The Clintons' War on Women (36 page)

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Authors: Roger Stone,Robert Morrow

BOOK: The Clintons' War on Women
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Bryan Fisher of the anti-gay American Family Association said on his radio show Focal Point in 2013, “The bottom line is that if Hillary Clinton becomes president in 2016, she will not only be our first female president, she could be our first lesbian president.” However, Fisher is highly confident that if Hillary runs, the United States will not “elect an old woman to the Oval Office … She’s just going to be too old, going to be too saggy, gravity will have done too much
of its mojo on her; she’s just going to look old and tired next to virtually anybody that the Republicans run out there.”

Was or is Hillary Clinton having an affair with her top aide Huma Abedin? There’s been no evidence and certainly no confession from either party. But with Hillary’s close ties to the lesbian community coupled with her unusual relationship with her aide, speculation has abounded. Michael Musto, the well-known gay gossip columnist for the
Village Voice
chimed in:

As I recently said on MONICA CROWLEY’s radio show, whisper campaigns are claiming that HILLARY CLINTON is GAYLE KING-ing her aide-de-camp, the glamorous HUMA ABEDIN, an Indian/Pakistani goddess from Kalamazoo, Michigan. In other words, Hillary may be putting Huma out there in the press and purposely making her more visible as a preemptive strike that amounts to her hiding in plain sight. This way, no Republican can later say, “Who is this gorgeous babe who spends so much intimate time with Hillary that the Observer called her Hill’s ‘body person’? Was GENNIFER FLOWERS’s book right about Hillary’s sexual taste?” And does either of this couple have the balls to bottom?

Of course that whole scenario can’t possibly be true, since Bill and Hill have been so lovey-dovey lately for the cameras, and besides, whenever he’s been serviced by an intern—or by anyone—he’s clearly been thinking of his wife. (They’re that close.) But suddenly, Huma—a sort of Muslim SALMA HAYEK—has that spread in Vogue and the accompanying write-up notes that she “oversees every minute of Senator Clinton’s day.” Every single minute? Even Gayle King takes a break now and then! (PS: If I called for comment, Hillary’s camp would surely say, “Just because two powerful women are closer than sardines doesn’t make them dykes.” And that’s so true. Look at MATT and BEN. But now that Crowley has dubbed me the head of Huma Resources, I’m going to pursue this story with every cojone I’ve got.)

Hillary-Huma rumor was taken further by an anonymous source for the political gossip site
: “We’re still a bit incredulous on this one, but a top level US Department of Justice official is telling Big Head DC that Michael Musto’s rumor about Hillary Clinton fooling around with one of her top female aides Huma Abedin is based in reality!”

“I am close enough to Hillary and Huma to tell you that this ‘rumor’ is true,” the source said. “It is well known inside her campaign that Hillary and Huma are an item. If you call Hillary’s residence in DC first thing in the morning, Huma answers the phone. Same thing late at night and on the road. It’s a closely guarded secret that Hillary’s inner circle guards at all costs.”

Blogger Luke Ford on October 30, 2007, expressed his own suspicions: “Within a couple of hours of reading Mickey Kaus’s report above [about the
LA Times
sitting on a sex scandal story], I blitzed more than 30 sources (most of them journalists) for what they know about this matter. None of them could identify the purported
LA Times
story. My dialogue with my sources left me with no doubt Tuesday night (Oct. 30) that Hillary’s made passes at women and that Muslim Huma Abedin is Hillary’s most likely source of romantic and sexual love.”

Michelle Cottle wrote in the August 13, 2007, edition of
New York
magazine: “Huma Abedin, Hillary’s beautiful, enigmatic ‘body person,’ spends nearly every waking minute with Hillary and so has the best sense of her daily rhythms and routines.”

Throughout the 1990s the Clintons scrupulously avoided support for gay marriage, even while the LGBT community became more influential in Democratic Party circles. Hillary would
into a supporter of same-sex marriage by 2015. That did not, however, prevent Mrs. Clinton’s foundation with her husband from taking $10 million from a bizarre African church that advocates the torture and death of gays.

London Daily Mail
reported that the Cameroon Baptist Convention believes that being gay “contradicts God’s purpose” and likens homosexuality to the Devil.

New York Post
’s Michael Goodwin reported that, “The church only has about 100,000 members, so where did it get so much money? And why is it shipping millions to the Clintons when Cameroon is one of the poorest countries on Earth, with child labor a scourge and only one doctor for every 5,000 people? Life expectancy is reported as 55. Moreover, Cameroon is extremely corrupt, with human-rights organization claiming that criminal suspects, gays and political activists are routinely tortured.”

If Hillary Clinton
gay or bisexual, or even if she considers herself a fighter for the rights of lesbians, then her hypocrisy is stunning.



“Dr. George Wright was Bill Clinton’s father. Everyone in town knew that.”

—an anonymous resident of Hope, Arkansas

he debate over who is the biological father of Bill Clinton has gone on for a long time. In 1995, almost twenty years ago, David Maraniss was writing about this mystery in his book
First in His Class: A Biography of Bill Clinton
. Clinton’s mother, Virginia Kelley had married Billy Blythe on September 3, 1943, just before Blythe shipped out for World War II. Blythe got out of the military on December 7, 1945, and David Mariniss estimates that there was no way Blythe could have reunited with Virginia until December 10, 1945.

“This is inconsequential except for one thing: the timing of the conception of William Jefferson Blythe III,” wrote David Maraniss. “For years afterward, there were whispers in Hope about who little Billy’s father was, rumors spawned by Virginia’s flirtacious nature as a young nurse and by the inevitable temptation of people to count backwards nine months from the birth date to see who was where doing what.

months before August 19, 1946, Bill Blythe was still in Italy. Virginia heard the talk. Her answer was that Billy was born a month early. He had been induced weeks ahead of schedule because she had taken a fall and the doctor was concerned about her condition.”

Clinton biographer Nigel Hamilton also investigated Bill Clinton’s real father. He said that relatives and friends of Kelley would shrug their shoulders or go silent when asked who Bill’s real father was. But when they spoke to Hamilton off the record, “Not a single one in confidence believed Bill Blythe had been the child’s father.”

So one might wonder why conventional knowledge had deemed Blythe the father of Clinton. There is no credible Clinton biographer who still believes Blythe was Clinton’s dad.

“Flirtatious” does not do justice to Virginia Kelley’s true nature. Kelley, Bill’s mother, was an industrial-grade slut, often hopping in the beds of the married doctors with whom she worked, as well as many others.

“Like Bill, Virginia had a long string of adulterous affairs that till now have been undisclosed,” wrote psychologist John D. Gartner. “Her liaisons, including her five marriages (she had four husbands, but married Roger Clinton twice), were often impulsive, and usually showed poor judgement. The extent of her promiscuity was one of the most surprising findings in my research.”
Gartner says extramarital sex was a “lifestyle” for Bill’s mother, even “an addiction.”

It has been determined by Gartner that Bill Clinton’s
“biological” father is the deceased Dr. George Wright of Hope, Arkansas.

Gartner found the nurse, Wilma Rowe Booker, who helped deliver Clinton. “I was the first person to spank Bill Clinton’s butt, ha ha … But I wasn’t the last,” Booker said.
Gartner also found Richard Fenwick, a friend of Bill’s mother, who “held Bill Clinton in the hospital the day he was born.”

was not a premature baby according to Booker: “he was a big, pink, healthy-looking full-term baby. There was absolutely no way he was premature.”

Jim Blair, the former husband of Diane Blair, very close to the Clintons, said he did not believe Blythe was the father of Bill Clinton. Joe Purvis grew up with Bill Clinton and he asked his dad one time who Bill’s real father was, “He just smiled and said: ‘Gosh, we just don’t know.’ But I could tell he knew a lot he wasn’t saying.”

Kelley had told a friend Virginia Heath that she had in fact had an affair with a doctor in Hope, Arkansas, at a time that would line up with Bill’s conception. There were not too many doctors in tiny Hope around the time Clinton was born. A longtime reporter on the Clintons told Gartner that he tried to interview a doctor in Hope but the doctor sounded “real nervous and jumpy” and canceled the interview at the last moment. David Mariness told Gartner that he had been trying to interview Dr. George Wright of Hope, Arkansas, when he wrote his biography of Clinton.

The reporters and biographers of Clinton had been circling around the Dr. George Wright–Bill Clinton connection for decades, but it is our opinion that John Gartner is the one who has finally hit pay dirt with his conclusion that Dr. George Wright is the biological father of Bill Clinton.

Gartner went to the Hope public library and ran into a woman in her eighties as he was looking over Bill’s high school yearbooks. She told Gartner that she knew who Clinton’s real dad was. Gartner asked her if he might be kin to a Larry Wright who was a school age friend of Clinton and the son of Dr. George Wright:

“As a matter of fact, it does. Dr. George Wright was Bill Clinton’s father. Everyone in town knew that.”

“Everyone knew? I heard that there were lots of different rumors about a variety of suspected fathers.”

no. There were not lots of different rumors. There was one rumor, and it was no rumor. Everyone in Hope knew it was Dr. Wright.”

“How did you know it was Dr. Wright?”

“I had personal knowledge.”

Personal knowledge
?” I asked, trying to imagine what they could possibly be.

“One of Dr. Wright’s best friends told me that Wright said to him: ‘I’m Billy Blythe’s father.’”

Gartner found others who confirmed this old lady’s story, an “open secret” in the little town of Hope, Arkansas.

Gartner interviewed George Wright, Jr., the half-brother of Bill Clinton. Wright said that he grew up with Clinton and that Kelley helped his father Dr. George Wright set up his medical practice in Hope in May of 1946. Kelley was pregnant with Bill at the time. Dr. George Wright had come to Hope, Arkansas, before he moved there to check out the town. It is very likely that is when he hopped in bed with the “hot to trot” Kelley.

When Bill was a young kid, Kelley and Roger Clinton were often guests of the Wright family and even when they moved away to Hot Springs, Dr. Wright would rent a summer lake house and Bill would visit.

“Every summer, young Bill would spend a large part of the Wright’s vacation living with them on the lake,” wrote Gartner. If Bill Clinton was the biological child, Dr. Wright had cleverly found a way to have annual visitation with his son without anyone being the wiser.”
George Wright, Jr., was well aware of the rumors regarding Bill’s true father.

Gartner dug up another bombshell, saying that Bill’s half-brother Roger was not the son of Roger Clinton, Sr. John Gartner interviewed Virginia Heath, who was a friend of Kelley: “Uncle Roger told me that little Roger wasn’t his. Roger senior said he knew because he couldn’t have children. And he told me who the daddy was,
I just never have told anyone his name. He’s a doctor here in town.” Is it even surprising, at this point, that yet another layer of secrecy and sketchiness is added to the Clintons’ personal lives?



“Get fucked! Get the fuck out of my way! Get out of my face!”

—First Lady Hillary Clinton

ne should never be surprised what comes out of the mouths of the Clintons, especially Hillary. Pro-life activist Lurleen Stackhouse went to a pre-inauguration prayer service at the AME Church in Washington, DC, on January 21, 1993, a few hours before Bill was to be sworn in as president. After the service concluded, Lurleen gave her anti-abortion message to the Clintons. Stackhouse relayed the story to
Washington Week

When the service concluded we were asked to stay seated until the President and Mrs. Clinton departed for the White House. However, as they walked down the aisle I stood and reached out for Mr. Clinton. “Mr. Clinton, America must stop killing babies.” He looked at me with a blank stare on his face. I repeated this statement to him.

Hillary (not hearing my comment) then came to give me a hug and I said (in a voice only audible to her), “Hillary, it is against God’s law to kill babies.” She stepped back, shaking and trembling, and
then grabbed my arm. Her countenance transformed from a pleasant demeanor to the appearance of being possessed. Her eyes were enraged as [Hillary] replied,
“It is God’s law to kill babies.”

I drew back in shock at this blatant and revealing statement. I fully expected her to say, “It is God’s law for women to have a choice,” or other pro-death rhetoric. But no, she was bold and blatant. I would not have believed it if I had not heard it with my own ears. I walked out with General Colin Powell. As the Clintons got into their limousine I approached the car. Through the glass I continued to plead with Mr. Clinton to stop killing babies. Again, he had a troubled stare.

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