about to turn and look at her Natasha quickly stopped her peeking and pretended to start a conversation with her female coworker Stella.

After some while she then peeked again but was surprised to see Viktor no longer at the VIP Section. She now so could not believe it! As her target had left.  She even felt a little conscious at the thought that maybe he preferred skinny girls.

She now so dreaded telling Gavril that she had not succeeded in getting the attention of her target.

I’m sorry, but he was not interested in me and left. Maybe you should find another person.

Natasha sent the text from the blackberry and was now anxiously awaiting his reply.

Don’t try to play games with me little girl. One of my men told me you did not even attempt to go talk to Viktor. If you fail again, I’m sending you a cut up finger from your brother`s hand.

Natasha almost dropped the phone at the reply she got from Gavril. Her skin prickled at the thought of how his men were still watching her. 

Then the thought of any harm coming to her brother because she failed, almost brought tears to her face. The next time she was not going to fail, she was going to get Viktor`s attention one way or the other!

Feeling depressed, she quickly moved away from the bar and not seeing it, ended up colliding into someone.

This was so not her night as her dress was now drenched in champagne while the causer of this came out dry and clean.

‘’I’m truly, and awfully sorry. I was not looking at where I was going.’’ The male voice of the person to cause this said and she looked up to see it was the male companion of Viktor the one he had been arguing with.

‘’Here, Come with me, I’m staying at one of the hotel rooms above, I’m sure I can find you another dress to change into.’’ He then said and she let him lead her as where the hell was she going to go to with a drenched dress?

In the elevator she took a really good look at her companion and realized that he had some similar features to Viktor.  But with blonde hair and crystal mischievous blue eyes.

‘’Are you Viktor, the owner of this company`s brother?’’ Natasha then decided to ask him.

‘’Apparently yes Viktor the uptight is my brother, my name is Aleksey by the way and you?’’ he then replied her playfully and she told him hers. This was truly good news for her as maybe she could end up getting to Viktor`s home one day, through his brother.

Aleksey was very easy to talk to and handsome but totally not Natasha`s type as he had playboy material written all over him.

He then led her to the hotel room he was staying at.

Natasha also saw some bodyguards mingling around the lobby and guessed that Viktor was also making sure to provide protection for his brother too. A clever thought as knowing Gavril he would not mind kidnapping Viktor`s family members to get to him.

As always it was a 5 star hotel room, the ones Natasha never ever dreamed she would step foot in.

It was like a penthouse with large rooms from the lounge room to the Kitchen.

‘’That door leads to my bedroom which has a closet full of t-shirts.   In the meanwhile, dry yourself with this towel and wear one of the shirts.  As for me, I am going to go ask my next door neighbor the lovely Miss Victoria if she has some extra dress for you to change into.’’ Aleksey then said to Natasha pointing to a brown classy looking door with a twinkle in his eyes after handing her a white towel.

Natasha looked at him with wide eyes for the way he had talked about going to see the so called Miss Victoria, as if he was planning to be there for a very long time doing some dirty things before bringing her the dress to change.

Before she could say something to him, he opened the door and pointed her to go into the bedroom to wait for him while he went to find her a dress.

Natasha entered the bedroom feeling like rolling her eyes at Aleksey.

He then closed the door but not before flashing her a mischievous wink. She almost followed him wanting to know what he was playing at, but she was feeling yuck from this drenched wet dress.

She first took a look at Aleksey`s bedroom and it was grand looking from the master bed to the big airy windows.

Nice place, she thought to herself.

She then removed her yuck dress, wondering what she was going to say to Gavril`s Russian woman about her dress.

Natasha was now only wearing her bra and panties. She then felt the well folded white thing which she had been hiding in her bra all along.  Gavril thought it had been burned up into ashes but he was wrong as Natasha has snuck it into her bra and pretended to burn one of her bill letters. At least with this letter if she failed the spy mission she could have something to use against Gavril to make him release her brother.

She then went to stand by Aleksei`s closet after drying herself with a towel to look for some shirt to wear in the meantime. She was surprised by the sort of clothing filling the huge closet. They were the kind of clothes which fit the style worn by Viktor not by Aleksey!

‘’What the hell?’’ she then heard a deep sexy Russian accent voice swear in surprise making her freeze on the spot...

Chapter Five

Meeting at last...

Oh crap, bloody Alekesei, he had freakin set her up. This was not even his bloody bedroom but Viktor`s!

Natasha thought as she stood looking in surprise at half naked, only towel wearing sexy looking Viktor who had just come out from taking a bath.

‘’Should i even ask what the hell you are doing in my bedroom?’’ Viktor then said looking at her suspiciously wondering if she was one of those stalker type women but a gorgeous one at that.

‘’Oh No! I mean um I am not here on purpose, my name is Natasha and your brother spilled his drink on me then brought me to this room to change saying it was his bedroom.’’  Natasha then said to him almost stuttering as this Russian billionaire had a way of making her feel like almost losing all her senses. He just had this dominating presence about him.

As for Aleksey, that clever mischievous bastard, Natasha was sure by now that he had intentionally spilled the drink on her. But then again she should thank him as wasn’t this what she wanted all along, to have the full attention of Viktor.

Viktor face changed from suspicious to a knowing look as he knew his mischievous brother could plan something like this. Even after he had plainly told Aleksey at the VIP Section that just because he had stared at a female that did not mean he wanted one!

That is why he had abruptly left angrily but mostly to run away from this tempting dark chocolate vixen who had given him a hard on from just staring at her.

So he had rushed to his hotel room which he usually stayed at and rushed for a cold shower to get her out of his mind.

But now it seems as if he could not escape her.  Since she was now in his room and damn half naked, wearing only a sexy bra and those sexy looking panties which he just wanted to rip off her.

It was as if the whole atmosphere had shifted as Natasha noticed the way Viktor`s eyes had flared up and where now trailing her body, inch by inch as if he wanted to eat her up!

She also started trailing her eyes, checking him out to0, staring at those Adonis sculpted muscles which she wanted to feel through with her hands.

No longer able to take it any longer, she slowly walked up to him like a temptress stalking her prey as today Natasha Camille Walker was getting what she wanted from Viktor Ivanovich Dmitri whether he liked it or not.

And right now she wanted touch her and fuck her until she could no longer get enough of him.

She then stood in front of him with a challenging look in her eyes.

Viktor noticing the challenge look, gave her a warning and are you sure look because she so did not know who she was messing with.

As she seductively started slowly biting her lip and trailing her hand down her body about to place it into her panties and touch herself, that just pushed Viktor to the edge.

No bloody sexy woman was going to touch and satisfy herself while he idly stood watching!

With a sexy growl and now only wanting to satisfy his dominating primal Russian urges, Viktor quickly hoisted her up his shoulder so that her gorgeous butt hang up in the air.

He gave her a playful smack for being such a bad girl and then threw her at the big master bed. She then turned and looked up at him invitingly.

He quickly threw away his towel leaving himself fully naked and for her to quickly look at his form appreciatively with pure lust. He then jumped into the bed and hovered on top of her like a predator.

‘’ Tonight,
Lyublmaya moyA, my sweetheart,
I shall make you scream and shout my name in pleasure until your voice runs out.’’ he then whispered growly with a thick Russian accent, into her ear leaving a trail of electric tingles. This just turned her on more.

He first ripped away her bra causing some white piece of paper to fall away on the floor but Natasha did not care or notice, lost in the intense eyes of her lover.

He then ripped away her panties until she was utterly naked, exactly as he wanted her to be ever since he first laid his eyes on her.

And before Natasha knew it, Viktor entered her, consuming her whole fully. He then devoured every part and inch of her dark chocolate skin causing fireworks to spark wherever he touched while she screamed his name in pure ecstasy the whole night...

Chapter Six

Natasha the spy...

Mama mia! Natasha felt like shouting that out loud as she had just had the night of her life, Viktor had totally taken her to paradise and even now she was surprised to still want more and more of him.

She would never get enough, let’s not even mention the way he had devoured her body until she was lost in oblivion of pleasure.

Morning came too quickly for her as she now lay all sprawled out on the sheets with Viktor`s hand possessively wrapped around her female form. She looked at his peaceful handsome sleeping face and realized she was now totally and utterly in love with him.

She had never been the one to believe in love at first sight or love making but having experienced it, she now understood. 

She gently removed herself from him making sure not to wake him up and rushed to the bathroom to pee.

After she was done, having washed her hands, she then with wide horrified eyes saw the pink blackberry vibrating to indicate Gavril had left messages for her.

Oh crap she had totally forgotten all about her spy mission and her brother being kidnapped.

She rushed to the phone on the bed side table in panic hoping that Gavril had not reacted to her not replying his messages by killing her brother. She would never forgive herself.

One of my men tells me that they saw you enter an elevator with Viktor`s brother.

What a clever plan to get into Viktor`s hotel room which he usually stays in, I’m proud of you. Since you might end up reading this in the morning after your sleep over with the boy Aleksey, I want you to sneak into Viktor`s office in that hotel room and to search for that evidence. Make sure not to get caught! And you better find something.

PS. Don’t even think about turning on me by telling any of those billionaire boys about me having your brother and thinking they might help you to save him. I have spies there too and your brother will die instantly.

Now feeling frantic, Natasha first looked at sleeping Viktor in guilt at the thought of what she was about to do. But she had to do so for her brother. She first wore one of his shirts and boxers and started her spy mission.

She walked out of the room sneakily, making sure to be soundless like a ninja.

Luckily there was no one at the hotel room but them. Aleksey had truly gone for a sleep over at Miss Victoria`s house.

Which was fine with her as it made it easier for her to find the office, sneak in and take the documents.

She easily found the office door, it was the third one to the right.

Luckily for her it was unlocked as she so did not have door unlocking skill like the spies she saw in TV.

She entered in to a nice spacey office and everything just reminded her of Viktor from the wooden manly desk to the black colored laptop, it was all his kind of style.

Feeling guiltier for what she was doing, betraying the trust of a man she now loved by going through his stuff to steal something important to him, Natasha told herself to be strong and do this to save her brother.

So she started going through the drawers, the papers and the shelves while placing everything back in exact place.  She was doing it all quickly not wanting Viktor to wake up and find her in there. That would be horrifying.

Frustrated not having found anything, she left the office as she had taken longer than she was supposed to.

She then headed to the kitchen needing an excuse for when Viktor asked where she had gone off too, if he was now awake.

She went through the expensive kitchen drawers, took out some ingredients and started cooking breakfast.

‘’Hmm what is that delicious smell?’’ she then heard a deep sexy Russian accent voice whisper as the owner wrapped his hands around her, cuddling into her neck causing electrifying sparks to course through her body.

‘’I have just finished frying some eggs and bacon for us. I hope you don’t mind me using your kitchen.  ‘’ Natasha answered him after placing the plates on the table. She then turned and wrapped her hands around Viktor’s neck and she loved the way he was looking at her.

In awe and wonder.

‘’You know I just can’t help but dread to think that I’m going to wake up and realize that you were maybe just a dream.  As after yesterday night, I never ever thought I could feel like this ever again for someone other than my dead wife Natalia. ‘’ Viktor then said looking so vulnerable at her while lovingly caressing her cheek.

Tears started flowing down Natasha`s cheeks at the thought of how he was letting her into his heart when she was busy betraying him and spying for his enemy.

‘’Don’t cry
Lyublmaya moyA
, I only want to see happiness on that beautiful face. ‘’ Viktor then said to her while kissing the tears away.  And she so loved the way he called her my sweetheart in his thick sexy Russian accent.

His lips then moved and started tasting her delicious lips.

This kiss was more passionate and sensual as they both poured out all their feelings into it.

‘’I just love the way you look in one of my shirts. But you look better without it. ‘’ Viktor then said out to her as he lifted her up and placed her on the table.

Just as he was about to unbutton the shirt and fuck her on the table, the voice of his FBI and CIA trained best friend and bodyguard Rafael, interrupted them.

‘’Viktor, I want you to step away from that woman as quickly as possible!’’ Rafael an Asian looking and average built guy said while holding out a gun and pointing it at Natasha.

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