The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni (25 page)

BOOK: The Collected Poetry of Nikki Giovanni
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You never know…when you meet…Is it at introduction…with polite handshakes and an exchange of names…Or is it with eyes…that ask can you…will you…maybe…love me


It seems sometimes that I always wanted…to be grown…and warm…and free…and loved…yet you never know…until it stops…that you were…Until the dolls…that some called children…had children…you think of as dolls…and you remember Yes…maybe I was grown…up perhaps…wider for sure…more patient…less tolerant…who knows what…exactly…until it stops


Love is more than stopping that ache…It's paying those bills…cooking that food…cleaning this house…answering when someone says Mama…and hoping it's a child…who calls


Did we meet when we were only a dream…of each other…Or did we meet with the cries…of labor…or fever…or no work this week


Do we know…because of the change of names…each other…Or do we know…because of an exchange of glances…that each is a bridge…free standing…stretched between the good years and the bad


It's hard to remember…when we met…I am constantly being introduced…to a you…I never knew…I offer you the same…



An amoeba is lucky it's so small…else its narcissism would lead to war…since self-love seems so frequently to lead to self-righteousness…


I suppose a case could be made…that there are more amoebas than people…that they comprise the physical majority…and therefore the moral right…But luckily amoebas rarely make television appeals to higher Gods…and baser instincts…so one must ask if the ability to reproduce oneself efficiently has anything to do with love…


The night loves the stars as they play about the Darkness…the day loves the light caressing the sun…We love…those who do…because we live in a world requiring light and Darkness…partnership and solitude…sameness and difference…the familiar and the unknown…We love because it's the only true adventure…


I'm glad I'm not an amoeba…there must be more to all our lives than ourselves…and our ability to do more of the same…

I hang on the edge

of this universe

singing off-key

talking too loud

embracing myself

to cushion the fall

I shall tumble

into deep space

never in this form

or with this feeling

to return to earth

It is not tragic

I will spiral

through that Black hole

losing skin         limbs

internal organs


my naked soul


in the next galaxy

with only my essence

embracing myself


I dream of you

It's a journey…that I propose…I am not the guide…nor technical assistant…I will be your fellow passenger…


Though the rail has been ridden…winter clouds cover…autumn's exuberant quilt…we must provide our own guideposts…


I have heard…from previous visitors…the road washes out sometimes…and passengers are compelled…to continue groping…or turn back…I am not afraid…


I am not afraid…of rough spots…or lonely times…I don't fear…the success of this endeavor…I am Ra…in a space…not to be discovered…but invented…


I promise you nothing…I accept your promise…of the same we are simply riding…a wave…that may carry…or crash…


It's a journey…and I want…to go…

I love you

because the Earth turns round the sun

because the North wind blows north


because the Pope is Catholic

and most Rabbis Jewish

because winters flow into springs

and the air clears after a storm

because only my love for you

despite the charms of gravity

keeps me from falling off this Earth

into another dimension

I love you

because it is the natural order of things

I love you

like the habit I picked up in college

of sleeping through lectures

or saying I'm sorry

when I get stopped for speeding

because I drink a glass of water

in the morning

and chain-smoke cigarettes

all through the day

because I take my coffee Black

and my milk with chocolate

because you keep my feet warm

though my life a mess

I love you

because I don't want it

any other way

I am helpless

in my love for you

It makes me so happy

to hear you call my name

I am amazed you can resist

locking me in an echo chamber

where your voice reverberates

through the four walls

sending me into spasmatic ecstasy

I love you

because it's been so good

for so long

that if I didn't love you

I'd have to be born again

and that is not a theological statement

I am pitiful in my love for you

The Dells tell me Love

is so simple

the thought though of you

sends indescribably delicious multitudinous

thrills throughout and through-in my body

I love you

because no two snowflakes are alike

and it is possible

if you stand tippy-toe

to walk between the raindrops

I love you

because I am afraid of the dark

and can't sleep in the light

because I rub my eyes

when I wake up in the morning

and find you there

because you with all your magic powers were

determined that

I should love you

because there was nothing for you but that

I would love you

I love you

because you made me

want to love you

more than I love my privacy

my freedom       my commitments

and responsibilities

I love you 'cause I changed my life

to love you

because you saw me one friday

afternoon and decided that I would

love you

I love you I love you I love you

I wrote a good omelet…and ate a hot poem…

after loving you

Buttoned my car…and drove my coat home…in the rain…

after loving you

I goed on red…and stopped on green…floating

somewhere in between…

being here and being there…

after loving you

I rolled my bed…turned down my hair…slightly confused

but…I don't care…

Laid out my teeth…and gargled my gown…then I

stood…and laid me down…

to sleep…

after loving you

Dance with me…dance with me…we are the song…we

are the music…Dance with me…

Waltz me…twirl me…do-si-do please…peppermint twist



Cha cha cha…tango…two step too…


Dance with me…dance with me…all night long…

We are the music…we are the song…

Cancers are a serious condition…attacking internal organs


them away…or clumping lumps…together…

The blood vessels carry…cancerous cells…to all body parts


would be the term…but this is not necessarily a love poem…

Cancer is caused…by…

the air we breathe

the food we eat

the water we drink

Indices are unusually high…in cities that have baseball teams

…or people…


cigarettes…sun…and birth control


are among the chief offenders…

Monthly phenomena stopped…internally…will

only lead…

to shock syndrome…

What indeed…porcelana…does a woman…want…

Cancers are…

the new plague

the modern black death

all that is unknown


I have a cancer…in my heart…I'm told…on

knowledgeable authority…

it is not possible

For the heart we have…

cardiac arrest…and outright attacks…

holes in valves…and valve stoppage…

constricted vessels…and nefarious air


But then…my doctor never saw you…and doesn't believe…

in the zodiac…

Vowels…are a part of the English language…There are five in the alphabet…though only one…between lovers…


My father…you must understand…was Human…My mother…a larva…and while I concede most Celestial Beings…have taken the bodies of the majority…I chose differently…No one understands me…at all…except the clouds…and grasses…and waters cresting…against the Heavens…


I just don't know…what to do…with myself…I have forgotten the names…I feared being called…I have rested the burdens…of my will…I inhale the illogic…of the moment…exuding inert emotions…I am still…beside you…happily confused…


Words…are the foundation of thought…Many people think they think…but cannot put it…into words…My grandmother thought…she could drive a car…too…though she couldn't do Reverse…There is a word for me…also…

I am she…making rainbows…in coffee cups…watching fish jump…after midnight…in my dreams…


On the stove…left front burner…is the stew…already chewed…certain to burn…as I dream…of waves…of nothingness…


Floating to shore…riding a low moon…on a slow cloud…I am she…who writes…the poems…

And when she was lonely…she would go into the room…where all who lived…knew her well…


Her hands would touch…her lips…silently moving…would punctuate the talk…with a smile…or a frown…an occasional “Oh My”…


If it was cold…she would wrap herself…in the natted blue sweater…knitted by a grandmother…so many years ago…If warm…the windows were opened…to allow the wind…to partake of their pleasure…


Holidays were never sad…seasons in fact…unchanging…Family and friends…lovers and longings…rested…waited…never to betray…never to leave her…


Her books…her secret life…in the room with the tapestry rug…

We are like a field…of wild flowers…unpollinated…swaying against the wind…


Dew sparkling…buds bursting…we await the drying day…Let's not gain…the notice of the woman…with the large straw basket…


Autumn will come…anyway…Let us continue…our dance…beneath the sun…

Planes fly patterns…rather than land…on icy runways…

I ran a pattern…around you…

Captains cut their engines…to passively ride storm waves…

You put me…on hold…

Only clear skies…and still waters…

Can support engines of displacement

Aretha said it best…in Lady Soul…Ain't No Way…(for

me to love you)…

If you don't…let me…

You were gone

like a fly lighting

on that wall

with a spider in the corner

You were gone

like last week's paycheck

for this week's bills

You were gone

like the years between

twenty-five and thirty

as if somehow

You never existed

and if it wouldn't be

for the gray hairs

I'd never know that

You had come

When I write I like to write…in total silence…Maybe total…silence…is not quite accurate…I like to listen to the notes breezing by my head…the grunting of the rainbow…as she bends…on her journey from Saturn…to harvest the melody…


There is no laughter…in the city…no joy…in the sheer delight…of living…City sounds…are the cracking of ice in glasses…or hearts in despair…The burglar alarms…or boredom…warning of illicit entry…The fire bells proclaiming…yet another home…or job…or dream…has deserted the will…to continue…The cries…of all the lonely people…for a drum…a tom-tom…some cymbal…some/body…to sing for…


I never saw old/jersey…or old/ark…Old/ark was a forest…felled for concrete…and asphalt…and bridges to Manhattan…Earth acres that once held families…of deer…fox…chipmunks…hawks…forest creatures…and their predators…now corral business…men and women…artists…and intellectuals…People…and their predators…under a banner of neon…graying the honest Black…cradling the stars above…and the earth below…turning to dust…white shirts…lace curtains at the front window…automobiles lovingly polished…Dreams…encountering racist resistance…New-Ark knows too much pain…sees too many people who aren't special…watches the buses daily…the churches on Sunday…the bars after midnight…disgorge the unyoung…unable…unqualified…unto the unaccepting…streets…I lived…one summer…in New-Ark…New-Jersey…on Belleville Avenue…Every evening…when the rats left the river…to visit the central ward…Anthony Imperiali…and his boys…would chunk bullets…at the fleeing mammals…refusing to recognize…the obvious…family…ties…I napped…to the rat-tat-
tat…rat-tat-tat…wondering why…we have yet to learn…rat-tat-tats…don't even impress…rats…


When I write I want to write…in rhythm…regularizing the moontides…to the heart/beats…of the twinkling stars…sending an S.O.S…. to day trippers…urging them to turnback…toward the Darkness…to ride the night winds…to tomorrow…I wish I understood…bird…Birds in the city talk…a city language…They always seem…unlike humans…to have something…useful…to say…Other birds…like Black americans…a century or so ago…answer back…with song…I wish I could be a melody…like a damp…gray…feline fog…staccatoing…stealthily…over the city…

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