The Chesapeake Diaries Series (41 page)

BOOK: The Chesapeake Diaries Series
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“I like ice cream.” Cody’s eyes began to close.

“So do I.” Dallas looked out the window and held her breath as the plane began to move, then picked up
speed. From past experience, she knew she wouldn’t exhale until the plane made it off the runway. When they lifted up, she sighed and closed her eyes, too, thinking it would be wonderful if they both slept for a few hours. She had a feeling Cody hadn’t slept much these past few nights, either.

“Will there be kids at Aunt Berry’s?” he asked.

“No kids at Berry’s house, but there are kids in St. Dennis.”

“Will I go to camp?”

“I imagine that any camps there are in town might have started by now, but we’ll see.”

“Can I have a dog?”

“A dog? Why a dog?”

“Because you said when we weren’t living in the white house anymore, I could have a dog.”

The white house was their rented temporary home, so named because most of the furniture, carpet, and walls were white.

“But we’ll be going back, Cody. What would you do with the dog then?” She glanced out the window, and with equal parts of relief and regret, watched the city below grow smaller and smaller. “We couldn’t just leave it.”

“Maybe Aunt Berry would want a dog,” he said hopefully.

“I don’t recall that Berry ever had a dog, even when I was little.”

“Then we’d take it home with us and we’ll go live someplace that isn’t white. I saw a thing on TV. They let dogs on airplanes. Besides, Jessie wouldn’t care if we took our dog on her plane.”

“I don’t think Berry would be happy if we brought a dog into her home, Cody.”


“Well, because they shed and sometimes they make a mess. I don’t know that Berry’s housekeeper is looking to add to her workload.”

“We could get a good one, one who doesn’t make a mess or shed.”

“We’ll have to discuss this with Berry, sweetie. After all, it is her house, and we’re going to be guests there.”

Cody reflected on that for a moment. Probably, she thought, trying to come up with a way to get around Berry.

“How long are we going to stay there?” he asked.

“I haven’t decided yet. We’ll have to see.”

“Will I go to school there?”

“I wasn’t thinking quite that far ahead.”

“Is there a private school there like the one I went to at home?” His voice was starting to fade.

“I don’t know. We’ll find out when we get there.”

A moment later, a shadow crossed his face and he asked, “Do you think the kids there will be mean to me? You know, about Daddy, like the kids at camp were?”

“I doubt the kids in St. Dennis have ever heard of your dad, Cody.”

“Really?” He opened his eyes and stared at her. Obviously this was a concept he’d not considered.

“I don’t imagine people in St. Dennis spend much time worrying about what people in L.A. are doing.” She could only hope. “They don’t make films the way
people at home do. They do other things to make a living.”

“Like what?”

“Like, they catch crabs and oysters and fish to sell to restaurants all over the country. Some people build boats, and—”

“Does Aunt Berry have a boat?”

“She used to. I don’t know if she still does.”

“That would be fun, to have a boat.” He closed his eyes again.

Dallas watched her son settle back and begin to drift off to sleep. She looked down through the darkness on the city she’d called home for so long and found its lights fading far below. There was a knot in the pit of her stomach that throbbed painfully at the thought of all she was leaving behind. She’d come to L.A. as a twenty-one-year-old, fresh out of college, with dreams of becoming not only a star, but a serious actress. No casting couches for her. Uh-uh. She’d make it on her talent or she wouldn’t make it at all. She was well aware that it had been her looks that had gotten her an agent who’d been able to help her land those first small roles. It wasn’t long before the platinum blond with the lavender eyes and the long legs was noticed. Even as a fledgling, she’d been gutsy enough to turn down parts she’d considered frivolous, choosing to wait for those that had some substance, and she’d made a promise to herself to never take her clothes off on-screen. For her, that was the line that she wouldn’t cross, and she never had.

When she finally got what she considered her big chance, she made certain that she knew every line perfectly, that she was always early to the set, that she
never made anyone wait for her for any reason. She was the very definition of professionalism. When the director from that film found his current project stalled and over budget due to the antics of one of his stars, he remembered Dallas, and offered her the role. She soon earned a reputation for being as dependable as she was beautiful, and oh, yes, this young woman could act. All through her career she kept to her standards, never causing a studio to lose money or to have any regrets in having hired her. She never engaged in the sort of high jinks that so many young stars seemed to be involved in or caused a distraction on the set. Through hard and consistently good work, she earned the right to be regarded as a serious actor. Over the years, her name was always at or very near the top of the best or favorite or most beautiful lists. She’d won prestigious awards as well as the respect of her colleagues. Now, her thirty-eighth birthday closing in, she was at the very top of her game.

She couldn’t deny, even to herself, that it hurt to leave her life behind, even for a little while. But it was hurting Cody too much to stay in the eye of the shit-storm that had taken on a life of its own over the past few days and showed no sign of going away anytime soon. She could always go back, but he wouldn’t always be six and needing her the way he needed her right now. She loved her work, but loved her son more than anything in the world. In the end, the decision to leave town had been an easy one.

Poor Cody. He’d been so unhappy and anxious, and true to his word, had cried bitterly at the suggestion that he return to his day camp. That was when Dallas decided it was time for a little getaway, just her
and Cody. Berry’s had always been her go-to place when she needed to heal whatever was broken. When she’d called Berry to propose a visit, her aunt had readily agreed.

“Anita comes tomorrow,” Berry had said, speaking of the woman who’d been her part-time housekeeper for over thirty years. “I’ll have her open your rooms and change the sheets.”

Dallas’s eyes grew heavy, and she felt herself begin to drift off. Just before she fell asleep, she thought she heard Cody whisper, “Maybe it won’t be too bad there …”

The car Dallas had ordered in advance was waiting for her when they arrived at BWI, and she loaded the bags into the cargo area. She’d thought about tucking her hair back into the dark wig, but decided not to bother. No one would be expecting to see her in Baltimore, she theorized, and anyone who might recognize her would probably think she was someone who merely looked like someone else. She put on her dark glasses, pulled her hair back into a ponytail, and put her theory to the test.

She’d been correct. No one gave her a second glance—at least, until she reached the car rental kiosk and had to hand over her driver’s license.

“Really?” the woman behind the counter squealed after a triple take. “You’re really Dallas MacGregor?”

Dallas nodded, then whispered conspiratorially, “Yes, but I’d really appreciate it if you’d keep it to yourself. My son and I are trying to have some quiet time away.”

“I understand,” the wide-eyed woman replied, then began to gush. “Oh, my God. I’ve seen every one of your movies. You’re my favorite actress. I even voted for you in last year’s America’s Favorite Actress poll.”

Dallas smiled and glanced at the woman’s name tag. “That award meant a lot to me, Dawn. Thanks so much for voting for me.”

“Oh, my God, wait till I tell my mother.” Dawn giggled, then recalled her promise. “Oh. Right.” She made a zipping gesture across her lips.

“Well, I guess you can share with your mom,” Dallas whispered, knowing there was no way this woman was not going to tell her mother and everyone else in her calling circle. Dallas could almost hear the calls go out the minute she drove off:
Okay, she asked me not to let on that she was in town, so you can’t tell anyone, but guess who just rented a car from me!

Dallas added on a car seat for Cody, signed autographs for Dawn, her mother, and her best friend, Colleen, then strapped her son into the back of the SUV and headed for the Bay Bridge. Cody didn’t say much until they were crossing the Chesapeake. Then he craned his neck to look out the windows.

“Mommy, what are those birds? See the little island down there? Do the birds live there?”

“They look like some sort of gull,” she replied. “I don’t know if they live there. They might just be fishing for their dinner out there on the water.”

“There are lots of boats down there.” His face was as close to the glass as he could get.

“There sure are.” She glanced out the side window. “All kinds of boats. It’s summer, remember, and in the
summer, lots of people come to the Chesapeake Bay to vacation.”

She lowered the windows, hoping for a whiff of the Bay. What she got was a hot blast of early evening air.

Cody stretched his arm to stick his hand out the window. “It’s hot.”

“Want me to close the windows and turn the air-conditioning back on?”

He shook his head. “I like it. The water’s all sparkly and pretty.”

pretty, with the sun just beginning to set gently behind them and the water morphing gold and orange in its wake, fingers of light glowing on the waves and touching the sails as they turned in the wind. She adjusted the mirrors against the glare, and checked the outside temperature. The thermostat read eighty-seven degrees, so it must have been blistering there on the water when the sun was high, Dallas mused. She recalled days from childhood summers when it had been hot as blazes from the morning straight through till the sun set. She and her brother, Wade, would take Berry’s rowboat onto the river, trying to keep close to the shady banks. Sometimes they just drifted, hanging strings over the side of the boat to catch crabs, chicken parts tied to the end to lure their prey to feast. When there was a nibble, they’d ease the string upward slowly until they could see what was hanging on to the bait. If it was a big enough crab, one careful scoop of the net would bring it home. Small ones would be released to grow bigger and fatter for next year. Whenever interviewers asked how she’d had the patience to wait for the roles she wanted, Dallas always
said that she learned that fine art while crabbing on the New River when she was barely in her teens.

There were other things she’d learned in St. Dennis when she got to be a little older.

She smiled to herself, remembering all those summer nights when she was fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen. Remembering Grant Wyler, her first and only real summer love.

Berry had mentioned several times that Grant had gone to veterinary school, just like he’d always planned, that he’d married a girl he met in college and had at least one child that Berry knew of. Well, good for him, Dallas thought. He deserved to be happy.

“Mommy, I’m talking to you.” Cody kicked the back of her seat.

“I’m sorry, sweetie. What did you say?”

“I said, are we almost there?”

“We’ll be there soon,” she assured him. Once on the Eastern Shore, she knew they were less than an hour from St. Dennis.

A few minutes later, Cody asked, “Where are all the big, tall buildings?”

“Well, there aren’t any.”

“How come?” He frowned.

“I suppose because people don’t really need them here. There aren’t as many people living here as there are in Los Angeles or in New York. Remember when we went to New York last year?”

He nodded solemnly. “There were lots of big, very tall buildings in New York.”

“Lots of big, tall buildings because there are lots of people and not so much space for them to live and
work. So they have to build up to make room for their apartments and for their offices.”

“ ’Cause there’s more room in the sky than on the ground?”


Cody continued to trail his hand out the window as the highway narrowed to two lanes, and the strip malls gave way to fields, opening and closing his fist as if catching and releasing the muggy air.

They stopped at a gas station attached to a convenience store where Dallas bought them each a bottle of water and used her iPhone to call her aunt to let her know where they were.

“Berry said we’re only about a half hour from St. Dennis and we’ll be there just in time for dinner,” Dallas told Cody as she drove from the small parking lot. “I guess you’re hungry.”

Cody nodded but fell silent.

They drove past weathered barns and through several small towns, past an old mill, and a farm with a sign that read
. Corn shot up in straight rows in fields that ended right at the shoulder of the road, and they passed more than one farm stand that advertised tomatoes, green beans, melons, peaches, and fresh-cut flowers on large hand-lettered signs. They stopped at one and bought produce to take to Berry’s and a bouquet of colorful summer flowers—zinnias in every shade and some fuzzy blue flowers on long arching stems that fascinated Cody.

The small bridge she crossed over was as familiar as if she’d driven over it yesterday. Dallas knew that just beyond it, on the right, would be the first of the
marshes. On her left would be the old Madison farm. As she passed by, she checked the name on the mailbox.
was barely visible in faded, thin black letters, but it still proclaimed ownership. Brooke Madison had been her rival for the heart of the boy they’d both loved back in their high school days. It had killed Dallas at the end of every summer to leave, to go back home to New Jersey knowing that Brooke would still be around, sharing classes with Grant and probably going to all of the same parties and social events. She wondered where Brooke was these days. Berry had never mentioned her.

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