The Clintons' War on Women (12 page)

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Authors: Roger Stone,Robert Morrow

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In 1994, Dershowitz wrote a column that trivialized the rape of women, proclaiming that many rape accusations were false flags. “The problem of false rape reports is a serious one,” wrote Dershowitz in the
Washington Times
. “The time has come to stop patronizing calculating women who use rape accusations to serve their own selfish interests.”

In 2015, Prince Andrew was savaged by the British media over a famous photo of himself with a seventeen-year-old Roberts, taken by Epstein in 2001 in London. In late 2014, Roberts had said publicly in court filings that Epstein and Maxwell had compelled her to have sex with Prince Andrew on multiple occasions, including a situation in
New York City where Epstein paid her $400 to have sex with the Prince—who for years had been denying any sexual involvement with the then teenager. Roberts also said that she and eight other girls had had sex with Prince Andrew on Epstein’s spread on Little Virgin Island.

When Epstein and Maxwell took Roberts to England, Roberts says that on the morning of her “date” with Prince Andrew, “Ghislaine came in. She was chirpy and jumped on the bed, saying, ‘Get up, sleepyhead. You’ve got a big day. We’ve got to go shopping. You need a dress as you’re going to dance with a Prince tonight.’ She said I needed to be ‘smiley’ and bubbly because he was the Queen’s son. Ghislaine and I went to Burberry, where she bought me a £5,000 bag, and to a few other designer stores where we bought a couple of dresses, a pair of embroidered jeans and a pink singlet, perfume, and makeup.”

Roberts said, “Epstein told me to ‘exceed’ everything I had been taught. He emphasized that whatever Prince Andrew wanted, I was to make sure he got,” and that after the tryst, Epstein debriefed her on Prince Andrew’s sexual proclivities.

“I told Epstein about Andy’s sexual interest in feet. Epstein thought it was very funny. Epstein appeared to be collecting private information about Andy.”

That last comment by Roberts indicates precisely why Epstein was so dangerous not just to the young girls he was sexually abusing and psychologically scarring, but also to the compromised pedophile elites to whom he was pandering girls.

Roberts also has some interesting things to say about Bill Clinton, whom she met on two occasions. “I’d have been about seventeen at the time,” she said. “I flew to the Caribbean with Jeffrey and then Ghislaine Maxwell went to pick up Bill in a huge black helicopter that Jeffrey had bought her.”

In an interview with the
Daily Mail
, Roberts said that Epstein and Bill Clinton were good friends and that Epstein famously said that
Bill owed him a favor. Epstein’s currency was providing often-underage girls to his VIP friends.

Roberts recounted:

I only ever met Bill twice but Jeffrey had told me that they were good friends. I asked, “How come?” and he laughed and said, “He owes me some favors.” Maybe he was just joking but it constantly surprised me that people with as much to lose as Bill and [Prince] Andrew weren’t more careful.

Bill must have known about Jeffrey’s girls. There were three desks in the living area of the villa on the island.

They were covered with pictures of Jeffrey shaking hands with famous people and photos of naked girls, including one of me that Jeffrey had at all his houses, lying in a hammock.

We all dined together that night. Jeffrey was at the head of the table. Bill was at his left. I sat across from him. Emmy Tayler, Ghislaine’s blonde British assistant, sat at my right.

Ghislaine was at Bill’s left and at the left of Ghislaine there were two olive-skinned brunettes who’d flown in with us from New York.

I’d never met them before. I’d say they were no older than seventeen, very innocent looking. They weren’t there for me. They weren’t there for Jeffrey or Ghislaine because I was there to have sex with Jeffrey on the trip.

Maybe Jeffrey thought they would entertain Bill, but I saw no evidence that he was interested in them. He and Jeffrey and Ghislaine seemed to have a very good relationship. Bill was very funny.

He made me laugh a few times. And he and Jeffrey and Ghislaine told blokey jokes and the brunettes listened politely and giggled.

After dinner I gave Jeffrey an erotic massage. I don’t remember seeing Bill again on the trip but I assume Ghislaine flew him back.

Epstein masseuse (and former lingerie model), Chauntae Davies, says she was with Clinton when he flew on Epstein’s airplane to Africa. Davis, who sat for an interview with
Inside Edition
in April of 2015, is adamant that she never had sex with Epstein and that she never gave Clinton a massage. “Massage” was Epstein’s code word for having sex.

Conchita Sarnoff, who has written about Epstein extensively for the
Daily Beast
, said Clinton made at least seventeen trips—confirmed by flight records—with Epstein. Sarnoff, who is head of the Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking, says that Random House refused to publish her book
Sex Slaves in America
because it contained damaging information about Bill Clinton. Sarnoff said, “They will not publish the book unless I take out the Clinton stuff.”
The major book publisher refuses to expose Clinton’s documented relationship with a notorious pedophile.

Roberts described what would happen on Epstein’s plane, which was outfitted with a bed and had an atmosphere like that of the Playboy mansion: “It was a lot of the same things that went down on the ground. There would be sexual conduct; there would be foreplay. There was a bed in there, so we could basically re-enact exactly what happened in the house. It would start off with massaging or we would start off with foreplay. Sometimes it would lead to, you know, orgies.”
Bill Clinton was on this plane seventeen times.

By any objective standard of typical criminal liability imposed anywhere in the United States, it is beyond question that Epstein, along with his billions and his clever, well-connected lawyers, managed to either buy, bargain, or bully his way out of any meaningful legal or moral accountability for countless sexual abuse offenses perpetrated against dozens of children for years.

As if this travesty of justice was itself not enough to sate their sense of impunity, Epstein’s fellow elites have routinely praised, defended, and otherwise excused Epstein. Now, they give the same treatment to Epstein’s other sex cohorts, including Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew.

Michael Wolff, an Epstein confidant (Wolff now writes a regular column for British
) who recently penned a withering, faux-flummoxed attack in
USA Today
pooh-poohing the “new age” media and the American legal system, along with Epstein’s persistent “Jane Doe” accusers and their pernicious Florida attorneys, Paul G. Cassell (a former federal judge) and Bradley J. Edwards.

Wolff exudes the preening condescension and huffy indignation that is the hallmark of elite, deviant cover-up artists, rushing to excuse one of their own. Wolff’s somewhat flustered yet strangely navel-gazing editorial conveniently skips right over the part about his child-molesting pal Jeffrey Epstein buying himself and his confederates a free pass from any criminal punishment commensurate with the scope and extent of their heinous child sex crimes.

Wolff leaps right to the offensive against those forces, whether human or systemic, that he believes unduly besmirched Epstein’s elite sex cronies. He paints the whole thing almost in conspiratorial terms: “all part of a scripted game,” he writes. Wolff conveniently neglects to disclose to
USA Today
’s readers his own skin in the game, his courtesan-esque coziness and nearly two-decades-long (and presumably continuing) personal relationship with the child-molesting Epstein.

Wolff perhaps forgot the 2007
New York
magazine piece by Jeffrey Weiss delving into Epstein’s well-insulated personal fiefdom, with Wolff in the role of gushing, star-struck Epstein sycophant. The article further describes Epstein as a “discreet confidant to Wolff … when Wolff was involved in a bid for
New York

“It was all a little giddy,” the article quotes Wolff as saying, describing his late ‘90s entree into Epstein’s surreal fantasy life, as he boarded Epstein’s “beautiful 727” with a flight full of elites to a West Coast conference.

“Jeffrey is living a life that once might have been prized and admired and valued, but its moment has passed…. I think the culture has outgrown it. You can’t describe it without being held to severe account. It’s not allowed. It may be allowed if you’re secretive and furtive,
but Jeffrey is anything but secretive and furtive. I think it represents an achievement to Jeffrey.”

Apparently for Wolff it is a no-no to
a degenerate criminal “lifestyle” such as Epstein’s, but not necessarily to actually live it. He hints that this kind of lifestyle “may be allowed,” as long as it remains covert.

Not to be too obvious in exonerating Epstein with such faint damnation, Wolff is quoted as offering Epstein counsel on how to be less ostentatious about his pedophilia: “He has never been secretive about the girls…. At one point, when his troubles began, he was talking to me and said, ‘What can I say, I like young girls.’ I said, ‘Maybe you should say, “I like young women.”’” Surely, noble advice from a loyal friend.

Fast-forwarding to 2015, Wolff’s
USA Today
editorial decrying public accusations against Epstein pals is chock full of similarly subtle, almost subliminal, sophistry. It is totally free of any supporting factual substance to boot.

For example, the Florida Jane Doe case that was recently expanded from two to four victims in its ongoing pursuit of federal criminal justice against Epstein and his child sex trafficking cohorts is dubbed “unpromising” and “the allegations do not derive from law enforcement personnel making charges related to an investigation; rather, they come entirely from someone filing a lawsuit in an effort to win compensation and damages.”

He writes as if it were not a bold-faced public fact that the Palm Beach police, led by Chief Michael Reiter, publicly expressed in no uncertain terms outrage and dismay at the miscarriage of justice in Epstein’s so-called prosecution and his subsequent federal “non-prosecution.”

For over a year, Reiter and his department had scrupulously compiled a case against Epstein based on sworn statements establishing Epstein’s repeated sexual abuse of five young girls, one just fourteen at the time of Epstein’s predation, with other evidence of Epstein’s abuse of up to thirty-five other underage female victims.

These “law enforcement personnel” surely would disagree with Wolff’s implication that there is nothing more to the case than Epstein’s one-count solicitation of a minor conviction and the negligible so-called punishment arranged for Epstein between Dershowitz and Barry Krischer, the Florida state attorney.

Wolff would do well to look into a California civil case a few years ago involving a civil defendant named O. J. Simpson who was found liable for murder where the criminal justice system found him not guilty. Should the federal government undertake the duty it has so far shirked to pursue Epstein’s interstate child sex-trafficking allegations, Wolff may yet eat his words.

Given the course of the Epstein case, particularly the state and federal betrayal of underaged sex crime victims that got Epstein off practically scot-free, the problems exposed in the criminal justice system are far more grave, profound, and damaging to public trust than any journalistic lament about the wealthy and famous being done wrong in the “new” media age or even sensationalistic abuses of legal pleadings.

Nick Bryant has written several articles on the Epstein case for
. One of those articles was titled “Here is Pedophile Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book.” Epstein kept a black book filled to the brim with the names of VIPs as well as the names and contact phones of numerous girls, many of them underaged, whom Epstein and his VIP friends would have sex with. The house manager, or butler, for Epstein at his Palm Beach mansion was a man named Alfredo Rodriguez, who died of cancer in late 2014. Rodriguez stole the black book of Epstein and he circled the names of the VIPs, who he thought were involved in sex with underage girls or who might be material witnesses to the pedophilia that ringmaster Epstein was orchestrating. Thirty-three names were circled, of which he suspected seven might be “witnesses” to the Epstein pedophilia and twenty-six might be “participants.”

In her lawsuit deposition, Roberts said she met billionaire Donald Trump once at Epstein’s Palm Beach mansion and that he
was a “complete gentleman” and that she never saw him act inappropriately. Trump turned down numerous invitations to Epstein’s hedonistic private island and his Palm Beach home. There is no evidence Trump did anything improper. “The one time I visited his Palm Beach home, the swimming pool was full of beautiful young girls,” Trump told a member of his Club Mar Lago “‘How nice,’ I thought, ‘he let the neighborhood kids use his pool.’” Unlike the Clintons, Trump cut Epstein and his underlings off the instant he heard about the Palm Beach police investigation. The Clinton Foundation actually took a donation from Epstein after he had a probable cause affidavit file on him by Palm Beach police in May of 2006!

Another important name circled by Rodriguez as being a potential witness to the pedophilia was Les Wexner, a billionaire and Republican mega-donor who is worth $7.2 billion as of 2015. A retail giant, Wexner owns The Limited, Victoria’s Secret, and numerous other properties. Wexner is also a bigwig on the American Jewish Committee. Wikipedia says, “President George W. Bush appointed Wexner to serve on the Honorary Delegation to accompany him to Jerusalem for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel in 2008.”

Epstein’s closest and dearest friend, Les Wexner was very tight with the Republican Bush family. At the same time, Epstein was a close personal friend of Democrat Bill Clinton, who also is so collegial with the Bush family that they have practically adopted him and call him “brother” and “Bubba.” Isn’t it easy to see how and why the Epstein prosecution got corrupted so easily in 2006 and 2007 under the presidency of George W. Bush? This is how the corroded rectum of American politics works in real life when the TV cameras are not present.

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