The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions (1542 page)

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(Mi-la Ras-pa)
Tibetan Buddhist who remains exemplary to many Tibetans, and who was instrumental in founding
. He was recognized by
as his chief disciple. He entered on a mainly isolated life, often walled up in caves for months or years at a time. Nevertheless, disciples came to be near him from many parts, and the lineage of
derived from him continues to the present, well-adapted to the persecutions inflicted by the Chinese on Tibetan religious practitioners. Two collections of songs are attributed to him.
Chin. for
, the future Buddha.
li, Milinda +
, ‘question’). A P
li Buddhist text (also in Chin. tr.) concerning a debate between a Buddhist monk,
, and a disputatious king, Milinda. Milinda is probably Menander, a Yavana king of
kala (Si
lkot, E. Puñjab) who ruled in the 2nd/1st cent. BCE.
During the dialogue the king puts eighty-two separate dilemmas to N
gasena which are successfully countered. At the conclusion of the contest, Milinda becomes a Buddhist lay disciple.

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