Part of the generational dialectic in Northern Irish poetry (although older poets have moved on, too) is a fresh encounter between traditional forms and modernism. Why this should happen with reference to Northern Ireland might seem mysterious, until we remember that the dialectic between Yeats and Joyce continues in Ireland, and that it has both a political and a theological element. Perhaps the metaphysical differences set in motion by the Irish religious antinomy are among the most significant determinants of poetic vitality.
Four recent collections keep all the arguments in play: Muldoon's Madoc (1990), Heaney's Seeing Things (1991), McGuckian's Marconi's Cottage (1991), and Longley's Gorse Fires (1991). Heaney's book is visionary, transcendental, and traditionalist; McGuckian continues her teasing strategies; Longley condenses dark images from the Holocaust and the Odyssey ; and Muldoon throws in a neo-Joycean literary-critical-political satire. Madoc , subtitled "A Mystery," imagines that Coleridge and Southey, the poet-pantisocrats, really did found their utopian community on the banks of the Susquehanna. Through Muldoon's veil of puns and allusions we can see that it all ends in colonialism, violence, literary rows, and tears. Since the pantisocrats are heading for the village of "Ulster," it may be presumed that Muldoon also has his eye on politics and poetics nearer home. His irony extends poetic intertextuality over centuries as well as continents. But, despite the irony, Madoc itself belongs to a new frontier for the English lyric in the British Isles.
 | Andrews, Elmer, ed. Contemporary Irish Poetry: A Collection of Critical Essays . London: Macmillan, 1992.
 | Andrews, Elmer, ed. Seamus Heaney: A Collection of Critical Essays . London: Macmillan, 1992.
 | Corcoran, Neil, ed. The Chosen Ground: Essays on the Contemporary Poetry of Northern Ireland . Bridgend: Seren, 1992.
 | Crawford, Robert. Devolving English Literature . Oxford: Clarendon, 1992.
 | Davies, Walford. Dylan Thomas . Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1986.
 | Deane, Seamus. Celtic Revivals . London: Faber, 1985.
 | Heaney, Seamus. Preoccupations: Selected Prose, 19681978 . London: Faber; New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1980.