The Complete Memories Series (45 page)

Read The Complete Memories Series Online

Authors: Emma Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Teen & Young Adult

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There’s nothing more satisfying than the feeling I get when I see the way she reacts to me. I’m so fucking attracted to her it should be illegal – and that’s not an exaggeration. It’s all her smart mouth and the way she’s not afraid to challenge me.

Of course, as usual, it
’s totally inconvenient that my sister and Alec are here. I always seem to need her more when I can’t have her. She could be wearing a string bikini and dancing around a pole, and I couldn’t want her any more than I do right now. All she has to do is breathe in, and I have a rock hard dick fighting its way out of my jeans.

I shift a little in my seat, and watch the slight upturn of her lips. It
’s all a game for her – backwards and forwards with sexual teasing. It’s the same for both of us. We both hide our real feelings behind a curtain of sex and attraction because neither of us are ready to admit the reality of us to each other yet.

She curls into my side, her fingers ghosting along my stomach over my top. They dip and rise as she traces the indents of my muscles, finally settling her palm flat against my side. Her head tucks into my neck, and I hold her even closer, resting my cheek on the top of her head.

She calms me. She calms that insatiable fire inside me, yet she stokes it at the same time. The way she makes me feel is completely contradictory, but it makes sense.

Somehow, Alec and I manage to make it through the movie. I don
’t know how we do it, but it’s not until the end I realise Jen’s breathing has evened out. I glance up.

’s asleep, isn’t she?” I say quietly.

Lexy sits up and leans forward, looking at her. “Yep.” She smiles slightly.

“Looks like she’s not going home tonight.” Alec chuckles.

’s been working hard at uni. She’s got a few big projects due in over the next few months. She’s working her ass off,” Lexy scolds him.

I glance at the top of Jen
’s head. “She has?”

“She didn
’t tell you?” Lexy looks at me. “She’s got about five to do, essays and everything. Her course is as hard as mine. We didn’t get into the best art Uni to just dance through it, bro. It’s not a walk in the park.”

I sigh and shake my head slightly. Damn her. “Okay. I
’m gonna take her up to bed.” I stand, hooking an arm under her knees, and scoop her up.

“I can walk,” she mumbles.

“No,” I reply. “You’re tired.”

“Who knew Bing would become a pussy-whipped ass?” Alec laughs quietly.

“Fuck off, Johnson, or I’ll whip your ass,” Jen mutters against my neck. I chuckle.

“Told you, mate.” I wink, and Lexy pats his arm.

“Poor baby. Are you scared your King of Romance crown will be taken by my man-whore big brother?” she coos.

I laugh, carrying Jen from the room and up the stairs.

“Might be a man whore but he’s my man whore.” She yawns.

“Yours, hm?” I smile, settling her on the bed.

She opens her eyes a little, smiling. “Yes.”

I pull my top over my head and slide off my jeans. Jen kicks her legs, and I strip her down. I climb into bed next to her, put the covers over us, and tuck her into my arms.

“You’re my man whore. Don’t you forget it.” She snuggles into me.

I hold her closer and brush her lips with mine. “I don
’t think you’d let me forget that even if I wanted to, babe.”

“Damn straight.”




A soft hand travels up my back,
fingertips spreading across my skin. Hot breath fans across my neck, and I instinctively move the warmth closer to me.

I run my hands down the length of her body, gliding over her curves easily. Jen kisses along my collarbone, sucking softly, and I cup the back of her head. Her lips find mine, and I roll onto my back, pulling her on top of me. She slides her legs up so she straddles me, and I instantly harden against her.

I flick my tongue out against her lips, making her part them, and slip my tongue past hers. I sweep it across the roof of her mouth and release her head, dropping my hands to her thighs. She puts her hands in my hair, groaning as I dig my fingers into her soft skin.

“Good morning.” The words are whispered against my mout
h, and she drags my bottom lip through her teeth.

’s about to be.” I push us to a sitting position, sliding a hand across her ass and inside her underwear. She’s wet and ready, and it’s too early to think of anything other than sinking myself inside her.

Her fingers creep under the waistband of my boxers, tugging them away. She raises herself upwards, pressing her boobs against my bare chest, kissing me forcefully. She slides my boxers away from my hips, wrapping her hand around my hard shaft and pulling it free. I pull her underwear to the side, and with my other hand, push her downwards.

She guides herself onto me, her tight muscles holding my dick in an iron grip, and I groan. She releases my cock, moving her hand to my shoulder, and digs her fingers in. Both of my hands cup her ass as she moves, grinding her hips against me. I leave her mouth and kiss along her jaw, to her neck where I draw tiny circles with my tongue. She drops her head back, exposing her neck, and arches her back, dropping onto me faster.

I go into her deeper, guiding her hips faster, and bend my head to run my tongue across the swell of her boobs. Her breathing quickens, her grip tightens, and I focus on kissing her, pleasing her, teasing her.

I grab her ass tighter, trying with all my might not to slam her onto me. Her head drops forward onto my shoulder, and her breath is hot across my skin. She moves even faster and harder, her hips undulating with each movement. I nip at her neck, and sweat covers our bodies.

Her muscles convulse around me, and I give in. I lie back, taking her with me, and hold her hips suspended above me. I thrust into her, holding her still as I sink deeper and deeper inside her. My movements are frantic and she bites my shoulder as she cries out. I hold myself inside her as I come, letting her contracting muscles pull it from me, and turn my face into hers.

“Good morning,” I breathe into her ear, kissing the lobe.

“Odmrng,” she responds.

“You can let my shoulder out from between your teeth now, babe.” I chuckle a little, and she releases my skin. Fucking hell. That’s gonna leave a mark.

She rolls her head to the side and smiles at me in a dazed way.
I chuckle again and roll her onto her back, running my tongue along her lips. She drops her hands from me, sighing happily.

I kiss down her neck to the space between her boobs, peppering
tiny kisses along them. I ease myself out of her, sliding a hand up her side to her chest. I cup one of her breasts, guiding her hardened nipple to my mouth and flicking my tongue across it.

She gasps. “What?”

“Setting you up for the day,” I mutter, closing my mouth around her nipple and sucking it into my mouth.

“Ah-huh,” she squeaks.

I turn my attention to her other one, giving it the same attention. She wriggles beneath me, and I move my mouth downwards, pressing open-mouthed kisses along her stomach. She takes a breath in as I skim over her underwear to the soft flesh between her legs.

I run my tongue along the length of her opening, tasting
her sweetness mixed with my come, and press harder on her clit. She groans, and I drag my tongue across the sensitive spot even harder.

’s hips press into my mouth even as she fights the assault I press on her tender flesh with my tongue. It dips inside her and back out repeatedly, teasing her, and I get hard at the whimpers and cries leaving her mouth.

She explodes onto my tongue, and I lick all along her skin, following the central line of her stomach until the tip of my cock presses against her again.




“What are you? A fucking rabbit?”
I quip breathlessly as Bing pushes back inside me. My legs bend, my feet running up his legs until they hook around his waist.

“Mmm.” He kisses below my ear, moving slowly. “Only with you, babe. I don
’t think you understand what you do to me.”

I tighten my muscles around him. “Oh, I understand.”

He pushes himself right into me, deeply enough I feel him hit the end. “Do you? Do you know how crazy those little moans drive me? How sexy you are when you come? Do you know how much the sweet taste of you makes me want you? Do you?”

Heat spreads through my
body at those words. Holy fuck.

“I didn
’t think so,” he breathes. My back arches into him. “And you definitely, definitely, do not know that all of that is second to the way I feel, ‘cause if I could, I’d be with you all day, every day. On this bed, against the wall, or even in the backseat of a car.”

Muscles clench throughout my body.

“Maybe it would be fast and furious, or maybe it would be slow and sensual, like this.” He kisses my neck. Maybe I would grab you tightly and lose myself in you, or maybe I’d hold you gently and whisper sweet nothings in your ear.”

My whole body tightens, and I grip him tight, all my breath disappearing from my body.

“Maybe I’d promise you nights you’ll never forget,” he whispers, quietly groaning behind his words. “Or maybe I’d promise you forever.”

“Both.” The word leaves in a breath that turns to a cry as my body gives over to him.

“In that case…” He sinks into the bed, holding me against him. His nose brushes my cheek, and his brown eyes burn into mine. “I promise you a forever of days you’ll never forget, and nights you’ll always remember.”




“By the way,” Bing says, sliding across the table from me. “I asked you to be my girlfriend on Facebook.”

I look up, barely holding in a hysterical laugh. “You what?”

“I asked you to be my girlfriend on Facebook.” He grins.

’ve been talking to Saph,” I mutter. “So, what did my Facebook say?” I raise an eyebrow.

“It said yes. Lexy logged into yours and accepted it.”

“Nice to have been asked for my input.”

Bing rests his elbows on the table and leans towards me. “I think we
’ve established you’re my girlfriend, Jennifer.”

“Oh, but Facebook makes it official-official. Didn
’t you know?”

“Saph mentioned that.”

“I knew she was behind this. Bloody red-headed bimbo,” I mutter good-heartedly.

Bing chuckles and shoves the orange juice at me. “I thought you
’d be a little happier after your wake-up call.”

“Oh sheesh, it
’s too early to walk into this conversation,” Lexy cries, slapping her hands over her ears. “La la la la la!”

I smirk a little, and Alec leans against the doorframe.

“Need a brush, Jen?” he asks.

“Why? Do you need a make-over?” I look at him.

“No, but you have sex hair.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh, big deal. What, you
’re telling me you’ve never had sex hair before?”

Lexy shakes her head. “Brush, bedside cabinet,” she mouths at me.

I laugh. “Well, shit, Alec. I knew you were a tart, but, oh my.” I shake my head. “That just takes the biscuit.”

He looks at Lexy. “That
’s your brush.”

She slides her hands from her ears. “I never said it wasn
’t, honey. But you do use it.”

Bing snorts, and I grin as my phone lights up in front of me. I swipe at the screen absently, opening the message.

If he hurts you, I’ll kick his ass.

Okay. This probably couldn
’t be any more awkward.

Ass-kicking covered, f
armer boy. Back to your cows!

I grin and put the phone down.

“Amusing?” Bing asks across the table.

“Just Carl warning me that if you hurt me he
’ll kick your ass.” I smile sweetly.

His face hardens, and I can see the tick in his jaw. “You still talk to him?”

I raise my eyebrows and point my spoon in his direction. “Hey, don’t you go getting all ignoramus on me, Samuel Edwards.”

“What the fuck is an ignoramus?” Alec snickers.

“Ignorant ass. Shut up, Johnson,” I snap, my eyes still focused on Bing. “Mine and Carl’s relationship ended mutually, on good terms, and we are still
Did you get that one? F. R. I. E. N. D. S.
So don’t you pull that “You still talk to your ex?” card on me, because we all know that only one of us here has a pain in the ass ex who, I might add, is absolutely, completely and utterly, bat shit fricking crazy.”

I let out my breath and put my spoon down, nodding. Lexy gives me a thumbs up behind Bing
’s back, and turns to her kettle. Bing looks between me and Alec, and Alec holds his hands up.

“Hey, leave me outta this. She
’s right though. Heidi is bat shit crazy.” He shrugs, moving to where Lexy is standing.

’s eyes settle back on me, and he takes a deep breath. “I suppose,” he grinds out. “I can deal with you being

“You suppose?” My voice rises an octave. “No, Samuel, no. You will deal with it. Carl is in Devon, I
’m in London. That was the reason for the break-down of the relationship.” Lexy shoots me a look over her shoulder. “Well – that and I wanted to jump your bones.”

’s expression changes, his clenched jaw relaxes, and his lips turn upwards in a half-grin. “You did, huh?”

“Yes. But that is not the point of this conversation-”

He gets up and walks around the table, stopping next to my chair and leaning into me. “There was a point to this conversation?” he murmurs. “Because I was too busy watching your lips move.”

I swallow. “There is a point to this conversation, yes, so don
’t come over here doing that sexy “let me fuck you” voice in my ear, because you already did today. Twice.” I shove him away, and Lexy chokes on her tea.

Bing laughs, sitting back in his seat, and Alec nods.

“Good effort, mate.”

“Can we not? This is my brother.” Lexy leans back against the counter. “The point of the conversation is – Jen and Carl are friends, Heidi is bat shit crazy, and Bing, you can put your alpha male complex back in its box because Jen and Carl are friends.”

“You already said they’re friends.”

“I know I said it twice. I was supposed to.”

I look at Bing. “See? I told you.”


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