The Changing (12 page)

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Authors: Jeremy Laszlo

Tags: #Speculative Fiction

BOOK: The Changing
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The feline sisters of Seth’s creation waited high above in a tree looking down upon the small human colony below. Neither of them knew what drove them to lead Borrik’s men to this place, but both felt it a necessity. As their eyes shone gold among the branches and leaves, the girls watched as the humans settled down for a night's rest. This small community was an oddity to the girls. Being in the middle of an immense ancient forest was blatantly weird, as well as being cut off from all other human civilization. But the humans that made up the colony were also an oddity. In the nighttime air it was particularly cool, and yet the humans below wore nothing to protect their bodies from the elements. No fires crackled from within the small cottages, no smoke rose lazily from a chimney, and even here in the middle of a forest where great packs of wolves and giant bears wandered looking for an easy meal, the small colony of humans had afforded themselves no means of protection. There was no wall surrounding the small cottages, there weren’t even any doors on the homes, just holes in the sides of the small buildings created of moss and wood. Stranger than that, however, was the make-up of the small colony below. So far as the girls could tell, all but one of the inhabitants of the small village were female. They had seen but a singular male with a large collection of women below. There appeared to be no elderly people, nor any children, only a bunch of naked women and a naked man. Something here was definitely amiss.

The girls watched as the congregation below ended and the odd humans retired into their homes. They remained patiently perched in the trees above for several hours awaiting the arrival of the wolf men. Just as the moons had risen to their peak in the sky, the feline sisters were startled to hear a great howling and barking mass of beasts crashing through the trees below. Tracking Borrik and his men more by sound than sight, the sisters watched the fast approach of the beasts, waiting to see if the community slumbering below them would raise some alarm. There were seven homes below the girls, and as best as they could tell, one belonged to the man and the remaining six were each inhabited by five women. The girls continued to watch when, as if of one mind, the wolf troops broke from the trees and spread out, all the while running like raving lunatics. As they closed the distance between themselves and the small homes of the grotto, the beasts all dropped to all fours and without so much as a second’s hesitation they began racing into the open doors below the feline sisters as screams of alarm and pain erupted like a bloodcurdling crescendo from each of the houses.

Watching from the safety of the trees above, the sisters took particular interest as a small blonde woman emerged from one of the doorways and began to run towards the forest in an attempt to escape. Before making even five yards, from the same doorway lunged one of Seth’s massive wolf men, dragging the woman down beneath him. Perched atop the petite woman's body the beast pressed her down upon her belly into the soft soil and grabbing a fist full of her golden hair in one clawed hand he pushed her face to the ground as he used his other muscled arm to support his own weight. Using his powerful legs the wolf beast pried the small woman’s legs apart. She screamed in both fear and pain as he penetrated her from behind over and over, viciously thrusting into her small body time and time again. Finishing his deed the wolf beast began to rise, tracing his clawed fingers down the woman’s bare back, marking her as his property where blood now escaped the parallel wounds. As blood ran down the woman’s back and from between her legs she attempted to crawl away from the beast, great sobs escaping her lips. Without a second thought the wolf man, finished with the petite blonde, flung her aside where she rolled upon the soil before he again raced back through the door he had sprung from to claim his next mate.


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Borrik lunged through an open doorway with one of his men hot on his heels. Overcome by his wolven instincts Borrik acted as his feral subconscious guided him into the room where slumbered five completely nude woman upon thick mats of the very moss that carpeted much of the forest floor. Being the alpha, Borrik had first pick of the room, and sizing up the women quickly, Borrik sprang atop a brunette with long slender legs and large mature breasts. As the woman screamed in panic, Borrik pressed his weight onto her slender body, expelling the breath from her lungs and thereby silencing her, though now the other women in the room awoke in a great chaotic mass of terrified screams. As Borrik used his powerful arm to pin the woman beneath him he quickly removed the straps of his armor allowing it to fall to the floor as one of his female comrades took position at the door to keep the other humans from escaping. Wrenching the woman’s legs apart, Borrik sniffed between her legs to verify her fertility, and suitably assured, he thrust himself inside her repeatedly releasing his seed into her womb before discarding her and finding his next victim.

Two of his men were now having their way with the human women on the floor when Borrik located his second temptation of the night. Propelled by his need to breed, Borrik cornered the panicking woman who had sunk into the corner of the room gathering up her knees in her arms as tears streamed down her young face. Grabbing the young woman by her long red hair, Borrik pulled her back to her feet, and seizing her shoulder spun her to face the corner she had retreated into. Pressing her small body into the wall, Borrik lifted the girl free from the floor with his massive clawed hands, bringing her body to a level at which he could use it easily. Pressing his massive body to her rigid backside, effectively restricting her movement, Borrik thrust his manhood up and into the young woman time and again as he tore her and her blood began to run down the inside of her legs. Borrik pleasured himself with her body as the girl screamed time and again in agony. Once finished he released her, letting her body fall limply to the floor where she curled up in a ball sobbing, her tears and blood pooling upon the dirt floor.

By this time Borrik’s men had finished with the other women in the room save one, and as such had moved on to other amusements. The female who once blocked the humans from escaping the room remained and as a gesture to her alpha, detained the final human woman from fleeing. With the need to breed within herself as well as her male comrades, the large wolf woman lowered herself to the dirt floor dragging the human woman kicking and screaming atop her. Grasping the human's hands the large wolf bitch pulled the human female to lay over her, their bellies pressed together. Borrik’s female wolf soldier then wrapped her legs up and around the human’s legs, and then spreading her own, offered both her womb and the womb of the human woman for Borrik to lay his seed. Impressed with the offering Borrik could not resist his need to rut with the females. As his female warrior held the smaller human victim for him, Borrik, grabbing the milky flesh of the woman's exposed backside, pressed himself into her, much to the human’s dismay and his wolf bitch's delight. Seeing the two women's organs pressed together as they were brought increased excitement to Borrik as he compared the bare pink flesh of the human with that of the downy fur-covered flesh of his bitch. As he finished with the human his loyal soldier tossed the defiled woman aside and reached out to claim her prize. Borrik awarded his loyal female soldier with a breeding unlike anything he had ever before imagined. As he began to penetrate the bitch she drove her clawed fingers into the flesh of his back and blood began to drip from the pleasurable wounds. In return Borrik grasped the bitch’s throat in one of his clawed fists squeezing off much of the air she needed. As both came to climax, they rolled around the small chamber, a mass of limbs and fur, biting and clawing each other viciously. Upon releasing his seed Borrik slashed his claws across his bitch’s breasts marking her as bred, and released her so he could again rise and collect his armor.

Here in the small chamber, out of reach of the luminescent moons in the sky, with the deed done, Borrik’s mind-numbing need to sow his seed began to subside as realization took him. Images of conquest assaulted Borrik from all of his troops accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction and need. Even a couple of his other female troops had somehow managed to rouse the male in the encampment and forced him to bear his seed within them. All of Borrik’s troops with him this night seemed to have garnered their satisfaction in a feral need to proliferate their species. Though what would come of such breeding Borrik had no idea. The thoughts and memories and images from his pack should have sickened him, and in fact a small portion of Borrik felt the need to retch at the thought of what had just occurred. However, as a pack mentality, it was of necessity that they bred, an instinct driven not by desire but by the need to survive. No matter how much Borrik knew that the action was wrong, however, he was no longer a priest, nor was he any longer human, and this he realized was something that he was going to have to come to terms with. How Seth might react to such news was of concern to Borrik. He knew that this was not a secret to keep, and he would have to explain in detail this particular encounter to his master. Fortunately for Borrik, though, it was an isolated incident, in a deep remote portion of the forest, where word was unlikely to reach civilization or where fear might breed hatred for Seth and his troops. Redressed in his armor, Borrik exited the small cottage to find his pack looking both satisfied and refreshed. Not wanting to linger at the site of their horrific deeds, Borrik guided his troops further east with a thought, and took off sprinting as fast as his massive legs would carry him.





Chapter 7

Desolate Deeds and Breathtaking Beauty


Garret traversed the city of Valdadore moving quickly and with purpose. Having shed his armor, he strode down the wide streets of the city feeling light of body, but heavy of soul. The deed he was prepared to do was one that he did not look forward to; in fact he loathed even the idea of it. He had imagined within his mind how it would play out time and time again, though each time he felt that his imaginings were not near enough to being sincere, or that any of them would actually transpire in real life. Though blessed by the mighty god Gorandor, Garret felt small and ashamed as he neared the inn named The King’s Herald. It was his brother who had inadvertently killed Lord Sirus, the leader and commander of the Knights of Valdadore. Yet it was Garret who would have to carry that news to the wife of the heroic knight. He hoped he could lend at least some small comfort to the newly widowed inn proprietor. Garret tried to picture tears streaming down the beautiful woman's face as her body was wracked with sobs, but much to his dismay, even his imagination could not prepare him for what might lay ahead. For try as he might, Garret simply could not conceive realistically what the beautiful, dark-haired woman might look like when grieving, having only ever experienced her breathtaking smile and intoxicating curves in a positive light before.

As Garret neared the inn, a great sound resounded from deep within the building and steam issued out of the mouths and nostrils of the many carved men and beasts that made the decorative facade of the building. Remembering his first time viewing this spectacle accompanied by his twin, Seth’s girlfriend Sara and their friend Ashton, brought back fond memories but created grave worries of what was to come. Still no news of Seth had reached the city. Borrik and all of Seth’s other wolf troops were on the prowl looking for their master who, as far as anyone knew, was dead. Yet Garret held hope that his brother would be recovered and someday this would all just be a memory to tell their children and grandchildren. However, before that day could ever come, Garret had to get through this one. Steeling his resolve, Garret pulled the massive door open upon its hinges and stepped into the luxurious inn, hoping Sasha had not already heard the news.

Striding across the polished floor of the reception area of the inn Garret glanced through the doorways both to the left and right for any sign of Sasha. Not seeing her, he pulled the woven cord dangling from the ceiling triggering a bell somewhere higher in the structure that resounded throughout the vast stone building. Attempting to prepare himself for the worst, Garret paced the floor nervously awaiting the widow of his fallen mentor. Several moments later Garret paused in his pacing as he heard the familiar clicking of Sasha's signature high-heeled boots across the dining room floor off to his left. Though Garret believed himself as prepared for the worst as he could possibly be, what happened next destroyed any semblance of resolve Garret could have attempted to hold on to.

As Sasha swept into the room, her eyes swollen with grief, she stumbled slightly as recognition swept across her face briefly, a slight smile parting her lips. Garret realized immediately he had arrived too late, and Sasha's abnormally pale, grief-stricken face would turn out to be the least of Garret’s worries. Striding somewhat unevenly into the room, her arms clasped behind her back, adding even more heft to her already ample bosom, Sasha paused and stared blankly at Garret for a moment as if trying to puzzle out just what to say. Seemingly coming to a decision, Sasha moved again as if to embrace Garret. As she closed the distance, Sasha unclasped her hands from behind her back, revealing at the same time both her gruesome deed and the reason for it.

"I'm so sorry, Garret, for you to see me this way, but I love him more than life itself," Sasha said in a near whisper.

As Sasha trod the final step she reached out her arms, bleeding heavily from each wrist, and stumbling again she fell into Garret’s arms. Seeing the situation for what it was, Garret caught the falling woman in his arms, and for a moment the shock of the situation left him frozen, knowing not what to do. But instantly Garret’s conscious mind was set aside as his instincts took over. Heaving Sasha's limp body into his arms Garret turned and began to run with her towards the door. Praying to the mighty god Gorandor, screaming the prayer as he ran, Garret began to shimmer and with a concussive boom exploded in size, his body becoming akin to steel as he hunched over to fit within the confines of the corridor, and wrapping his massive body around Sasha he tried to protect her from what was to come.

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