The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld (5 page)

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Authors: K. N. Lee,Ann Wicker

BOOK: The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld
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Koa shot to her feet. “Really? I get to work with ‘the boss’ tonight?”


Halston smiled. “Indeed you do. And you better follow orders.”


“Good,” Koa clapped her hands together in excitement. “I feel like I can slap a few evil vampires around right now.”


Koa smiled. She slipped her skirt on, and then her black leather boots. She pulled her blazer over her tank top and slipped her watch back on.


Halston waited patiently. Koa ran towards the balcony and with a leap, she jumped over the edge. The wind blew at her face furiously. It was late fall. She didn’t care. The chill didn’t affect her. She closed her eyes as she descended from the dark tower of Wryn Castle.


Wryn Castle was an exclusive venue. It had once been a gothic castle, and now, the vampires had transformed it into a modern hotel of sorts, where fresh college kids were delivered by room service. It was one of the few places that didn’t condone reckless killings of their charges.


Koa, and everyone else who were members of the Wryn Castle were unique, for they had mutual arrangements with their charges.


“Mission? Will this be fun, or will I have to get dirty?”


“Depends on how you play it. Oh, and I found you a new home.”


Koa breathed in the cool fresh air. “New home?”


“Right. In London. Now you can be close to your beloved Wryn Castle.”


Koa raised an eyebrow, letting her body pick up speed. “London?” She glanced at the watch with a grin. “Bringing me home to mother, Halston. So soon?”


Halston returned the grin. “Giving you what you asked for. You really are spoiled, did you know that? And five years isn’t so soon, Koa Ryeo-won.”


“For me it is.” Koa swept to the side. She avoided a tree branch from slapping her in the face and ascended. She didn’t want to go too high. It always made her a little light headed to do so.


“Nonetheless, no Koa. I don’t have a mother, remember.”


Koa nodded. “Of course not.” She thought of her own mother then and felt a brief stab of guilt. The pain of remembering her mother before the…transformation was too much. She pushed the memories of her mother’s beautiful face and her smile out of her mind.


“London it is,” Koa said with a nod, and she flew into the darkness.




The next morning, Koa could tell that Halston was pleased by his work. They had been out all night, tracking rogue vampires and making them either register, or leave the country. Halston did not tolerate any human deaths due to vampires, not in his territory. There had been no jokes or smiles last night. When he was the boss, there was no denying his authority.


Now, Halston was her friend again, and full of cheer. He presented the quaint little cottage to her like a gift. She cared too much for his feelings to show her disappointment. The cottage was small and bleak in comparison to her father’s manor in Paris.


She would miss the vineyard and gardens. She and Raven would read classic literature and enjoy the grounds for hours. Those days in the garden had been her first glimpse into the romantic British lifestyle she had read about and longed for.


Koa thought about the grand piano in her father’s music hall. She would close her eyes and play with Raven curled on top, listening in painful bliss. The music always reminded them of when her father used to play before they sat down to formal dinners.


Koa remembered how much she enjoyed those nights. Formal dinners had been unheard of in Korea, when one or two small meals a day had been a privilege.


She sighed and hid her true feelings for this little cottage that reminded her too much of her days of poverty. Halston had no idea what this meant.


“It’s nice. A bit small don’t you think?” She asked offhandedly to not reveal just how deep her hate for it was.


Halston shrugged. “I don’t think so. It’s quite a gem. It’s lovely on the inside. Three bedrooms, a nice little kitchen… not that you cook,” he joked under his breath. “It’s well-kept and secluded.”


Koa looked around. She could see cottages a couple of yards away on each side. “It’s hardly secluded.” She pointed with a skeptical look. “I can see into the neighbor’s yard. That means the humans inside will see me when I come and go. That’s dangerous. What if I want to fly? You do recall Rome, don’t you?”


Koa could still remember the faces of the couple who had seen her take off from one of the buildings. It was a good thing that no one believed their fantastical stories of a flying girl.


Halston winced at the memory but didn’t address it.


Koa could tell that he was a little annoyed. The Rome incident was one of those times when Halston had told Koa not to do something, and she had done it anyway.


“We’ll build a privacy fence, a stone one, just like the sturdy stone your house is made of.” He held his hand out for her hand. “Come on, let’s take a look inside and you’ll see what I mean. Raven is waiting.”


Koa sighed and put her hand into Halston’s. They went inside and she was surprised by how much natural light it got. That was a good thing. No sneaky vampires would dare hide out and wait for her in this house.


She smiled at her mother when she came running down the stairs and leapt into her arms.


“This house is lovely, Koa,” Raven said as Koa snuggled her under her chin. “I’ve always wanted a nice cottage like this.”


Koa sighed in defeat. She flicked her bangs out of her eyes. Her mother loved it. It was official. This was their new home.


“Yes, Mother,” she grumbled. Koa pursed her lips. Raven gave her a look.


“Koa,” Raven whispered. “You cannot call me that, not even in private. You never know who is listening or spying on us.”


“She’s right,” Halston added. He opened the shutters on all of the windows and let even more light into the cottage. “Never let your guard down. Even at home.”


“Yes. I forgot. It’s hard to call you by a pet name…Raven.”


Raven purred. “It’s all right darling. We just cannot take any chances. Our enemies think I am dead. We must keep it that way.”


Koa nodded. The thought of someone finding her mother and harming her made her throat tighten with fear. “I understand.” She shoved horrible thoughts of her mother being killed out of her head and tried to distract herself. She looked around, trying to figure out where she would put all of her things. If Koa would be forced to live there, she could at least try to make it feel like home.


Halston hooked both thumbs in his belt loops and looked proud. “Right. I’m going to head back to the safe house. You get settled and meet me there at sunset. You’re with me again.”


Koa nodded as he left the house. She met Raven’s eyes. “Another mission tonight, Raven. Sure you will be all right here by yourself.”


Raven’s eyes glittered. “You underestimate me, Koa. You forget it was I that saved you the other night when those Syths had you running around like a chicken with its head cut off.”


Koa laughed an exaggerated laugh. She shook her head with a grin. “Do you know what that is called, Raven? What you think you did?”


Raven looked up with thin green eyes. “What?”


“Delusions, Raven. Delusions.”




alston didn’t mind helping Koa find a new home. He enjoyed being needed. He sat in his car for a few moments contemplating her facial expression when he presented the cottage to her. It was obvious…she didn’t like it.


Now, he frowned and as he waited for her in the safe house. He leaned back in his desk chair. That young half-blood was hard to please. It was their joke that if something was too easy, then Koa lost interest pretty quickly. Finding a new home wasn’t easy. She didn’t like being around too many people. She loved her father’s manor, but things had changed. The Netherworld was catching up to her quicker than he expected.


Halston had hoped that they would have more time to prepare. Now it seemed that Koa would have to face her demons a lot sooner than anticipated. He rubbed his temples. He did not think that she was ready.


A loud scream broke Halston from his thoughts. The sound seemed to come from far away like an echo. There was desperation in that scream as it grew louder and closer. Halston felt the blonde hairs on his arm stand on end at the eerie sound.


Halston sat up and watched as Galena fell through the inkwell portal. There was a loud shriek as the black liquid spit her out onto his clean, white, floor. Galena collapsed and Halston ran to her. Micka and Rohan both looked up from their work stations. They came to their feet in unison and reached for guns that were strapped underneath their desks.


Halston left his seat and slid to Galena. He held her head up from the floor. She was covered in blood. Her eyes were wet from crying and her blonde hair was sticky with something foul.


“Don’t let him in!” Galena called out weakly. She squeezed her eyes closed and started to weep. Her entire body shook with her racking sobs.


Halston’s heart pumped with worry. He looked over his shoulder at the two agents that looked at him with fearful eyes. They lowered their guns. This was not normal…even for Netherworld agents.


“Get me a clean, wet cloth and some water!”


Micka and Rohan nodded and rushed to complete the task.


Halston reached for Galena and she screamed. He withdrew and looked at the inkwell portal. The portal stood in the center of the safe house. It was a large circular device held stationary by shiny, black, brackets. The portal was only supposed to be used in dire situations. There had to be a major emergency, for once a portal was revealed, the person escaping could easily be followed. The last thing Halston needed was a nephilim coming through that portal and causing havoc… or worse, damaging equipment in his laboratory. He wasn’t done with his latest invention.


He looked down to see Galena looking up at him. He held his breath. He’d rarely seen such terror in a person’s eyes. The way she looked at him spoke volumes. She had been frightened nearly to death.


“Galena,” he said. “What happened?”


Her face contorted and she started to cry again. Her sobs came from her soul. They were sorrowful, deeply hurt, cries of pain. Halston felt his skin grow cold. This woman was one of his best agents. She was human, but she was one of his best. From the poor streets of Russia, Galena had been orphaned early after vampires killed her parents.


Halston had found her just the way he found most of his Netherworld agents, angry, ready for revenge, and trying to seek that revenge in foolish ways. He had found her, trained her, and put her out there to be a spy. Halston had given her the tools to find her parents killer, and bring them to justice.


Halston didn’t seek out to simply kill all vampires and other nephilim, he tried to protect the humans. Sometimes that meant finding vampires that were willing to try a new life. Those vampires, like the Wryn clan, were open to finding ‘pets,’ people who sold their blood for money or care. They registered with his Netherworld division, and lived their lives clean and free of murder and chaos. It wasn’t a perfect arrangement. There were still vampires that loved to kill, and resisted the Netherworld divisions of the world that tried to bring order.

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