The Clintons' War on Women (34 page)

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Authors: Roger Stone,Robert Morrow

BOOK: The Clintons' War on Women
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A simultaneous press release was issued by the government:

President Clinton Proposes New Child Support Crackdown and Announces a Record 80 Percent Increase in Child Support Collections

December 31, 1998

Today, President Clinton announced a new child support crackdown aimed at the nation’s most egregious child support violators. Despite record child support collections, there are still too many parents who flagrantly ignore their obligations to their children, and the President will propose to spend $46 million to identify, investigate, and prosecute these deadbeat parents. The President took this action today as he released new evidence that his Administration’s child support efforts are working: child support collections have gone up a record 80 percent since he took office, from $8 billion in 1992 to an estimated $14.4 billion in 1998.

New Record Child Support Collections

Since taking office, President Clinton has made child support enforcement a top priority, and those efforts are paying off for children across America. New figures released by the US Department of Health and Human Services today show that child support collections have gone up a record 80 percent since the President took office, from $8 billion in 1992 to an estimated $14.4 billion in 1998. Moreover, new figures show that the federal government has collected $1.1 billion this year by withholding federal tax refunds from deadbeat parents. Nearly 1.3 million families in all 50 states benefited
from these tax refunds, which totaled $151 million in California, $63 million in Ohio, $52 million in Florida, and $48 million in New York (a state by state chart is available).

New Child Support Law Enforcement Initiative

To ensure that every parent pays the child support he owes, in June President Clinton signed into law the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act, creating two new categories of federal felonies for the most egregious child support violators, a measure he had called for in his 1997 State of the Union address. Many prosecutors say they would be able to prosecute even more child support cases if they had legal staff dedicated to the issue and if they received referrals after a complete financial investigation had been conducted.

The Deadbeat Dad press release went on to tout “New Investigative Resources” and “New prosecutorial Resources.” It boasted “State child support offices will refer their most serious child support cases to these sites, where trained investigative staff will locate the violator, document information needed for prosecution, and then provide the investigated case to the appropriate prosecutor” and “With this new staff, the US Department of Justice expects to increase child support prosecutions significantly.”

In 1999, Jay Leno made the Bobbie Ann Williams story the topic of one of his monologues. “An Arkansas prostitute is claiming that President Clinton is the father of her son and has submitted to a DNA test to prove it,” said Leno. “And today the White House said it couldn’t be possible. She must have just sat on Monica’s dress … Who do you believe? A hooker or President Clinton? For most Americans that’s a tough one…. Only President Clinton could distract people from a sex scandal with another sex scandal. Remember those innocent times of Monica Lewinsky? It seems like a hundred years ago, those innocent times we lived in back then…. The White House is still trying to put a positive spin on the whole thing. Today they said, ‘Hey, at least he didn’t have oral sex with the woman.’”

January 6, 1999, Matt Drudge published the following special report, called “WOMAN NAMES BILL CLINTON FATHER OF SON IN SHOCKING VIDEO CONFESSION”:

In a shocking new videotaped confession viewed by the DRUDGE REPORT late Tuesday, an Arkansas woman claims that President Bill Clinton is the father of her 13-year old son.

He’s been told all of his life by his mother that Bill Clinton is his father, and late last month, 13-year old Danney Williams of Arkansas underwent a DNA test to find out the truth.

The story of Bobbie Ann Williams and her child Danney hit world media and rocked the White House this week after it was revealed that STAR MAGAZINE and ace investigative reporter Richard Gooding have exclusively signed Williams and his family to a paternity showdown.

Test results could not be learned Tuesday night. Gooding and Star magazine editors offered few details on the status of the story, even to their closest associates.

“It is his,” Ms. Williams tells PARAMOUNT’s HARD COPY in a videotaped confession recently made by the syndicated TV show. With tears rolling down her face, Williams reveals intimate details about her relationship with Bill Clinton.

“He was good to me, he gave me money,” she tells HARD COPY. “No, I’m not scared.”

Also interviewed on the video is Williams’ sister. She tells HARD COPY how she first doubted her sister’s claims.

“I thought she was joking, you know, she was running around in the streets…. But when the kid was born, he looked just liked Bill Clinton.

“We would go to grocery stores, people would say ‘That’s Bill Clinton’s son!’ because he looks just like him!” the woman declares.

“Now that he’s older—he even looks more like him….

“Bill Clinton needs to take responsibility for his son, pay child support, like everyone else.”

COPY executives have not decided if and when they will air the interviews, which were conducted in Arkansas.

In the year 2000, just prior to Father’s Day, Clinton attempted to deflect the accusation by dedicating his presidential address to the topic of fatherhood. “Good morning,” Clinton began. “Tomorrow America pauses to honor the countless contributions and obligations of fatherhood. When I think back on all the titles I’ve held, from attorney general of Arkansas to Governor to President, none of them comes close in importance and in fulfillment to the simple title of father.”

In the address, Bill talked about “the critical role fathers play in their children’s lives” and how important it was for parents to be involved in their children’s education: “Research now confirms that involvement of both parents in a child’s education makes a positive difference, and that father involvement during infancy and early childhood also contributes to a child’s emotional security and enhances problem solving in math and verbal skills.”

Bill talked about how important it was for noncustodial parents to be involved in their kids’ lives. He also underscored how important child support payments were and how great the Clinton administration was at promoting them. Bill said for seven and a half years and that his administration had made child support a top priority.

Bill talked about “caring mothers and fathers” and about a new initiative he was supporting: “Supporting responsible fatherhood is good for children, good for families, good for our Nation. It’s why we propose building on our progress with a $255 million responsible fatherhood initiative called ‘Fathers Work/Families Win.’ The fact is, many fathers can’t provide financial and emotional support to their children, not because they’re deadbeat but because they’re dead-broke.”

Bill closed with, “As we prepare to celebrate the first Father’s Day of the new century, let’s do all we can to help more fathers live up to that
title, not just through their financial support but also by becoming more active, loving participants in their children’s lives.”

In 2007 Andrew Young, who was supporting Hillary for president, said, “Bill is every bit as black as Barack. He’s probably gone with [had sex with] more black women than Barack.”
The Clinton campaign was mortified at Young’s remarks.

The Clintons have never flat out denied that Danney is Bill’s son. The media has ignored Bubba’s bastard for decades. Joe Klein decided to fictionalize this important information in his book
Primary Colors
. Klein’s storyline, which concerned a young Southern governor dealing with the political dangers of fathering a love child with an underage African American girl before the New Hampshire primary, was the most dangerous kind of fiction.

Today in Arkansas, based on Bill Clinton’s income as a Non-Custodial Parent and the fact that the number of children he would owe money for is just one (that we know of …), Bill Clinton would owe an amount of $717 (in 2014 dollars) per month in child support for Danney Williams.

For eighteen years of unpaid child support that would come out to 216 missed payments of $717 which equals $154,872 that Clinton would owe to Danney’s guardians. More importantly, Bill Clinton has never hugged his son, never told him that he loved him, never showed any interest in his life, and never showed he cared.

In 2013, the
Cleveland Challenger
published a story that pointed out that Clinton was credibly rumored to have sexual affairs with numerous other black women—among them former Miss Arkansas Lencola Sullivan and reporter Debra Mathis (who used to work at the same TV station as Gennifer Flowers). Larry Nichols, after he had his falling out with Clinton, used to follow him around under “total surveillance.” Nichols discovered that “One of the people I cornered early on, one of the people I had literally seen Clinton with, was this black lady. She was about four foot eight. Now it’s going to sound like I am exaggerating, but I am not. She was about four foot eight and had, yes, blonde hair. She weighed between 250 and
260 pounds. She had one or two, I think both front teeth were gold. This is who I caught Bill Clinton with.”

Nichols approached this woman and got her to talk about the governor. Nichols wanted to know about any “distinguishing characteristic” that Clinton might have in his private parts area.

“And that’s when she told me [Bill] had a very, very small, almost to the point of what you would call deformed, penis,” Nichols said. “I mean this guy is lacking badly, if you know what I mean. She said he was ‘iddy biddy,’ about two inches. Then, she said he had a fetish—he was just a wild man about oral sex. I mean he was just crazy. And then she told of a mole, she called it that, but it’s actually a birthmark, on the outside of his left buttock.”

Two state troopers corroborated Nichols’s story, stating that they had taken Clinton to see this woman.

“Clinton denied he fathered Danney with Bobbie Ann just like he at first lied about Gennifer Flowers and Lewinsky,” the
article said. “He claimed not to have sexually harassed Paula Jones but yet paid her $850,000 in an out of court settlement. Sitting in front of federal Special Prosecutor Ken Starr and facing impeachment loosened Clinton’s lips enough to confess to sexing it up with Lewinsky. However, because he’d only stuck a cigar tube in her vagina and she orally pleasured him, Clinton said it really wasn’t a relationship.”

Larry Patterson said that around Christmas in 1988 or 1989 Bill ordered him to deliver some of Chelsea’s Christmas presents to the household of Bobbie Ann Williams. These were presents that were sent to the Arkansas governor’s mansion for Chelsea. Larry Patterson also sa
that there was a suspicious burglary of Williams’s home when Clinton ran for president. “The thieves took only two photographs of Danney: one that had already been published in
. Patterson claimed Young (who’d driven Clinton and Bobby Ann to his mother’s wooded home for sex) assisted Little Rock police in the investigation.”
Patterson says he found it suspicious that that Arkansas state police, led by Buddy Young, would be called
in to investigate this break-in. Larry Patterson, after he turned on the Clintons, became good friends with Nichols and he also gave that picture (of a young Danney) that Clinton’s troopers had stolen to Larry Nichols. Larry Nichols, in turn, released it to the media.

At a White House press briefing a reporter stated that the online photos of a young Danney Williams look like Bill Clinton and what did the White House have to say about that? Joe Lockhart replied, “
That’s good. And I’m an alien space baby.”

Just prior to Hillary’s Senate bid, the Clintons floated a false flag story claiming that DNA evidence absolved Bill of being Danney’s father. The story was false, but ran. This is a tactic the Clintons have used again and again. Right after Hillary announced her 2016 candidacy, her campaign floated a phony “internal analysis” to discredit a study done by the
Washington Free Beacon
’s Brent Scher that showed Hillary has consistently paid women less than men. The memo disproving Scher’s story was a fraud, as was the story about Danney Williams’s DNA.

While the Clintons have never laid claim to Danney Williams, it is probable that they have raised and cared for another child birthed from an affair outside of their marriage. While it may sound outrageous, there is reason to believe that Chelsea Clinton is the daughter of Hillary Clinton and Webb Hubbell. While some will reject this notion, I believe a review of the overwhelming circumstantial evidence shows that it is not beyond possibility that Hubbell is Chelsea Clinton’s real daddy. And while some may believe that questioning the parentage of Chelsea is crass, she has long been part of the Clinton propaganda machine and has enjoyed enormous financial benefits as a result.

It was in June 1992, when Bill’s political future was threatened by the Gennifer Flowers scandal, that the Clintons strategically placed a photo of Hillary and Bill happily posing with Chelsea on the cover of
magazine as a way to snooker voters into the myth of Clinton family values.

Chelsea’s name and likeness has been co-opted by the Clintons in other ways. Originally, founded in 2001 as the William J. Clinton Foundation, the “philanthropic” group was rebranded as the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation in 2012. As we will show later, the foundation has been plagued by scandal.

Known to be sharp-elbowed and entitled like her mother, Chelsea was paid $600,000 by NBC in 2011 as a “special correspondent” for essentially no work whatsoever. Indeed, much like Bill and Hillary, Chelsea Clinton has become a grifter.

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