The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS (52 page)

Read The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS Online

Authors: Robert Spencer

Tags: #Religion, #Islam, #History, #Political Science, #Terrorism, #Non-Fiction

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The Western policy makers had to play a powerful balancing act. They would fight the Muslim world while trying to stop Muslims from becoming ‘radicalised’ and reactionary violent. This was almost impossible, so they came up with a clever plan. They would begin to divide Muslims in the media as ‘extremists’ (who supported Jihad) and ‘moderates.’ (those who didn’t).

The Islamic State rejects the distinction, preferring instead to distinguish between real Muslims, whom they consider to be following Islam, and those who, in their opinion, are not. As far as ISIS is concerned, the “moderates” are on the wrong side—and they continue to appeal to Muslims in the West on the basis of their claim that only the “extremists” are properly following the Qur’an and the example of Muhammad.

Meanwhile, those classified as “extremists,” such as the famed jihad preacher in Britain, Anjem Choudary, skillfully exploit the weaknesses of the tolerant West:

People like Anjem Choudhary were lawyers before they were practising Muslims, so they knew how the law works. Everyday they would study the latest version of the Anti-Terrorism Act [Law], and then call for Islamic law while staying within the guidelines of the British and Western law. This way, they could never be doing anything illegal while fulfilling the obligation of calling for Islam to be the highest.

They would use the ‘freedom of expression’ given to them to spread their beliefs. This put the European governments in a big dilemma. . . .

Where Have You Gone, Samuel Huntington? (The Clash of Civilizations Is On)

The European governments, the Islamic State claims, solved this dilemma in an ingenious way:

So they plotted a new plot. If the Muslims were going to make ‘Shariah groups’ which stay within the law, then they too will make ‘Anti-Shariah groups’ which stay within the law. So rich anti-Islam people began funding far-right groups in different parts of the world whose only main focus is to fight Islam while staying within the guidelines of the law of the land.

In a passage that is ironic in light of the Islamic State’s sexual enslavement of hundreds of infidel women,
Black Flags from Rome
dismisses as
“right-wing” “propaganda” the huge scandal of Muslim gangs sexually exploiting young non-Muslim girls in Britain:

These charismatic leaders of right-wing groups would start to recruit more people to their causes, and protests, and would therefore receive even more funding. People who were normally neutral would start to receive their propaganda and start accepting it. The news media outlets would spread news that Muslim males were making ‘grooming gangs’ which abuse ‘white girls’, which would make even more people join the right-wing groups.

The rising tensions set the stage for what was to come:

In simple words, a clash of civilizations was occurring. A neo-Nazi order was forming in Europe as a reaction to real political Shari’ah-Islam. The future of Europe would be a violent one, until—‘you will raid/attack Rome, and Allah will enable you to conquer it.’

Bringing It All Back Home

The Syrian jihad enabled thousands of Muslims from Europe to become trained and battle-hardened: “Here they could learn basic armed/shooting combat, assassination techniques, how to make explosives from homemade materials etc.”

They would bring this training back to their home countries: “There were small armies of the Islamic State within every country of Europe by late 2014, and the intelligence agencies didn’t even know about it! January 2015 was when these shocking secrets would be discovered, and all the world would see the depth of the Islamic State and Al Qa’idah infiltration in Europe.”
(Note the casual linking of the Islamic State and al-Qaeda, with no hint of antagonism between the two.) The way the world discovered the “shocking secrets” was by the Kouachi brothers’ massacre at the
Charlie Hebdo
offices in Paris.



In line with the brothers’ murder of the Muhammad cartoonists,
Black Flags from Rome
endorses al-Qaeda’s hit list of eleven people “wanted dead or alive for crimes against Islam.” Most were Muhammad cartoonists or transgressors of Sharia blasphemy laws in some way. In
Black Flags from Rome,
the murdered
Charlie Hebdo
editor Stephane Charbonnier’s face is circled; the others listed are all still alive as of this writing:


Carsten Juste, the former editor of
the Danish newspaper that in 2007 published cartoons of Muhammad that touched off worldwide Muslim riots;


Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who widely publicized his intention to burn the Qur’an;


Kurt Westergaard, the artist who drew the most famous of the
Muhammad cartoons;


Geert Wilders, the Dutch politician who is a vocal opponent of the Islamization of Europe;


Lars Vilks, another Muhammad cartoonist;


Flemming Rose, culture editor of
when the Muhammad cartoons were published, and the man primarily responsible for their publication;


Morris Saadiq, a Coptic Christian activist who promoted the film about Muhammad,
The Innocence of Muslims,
that the Obama administration blamed for the September 11, 2012, jihad massacre in Benghazi;


Salman Rushdie, author of
The Satanic Verses,
which got him a death fatwa from the Ayatollah Khomeini for blasphemy against Muhammad;


Molly Norris, the
Seattle Weekly
cartoonist who created Everybody Draw Muhammad Day and then went into hiding after receiving death threats;


Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the Somali ex-Muslim who collaborated with murdered filmmaker Theo van Gogh on
a film about the oppression of women in Islam that featured Qur’an verses written on the bodies of nude women.

These were all featured in a graphic depicting pastor Terry Jones being shot in the head, with the legend:



Defend Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

All the men were pictured, but in keeping with Islam’s rules of modesty, Norris and Hirsi Ali were fastidiously listed by name only.
Apparently it is possible to lust after even apostates and blasphemers.

Surprise! The Left Will Help

These will not be the only targets, of course. After describing the
Charlie Hebdo
and Hyper Cacher attacks in detail, the Islamic State explains how intelligence agencies collect huge amounts of data, “but they will not study it unless you are caught under the radar.”
As attacks such as the ones in Paris become more common, law enforcement authorities will not be able to keep up:

As the Western nations get poorer, their intelligence collection agencies will continue to exist, but they simply won’t have enough manpower (less jobs) to analyse it all. With less attacks in the West being group (networked) attacks and an increasing amount of lone-wolf attacks, it will be more difficult for intelligence agencies to stop an increasing amount of violence and chaos from spreading in the West.

As this violence and chaos spreads, Leftist non-Muslim Europeans will help pave the way for the Islamic conquest of Europe, for

a growing population of left-winged activists (people who are against; human/animal abuses, Zionism, and Austerity measures etc) look up to the Muslims as a force who are strong enough to fight against the injustices of the world. . . . Many of these people (who are sometimes part of Anonymous and Anarchy movements) will ally with the Muslims to fight against the neo-Nazis’ and rich politicians. They will give intelligence, share weapons and do undercover work for the Muslims to pave the way for the conquest of Rome.

When will this alliance be cemented? When, sooner or later, Leftist protesters realize that taking up arms alongside Muslims is the only viable way of achieving their goals:

If you have ever been at a pro-Palestine / anti-Israel protest, you will see many activists who are not even Muslims who are supportive of what Muslims are calling for (the fall of Zionism). It is most likely here that connections between Muslims and Left-wing activists will be made, and a portion from them will realise that protests are not effective, and that armed combat is the alternative. So they will start to work together in small cells of groups to fight and sabotage against the ‘financial elite’.

There Are Lots of Guides to Seeing Europe. This One Is Different

Black Flags from Rome
also explains “How to take, hold and expand territory,” saying that “there are already ‘Muslim No Go Zones’ and even
‘White only zones’ existing within European countries,” and explaining how Muslims can steadily expand their zones of control, until ultimately there is a “big national armed force of Muslim fighters. Muslim fighters from all European countries will continue the fight, breaking borders until they can reach; Northern Rome.”

The e-book details how to make Molotov cocktails and the kinds of bombs that the Tsarnaev brothers used in their jihad attack at the Boston Marathon. It also expresses confidence in the rather unlikely idea that Russia will aid the Muslims in conquering Europe. This wishful thinking exposes the entire plan as rather fanciful, but one aspect of it is quite realistic: at least some Muslims in Europe will be committing murder in the name of Islam, jihad, and the Islamic State in the near future.

There is nothing fanciful about that at all.

Black Flags from Rome
ends with a series of photographs of the Colosseum and other Roman landmarks. At this point, the e-book starts to resemble a twisted tourist manual. But when the jihadis go sightseeing in Rome, they won’t be armed with cameras and maps. The photographs are included so that, once the jihadis do arrive, they will know where to go with their sledgehammers and drills.

Indeed, they are already there. Late in April 2015, Islamic State supporters in Rome and Milan tweeted photos of landmarks in each city, including the Colosseum in Rome, with signs held in front of them reading, “We are on your streets, we are locating targets.”

End Times Timetable

There is a timetable to all this.
Black Flags from Rome
begins with an epigraph from a hadith in which Muhammad is depicted as saying that after the Muslims conquer Rome, the End Times will begin, with Muslims warring against the Antichrist:

‘You will raid/attack Arabia and Allah will give you victory over it, then you will raid/attack Persia (Iran) and Allah will give you victory over it, then you will raid Rome (Italy) and Allah will give you victory over it, then you will raid/attack al-Dajjal (the AntiChrist) and Allah will give you victory over him.’ [Saheeh Muslim [54/50].

As far as the Islamic State is concerned, that is prophecy that is certain to come true: first the jihadis will conquer Saudi Arabia, then Shi’ite Iran, and then Rome and Europe—at which point their battles will become eschatological, as they will fight and defeat the Dajjal, the Islamic version of the Antichrist, who will make war against the Muslim faithful before the second coming of Jesus Christ the Muslim Prophet and the consummation of all things.

In line with this scenario, the Islamic State sees itself first defeating Russia and Iran, whereupon the Romans—that is, the Europeans—will gather at Dabiq, a northern Syrian town. Why there? Because Muhammad is depicted in the same hadith as also predicting that Dabiq will be the site of the final battle between the believers and the unbelievers:

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