The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld (10 page)

Read The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld Online

Authors: K. N. Lee,Ann Wicker

BOOK: The Chronicles of Koa: Netherworld
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“Wat you want, ey?”


Koa had practiced so many answers to this very question. Now as she stood before a real Netherworld vamp, her throat went dry.


He stared at her with the same wide eyed expression. He blinked. His eyes were a dark blue, like the sea at night, and were set under the thickest eyebrows she had ever seen. His face was thin and hollow as if he was malnourished. She could see the bones in his face.


“Your leader,” her voice cracked. She swallowed and tried again. “I wish to speak to him, or her.”


He nodded and rubbed his fists in his hand. “Right. Right. Come in then.”


Koa watched him step out of the way and hold the door open for her. She looked into a large open studio and gulped. The Netherworld vamps were everywhere. The place was set up like a lounge. The lights were dim and cast a soft orange glow on everything. Koa hated how loud her heels sounded on the gray, concrete, floor.


There were women walking around in nothing but their panties. They walked around as if in a trance.
, Koa thought as she watched some of the rough looking vamps feast on the women who did nothing but sit in their laps with blank expressions on their paling faces.


There was a cloud of smoke that lingered in the air, making the room look as if a fog had settled.


Koa hesitated. She felt foolish for leaving her communication watch at the safe house. She didn’t want Halston to track her. Now, Halston would never find her if something went wrong.


Buck up
, Koa, she thought to herself.
You can do this without him
. For a second, she almost believed it. Too late to run now.


She nodded, sucked in a long breath to motivate herself, and stepped inside. The close of the door behind her sounded so final. Every inch of her was on alert. These vamps were unlike any she’d ever encountered. The Netherworld vamps were the purest of them all, and the males looked at her as if she was a piece of meat.


Koa’s eyes scanned the room. There were four windows, barred and covered with black tent. A standard wooden bar stood in the corner of the large room. One vamp tended it, wiping it down, and pouring liquor into shot glasses. She immediately counted twelve other vamps and six dead human bodies being drained of their blood.


She was a little late for the party. The six women, that were still alive, looked as if they had been picked up from a sleazy club somewhere. All high heeled pumps and miniskirts, sheath dresses and shiny costume jewelry. Koa wanted to help the women. She hated seeing them treated so carelessly.


Koa’s jaw tightened when she saw a vamp snap the woman’s neck he’d been feeding from. Koa’s eye twitched. She resisted brandishing her sword. She was outnumbered. There was nothing she could do.


Koa felt herself become a little woozy at the scent. She should not be hungry right now, but the blood was everywhere. The sweet aroma was almost too much to handle. She closed her eyes remembered the face of the young man she had accidentally killed when she was seventeen, and immediately regrouped. She would never forget the look of fear in the poor man’s eyes.


In an alley, like an animal, she had feasted foolishly. Koa never killed a human again. The guilt would remain with her until the day she died. Koa ignored the scent of blood and eyed the other vampires in the room. They looked to be various ages ranging from early twenties, to early thirties. One could never tell how old a vampire was, especially one from the Netherworld. Because they were born vampires and not made, once they reached maturity, their bodies would remain captured in that state of youth for an eternity. These male vamps all looked young and strong.


And dirty and ugly
, Koa thought. She raised an eyebrow at one who stood propped against a wall, staring at her.
Except that one
, she thought.
He’s not too bad
. He almost looked attractive in his clean suit and tie.


Koa shook her head.
You’re ridiculous
, she scolded herself.


The young looking vampire that had let her in settled onto the floor and rolled one of the girls over onto her belly. He slit her other wrist and held it over a bowl.


She stood there, feeling awkward, as she watched the blood trickle slowly into the bowl. Perhaps he doesn’t know who I am, she thought.


“Oh, I know ya, Koa Ryeo-won. Every Netherworld creature knows the little half-blood.”


Koa paled.


“Yeah, I read ya mind. No big deal.” He drank a gulp of the blood. He glanced over his shoulder at the vamp who leaned against the wall. “Aye Brice, our guest thinks you’re right handsome.” Everyone laughed. Brice revealed sharp, crooked teeth, as he laughed with the others.


, Koa thought. Her eyes widened. She had to control what she thought about.


The young vamp grinned that he had heard her thoughts once again. He chuckled to himself. He wiped his mouth clean and came to his feet. “Hungry?” He offered her the bowl of blood.


Koa shook her head, but her chest heaved at the scent. She looked away.


“Ah, what’s it? Too good for slut blood?”


The other vamps chuckled. He motioned for four of the vamps to end their game of poker and they all got up and went to sit on one of the leather sofas placed before a large projector screen. He slid a chair out from their poker table and nodded for her to sit.


“Why these are the best sluts in town. It’s a delicacy, it is.” He licked his thin lips. His grin sickened her.


Koa held her head up high. Her heart was beating so loudly that she could hear it. She was aware of all of the eyes on her. “Your leader. I will only speak to him…or her,” she said.


He thought a minute and bit his lip. He gave her a look from under his thick dark brows. “You’re lookin at ‘em, lass.”


Koa tensed. Everyone was staring at her in silence.
Is he joking
? Koa thought.
He looks to be about sixteen


“One thousand and sixty two, but who’s countin anymore?” He sat in the chair and motioned for her to sit before him again.


Koa averted her gaze from the other vamps that looked at her with scrutinizing eyes and sat in the chair.


“You answer your own door?” Koa frowned at the concept. If she was the leader of a Netherworld clan, she’d have all kinds of goons doing her bidding.


He licked the blood from his teeth. “Aye.”


Koa was uncomfortable. She didn’t know why. He looked so young. Why should she fear him?


“A little short on help?”


He shook his head. “I like to check out visitors me self. That way, I can kill ‘em and return to me business.”


“Who are you?”


He sat back in his chair and played with the poker chips. “Should’a been ya first question, lass.”


“My name is Koa, not ‘lass.’”


He chuckled and the others joined in. “Didn’t I already say we all know ya?” He leaned his face in close to hers and she nearly fell backwards in her chair at his speed. He was no longer smiling. “But you gotta earn the
of learning me name…”


There was something about him. It was like Koa could tell that he was trying to be as unintimidating as possible. Why would he do that? Why would someone want to appear weaker than they were? The possibilities made her begin to fear him even more.


She cleared her throat. She put on a brave face. “Well, I just need a few answers.”


“Depends on the questions.” He swirled his finger in the bowl of blood as his dark blue eyes watched her.


Koa shifted in her seat. Her knee started to shake under the table. She hid it as best as she could. He wasn’t so much as staring at her as he was leering at her. She hoped her voice would come out steady. “Tell me about this king from the Netherworld. You’re all hiding from him, I know that much.”


He snickered. “I hide from no one.” He leaned in close as if he was going to tell her a secret. “Maybe some of them blokes fear this king, but not me.”


Koa made a face. “Sure,” she said sarcastically. She instantly wished she’d kept the sarcasm out of her voice. He sat back and looked at her for a moment as his smile faded. His eyes seemed to darken. His voice seemed to deepen.


He licked his finger of the blood. “What ya want with Greggan?”


“I want to know why, you…I mean, those ‘blokes’ over there are afraid of him. Why does everyone know me?”


He nodded and kept his face serious. “Good questions. I can see why ya’d want to know those answers, lass.” He tapped the table with a sharp, dirty, nail. “But, me question is why do ya think I would tell ya anything? Why did ya walk in here, all alone, and think we’d just become quick friends and whatnot?”


Koa bit her bottom lip and tried not to look nervous. “Because,” she cleared her throat again. “We have the same enemy.”


His grin returned. He lifted an eyebrow. He shook his head and chuckled. “Silly girl. Silly girl.” He came to his feet. “I sure thought ya’d figure it out. Thought you were all book learned
an such


Koa looked around. Everyone had stopped drinking. They looked like hounds, ready to pounce. Her palms started to sweat. She wiped them on her jeans.


She tried to turn the tables. “We are allies. We both want to stop Greggan. He wants to kill you for some reason, and he wants me for some other reason. I simply wanted to compare notes, you know?” She kept talking, hoping to buy herself some time to think. “I mean, if we work together, we can send him back to the Netherworld.”


He walked around behind her, as if pacing, and mulling over her words. The room fell quiet. Everyone stopped feeding and looked up at their leader.


Koa prayed inside her head. There was something about him that just felt…evil. Something in his eyes made her feel worried. She should have told Halston where she was going.


“Well said, lass.” He nodded his head as he thought. “But ya’ve still got one thing wrong missy. Me and me crew are mercenaries and we ain’t hiding from Greggan.”


Something tugged at Koa…warning her. She gave him an odd look. Her eyes started to widen with realization. Her voice shook. “Who are you?”


He grabbed her by her hair and yanked her from the chair.


Koa panicked.
This was not a good idea
, she thought as she reached for his hands.


“You’re right. It wasn’t.” He threw her across the room and straight through the wall. Koa cried out as she fell through the wall in a pile of crumbled stone. She squeezed her eyes shut. She saw lights behind her eyes. The pain was sharp and unwavering.


“Call me Bund,” he said and Koa felt her face drain of color.


Bund. Her father’s killer, stood only a few feet away.

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