The Complete Adventures of Curious George (21 page)

BOOK: The Complete Adventures of Curious George
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Then the line shook.

There must be a fish on the hook.

George pulled the line up.

The cake was gone, but no fish was on the hook.

Too bad!

George put more cake on the hook.

Maybe this time he would get a fish.

But no!

The fish just took the cake off the hook and went away.

Well, if George could not get the fish, the fish would not get the cake.

George would eat it.

He liked cake too.

He would find another way to get a fish.

George looked into the water.

That big red one there with the long tail!

It was so near, maybe he could get it with his hands.

George got down as low as he could, and put out his hand.


Into the lake he went!

The water was cold and wet and George was cold and wet too.

This was no fun at all.

When he came out of the water, Bill was there with his kite.

"My, you are wet!" Bill said.

"I saw you fall in, so I came to help you get out.

Too bad you did not get a fish!

But it is good the fish did not get you."

"Now I can show you how high my kite can fly," Bill went on.

Bill put his bike up near a tree and then they ran off.

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