The Cowboy Poet (8 page)

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Authors: Claire Thompson

BOOK: The Cowboy Poet
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what happens now?
To the cowboy crime fighters, Jonas said, lifting his beer bottle in salute. He handed them each a fresh bottle and they watched the sun setting bronze against the darkening sky as they drank their beer. Bullfrogs and cicadas serenaded them in the purpling twilight.
Tyler leaned back in his chair. This is the life, he said with a contented sigh. I didn‘t realize how much I missed the country since I moved to Austin. What made you leave? Jonas asked.
Clint watched the struggle work its way over Tyler‘s face as he formed an answer. Tyler hunched his shoulders a little and took a long drink before answering. When he finally spoke, it seemed to Clint he wasn‘t saying what was uppermost in his mind.
Well, my standard answer is I always wanted to be a writer. A reporter on a newspaper with a beat of my own. I actually got a degree in journalism—well, he amended, I minored in it, while studying animal science at A&M.
You didn‘t tell me you‘d hooked up with a brainiac, Jonas said to Clint with a wink.
Nah. Tyler scowled. I went to school because my father said so. I would have rather stayed on the ranch, riding the horses all day. But he was bound and determined someone in the family was going to college, and that someone happened to be me. I‘m not sorry, in retrospect, but at the time I just saw it as one more way for him to control me.
Sounds like maybe you left the ranch to assert your independence too, Jonas observed.
Yeah. Tyler glanced at Clint and then stared at the ground. You could say that, I guess.
You miss ridin‘? Clint asked.
Tyler nodded. Something fierce. I haven‘t seen Star, my mare, since I left six months ago.
You haven‘t been back since then? Jonas asked.
Tyler shook his head. My sister, Sarah, takes good care of her. We talk on the phone from time to time. She‘ll never leave the place. They‘ll take over one day, if my dad ever hands over the reins.
Well, we got a couple good horses in the stables, Ty, Clint said. How bout I‘ll hook you up in the morning for nice ride? Nothing like watching the sun rise while on the back of a horse with the wind flyin‘ at your back. We get out early enough, I‘ll have time to go with you.
That‘d be great. Tyler turned a grateful smile in Clint‘s direction, who smiled back.
After a while Jonas turned to Clint. Look-a-here, he said, flashing a grin as he rubbed at his jaw. I do believe I got a bruise from that boy of yours. We were gonna do somethin‘ about that, weren‘t we? A paddlin‘ to teach the boy some manners?
Clint laughed, taking up the thread. Why, we sure was, Jonas. Good thing you reminded me. I bet Tyler here is more than ready to make up for his misdeeds. Right, Ty? You ready for that spankin‘ we promised you?

Chapter 8

Tyler looked from Clint to Jonas and back to Clint, his heart suddenly in his throat. He‘d been so focused on researching his story and writing up his notes that he‘d almost forgotten the sexy promise of the spanking.

He stood, backing away from the two cowboys, a nervous grin breaking out on his face. Gosh, he said, stalling for time. I was so busy today. My mind‘s been on other things.

That‘s okay, Clint said, his dark eyes gleaming. He stood as well. We remembered for you. Might as well take it like a man.
Yes, indeed, Jonas said, rubbing his big hands together with such exaggerated glee that it made Tyler laugh, despite the bubbles of nervousness that had suddenly popped into his stomach. You can throw a punch like a man—let‘s see how well you take what‘s comin‘ to ya‘.
You‘ll have to catch me first, old man! With a laugh, Tyler turned, making a sudden sprint toward the copse of trees that edged the property.
He must be talkin‘ bout you, Jonas, Clint laughed.
Oh, yeah? Jonas roared in mock anger. You‘re gonna pay for that one, blondie!, Moving faster than his girth should have allowed, in seconds Jonas was on Tyler, catching him from behind in a bear hug that actually lifted Tyler off the ground.
You‘re gonna pay for that old man comment, Jonas bellowed. Tyler tried to twist out of the strong man‘s arms, but dissolved into embarrassed laughter when Jonas blew raspberries on the back of his neck.
When Jonas set him down Tyler twisted suddenly, ready to sprint away again, but this time Clint was right there in front of him, blocking his retreat. All three of them were laughing as they tussled, but Tyler was no match for the two of them.
Between them, they wrestled the still struggling and laughing Tyler back to the wide bench. Clint sat down on one end of the bench and maneuvered Tyler across his knees. The bench was low enough that Tyler‘s head nearly touched the grass on one side of Clint, his ass on Clint‘s lap, his legs stretched out along the bench.
Jonas knelt down on one knee in a kind of crouch in front of Tyler‘s head, catching his wrists in one big paw. Tyler pulled against Jonas‘ iron grip, a sudden clutch of panic rising in his gut. While he couldn‘t deny that something about being held down as he was sent a jolt of pure lust hurtling through his cock, at the same time he knew deep down it was wrong. What was it that made him long for this type of rough treatment? What sickness lingered inside him that made it, for him, so much more than a game?
Tyler lifted his head, locking eyes for a moment with the big man, wondering if Jonas, or Clint for that matter, had any idea of the depths of his need to feel the pain and submit to the humiliation. If they knew, would they still be laughing?
Lucky boy, Jonas mouthed, winking broadly at Tyler, and Tyler knew for certain that for him it was just a game.
Clint leaned over him, his breath warm on Tyler‘s cheek. He must have sensed something in Tyler‘s demeanor or body language, because his voice was gentle, its tone coaxing. Hey, relax, he said. We‘re just havin‘ fun, okay? If it doesn‘t suit you, say the word. As Clint spoke, he pushed his hand up under Tyler‘s T-shirt, stroking his back. The hand moved down, massaging his ass cheeks through his jeans.
Clint‘s touch was like fire, lighting all Tyler‘s nerve endings. Oh, it suited him all right. That was the problem. His heart was beating fast and he caught his breath. Lust and need overrode any philosophical concern of his own moral fiber or lack thereof. He wanted what these two sexy cowboys were offering, and he wanted it bad.
Yeah, he managed, his voice throaty. He jerked hard against Clint‘s legs as Clint‘s palm landed hard against his ass. Despite the denim that covered him, he could feel the powerful sting. Jonas held his wrists fast.
Clint struck him with a series of blows that made Tyler‘s cock harden into pure steel as it rubbed against Clint‘s legs. For a moment he had the terrible feeling he was going to come in his pants. He wriggled some, trying to take the direct pressure off his cock but it only made things worse.
He was distracted by Clint‘s words to Jonas. You‘re the one he took a swipe at. Care to even the score?
Thought you‘d never ask. Still holding Tyler‘s wrists in one hand, Jonas brought the other down hard on his ass, the palm cupped to add an extra wallop. This was followed by a series of lighter smacks that seemed to be coming from both men at once, covering both cheeks in rapid-fire succession.
Just when Tyler didn‘t think he could take another lick, Jonas sat back, and Clint began to rub Tyler‘s burning ass cheeks with a soothing, easy touch that calmed him some, though it did nothing to ease his raging erection.
When Clint finally let him up, Jonas let go of his wrists and Tyler rolled from Clint‘s lap to the dirt. Clint was watching him with that fiery gleam in his eyes that made Tyler want to get to his knees and wrap his arms around Clint‘s legs right then and there.
Clint stood and moved behind Tyler. Stand up, he ordered, his raspy voice rolling like sex over Tyler‘s senses. We ain‘t done with you, boy.
Tyler scrambled to his feet, confused and excited, not sure what to expect next. Clint grabbed his arms, locking them behind his back and Jonas, as if on cue, knelt in front of Tyler.
Looking up at Clint, Jonas reached for Tyler‘s crotch, covering the very evident bulge with one large hand. I declare, Clinton, he said with an evil grin. I sure would like to get a taste of that. Yes, indeed. He rubbed his palm over Tyler‘s bulge.
Clint pulled his arms back harder, forcing Tyler‘s back to arch, his groin thrust forward. That suit you, boy? You took your correction like a man. Would you like a reward? Jonas here is very skilled in that particular department. He‘ll make you forget all about that stingin‘ ass of yours.
Jonas reached for Tyler‘s belt buckle. Clint, Tyler pleaded, trying to twist away. We‘re outside. Someone could see.
Tyler‘s heart was going a mile a minute. Wayne had done this, or something like it, forcing Tyler to suck him off out behind the barns where anyone could have stumbled upon them. Though he couldn‘t deny the thrill of possible exposure, he‘d resented Wayne‘s refusal to listen to his concerns.
But this was different. He didn‘t know anyone on this ranch, and besides, his cock was so hard it probably wouldn‘t take more than a few strokes before he came. Beyond that, he was thrilled at what was happening to him—it touched the core of some of his deepest, darkest fantasies.
Nah, Clint said, unaware of his inner turmoil. Nobody ever comes back here behind my cabin. Anyway, we‘d hear em if they tried. Don‘t you worry, Ty. You‘re safe. I would never do somethin‘ to put you at risk.
He drew his tongue down the side of Tyler‘s neck, drawing an involuntary shudder from him. You earned this, boy. Just relax and enjoy it.
Jonas looked up at Tyler, smiling broadly. Tyler gulped and then nodded his consent. He wanted this too damn bad to protest any further. His cock was bent uncomfortably in his jeans, aching for release. He sighed with relief when Jonas unbuckled his belt and pulled opened the metal buttons on his fly. Hooking his large thumbs beneath the fabric at Tyler‘s hips, Jonas yanked both the jeans and Tyler‘s underwear, dragging them to his knees.
This here is mighty fine. He stared at Tyler‘s cock and balls with open appreciation that only made Tyler‘s cock harder, if such a thing were possible. Mighty fine, Jonas reiterated.
Clint held Tyler‘s arms fast behind him. He could feel Clint‘s erection pressing against the small of his back as Clint leaned forward, lightly biting Tyler‘s neck.
Jonas looked up at Clint, a question in his face. Clint spoke behind Tyler. Use your hands first. Stroke him, light and easy. Take your time. I‘ll let you know when you can taste the goods.
Yes, Sir, Jonas said, eyes bright. His use of the word sir, and the fact he was the one on his knees, reminded Tyler of the dynamic of their relationship. Though Clint said they were now just friends, the lines remained sharply drawn, with Clint clearly the one in control.
He stopped thinking altogether when Jonas‘ big hand closed over his cock, pulling up and drawing the skin taut before moving down again in a perfect friction. Tyler moaned and then gasped as Clint lightly bit and then licked his neck. You‘re mine, boy, Clint murmured.
Now? Jonas growled, his mouth hovering near Tyler‘s fisted cock. Now, Clint agreed.
Jonas‘ lips slid wetly over the head. Tyler let his head fall back against Clint. Jonas moved lower, taking the full length of Tyler‘s engorged cock into his mouth. Oooo, Tyler moaned, his legs going weak with pleasure as Jonas licked, kissed and sucked his cock. He cradled Tyler‘s balls in one hand, letting one finger trail along toward the sensitive pucker between his cheeks.
As Clint kissed his neck, Tyler twisted back, searching hungrily for Clint‘s mouth with his. Their lips met, tongues entwining while Jonas continued to suck and stroke Tyler‘s cock. Tyler gasped against Clint‘s mouth as Clint pulled back hard on his arms, reminding him he was restrained. Jonas gripped Tyler‘s shaft in his hand as he nuzzled against Tyler‘s crotch.
Tyler felt dizzy and hot. Sweat was trickling down his sides. That‘s it, baby, Clint murmured, as Tyler began to shake. He heard someone moaning and realized it was himself. His balls tightened against Jonas‘ relentless, sweet attack and he felt his orgasm rising, fast and hard.
Fuck, he breathed. I‘m gonna come.
Not yet. Clint emphasized his words by tightening his grip on Tyler‘s restrained arms. Hold out for me. Wait till I say. A part of Tyler thrilled to Clint‘s command, making it that much harder to control the impending climax.
He forced himself to ease off, willing his body to delay its pleasure a little longer, despite Jonas‘ continued and focused attention at his crotch.
When Clint reached beneath Tyler‘s sweat-soaked shirt, finding and twisting his nipple, the zing of sensation ricocheted directly to his cock. Tyler let out a cry that was part pain, part nearly unbearable pleasure.
Now, boy. Come for me. Do it. Clint‘s voice was a low, sensual growl in Tyler‘s ear.
And suddenly Tyler understood. This was
—that strange, elusive thing he had always longed for and never quite achieved at Wayne‘s cruel hands. On a deep, primal level that defied words or understanding, the sweet pain, the low seductive voice of his dominant lover and the rising tide of orgasm combined together to wrest from him his complete surrender. He let go, jerking against Jonas‘ hot, wet grip, giving in to the climax that overtook him, rising up from his groin and ripping through his body like a tornado.
Clint let go of his nipple and wrapped his strong arms around Tyler from behind, holding him close. Tyler sagged against him, leaning his head back into Clint‘s chest. His legs felt like rubber and his heart was pulsing in his ears.
When he could focus, Tyler saw that Jonas was smiling up at them. Tyler smiled back weakly. Wow, he managed to croak. That was something amazing.
It sure was, Jonas agreed with a grin. For a second there I thought you was gonna take off like a rocket and lift all three of us clean up into the sky. Whooo weee, you got you a live one there, Clint.
We got us a live one, all right, Clint agreed. But something tells me you had more than a little to do with that, Jonas. Tyler, still held up in Clint‘s arms as he tried to recover from the most powerful orgasm he could ever remember, nodded his agreement. He held out his hand and Jonas took it, surprising him by planting a quick kiss on his palm.
Jonas, Clint added, still supporting Tyler with one arm as he reached down to rub his hand through Jonas‘ hair, you‘ve been my best friend for a long time. I‘m honored you can still be my boy from time to time. A tiny barb of jealousy poked into Tyler‘s gut, but he barely felt it, held so close in Clint‘s arms.
And Ty. Clint nuzzled his chin against the side of Tyler‘s neck. I didn‘t even realize I was lackin‘, but havin‘ you in my arms is like comin‘ home, if that makes any sense.
Still holding tightly to Jonas‘ big hand, Tyler twisted his head back and kissed the bottom of Clint‘s chin, a surge of affection rushing through him. He felt safe in Clint‘s arms, possessed in the best of ways. Something was moving through him, opening and easing that part of him inside that was always coiled tight. It took him a moment to identify the feeling.
He was happy.
Clint let Tyler go and stepped back. Tyler swayed a little but was otherwise reasonably steady on his feet. Jonas stood and bent down, pulling up Tyler‘s jeans and underwear with a laugh. The skeeters are comin‘ out in force, Ty. You don‘t want em bitin‘ areas best left covered.
No sir, Clint agreed, laughing. I think we need to move this party inside, don‘t y‘all agree? Neither Jonas nor Tyler offered any protest, though Tyler still seemed lost in a blissful, post-orgasmic fog.
Once in the cabin, the thought of stringing both his boys up, side by side and naked, had a definite appeal, but before he could act on this idea, Jonas said, Now it‘s your turn, Clint. Me and Tyler here will show you a right good time, won‘t we, Ty? You just set back and relax and leave it to us.
Clint glanced at Tyler to see his reaction. If he seemed hesitant or uncomfortable, Clint would step in and make it right for him, whatever that took. But Tyler only nodded, a slow, sexy smile edging its way along his lips. Maybe the combination of the beer and the orgasm had relaxed him enough to move forward, or maybe he was just getting more comfortable with the situation.
Yeah, Tyler said eagerly. I‘m the only one got any, uh, satisfaction. I want to return the favor.
Well, that‘s good, very good, Ty, Clint said with a smile. And don‘t you worry. We both intend to get our satisfaction, you can rest assured. We got all night. Jonas and I aren‘t quite so wet behind the ears, he teased. We know how to wait for what we want.
Hey, that‘s not fair— Tyler began, but Clint only laughed and pulled him into his arms.
I‘m just teasin‘ you, Ty. You were perfect out there. And if you‘re willin‘, we‘ll just keep right on goin‘. Would that suit you? He brushed Tyler‘s ear with his lips.
Yeah, Tyler said, relaxing against him. It would suit me fine.
The three of them shucked their boots and tossed off their clothing, leaving it in small heaps around the room. Clint couldn‘t help but smile as he watched Tyler‘s eyes move down toward Jonas‘ cock, which was in proportion to the rest of his body, huge even in its present state of semi-erection.
Jonas was also apparently following Tyler‘s gaze. A grin broke over his face as he reached for his cock. Like what you see, boy? Clint was at once amused and touched by the sweet flush that suffused Tyler‘s features as he looked away.
It was clear Jonas planned to run the show, which was fine by Clint for the time being. Jonas sometimes like to exert control, but they both knew that for him it was just a game, and a way to show his affection. In the order of things, Jonas would always be his boy.

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