The Chase (16 page)

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Authors: Lauren Hawkeye

BOOK: The Chase
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“Adam. Please. Please!” My thighs tighten around his head, and I can feel the vibration of his laugh against my tender flesh.

“Don’t move.” The hand that has been laying flat on my belly moves to join its twin. I whimper as Adam parts my folds with his fingertips. There on his knees with my legs draped over his shoulders, he stares his fill at that most secret part of me. I’m a little bit embarrassed, but I’m also so turned on that I can’t really focus on anything besides demanding more.

“So pink.” His breath fans out over my moist heat, making me tremble.

“You smell so good.” He nuzzles the inside of my thigh.
Oh God.

“And you’re so sweet. I’ve never tasted anything like you before.” Without warning, the fingers holding me open move inward, one on each side of my clit. Then his mouth closes over that small bit of flesh and sucks, hard.

“Shit!” I scream. The intensity is a full body shock after so many teasing caresses, and I stiffen, my heels digging into the solid muscle of his back. He’s sucking at me like I would if I had his cock in my mouth, and I think I’ll have to tell him to stop, because it’s too much—the pleasure coils inside of me, tighter and tighter like a spring that might snap under the pressure.

His teeth graze me, just the lightest of touc
hes, and I’m gone. I scream as a sensation like nothing I’ve ever felt slams into me with the force of a train. I’m rocking back and forth, and my hips are bucking, and my heels kick at that velvet skin so hard I know I’ll leave bruises. But he doesn’t release me, doesn’t stop until the storm has passed, until I’m lying electrified on the bed, little whimpers escaping from my mouth.

I blink when he prowls over me, that gorgeous face appearing in my line of sight with what could only be described as a smug smile curving up his lips.

“Did that feel good?” He grins when I muster up the energy to half heartedly slap him on the arm.

“You know it did.” My throat is dry. I now know better than to ask him if he’s done that before. I know he hasn’t, and I don’t want to bring the ghost of Tracey into this moment. So instead I prop myself up, and press a soft kiss to his lips. “I like the way you pay attention.”

“I want to learn everything about you.” Tangling his fingers in the dark ribbons of my hair, he takes control of the kiss, angling his head and sliding deep. And even though he quite literally just rocked my world, I can feel my body responding.

I want him again. And I want him now.

Breathing hard, Adam climbs off of me, standing at the foot of the bed. Eyes on me, he slides his thumbs into the waistband of his jeans, slowly sliding them down his lean hips, his strong thighs until they pool on the floor.

We didn’t turn on any lights in the room when we came in, and it’s dim, the blackness broken only by the neon lights that flood in from outside. I can hear the storm still howling, matching what I’m feeling in my heart as I study Adam, who stands still and lets me look.

“You’re so beautiful.” I hold out a hand to pull him to me, not able to bear being apart for even one more second. I moisten my lips with my tongue, then sigh with pleasure as he lays down beside me, his hand splayed between my shoulder blades, pulling me to him until we’re again pressed skin to skin.

“That’s my line.” He nips at my earlobe as he speaks, his free hand skimming my side. And then we’re kissing again, a soft touch that very quickly grows frantic. It’s not at all elegant, the way the best sex rarely is, all lips mashing together and bodies straining to get closer. Adam licks a line down my throat, making me writhe, as we roll, his weight pressing me into the soft sheets.

Moving on instinct, I part my legs, let him settle between them. Reaching down, I clasp his length in sure fingers, giving him a stroke that makes him shudder before placing him at my entrance.

He freezes and pulls back as I lift my hips, leaving me empty.

“Shit.” He shifts so that his cock lies flat against my belly, rather than so temptingly pressed against my entrance. “Shit, fuck, shit!”

“What?” Not words a woman wants to hear during
coitus interruptus
. “Why did you stop? Am I... is this doing anything for you?”

y mind knows by now that he’s more than attracted to me, but it’s still instinct to wonder.

In response, he glares down at me, then grabs my hand. Placing it on his cock, he crudely twines my fingers with his, then hand over hands me in an up and down stroke.

“You tell me, kitten.” His breathing grows laboured as I tighten my grip, moving our hands faster. I want him inside me, but I’m also desperate to give him the pleasure that he just gave me.

“Then what... is... the... problem?” I grind my teeth together, hugely aroused by the need that is plain to see on his face. He groans, and I think he’s going to come, but he wrenches our hands off of his cock, flopping down on his back with a groan that sounds like he’s dying.

“I don’t have a condom.” He looks both abashed and thoroughly, completely pissed at himself. “Fuck.”

. That. I can’t believe that neither of us thought of it.

But... I run a hand down his chest. “I’m on the pill.” And I’m clean. Not that I’d expected I would be anything else, but the blood tests Miss Black made me have confirmed it.

And if Miss Black had even considered having him for a client, he would have been tested too. And she wouldn’t have taken that stack of bills from him if she hadn’t considered it, that first day in her office. Why she’d made such a fuss over it, I have no idea, but then, her personality has changed drastically even in the short time I’ve known her.

Adam eyes me thoughtfully, and I know the same thoughts are running through his head. I wiggle against him
, impatient to get back to what we’d started, but he distracts me by cupping one heavy breast in his hand and running his thumb over the nipple, which tightens.

“I’ve only had sex without a condom once.” His expression darkens. I don’t have to ask him which time that was
, because he’s already told me there’s only
one other time, at least with a woman. “As you can imagine, I insist on it.”

“We... we can wait.” My body shrieks with protest at this notion, but I tell it to shut the hell up. I’m an adult. I can control my hormones.

At least, I can control them long enough to see if the gift shop in the lobby sells Trojans.

Without warning, Adam rolls, taking me with him so that I’m straddling him. My thighs are stretched wide, centered on either side of his hips, and I feel open. Exposed.

Taking his cock in his own hand, he brushes the head over my clit, and stars explode behind my closed eyelids.

“I want what’s between us to be different,” he whispers, setting a punishing rhythm with his strokes. I can feel pleasure tightening inside me again, hard and fast. “I trust you. Tell me it’s okay.”

“Adam, please.” I rock my hips into the touch. God, but the man has wicked fingers. “Come inside of me.”

I come apart in
the same second that he slides home. I let out a small, strangled gasp as he slowly works his way inside of me while I spasm around him.

I’m not so far gone in my own pleasure that I don’t register the pu
re wonder on his face as he sinks into my waiting heat.

“Christ.” His eyes are heavily lidded and fixed on me. His fingers dig for purchase on my hips. I’ll have bruises tomorrow, and I don’t care. In fact, I relish the thought of having his marks on my skin, of knowing without a doubt that we were together. “You’re so tight. So hot.”

tight and hot, more than I ever have before. My flesh is swollen with my own need, pulling greedily at his cock as I rock my hips against him, just the slightest bit.

.” That single syllable is full of awe. I watch with wide, amazed eyes as he battles for the words to explain what he’s feeling.

“Does it feel good?” I whisper his own question back at him, bending at the waist to brace my hands on his chest. I rock my hips again, sliding back and forth just a bit, just enough to work the sweetest edge of
friction into our joining.

“I’ve never felt anything this good.” Sinking his teeth into his lower lip, he leaves one hand on my hip, the other sliding over to toy with a breast. When he rolls my nipple between thumb and forefinger I can feel myself clench around him, and he in turn makes an unholy groan.

“So fucking good.” Sitting up so that I’m still straddling him but we’re face to face, he moves the hand on my hip to my back to hold me to him. The other lifts my breast, bringing it to his mouth, and I can’t stop the shudder when he sucks me deep.

“Everything about this is so different.” He releases my breast with a soft, moist
. “You’re all curves and softness. And you’re so fucking sweet.”

His words have me grinding down against his cock, and he thrusts back. “I never thought I would enjoy this. I’ve always appreciated the beauty of women, but never thought I would want
. Not until you.”

For one long moment we still, breathing heavy, staring into one another’s eyes. In that moment I feel that unexpected connection between us strengthen, the whisper thin filament morphing into a stainless steel chain.

I don’t know if this will last. There’s no way that I could. But right here, right now, in this moment, I know that nothing in my life has ever felt so right.

Undone by the intensity, unable to hold back anymore, I start to rock. I push at his chest, wanting him to lie down again so that I can have control over the way I ride him. But he pushes back, holding me in place, grinding against me in a way that makes me feel every last inch of him, deep inside.

Claiming me. Making me his.

“Is this—enough—for you?” Adam’s words are broken as he moves against me, harder and harder, deeper and deeper. I want to answer that
oh my God yes
, I’ve never felt anything like this, but I can’t get the words out, instead burying my face into his broad shoulder. He seems to take my lack of ability to respond as a
please Sir, I would like some more
, and the hand not directing the movement of my hips traces down my spine... and down... right into the cleft of my buttocks.

I understand what he’s about to do only a fraction of a second before his does it, and so I don’t have any time to protest. And then his finger is pressing against my rear entrance, working in just the tip, bringing nerves I didn’t know I had flaring to life.

“Adam... I... aah!” I curse as an unheard of for me third climax shudders through me. I’m dimly aware of Adam swearing himself as my heat milks his cock. He comes with a shout that’s either a plea or a prayer, thrusting up into me with an intensity that’s almost brutal. I can feel his heat inside of me, branding me. Marking me as his.

I push against him with matching intensity
, understanding the feeling. It’s like I can’t get enough, like I need to be inside his skin before I’m sated.

After what could have been seconds or
possibly forever the earthquake subsides, leaving trembling little aftershocks in its wake. Our frenetic movements still, and we sit quietly, wrapped around one another, the heat we generated sealing us together.

And in that moment, for once
in my life I’m able to keep the demon of worry at bay. I’m entirely in the moment, and nothing has ever felt so good.

Chapter Twelve


We close
the drapes against the neon lights from outside, and the hotel room is shrouded in ebony darkness. We’ve showered (together), ordered from room service (spaghetti for him and steak for me), and come together yet again, eager fingers exploring the planes of each other’s bodies.

Now we lay in this velvety darkness, my head resting on his shoulder, his arm holding me tightly to his side, I savor the sensation of our skin cooling, of sweat drying, of the reassuring thump of his heart beneath my cheek.
The smell of our pleasure hangs heavy in the air.

“Where do we go from here?” I’m surprised that Adam’s the one to ask, because aren’t girls supposed to be the needy ones?

“I don’t know.” I want to be completely honest with him. Here, we’re wrapped in a little cocoon that belongs solely to the two of us, but once we leave this hotel room...

He’s a rock star. He’s going to return to flying around the world. And everything that makes me who I am won’t allow me to give up my own life, disastrous as it is, just to be with him.

I learned by example that one person molding their life around another will never work. So as much as I want Adam, as much as I want

There has to be a way.

“I can’t promise you forever more than any other new relationship.” Adam’s words are more hesitant than anything I’ve ever heard him say, his tone raw and honest, stripped of all affectation.

“I know.” That’s not what worries me. Rather, I’m concerned about losing myself in him.

“But I’m going to tell you something that I’ve never told anyone else in my life.” Rolling to his side, Adam props his head up on his elbow. Dark as it is, I can barely make out his face, even though our faces are so close that our noses bump together as we talk.

“Yes?” My stomach clenches, a bit. I’m torn, part of me terrified that he’s going to make a declaration of love, and the other half dying for him to.

“I want to find a way to make this work. I want us to be together.” My nerves stop screaming. “Because I’m into you, Carly. I don’t know how this started or why, but I am seriously, crazily into you.”

My lips curve into a smile.

“I have to go back to New York and finish school. I’ll never forgive myself if I don’t.” I can feel him tense, so I continue. “I graduate in six months. It’s not that long.”

“Would you be working for Miss Black while you
go back to school?” His hand slides through my hair, tugs slightly, making me wet even as I recognize the gesture for what it is—a sign of possession.

I heave out a breath. “I don’t want to. But I need the money. My mom needs help.
I owe it to her. And I can’t go six months without eating. I suppose I could try to juggle a few part times jobs...” My voice trails off—the thought isn’t at all appealing. Neither, however, is returning to work for Miss Black.

“You know I’ll give you the money.” Adam tugs at my hair again, waking the nerves of my scalp. I know he’s holding himself back by not simply demanding that I accept it. “Seriously, Carly. I’m fucking rich. I’ll never miss it. Think of it as, you’re taking Amy’s salary since I fired her ass and I won’t be paying her anymore.”

This sparks an idea and I sit up straight.

“I can’t let you give me the money. I can’t.” I hear him growl, clearly frustrated, and ignore it while I think this through. No, I can’t accept the money as a gift. But taking it as a loan, then working it off after graduation...

I have to swallow hard to get past the knee jerk reaction of not wanting to be beholden. But this... if I can get him to agree, and I think I can... this could work.

“I would accept the offer of a loan.” I say slowly, placing my hand over his mouth to muffle his interruption. “A loan that I will pay back, plus interest.”

I can hear his protest through my hand, and, sighing, I remove it.

“Carly, please just take the money. There’s only one way you’d be able to pay me back, and I don’t want you working for Black. Not only is it dangerous, but I don’t share. No other man is going to fuck what’s mine.”

“Don’t be crude,” I reply mildly, though in truth his words have me wet and wanting again. Damn it, how does he
that? “And that’s not the only way.”

“What, then?”

“After graduation, I come work for you.” Saying the words out loud makes them fit a bit better. Adams makes a surprised grunt of satisfaction, but I press my finger against his lips. “I’m not going to work for you forever. I’ve worked too hard for my degree to not use it. But I have no problem with some grunt work to pay off a debt. I’ll pay my dues.”

I sense rather than see Adam cocking his head, thinking it through. Finally, he sighs.

“I suppose this is better than nothing.” Without warning, he pulls me in for a quick, hard kiss. “But I get to set your wage when that happy day comes. And there will be no bitching about how high it is.”

“You know how crazy that sounds, right?” I laugh lightly, my lips tingly from the kiss.

I shiver when he traces my lips with a finger, then kisses me again. “It sounds crazy because I’m crazy about you.”

I nip at his finger, and he growls. Shifting my weight, he slides on top of me, and I can feel
the weight of his cock, hard for an impossible third time, pressing against my inner thigh. “I don’t think I can go for six months without you.”

“Well, you do have that big fancy private plane. You could come visit.”
Please, let him come visit.
I don’t want to go six months without seeing him either.

“Conjugal visits?” He thrusts rudely against me, and I laugh and gasp at the same time.

“Are there any other kind?” My voice is breathless as Adam rolls me over, then urges me to my hands and knees. He traces a finger down the column of my spine, before delivering a light smack to my ass.

“I’ll visit. But only if you show me how much you want me to.” His fingers slide between my legs, slide right into me, and I cry out.

The man is a very fast learner, and I savor his new knowledge as he works his fingers in and out of my damp heat.

“Oh, I want you.” I groan, shoving my hips back to meet his touch. “But I have to warn you. I show my affection for people by knitting them socks.”

“I’ll wear them for my next photo shoot.” He doesn’t slow his movements.

“Just the socks?” Reaching between my legs, I grope for his erection. When my fingers brush the velvety steel, I fist the length and start to work it up and down.

Adam pulls his fingers from between my legs and loosens his grip on my cock. Before I can inhale, he’s pressing against my opening, then slamming home, hilting in a way that makes me shudder.

“For you?”

I clench around him, and feel at home.

Slowly he pulls back, then
thrusts home again, long, lazy strokes designed to drive me crazy. I’m on edge within seconds, begging him for release, which he teases out of me with fingers that seem to delight in finding new ways to pleasure me.

“For you, Carly Daniels? Anything.”

Six months later...



Adam Kincaid, the rocker behind the new hit
Red Light Love Affair
, made an unexpected and uncharacteristically low-key appearance at University of New York’s spring convocation ceremony. Dressed to hide in a suit, fedora and sunglasses, he was still recognized by many of the female graduates as he sat quietly in the audience, causing his security team to come out in the open. Why was this rocker famous for loving and leaving as many men as he can find attending this graduation ceremony? A source at a small local airstrip tells us that he’s been putting his private plane to good use over the last six months, flying to New York as frequently as he can to visit... a woman?

While this is still little more than a rumor, when CNP hustled over to the school to sniff out the truth, our photographers did manage to snap one picture that seems to support this theory... taken in the parking lot after the ceremony, it shows our man-loving rock star in a passionate clinch with a pretty, fresh faced brunette in a UNY cap and gown.
A source identifies her as a model he met while on a photo shoot in Palm Beach with Victoria’s Secret model Shanti.

Could Adam Kincaid have found love in the last place he thought he might?

It’s hard to say. But given the blissful look on the couple’s faces as they climbed into Kincaid’s limo, we here at CNP think it’s safe to say that they’re off to a good start.


The End.

If you’re reading this book, then chances are you like it hot. I hope you’ll check out my new adult ménage,
, which is available for F
. With a sexy Aussie rocker, a serious law student, a roller derby enthusiast and a cat named Humper, it’s a sexy good time.


And if you like it hot PLUS a little kink, check out my new release
, which is full of alpha males, bossy women, and all things hot, from rope to ribbons... out of all the books I’ve written, it’s hands down my favorite!



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About the Author

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author
Lauren Hawkeye/ Lauren Jameson
never imagined that she'd wind up telling stories for a living... though when she looks back, it's easy to see that she's the only one who is surprised. Always "the kid who read all the time", Lauren made up stories about her favorite characters once she'd finished a book... and once spent an entire year narrating her own life internally. No, really. But where she was just plain odd before publication, now she can at least claim to have an artistic temperament.

Lauren lives in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada with her husband, toddler, pit bull and idiot cat, though they do not live in an igloo, nor do they drive a dogsled. In her nonexistent spare time Lauren can be found knitting, canning and making homemade soap, reading anything she can get her hands on, or sweating her way through spin class. She loves to hear from her readers!


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