The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS (54 page)

Read The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS Online

Authors: Robert Spencer

Tags: #Religion, #Islam, #History, #Political Science, #Terrorism, #Non-Fiction

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According to the Islamic State, the Antichrist will soon come to the earth, and is already busy corrupting the youth: “The scar on Harry Potter’s forehead (& in other popular culture) is a sign of sorcery and is preparing children to accept the mark of the beast on their foreheads as something ‘kool.’”

But the Islamic State is on the rise:

In late 2014, the Islamic State was expanding its influence into al-Sham (Greater Syria) extremely quickly. It wasn’t just spreading through war, but also through ideology. Many groups in Greater Syria; Jordan, Lebanon, and even Palestine began to pledge allegiance to the Caliph Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi. This startled Israel because they themselves had only imagined the Islamic State would have a presence within Iraq and Syria only. If the Islamic State had a presence in Palestine, it meant they could attack Israel at anytime, even without the permission of Hamas.

As the jihad against Israel and the rest of the free world ramps up, the Islamic State author betrays a youth spent reading science fiction, watching
Star Wars
movies, and playing video games:

In the near future, soldiers will fight in Urban cities against rebels who are against the New World Order. Soldiers will mainly consist of mercenaries working for PMCs (Private Military Companies) who are sold to the highest bidder.

As soon as a soldier is recruited, he is injected with nano-machines which will stimulate the soldiers’ pituitary glands’ to release specific hormones suited to the context of a battle. These nano-machines will be controlled by the army HeadQuarters, so for example: if the soldiers are in an intense fight, the nano-machines will be adjusted by commanders in the HeadQuarters to raise the ‘Rage/Anger’ hormones level high, and to restrict/cut down
the Fear emotion within their bodies. All the troops within the unit will have the same ‘level of emotion’ and will therefore work more effectively together as a united force against a common enemy.

Israel will employ these Private Military Companies because “it is better for them that a non Jew dies than a Jew.”

Why will Israel’s fall begin in 2022? Because, says
Black Flags from Palestine,
the former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin said so in 1982: “Israel will enjoy the 40 years of peace, mentioned in Torah.”

Year 2022 may well be when Israel’s years of peace and safety end, and the major wars will begin against it. We already mentioned in the ebook: Black Flags from Rome—that the conquest of Rome may happen by 2020, but Allah only knows best.

As a result of this, Israel is working hard day and night before 2022 to make the a perfect war machine. It is ‘racing against time’ to make a sophisticated combo of war machines on the ground, above the ground, and underground which will give defence and victory to Israel from all sides.

But will it win?

Free people the world over can only hope so. But ISIS has other plans, as the author of
Black Flags from Palestine
explains in a passage that reveals a great deal about the Islamic State’s overall agenda:

The Islamic State is breaking the borders and throwing the puppet Arab kings off their thrones, and merging the different provinces and countries under the Islamic State Caliphate. They are breaking the borders because these are the two things which are weakening the Muslim Ummah:

i -Nationalism psychologically divides the Muslims, and

ii - the puppet Kings Physically enforce the separation of Muslims so Palestine cannot be liberated.

The Islamic State aims to smash these borders so Muslim Mujahideen (fighters) can call each other for backup from anywhere in the world, and there is no border or king to stop them. Just like the Caliphate in the early times of Islamic history which spanned across the known world[.] This is why you will practically see Mujahideen of the Islamic State travelling from Syria to Iraq and back without the need of any passport except the statement of belief: Laa ilaaha illAllah Muhammadur-Rasool Allah (there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah) as their passport. The Islamic State is trying to break all borders till it can make a corridor pathway into Palestine towards Israel.

Hamas “is surrounded by enemies and cannot expand out deeper into Israel and consolidate more territory. So it remains ineffective in the overall picture of liberating the entire Muslim world from Zionist subjugation.” But the Islamic State will step into the breach, and “if Israel destroys this batch of fighters, it doesn’t matter; the corridor allows even more reinforcements of Mujahideen from different parts of the Muslim world to continue the fight.”

Ultimately this onslaught will exhaust the Jewish state:

Israel will face many different types of threats. If it is attacked by rockets, it requires the Iron Dome, if it is attacked on the ground, it needs tanks, soldiers and ground vehicles, if it is attacked from tunnels underground, it needs to spend funds on finding the tunnels and destroying them. These variety of attack types makes the Israeli state exhausted, uncertain as to where it should spend the majority of its defence money on before a war,
causing it to make many errors. Even if Israel has an ‘unlimited’ amount of money, the mere fact that it has an enemy who is coming on the attack from all sides, all the time will itself exhaust it and keep it in a state of constant fear.

After Rome and Europe are conquered, the jihad against Israel will receive needed reinforcements from European converts to Islam—but will have to hurry to gather and instruct these converts before the Antichrist arrives:

After the Armageddon/Malhamah, and the conquest of Rome—Muslims will start collecting the spoils of war. They know they have a tough fight ahead. Now that the leadership of Europe will have been killed or fled, the Muslims will be able to inform non Muslims living in Europe the message of Islam, the mercy and brotherhood, and they will be able to clear the misunderstandings many Europeans may have about Islam and the Muslims. But they will not have much time, because within 7 months the AntiChrist will arrive. And so the truth seekers and freedom fighters from Europe will join the believers, whereas the rest will stay away—they will be the ones who will be misled by al-Dajjal.

The first converts will come from the jihadis’ allies on the Left: “Good, honest people (like Edward Snowden) who are willing to sacrifice the comforts of life for something greater will most likely be the type of converts who will join the guided Islamic cause.”

The freedom fighters and truth seekers in Europe will range from left wingers, to even right wingers and those in between. They will be able to see the open mindedness and mercy of Islam and the Mujahideen after many years of deception on the media.
They will be like the early converts after the Conquest of Makkah, meaning—they will join the Jihad straightaway after accepting Islam. They will be a good replenishment for the losses Muslims have faced in the Armageddon (Malhamah). It’s important to note that during this time period, Christianity and the Pope in the Vatican will be fully engulfed by the Zionist system, and many truth-seekers from the Christians will look into Islam.

Then there will be the battle with the Antichrist. The final showdown between good and evil will now be on the horizon, and will take place at—you guessed it—Ben Gurion International Airport:

According to Islamic Prophecy, the leader of the believers (Ameer al-Mu’mineen) during this time period will be the Imam al-Mahdi (the Guided one). He will be like Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) in excellent character but not in looks.

According to the prophecy, a pathway will have been made by the army of black flags from the East (Khorasan / Afghanistan) all the way towards Jerusalem, in their midst will be the Mahdi (guided one).

The goal of the Mujahideen will be to pave a pathway towards the core centre of Israel, most specifically towards the Gate of Lud (Arabic) [Lod: Hebrew].

Today we see the Gate of Lod is actually Israel’s main international airport—Ben Gurion International Airport (previously called Lydda Airport, RAF Lydda, and Lod Airport). And as we all know, the international airport of a country is one of its most secure and protected areas.

However, once the Mujahideen approach the Gate of Lod, they will be sieged in a building. This will be the biggest test
of faith for both the Muslims and the Jews because al-Dajjal (the AntiChrist) will have landed in that area when the Muslims have been sieged. No-one can defeat and kill the AntiChrist except the true Christ (Jesus) himself. Not even the Mahdi can kill the AntiChrist, so the believers will remain sieged in this building, praying to Allah (God) for the true Messiah to arrive.

It will be during this time that Jesus, the son of Mary (peace be on them) will descend down from the sky in Damascus, he will travel towards Jerusalem and see that the Dajjal has landed and has surrounded the building containing the Mahdi and the believers.

This is not the second coming of the Jesus of Christianity. This is Jesus the Muslim prophet of the Qur’an, who will, according to a hadith, make war upon Christianity and destroy it:

The Prophet said: There is no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus. He will descent (to the earth). When you see him, recognise him: a man of medium height, reddish fair, wearing two light yellow garments, looking as if drops were falling down from his head though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims will pray over him.

He will abolish jizya, the special tax that the subjugated Christians are to pay in the Islamic State, because there will be no more Christians: “Allah will perish all religions except Islam.”

This Islamic “purification” and eschatological scenario is bathed in blood, not just of the Christians but of the Jews also.
Black Flags from
quotes the notorious hadith in which Muhammad is shown prophesying the wholesale murder of Jews by Muslims:

The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad (boxthorn) would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

All of this is Islamic fable seen through twenty-first century video-game sensibilities, but the people who believe in it are well-financed, well-armed, and fanatically determined. They are already in control of half the territory of Syria
and a sizeable chunk of Iraq, they rule over eight million people,
and jihadis under their influence are able to carry out terror attacks in virtually any part of the world, from Saudi Arabia to France to Texas to Australia. They will keep advancing, and keep advancing, and keep advancing—until they are stopped.

Warfare in the Streets in the U.S.

Another Islamic State publication,
How to Survive in the West,
is a detailed manual for subterfuge and subversion in the United States and Europe. The ominous epigraph:

Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah (God), so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah?

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