The Cowboy Poet (9 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

BOOK: The Cowboy Poet
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But Tyler, he realized, was becoming more than just his boy—he was becoming his lover, and where did that leave them come morning?
Shaking away this thought, Clint allowed Jonas to direct him to the bed, where he lay on his back across the old hand-stitched quilt. On your belly, Jonas directed. We got to work out the kinks before we service you properly. Your job right now is to lie still and hush. Think you can handle that? Jonas asked teasingly.
I think I can manage it,
, Clint drawled, adding emphasis to the last word to remind Jonas of his place, though he too was teasing. He rolled over, stretching his arms over his head with a contented sigh. He knew Jonas had a way of easing those strong fingers into the muscle, rubbing out the kinks, as he called them, until a body fairly melted.
You sit on this side, he heard Jonas say to Tyler, and I‘ll be over here. The two men settled on either side of Clint on the bed. He remained still, his eyes closed. I‘ll take his back, you take his ass and legs. Take your time and use your muscle. Clint likes it hard, don‘t ya‘, boy?
Clint growled his laugh. Watch your step, Jonas. You‘ll find yourself trussed and hogtied before you know it.
Promises, promises, Jonas replied. Now hush and take what‘s comin‘ to ya‘.
Clint sighed his appreciation as strong fingers dug into the muscle at his shoulders. He felt Tyler‘s hands too, moving lightly over his ass and down his thighs. Tyler‘s touch made his cock harden beneath him and he lifted his hips slightly to adjust himself.
Tyler strengthened his touch some, kneading the flesh of Clint‘s ass and thighs as Jonas continued the deep tissue massage on his shoulders and back. Clint gave himself over to the sensations as two sets of powerful hands rubbed and eased every stitch of tension from his body. He felt himself sliding down into a half-dream state but was too contented to do anything about it.
Then he felt himself being flipped over, limp as a ragdoll. He opened his eyes and groaned as Jonas leaned over his chest, flicking at his nipples with a warm tongue, while Tyler closed silky lips over his erect shaft.
He luxuriated in the sensations for a while, but as Tyler licked and sucked, the familiar, welcome rush of dominance reasserted itself in Clint‘s consciousness and he sat up, gently but firmly pushing both men away.
That was heaven, boys, and I thank you. But unless you want to knock me out for the night, we gotta change things up a bit. He gripped his erect cock and ran his tongue over his lips. I still expect your full attention, but for now I‘m runnin‘ the show.
Jonas grinned, used to Clint‘s taking over. Tyler was watching him with shining eyes and parted lips. Both men‘s cocks were as hard as his own. Clint felt the power of his position like a rush of pure adrenaline kicking up in his blood.
He focused on Tyler, looking deep into those very blue eyes. I want you Ty, I want you bad. I want to feel your mouth around my cock. I want you to take me so deep I can feel your throat swallowing my cock. Do you want that too, Ty? He stroked Tyler‘s cheek, still gazing deep into his eyes. Do you want to please me? Will you let me take you the way I want to? Will you let me take your breath away? Will you trust me to take you there and back again safely?
His eyes fixed on Clint, Tyler took a deep breath, swallowed hard and nodded his consent.
Clint slid off the bed and stood, energized with excitement. Ty, you lie flat on the bed, head hanging just off the edge here. He pointed to indicate what he meant. Jonas, you straddle Ty‘s hips and keep that cock of his hard, you hear?
From the look of things, that shouldn‘t be a problem, Jonas quipped, staring pointedly at Tyler‘s full erection.
The two men moved quickly to obey, Tyler stretching himself horizontally across the mattress, his head hanging just off the side as Clint had indicated. Jonas climbed over Tyler‘s hips, his erect cock brushing Ty‘s as he positioned himself.
Your job, Ty, Clint growled softly into Ty‘s ear as he knelt down beside him, is to worship my cock and balls with your mouth. I want you to stay focused on me. Open yourself to me, trust me. I‘m gonna give you my cock slowly at first, and I want you to stay relaxed. When I get goin‘, I‘ll go deeper. Would you like that, boy? To feel all of me? I may go so deep that it‘ll block your breathin‘ a bit, but I won‘t give you more than you can handle. If you feel like it‘s too much, just raise your hand and I‘ll stop. I may be runnin‘ the show, but ultimately you call the shots. Okay?
Yeah, Tyler said in a throaty whisper.
Clint kissed Tyler, thrusting his tongue deep as a prelude for what was to come. Tyler responded eagerly, moaning against his mouth. When Clint let him go, he noticed the drop of pre-cum gleaming at the tip of Tyler‘s cock. Jonas had noticed it too. He licked his lips and grinned at Clint, raising his eyebrows in unspoken question.
Clint nodded toward Jonas. That‘s your job. Keep him hard while I use his mouth, but don‘t let him come.
, Jonas said, the delighted anticipation fairly glowing on his face. He leaned down, licking the pre-cum from the tip of Tyler‘s cock.
Focus, boy, Clint reminded Tyler. Your job is to pleasure me and take what‘s given to you. Don‘t initiate anything. And you will
come, understand? Not unless or until I say so, no matter what Jonas is doin‘ to you.
Tyler nodded, gulping, and Clint smiled, well aware of that curious reaction guys like Tyler experienced when told they couldn‘t come—they immediately and desperately wanted to do just that. He understood too, that the sexual suffering this engendered was pure pleasure—pleasure he was glad to give.
He met Jonas‘ eye a moment and Jonas gave a small nod. Clint felt the acceptance and approval in his old friend‘s nod. He‘d meant what he‘d said earlier about being happy for Clint, and Clint felt the last bit of anxiety over hurting Jonas‘ feelings slip away. Clint stood again, leaning over Tyler to lightly kiss Jonas‘ lips.
The bed was just high enough for what he had planned. By bending his knees slightly, his cock was at the perfect angle to ease down into Tyler‘s open mouth. As he inserted the head, Tyler at once began to suckle and lick.
Jonas caught Tyler‘s shaft in one hand, the other loosely wrapped around his own formidable cock. Tyler moaned against Clint‘s cock. Focus, Clint reminded him. He teased Tyler‘s lips, allowing only the head of his cock to move past them. To his credit, Tyler did focus, licking and kissing whatever Clint offered him with eager abandon.
Slowly Clint pushed downward, allowing Tyler to get used to the length of his shaft before pressing farther. This time he was the one who groaned with pleasure as Tyler expertly milked his cock.
You like havin‘ my cock in your mouth? You ready to take more for me, boy? He stroked Tyler‘s bare chest, grazing his nipples with his fingertips. He rested one hand for a moment on Tyler‘s rapidly beating heart.
You ready? Clint asked again, pulling back so Tyler could answer.
Yeah, Tyler murmured, his eyes fluttering shut, his hands still resting loosely by his sides. Jonas was focused on Tyler‘s cock, as instructed, his mouth and hands busy.
Clint leaned forwarding, guiding his shaft back into Tyler‘s mouth, this time pushing farther downward than before, not stopping until he pressed past Tyler‘s soft palate. Tyler stiffened and Clint could feel his momentary panic. Clint pulled back enough to allow Tyler to suck in some air and settle himself.
Relax, he soothed, pressing his hand gently against Tyler‘s smooth chest. Don‘t fight it. This is about the trust, Ty. Let go.
Tyler stilled, his body easing. Jonas continued to stroke Tyler‘s cock with one hand, his own caught in a loose grip in his other hand, his brown eyes fixed on Clint‘s glistening shaft.
Clint lowered himself once more into Tyler‘s open mouth, again not stopping until he felt the head of his cock lodge against the back of Tyler‘s throat. Clint savored the feeling of his cock engulfed in the velvet warmth of Tyler‘s mouth and throat. Tyler handled it better this time, opening his throat to accept Clint‘s cock, allowing his windpipe to be blocked in a supreme show of trust that thrilled Clint to his bones.
He pulled back slowly, his hands moving over Tyler‘s chest. Tyler again began to lick and suck at Clint‘s shaft. Clint pulled all the way out, looking down at his lover, whose eyes were closed, his mouth open, hungry as a baby bird.
This time Clint shifted slightly, moving closer to offer not his cock, but his balls, for Tyler‘s attention. Tyler licked in fevered circles around the delicate skin as Clint teased him, hovering just high enough to make Tyler work to reach him.
He nodded toward Jonas, who picked up the tempo and friction at Tyler‘s groin, pulling a groan from Tyler‘s mouth that vibrated against Clint‘s balls. He lowered himself, allowing Tyler to take the entire ball sac into his mouth.
Tyler eagerly accepted his offering, licking and sucking at Clint‘s balls until his cock felt like it would explode. Pulling back, Clint again eased his shaft into Tyler‘s still-open mouth.
You have no idea how hot you are right now, Ty, Clint said. You make me feel so good. And you‘re such a brave, courageous boy, lettin‘ me claim you like this with my cock. Stay loose and easy. You‘re doin‘ fine, just fine.
Gauging Tyler was ready for more, Clint slid into the hot, welcome clutch of Tyler‘s mouth. He pushed farther, cutting off Tyler‘s air, holding his own breath at the same time to make sure he kept Tyler safe.
When he finally drew back, Tyler gasped, sucking in a bushel of air, but he kept his mouth wide open, his arms resting loosely at his sides.
Wow, Tyler said softly, staring up at Clint with something that seemed to approach love. I feel like I just went somewhere. Somewhere like heaven. I‘m still floating from it. It‘s fantastic. The awe in his voice touched Clint‘s core.
At last,
he thought with amazement.
I’ve found my kindred spirit at last.
He realized Jonas was watching him, and wondered if he knew what had just transpired between Tyler and himself. It was a connection he‘d once dreamed of having with Jonas, but they‘d never managed to go there. Still, the friendship ran deep, and Jonas was still sexy as all get-out.
Clint leaned over, supporting himself with one hand on the bed as he reached with the other for both of his boys‘ cocks. He held them both, each harder than the other, and began to slide his hand up and down. Jonas wrapped his large hand over Clint‘s and they moved in a sensual rhythm.
Clint savored the moment as long as he could, pumping their cocks along with Jonas, while fucking Tyler‘s eager, hot mouth. When it felt too good to hold back another second, he gasped, Do it. Come for me, both of you.
Jonas was breathing hard, a flush rising up his neck, a sheen of sweet moving over his powerfully muscled chest. Tyler was moaning against Clint‘s shaft, his tongue doing things that had to be a crime, it felt so damn good. Somehow Clint managed to keep his grip on their cocks until, all at once, Jonas arched forward with a cry, streams of hot, white semen shooting over Clint‘s hand and Tyler‘s stomach and chest.
Clint managed to keep Tyler‘s rigid shaft in his grip while Tyler continued to work his wet magic. Jesus, Clint groaned, stiffening as he ejaculated deep into Tyler‘s throat. Tyler spurted at the same moment, his cum mingling with Jonas‘ on his skin.
Clint fell forward, landing beside Tyler on the bed. He shifted until he was head to head with his lover, and Jonas stretched out beside them as well with a long, satisfied sigh. Without planning it, the three of them curled into each other on their sides.
Tucked between the two men, Clint drifted a while in post-orgasmic bliss. Eventually he resurfaced to find himself sandwiched between Jonas and Tyler. Clint smiled to himself at the symbolism of their positions, with Jonas behind him and Tyler before him. Jonas was a part of his life, as comfortable as an old horse blanket, while Tyler was new and elusive, the thrill of mutual discovery still before them.
Yet Tyler was only passing through. The problem was, on the way he‘d somehow managed to snag Clint‘s heart. Lying there between the two men, Clint couldn‘t help but wonder—what happened now?

Chapter 9

This here‘s Toby. Clint patted the sorrel‘s soft nose as he slipped the halter over it. Seven-year-old gelding with an easy disposition. Clint led Toby out of his stall and walked down toward the blue roan in the next stall over. This is Lady. She‘s got a lot of energy and a fiery nature, but under the right hand she gentles up nice. Which one you want?

He turned to Tyler, smiling inwardly when Tyler chose Lady, as Clint had guessed he would. They led the horses out of the stalls and into the paddock, looping their lead ropes over fence posts. The sun wasn‘t quite up yet, but its approach was turning the night sky to gray, tinged with lavender.

Clint brought their saddles from the tack room and Tyler took Lady‘s, expertly saddling her up while he murmured softly to her. Clint watched him a moment, admiring Tyler‘s easy way with the sometimes temperamental horse. He approached her with the natural confidence of a lifetime rider, but beyond that Clint sensed his immediate affinity with the animal.

She takes to you right nice, he observed, as they mounted the horses and turned in the direction of the trails at the back of the ranch.
Feels good, Tyler said. It‘s been too long since I was on a horse. Way too long.
They rode alongside the pasture‘s edge toward the wooded trails. They went in single file, Clint leading the way. He should have felt tired, as they‘d had very little actual sleep the night before, but he felt energized and more alive than he‘d felt in years.
After the impromptu threesome with Jonas, they‘d sat out back again for a while, sharing another beer. Before leaving, Jonas had wrapped them both in a big bear hug. To each of them he‘d said the same words, a large smile on his open face. You take care of him, you hear? He‘s definitely a keeper. Then he‘d left them for the night.
Once he‘d gone, Clint had asked Tyler, You gonna stick around for that sunrise?
You bet. Tyler‘s smile warmed him, and they soon returned to the cabin, where they stripped and fell naked together into the bed. Their lovemaking was by turns hot and fierce, and then slow and tender, as they drifted between sleep and a hunger for each other that was like nothing Clint had ever experienced.
If he had his way, Tyler would never leave, but he well knew real life was coming soon to intrude, and he did his best not to leap there before he had to. Instead he held Tyler in his arms, watching him sleep, his strong, handsome face outlined by the silvery light of the moon, until he finally gave in to the tug of slumber.
They came out of the copse of trees and moved toward an outcropping of stone beside some wild grass that Clint knew from experience was good for grazing. Dismounting, they tied the horses to a nearby tree and moved to sit on the stone ledge, facing east. They couldn‘t have timed it better. The top curve of the sun suddenly appeared, a shimmering crescent of pure gold. They watched in awed silence as it pushed its way over the edge of the horizon, filling the sky with a sudden, blazing light.
That‘s somethin‘ I never tire of seein‘, Clint remarked.
It‘s been way too long since I‘ve seen a prairie sunrise. Tyler‘s voice was wistful, even sad.
Clint looked at him, studying his face from the side. Why‘d you really leave, Ty? What‘re you runnin‘ from?
He felt Tyler stiffen and almost regretted the question, but if there was something developing between them, he needed to know what it was that held Tyler back. Clint remembered how powerfully Tyler had protested the first time he‘d exerted his dominant will—
I don’t do this. I told you, I ain’t nobody’s boy
Though Tyler‘s reactions to their play had been powerful and sincere, Clint continued to feel an underlying resistance from him. It was almost like Tyler was longing to surrender, but somehow felt to do so was to prove himself the weaker man. There was something, or someone, holding him back.
Tyler was a man fighting with himself, not comfortable with his own nature. This fight was going to continue to affect their relationship, unless they found a way to deal with it head on. What they‘d shared was too special to ignore or deny. He could no longer pretend to himself that Tyler was just passing through, or that Clint had no business poking his nose where it didn‘t belong. Somehow he needed to find a way to reach Tyler, before it was too late, before he returned to Austin, never looking back.
This was his chance, and he knew he had to grab it. They could either choose to move forward together, or let it end. Clint prayed he could somehow prevent that from happening. He didn‘t want to just let Tyler slip away. There had been other men, other potential, and he‘d let them slip away, telling himself the time wasn‘t right, or the man wasn‘t worthy.
He understood in a moment of clarity that he‘d let them go because he wasn‘t willing to fight for love. Now, for whatever reason, he found that he was. He was ready to claim what he wanted for his own. If he wanted this thing with Tyler, whatever it was, he had to at least try.
And so, when Tyler did his usual, stiffening and turning his face away with a shrug, Clint leaned toward Tyler, grabbing him gently but firmly by the shoulder. Ty. Don‘t shut me out. Talk to me. We have somethin‘ special, you and me. And it‘s not just about who‘s on top and who holds the whip. We got somethin‘ that doesn‘t come along too often. Are we just gonna let it go?
Tyler turned slowly toward him, though he still didn‘t speak. Ty, Clint tried again. You‘re safe with me. Haven‘t I showed you that over this past week? But you‘ve got a wall up between us. It‘s something only you can tear down. What really happened back at the ranch that has you runnin‘ not just from the ranch, but from yourself?
Tyler turned back toward the horizon, staring out into the middle distance as if he didn‘t even see the riot of glorious color splashed over the sky. Clint could see a muscle working in his jaw, as if the words were stuck, trying to find a way out. Finally Tyler said cryptically, I‘m not the man you think I am.
Clint waited, refusing to permit himself to leap to any conclusions. When Tyler didn‘t continue, he prodded gently. Go on.
Tyler glanced at him and then quickly away. There was someone. He was like you. But he wasn‘t like you. I mean, you make it seem okay, but I know deep down it‘s not okay. This isn‘t how a man‘s supposed to act. Supposed to feel…
Ty, what are you sayin‘?
Tyler turned toward him. Look, it‘s been a great week. You‘re a terrific guy. But this whole thing—the ropes, the commands, the spanking and stuff. I know for you it‘s just this hot, sexy game. But it‘s not right for me. I‘ve been down that road before. I know what ends up happening. I can‘t live my life like that. I‘m a man, damn it. Not someone‘s whipping boy.
Clint felt as if he‘d been slapped, but he forced himself to remain calm. Tyler was confused—scared. That was all this was. This ain‘t a game, Ty, he said slowly. Not for me. It‘s who I am. I see who you are too, and we fit together. Tyler started to speak, but Clint cut him off, determined to have his say.
Ty, you were born for this. You can deny it all you want, but you were born to submit and I was born to give you what you crave. We‘re like, I don‘t know, we‘re like two pieces of a puzzle, if you will, that fit together. We fit each other‘s groove. We‘re kindred spirits, you and me. You need the pain to be intertwined with the pleasure, and I need the rush I get from claiming and earning your trust. You give up control and I take it. It‘s part of a powerful circle of give and take. You gotta trust what‘s happenin‘ here, Tyler. You gotta trust yourself. What you‘re feelin‘ isn‘t a sign of weakness. It doesn‘t make you a lesser man. In fact, true submission is about courage, about giving yourself over in a way that is powerful and strong. Let me take you there, Ty. Let‘s explore our deepest urges and needs together. I‘ve been waitin‘ all my life to find you. Don‘t shut me down. Don‘t shut
down just because you‘re afraid of what you don‘t yet fully understand.
Tyler was staring at him as if he were speaking in tongues. Frustrated, Clint tried again. Look, Ty, just because you had a bad experience—
You aren‘t listening to me! Tyler shouted. It‘s more than a bad experience. It‘s me! I make bad choices. I choose men who treat me like shit. You use the guise of sexual games but in the end it‘s about control. You just said it. I give up control. Well, I‘m not willing to do that. Not this time! I learned my lesson, and it was a hard one.
Tyler blew out an angry breath and continued. Wayne started out playful too, but when it got rough, when I wasn‘t comfortable, he kept pushing, same as you‘re doing now. And I let him! Don‘t you see? I let him do it. I was so into the rough play, and so lonely and desperate for that connection, that I let him treat me like shit, and tried to tell myself it was just part of the fucking game!
Tyler stood abruptly, moving away from Clint. He scrambled down the rocks and walked rapidly toward the horses. Both horses looked up. Lady whinnied softly and pawed the ground with one foot, clearly agitated by Tyler‘s tone and rising voice.
Tyler turned back to face Clint, a flush of anger rising up his neck. There‘s something wrong with me. Something twisted up that you can‘t fix. Tyler unhitched Lady and put his foot in a stirrup, swinging himself up onto the saddle. Don‘t you see—I let him take me over, same as you want to do. Then I turned and ran, tail between my legs. I‘m not the man you think I am, Clint. I‘m not a man at all. I let him run right over me, like I was some kind weak, pathetic loser. You might think I‘m this kindred soul, or whatever you called it, but how long before you realize just who you‘re really dealing with? Better you find out now, and cut your losses. Better you go back to Jonas, where it‘s all comfortable and easy and you can play your games and find other guys to bring into your little threesomes.
Clint reared back, stunned and hurt at Tyler‘s words, and the venom behind them. What the hell had just happened? How had things skidded so fast into something so wrong? Ty, please. You got to hear me.
No, you hear me. Tyler crossed his arms over his chest. I‘m done being played for a fool. I know the real deal. Your type just wants to take. You just want to take me over. Well, not this time. Not this time, Clint Darrow. You and that friend of yours, y‘all picked the wrong guy.
Tyler jerked the reins, turning Lady back the way they‘d come. Clint watched in stunned disbelief as the best thing to ever happen to him disappeared among the trees. ~*~
I especially like the article about the bull semen theft, Tyler. I sent back some edits and suggestions. You did a good job on both articles. You‘ve got the makings of a real investigative reporter.
Tyler smiled, trying to bask in the warmth of his editor‘s praise, but the pain of his confrontation with Clint still moved in his gut like jagged pieces of glass, cutting him to the quick. What the hell had happened back there?
Thanks, Angela, he managed. I‘ll be back in Austin later today. I‘ll look at the revisions as soon as I get in.
His editor hung up and Tyler pushed the button on his Bluetooth to end the call. He stared unseeing at the traffic on the freeway, his mind returning to earlier that morning.
The whole thing had been surreal. It was almost like he‘d been watching himself from a distance, staring in frozen horror as he took out his own stupid insecurities and the whole mess with Wayne and dumped them like a big, steaming pile of horse manure right into Clint‘s lap.
You did it again, Sutton, he said aloud as he drove. You‘re an asshole and you deserve what you get. Wayne knew it. It was just a matter of time before Clint figured it out, too. You just sped up the process, is all. Just as well. He can say what he wants, but he‘s probably still in love with Jonas anyway. There isn‘t room for me there. I was just passing through.
He gripped the steering wheel tight with both hands, blinking away the angry tears. What was wrong with him? Clint was nothing like Wayne. Tyler knew that, yet he‘d tried to paint them both with the same broad brush. The look of hurt and pain on Clint‘s face had nearly ripped the heart right out of Tyler, yet he‘d been unable to stop his diatribe, too ashamed of himself and what had happened with Wayne to risk letting Clint know the real truth. If he ever found out what Tyler was really like deep inside, he‘d run as fast as he could in the other direction. Better for Tyler to run first.
He thought about Wayne‘s sneering retorts when he‘d half-heartedly tried to change the dynamic of their twisted relationship before the whole thing blew up.
You‘re just a piece of ass, Tyler, Wayne had told him. A piece of ass who knows his place, which is at my feet and on your knees. Got it?
How Tyler had chafed at this—rejecting it in his heart and mind, while at the same time craving the biting lick of the lash and the feel of Wayne‘s sharp palm on his ass. It was this conflict—this uneasy balance between humiliation and raw desire that had kept him tethered to a man he knew was bad for him.
He‘d made the break, true, but he‘d done it by running. He‘d abandoned his family and his work on the ranch, not because he really wanted to be a reporter, but because he was too scared to face his own demons.
Tyler closed his eyes a second, losing the battle to block the painful memories as the humiliation of that last, horrible confrontation between them forced its way into his consciousness, as vivid and real as if it had just happened.
It had been their usual meeting place and time—late at night when the rest of the ranch was sleeping. They‘d met in the tack room off the stables, the place where Wayne had first exerted his brand of sadistic control.
Wayne had used the riding crop, thoroughly whipping Tyler‘s bare back and ass on that cold February night until he was on fire. He knew from experience he‘d be bruised the next day and was glad for the cover his flannel shirt and jacket would afford him.
Wayne had laughed at Tyler‘s erection afterwards, as he always did, telling him what a sick puppy he was who deserved everything he got. He‘d pulled his cock from his jeans and ordered Tyler to suck him off, but instead of coming in Tyler‘s mouth, he‘d shot his load over the dirt floor and then pointed. Lick it up, faggot. Go on, do as you‘re told.
That word, spat with such derision, set something off in Tyler, a small, bright blaze of anger that for once actually overpowered his twisted submissive compulsion. Leaping to his feet, he‘d shouted, I‘m gay, Wayne. So are you. Why do you want use a hateful word like that?
Wayne sneered at him.
ain‘t gay, you faggot. Gay, fag, what‘s the difference what you call it? It‘s what you are. On top of the beatin‘s you deserve, you take it up the ass and suck my dick. What do you think that makes you?
The anger tightened in Tyler‘s chest, coiling like a rattlesnake ready to strike. And you, you‘re what? His hands had clenched into fists at his sides. For the first time, he actually considered taking Wayne on in a fight. He was bigger than Wayne, but he suspected Wayne was the kind of guy who would fight dirty. He had the kind of wiry, coiled energy that was fueled by anger and egged on by a need for power. He was, Tyler suspected, someone who would fight to win, no matter the cost.
I ain‘t no faggot, Wayne snapped. No man‘s ever been near
ass! But
, he sneered the word. Not only are you queer, but you get hard from bein‘ beat. You jerk off alone to the memory of suckin‘ my dick and takin‘ my whip. You‘re one sick motherfucker, and you know it and I know it. You better watch your step,

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