The Pharaoh's Kiss (Reincarnation Romance Chronicles Book 3)

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The Pharaoh’s Kiss

Reincarnation Romance Chronicles


Dana Michelle Burnett


copyright 2016 Dana Michelle Burnett

Kindle Edition


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There are so many people that help an artist bring their vision to life. It would be wrong not to take a moment and thank a few of them.

I, of course, want to thank my amazing family for always supporting me no matter how crazy my ideas might seem at the time.

I want to give a shout out to all my amazing beta readers. Your reviews get me over that last hurdle of self-doubt before my work goes out into the world.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to other indie authors who take the time to share the work of others. It is such an honor to be a part of the indie community.

And most of all, a huge thanks to my readers for continuing to purchase my books and spread the word about my stories. Readers are the lifeblood of the book world and I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

Chapter One


How did I get here? Where am I?

The world was a blur of paleness under a bright blue sky. I turned in a slow circle, seeing the rocky side of a valley rising up, and the dusty white ground below my sandaled feet.

My head ached with every movement. I reached up and touched my forehead, and then looked down at my slim, tanned fingers. I felt as though I should be bleeding. How could a person be in this much pain and not be bleeding?

What was I doing in this desolate place? There were people everywhere, all dressed in casual shirts and shorts. What were they doing here?

Am I dead? Are these all just badly dressed angels? Do I even believe in angels?

Some inner voice told me these people were tourists, but tourists of what?

I looked around again. Did
look familiar? Did
look familiar?

My head throbbed harder, making me stop. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples until it eased enough for me to continue walking.

I’m okay... I’m okay

I could feel myself trembling. I looked at my hands again, but there was no recognition to the sight of them. I looked down and saw that I was wearing khaki shorts and an embroidered cami of some sort, but there was no memory of dressing myself. It was all leading me back to the question I didn’t want to ask.

Who am I and how did I get here?

Up ahead, I could just make out an arrow shaped sign. Would tell me where I was? Why were some people stopping and taking pictures of it? Was it important somehow?

I followed the crowd toward it, rubbing my temples as another wave of pain came over me. I felt hot and sick as I moved with the swarm of people toward the sign.

Tomb Of


No: 62

Instinctively, I knew that name. I knew it was important and historical. I could picture the golden mask that seemed to symbolize Egypt, but there was something else. It was the vision of dark kohl rimmed eyes that made my stomach flutter.


That name meant something to me, but what? It was as if the world was tilting. I felt myself falling, but again I saw those dark eyes.

I staggered to the low wall behind the sign and leaned against it, panting and feeling as though I was about to vomit. What was happening to me?

Suddenly, I was assaulted by another vision. This time, behind my eyes, came the image of two naked bodies intertwined.

I saw a man with long, ebony hair kneel down before me, pushing my gown up to my hips, and pushing my legs apart.

“Together, you and I will create a kingdom,” he said as he pulled me to the edge of the chair. “And our sons will rule for all eternity.”

He kissed me then, running his tongue over mine. I moaned, feeling his excitement through his robes and my body responded. I wanted him. I needed him inside of me, giving me sons, and making his predictions come true.

His hand came up to tangle in my hair and lean me back against the throne, the other sought out my moist folds. I griped the golden winged serpents that made the arms of the chair as he drew my wetness out.

“Ankhesenamun...” He said as if whispering a prayer, “My Ankhesenamun...”

I slid down the wall as my knees went weak. I closed my eyes and ran my hands through my hair, noting that the strands were dark in color when they fell back over my shoulders.

So I’m a brunette...That’s something...Am I going crazy?

Taking a deep breath, I tried to focus on slowing my pounding heart, but I could feel the cold hand of panic on the back of my neck.

I’m in a strange place and I don’t know who I am... And I’m having... What... Hallucinations?

I could feel people staring at me even before I opened my eyes and glared back at them. I took some pleasure in the way they quickly moved along as my head began to throb again.

What do I do? What do I do?

Standing up, I brushed dusty dirt from the seat of my shorts. I pushed my hair off my sweaty forehead and stepped back onto the path people seemed to be following.

The crowd seemed to be moving toward one particular stone structure cut into the valley. Not sure what else I could do, I followed along to the doorway hoping something would look familiar. I paused at the steps going down into a darkened chamber. A sign to the left of the doorway repeated that name again.

Tomb of


No: 62

There is a flash of another day under the same hot sun. I saw the doors of this tomb being closed and sealed with rope. How could I have seen that and why did it make my chest ache so?

I shook my head and stepped down the stairs into the cool chamber. There was a brief repose from the miserable heat outside before a heaviness overtook me.

My pulse pounded in my ears and my breath came in short, painful gasps as I stood at the bottom of the staircase clutching the rail and looking around at the scenes painted onto the walls.

“Welcome to the tomb of Tutankhamun,” the guide said as he motioned for all of us to come closer. “We are standing in the anti-chamber. Tutankhamun’s tomb is the most famous here in the Valley of the Kings, but it is relatively small for his status. It is thought that his death may have occurred too quickly for his proper tomb to be prepared. He has become the face of Egypt, even though all knowledge of him was lost for centuries.”

In my mind’s eye, I saw statues being defaced and hieroglyphics chipped away. I heard the breaking of the stone. It was an entire history erased and I saw it happening. How could that be?

I knew that it was impossible, but somehow I saw it. I saw the shattered pieces of his likeness on the palace floor.

But that was thousands of years ago...

I gasped at the horror of it, bringing me back to the here and now. Several people turned to stare at me, making me feel the sweat trickling down my side. I mumbled a quick apology.

The guide frowned at me, but continued.

“Tutankhamun was part of the 18th dynasty of Egypt,” he explained. “The tomb was discovered by Howard Carter in 1922.”

The world shifted again, I saw those deep kohl rimmed eyes. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, but the vision grew stronger.

“Ankhesenamun...” A soft voice whispered into the nothingness. It was the dark haired man again, on top of me, kissing my naked skin.

I felt him between my legs, his manhood escaping from his robes. He was at my opening, straining to enter me, stretching me as he pushed inside.

I arched my back as he took me, driving him deeper. Words fell from my lips with each thrust, but I was no longer aware of what they were.

The image vanished as someone brushed my shoulder as they stepped down into the chamber. I fanned my flaming cheeks, casting embarrassed glances around.

“Now if everyone will slowly follow me,” the guide said. “We will enter the main burial chamber. We ask that you be respectful and hold all questions.”

I followed the line of people, but once I reached the chamber doors I stopped. I could feel the panic fluttering in my chest.

I can’t
I can’t

“Are you all right?”

I turned to see an elderly woman smiling at me. I nodded.

“I think so,” I said in a shaky voice.

There was no getting away from it. I stepped into the chamber, and gazed up at the hieroglyphics on the wall. My head began to ache again, making me dizzy and sick.

I looked away, then my eyes fell on the mummy in the coffin enclosed behind the glass.


I looked down at the golden sarcophagus, knowing he was inside. I saw his handsome face covered in linen, his eyes closed forever, and then the golden lid put in place. I couldn’t move.

In my memory, I could see his hallowed and shadowed eyes looking up at me and I heard his gasping breath. His dying breath...

I’m here my love
I’m here

Chapter Two


I could hear the museum staff talking. They stood huddled at the entrance of the burial chamber whispering and giving orders to each other.

“What’s wrong with her? Why won’t she leave?”

“She refuses to be moved.”

“We’ve canceled all of the other tours for the day.”

I closed my eyes and my forehead against the glass, gazing into the face of the golden mask. I sat on the floor of the tomb, touching the cool glass and hearing, not the words of the men gathered there, but the words spoken by a voice from a forgotten memory that I never had.

I promise to protect you

A shiver went up my spine. How could a memory not be a memory? I didn’t know that voice, but it seemed to be part of the very core of who I was.

What is happening to me?

I opened my eyes and looked at the sarcophagus behind the glass. Why couldn’t I move? Why was I imagining a voice that wasn’t there?

“So what do we do now?” One of the men asked.

“Do we know who she is?”

“I don’t know. She won’t answer us, when we ask who she is or who she is with, but we believe that she is an American.”

“See if you can get one of the Americans down here to talk some sense into her.”

I could feel them all watching me, angry that I dared to inconvenience them with my troubles. Who did I think I was?

That’s just it
I have no idea

I reached up and placed my hand on the glass. Why didn’t I just get up and leave? What was wrong with me?

I can’t...I just can’t...

Just the thought of leaving made my chest ache. I couldn’t leave. I didn’t know why, but I just couldn’t.

There were more footsteps out in the outer chamber. I heard a murmur spread through the perplexed huddle as they moved aside for this new arrival.

“What’s going on?” This new male I asked.

I looked up. In the doorway, stood a man younger than the others, but somehow gave the impression of authority. His dark hair was long, pulled into a sloppy ponytail that grazed his neck. He turned sensitive chestnut eyes on me and again I was pulled into misplaced memories.

I saw the dark haired man from my vision stepping out of the shadows. He held his finger up to his lips, “No harm will come to you.”

I looked up at him in the vision, the man that was a stranger, but somehow familiar. His robes hung loosely over his broad shoulders, open at the chest and showing his sculpted muscles the gods would envy. His dark eyes were kind as he looked down at me, so much like the eyes of the man looking at me now.

The spell was broken as he looked away. I immediately felt the loss of a connection.

What on earth?

“So,” he said as he turned back to the gathering. “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?”

“She came in on one of the tours and won’t leave.”

This handsome man glanced at me again and then back to all of them, “Okay, so why am I here?”

“We think she might be an American.”

He raised his black eyebrows, “Okay?”

Sensing his confusion, the oldest man spoke up.

“We thought you might be able to talk to her.”

“Just because were both Americans doesn’t mean she’ll listen to me,” he said and then glanced back over to me. “Do we know why she won’t leave?”

“No, just that she won’t leave at all.”

“Did you even ask?”

“No, we just told her that she had to leave.”

The young man shook his head, “And we see how well that worked out.”

If they said anything else, I didn’t hear it. I closed my eyes and did my best to tune them out.

How could I explain it to them? I couldn’t even understand it myself.

It was silent for a moment. I wished they would all just go away and let me be crazy all alone.

At last, I heard footsteps coming closer. I silently counted to ten and then slowly opened my eyes.

It was the young man. He was much more handsome up close. His skin was a rich, almost honey color, giving away some hint of exotic heritage. I immediately wished I wasn’t meeting him under these circumstances.

“Hey,” he said as he stepped up to me. I noticed how he was very obviously not looking at the closed coffin on the other side of the glass

I said nothing. I dropped my hand from the glass and just looked up at him.

“What is all this about?” He asked.

I flicked my eyes over to the group standing in the doorway and then back to him. He nodded and smiled.

“Can you give us a few minutes?” He asked them, in a tone that made it sound more like an order that a request.

He watched them file out, muttering amongst themselves about crazy girls and pushy office boys. Once they were gone, he turned and smiled at me again.

“Let’s start over. Hi, I’m Alex Patel. So what is all of this?” He asked.

“I don’t know,” I said honestly.

“Okay,” he mumbled. “How about we just leave then?”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t know.”

“What’s your name?”

I felt the panic rising up, tearing at my throat. “I don’t know my name.”

“Okay,” he said with a sigh. “You have to give me something to work with here. I get a call to come down here, and I’d never come down here –”


“Why what?”

“Why would you not come down here?”

He shook his head, “To hang out with a dead guy?”

I winced, seeing a cold, dead hand. What was that? Why was I seeing that?

“So seriously,” he went on, spreading his hands wide. “What is all of this?”

“I told you,” I said. “I don’t know.”

“And you don’t know your name?”

My eyes began to burn with unshed tears. “No, I don’t know my name.”

“Okay,” he sighed. “Did you have a purse with you?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Anything in your pockets?”

I stuffed my hands down into the pockets of my shorts, but they were both empty. I shook my head.

He pointed to the entrance where I could just make out the shadows of the others looming close.

“You see them waiting out there?” He asked.


“If you don’t leave, they are going to call the police, and you don’t want to go to prison here.”

I looked around. Where was I supposed to go?

“I’m afraid,” I admitted, looking up at him with teary eyes.

“Okay,” he said with a nod. “It’s okay to be afraid. But would you trust me?”

“I don’t know you.”

“If I promise I won’t let anything happen to you, will you trust me?”

There was something about those words that were familiar and comforting, but I didn’t know why.

He held out his hand to me. I looked one last time at the golden coffin behind the glass and then back to him.

I don’t know why, but I reached out and took his hand. All at once, it was like an electric shock running through me and then it was gone.

He seemed to swallow hard as he helped me to my feet, “Was that so hard?”

I took a deep breath and tried to calm the screaming in my head. “I guess not. So what now?”

“I don’t know,” he said with a nervous laugh and a boyish smile. “I didn’t think you’d actually listen to me and agree to leave. You hungry?”

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