The Changing (29 page)

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Authors: Jeremy Laszlo

Tags: #Speculative Fiction

BOOK: The Changing
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"They were preparing when I left my post. They could march any day now," the messenger admitted.

"Sulvis!" Garret shouted, becoming more than a bit nervous.

"Yes, your majesty?" The old general replied.

"How long before they reach the city if they marched today?" Garret questioned.

"With cavalry in five days, ground troops seven, and siege engines twenty one," Sulvis replied.

"Darion, this is important," Garret stated. "With how many men do they march?"

"We could not gather accurate numbers, your majesty. He keeps his forces on the move, and repositions them during the night," the boy replied.

"An estimation then, give me an estimation!" Garret again demanded.

"Twenty thousand your majesty, maybe twenty-five," Darion replied. “Among them are great armored beasts that breath fire and belch smoke.”

Garret nodded to the boy and turned back to the crowd in the room, thinking a moment silently about the information the boy had given him. Then he began to speak.

"Someone see to the boy. See him well fed and rested before he departs," Garret said and then turned again to speak to the boy himself.

"Ride back to the west gate, with all haste, and get me every ounce of information you can. If you see any danger before you reach your post, turn back and come straight to me. Do you understand?" Garret asked.

"Yes, your majesty," Darion replied.

With that a group of soldiers ushered the boy from the room to see to his needs before sending him upon his way.

"Sulvis, I need our numbers," Garret said without bothering to turn and face the man.

"Just over four thousand at last count your majesty," Sulvis replied in an even tone.

"Six to one," Garret stated aloud. "Better odds then last time, but we need to know more about these great armored beasts that breathe fire."

He turned to address his most important asset as the king of Valdadore.

"Seth, it seems we are going to need your help."





Read the next book in the Blood and Brotherhood Saga Now



The Contention (Book Four of the Blood and Brotherhood Saga)




Or read the compelling collection of Jeremy Laszlo’s award winning poetry


Clad in Shadow








About the Author



First and foremost I am a father and a husband.  Beyond that I belong to the fraternal Brotherhood of the United States Marine Corps.  I have earned a living as an industrial electrician, welder, mechanic, carpenter, CNC machinist, and dozens of other jobs that gave me a wide scope of blue collar life.  I have lived in more places than most people, though I grew up primarily in Michigan.  I graduated high school in Mason Michigan, and went to college in Lansing Michigan.  After joining the USMC I spent time living in Pensacola and Jacksonville Florida, and then moved on to spend four more years in North Carolina.  After serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring freedom, and the militaries humanitarian effort in Liberia I received an honorable discharge and returned to live in Jackson Michigan near my family who still reside there.  I now live in southern Louisiana with my wife and children, though I try and visit family in Michigan yearly.

I have been writing stories since I began writing and still have examples of short stories I wrote beginning in first grade.  In my mid teens however I began to write in earnest, dreaming of one day seeing my work on a bookstore shelf.  It is and remains an unfulfilled dream, as I never attempted in my earlier years to publish any of my work besides a few stray poems or short stories.  However at present I felt that I had to make some effort to publish my books.  As a father I tell my children that any one of them can live their dreams if they put in the time and effort required.  To which they of course reply by asking if I have lived all my dreams.  So it is through their urging that I prove to them that they, like I, can do anything we set our minds to.

I hope that you have enjoyed this book and your visit to Thurr.  It has been a long time coming, and I am happy to have finally released it publicly for you to enjoy.  The next book in the Saga is already released as well and is titled “The Chosen”.  I must warn you however that the next book is fast paced and action packed, so if you chose to read it, stock up on your favorite snack, call in sick, kick back, relax, and enjoy!

I appreciate any and all feedback from my readers.  Please drop in to say hello, or leave a message on any of my social media sites, my website, or my blog.  You can find easy access to them all at:




Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Unforgotten Masters and Unanswered Prayers

Chapter 2 A Secret of the Gods and Bounding Beauties

Chapter 3 Trial and Error

Chapter 4 Unlikely Allies and Unwanted Responsibility

Chapter 5 A Solemn Return and a Dark Revelation

Chapter 6 Bliss and Blood

Chapter 7 Desolate Deeds and Breathtaking Beauty

Chapter 8 New Hope, New Enemy

Chapter 9 Unwitting Prisoners and Unlikely Allies

Chapter 10 Realization and Reunions

Chapter 11 A New Beginning and A Means to an End

Chapter 12 A Wondrous Return and a Wretched Report

About the Author

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