The Clintons' War on Women (14 page)

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Authors: Roger Stone,Robert Morrow

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Former Delaware Congressman Thomas B. Evans, Jr., was on the board of Towers Investors where Epstein learned at the knee of legendary Ponzi scammer Steven Hoffenberg. Evans resigned from the board and as head of the finance committee over irregularities he refused to paper over. “Epstein was handsome and virile,” Evans said. “At his request I set him up with a nice Jewish girl who was a friend of my wife, Mary Page. She said later that Epstein only wanted to fuck her and showed no interest in dinner or social intercourse.”

Maxwell (whose
father is deceased media tycoon and Mossad agent Robert Maxwell) was instrumental in introducing Epstein to an international VIP list. Robert Maxwell was the flamboyant and controversial British press lord whose mysterious death, falling off the back of his yacht, was thought by many to be faked. “He’s in Israel,” said Hoffenberg, who pulled off the second-largest Ponzi scheme in the country … second only to Bernie Madoff. Ghislaine was the glamorous, jet-setting daughter, who was expected to come up with an endless supply of young girls for Epstein.

The other person who Roberts said played a critical role in the underage sex was Jean Luc Brunel, to whom Epstein reportedly gave $2 million for his modeling agency, which is said to have been designed to funnel in underage girls for sex by Epstein and his circle. After the Epstein scandal broke open in 2006, Epstein had dozens of meetings with Brunel over the next few years. After the victim’s lawsuit against the government became news again in early 2015, the relationship between Epstein and Brunel soured greatly because of devastating fallout to Brunel’s modeling business.

Daily Beast
headline, “Model King Sues Billionaire Perv Jeffrey Epstein,” and the accompanying article went on to describe the death of Brunel’s modeling business. “In the lawsuit, Brunel says he can’t recruit any more as the European gals know how to search his name online. In South America, moms refuse to entrust their daughters with a man who has been branded a sex trafficker.”

Here is a nasty but apropos description of Brunel from Michael Gross’s 1995 book,

“Jean Luc is considered a danger,” says Jérôme Bonnouvrier. “Owning Karins was a dream for a playboy. His problem is that he knows exactly what girls in trouble are looking for. He’s always been on the edge of the system. John Casablancas gets with girls the healthy way. Girls would be with him if he was the butcher. They’re with Jean Luc because he’s the boss. Jean Luc likes drugs and silent rape. It excites him.”

“I really
despise Jean Luc as a human being for the way he’s cheapened the business,” says John Casablancas. “There is no justice. This is a guy who should be behind bars. There was a little group, Jean-Luc, Patrick Gilles, and Varsano…. They were very well-known in Paris for roaming the clubs. They would invite girls and put drugs in their drinks. Everybody knew they were creeps.”

And this from Dorothy Parker: “Jean Luc is a pimp and he was a pimp. Before Karins [his modeling agency], he took girls and sold them to agencies in Paris. I was in Ibiza with the daughter of a friend, fifteen years old, and he came to the table and wanted this girl.”

Here is a typical message from Brunel to Epstein, which one of Epstein’s assistants left for him: “He has a teacher for you to teach you how to speak Russian. She is 2 x 8 years old and blonde. Lessons are free and you can have 1st today if you call.”
I have a sixteen-year-old Russian girl for you to have sex with for free. Call me and I will let you see her first.
The age of consent for sex in Florida is age eighteen; in New York, it is age seventeen; and in the Virgin Islands, it is eighteen.

Diane Sawyer and
60 Minutes
investigated Brunel as long ago as in 1988.
reported, “The program interviewed nearly two dozen models who said they had been sexually assaulted by Brunel and/or by his fellow agent, Claude Haddad.” Even at that time, Brunel had a reputation as a man one could go to procure a “date” with a young model. CBS spoke to with five models who said that Brunel and/or his friends had drugged and raped them. Said producer Craig Pyes, “Hundreds of girls were not only harassed, but molested.”

Brunel’s MC2 was founded in 2005. Modeling agency or pedophilia recruiting pipeline? You pick the description of Brunel’s organization. “Jeff put his money up for this guy to get Jeffrey these young girls. That’s a front for Jeffrey’s securing more and more young girls,” a longtime Epstein friend told the
Daily Beast

much is certain: Brunel was one of Epstein’s closest friends, and both men have a very long history of ties to sex with underage girls. Brunel visited Epstein in jail sixty-seven times, according to jail logs.
Incredibly, Epstein only had to report to the Palm Beach jail at ten in the evening and stay till six in the morning. He was unsupervised at all hours and was allowed to travel and visit his home or office, as long as he made his ten o’clock curfew. One Palm Beach County corrections officer told Roger Stone that servants would often bring Epstein a gourmet dinner and fine wine, as “Mr. Epstein liked to dine late.”

Here is what Roberts had to say about Jean Luc Brunel in a court filing in January of 2015 in paragraphs 47 to 51:

I also had sexual intercourse with Jean Luc Brunel many times when I was 16 through 19 years old. He was another of Epstein’s powerful friends who had many contacts with young girls throughout the world. In fact, his only similarity with Epstein and the only link to their friendship appeared to be that Brunel could get dozens of underaged girls and feed Epstein’s (and Maxwell’s) strong appetite for sex with minors.

Brunel ran some kind of modeling agency and appeared to have an arrangement with the U.S. Government where he could get passports or other travel documents for young girls. He would then bring these young girls (girls ranging in age from 12 to 24) to the United States for sexual purposes and farm them out to his friends, including Epstein.

Brunel would offer the girls “modeling” jobs. A lot of the girls came from poor countries or poor backgrounds, and he lured them in with a promise of making good money.

had to have sex with Brunel at Little St. James (orgies), Palm Beach, New York City, New Mexico, Paris, the south of France, and California. He did not care about conversation, just sex.

Jeffrey Epstein has told me that he has slept with over 1,000 of Brunel’s girls, and everything that I have seen confirms this claim. Epstein, Brunel, and Maxwell loved orgies with kids - that is, having sexual interactions with many young teenagers at the same time. Sometimes as many as ten underaged girls would participate in a single orgy with them. I personally observed dozens of these orgies. The orgies happened on Epstein’s island in the U.S. Virgin Islands, in New Mexico, Palm Beach, and many other places. Most of the girls did not speak English. It is my understanding that the girls had been persuaded to come by Brunel offering them illegal drugs or a career in modeling. Brunel was one of the main procurers of girls.

With their reputations being linked to orgies, drugs, and partying with young girls, Bill Clinton was a natural friend for Epstein and Maxwell. One could say they were on the same wavelength. Epstein even “bought” a fourteen-year-old girl from Eastern Europe, Nadia Marcinkova, who Epstein apparently said that he “had purchased her from her family in Yugoslavia. Epstein bragged he brought her into the United States to be his Yugoslavian sex slave.”
Marcinkova later became a key facilitator and participant with Epstein when he had sex with other “too young” teenaged girls. She was skilled with Epstein’s sex toys.

We find it enraging that Epstein, a close friend of Bill Clinton, got a mere wrist slap rather than many years in jail. Epstein’s legal troubles belatedly began in March 2005, when a fourteen-year-old girl told her parents that she had been sexually molested by the Wall Street billionaire. Palm Beach police carefully investigated Epstein for a year and built a detailed probable cause affidavit against him that included five molestation victims of Epstein and two others they suspected.
Search online for “2006 Jeffrey Epstein Probable Cause Affidavit” and you’ll find this disturbing and meticulously detailed document.
The FBI later came in and identified over thirty underaged sex victims of Epstein.

The Palm Beach police handed off their meticulously documented and airtight case to Palm Beach State Attorney Barry Krischer. At this point, we feel, the corruption in the Epstein case began. The fix was in.

Instead of a quick indictment of Epstein, followed by pressuring him with the hopes of getting him to plea bargain and give up the other co-conspirators in his massive sex-trafficking ring, Krischer made the unusual decision to call a grand jury to review the case. Barry Krischer led a grand jury by the nose to indict Epstein on just one single charge: solicitation of prostitution, the sex crime equivalent of jaywalking.

In Florida, grand juries are generally restricted to capital cases. Krischer presented evidence to that grand jury in 2006 and what came back was mind-boggling: a paltry one-count indictment of Epstein for solicitation of a prostitute. Nothing in the indictment pertained to sexually molesting a fourteen-year-old girl, nor was there anything about running a massive underage sex trafficking ring for VIP pedophiles. Those adults who supplied Epstein with children for the rich and powerful to molest have gone unpunished, as have the VIP pedophiles themselves. A neutral observer might conclude that Krischer had been corrupted by the pedophiles and had intentionally tanked the case behind the secrecy of a grand jury, or that Krishcher was one of the most incompetent state attorneys ever to serve in Florida.

Palm Beach Police Chief Michael Reiter had identified around five children used for the pleasure of Epstein and his friends and at least several who were procuring them. An intimidation campaign was waged by Epstein and his lawyers against Reiter, a good and honest man. He was being followed by strange men and
“investigated” by the dark forces. Both Reiter and his top detective were being followed.

New York Times
in September 2006 covered the outraged reaction of Reiter: “Even before the indictment, the Palm Beach police chief, Michael Reiter, had accused prosecutors of giving Mr. Epstein special treatment and asked the state attorney, Barry E. Krischer, to remove himself from the case. In an editorial, the
Palm Beach Post
attacked Mr. Krischer, a Democrat whose post is elective, saying the public had been left ‘to wonder whether the system tilted in favor of a wealthy, well-connected alleged perpetrator and against very young girls who are alleged victims of sex crimes.’”

Krischer ultimately made an absurd plea bargain deal with Epstein that allowed this mega-pedophile and child sex trafficker to serve a mere thirteen months in prison and with a sixteen-hour-a-day pass to roam freely. Epstein could travel daily to his office and even took trips to New York. To say Epstein was “incarcerated” is to abuse the word. Recall that the lead lawyer negotiating this mind-blowing deal, which included immunity from prosecution for himself and others, was Dershowitz, with whom Roberts says she was forced to have sex with multiple times.

Public outrage then prompted the federal government to step in. Most believed that respected lawman Reiter had tipped off the feds to the fact that the state attorney’s fix was in. Federal prosecutors were also being intimidated and investigated. The Epstein lawyers threatened the federal prosecutors that a nasty book could be written about them if they did not toe the line.

R. Alexander Acosta, the U.S. attorney who handled the Epstein case on the federal end, wrote a 2011 letter in which he described the pressure that was brought to bear on the U.S. attorneys who were prosecuting Epstein. Acosta says that after the U.S. attorneys met with the high-power Epstein legal defense team in early summer 2007, “What followed was a year-long assault on the prosecution and prosecutors. I use the word assault intentionally, as the defense in
this case was more aggressive than any which I, or the prosecutors in my office, had previously encountered.”

Attorney Acosta complained that many of their negotiations with Epstein’s lawyers were appealed to Washington, DC, over the heads of the federal Miami prosecutors. According to Acosta, Epstein’s team was personally going after the prosecutors: “Defense counsel investigated individual prosecutors and their families, looking for personal peccadilloes that may provide a basis for disqualification. Disqualifying a prosecutor is an effective (though rarely used) strategy…. Defense counsel tried to disqualify at least two prosecutors. I carefully reviewed, and then rejected, these arguments.”

Acosta continued, “The defense, arguably, often failed to negotiate in good faith. They would obtain concessions as part of a negotiation and agree to proceed, only to change their minds, and appeal the office’s position to Washington. The investigations into the family lives of individual prosecutors were, in my opinion, uncalled for, as were the accusations of bias and/or misconduct against individual prosecutors.”

Acosta’s boss, then Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, told the
Daily Beast
that he “would have instructed the Justice Department to pursue justice without making a political mess.”
Gonzales’s comments tell you all you need to know about the Epstein pedophile scandal because the only way to properly mete out justice in the Epstein case was to have a
very big political mess
as a side product of thorough, piercing investigations and prosecutions. It would not take long for “big names,” also known as VIPs or “A-listers,” to be enmeshed in any honest and complete investigation of Epstein and whom he was pandering underaged girls to.

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