The Campaigns of Alexander (Classics) (41 page)

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Comprehensive bibliographies of work on Alexander can be found in the sixth volume of the
Cambridge Ancient History
(1926), G. Glotz and R. Cohen,
Histoire grecque
, Vol. IV, Part 1,
Alexandre et le démembrement de son empire
(Paris, 1938), and H. Bengtson,
Griechische Geschichte
(2nd edn, Munich, 1960). Eugene Borza appends a select list of modern books and articles to his reissue of Ulrich Wilcken’s
Alexander the Great
(below). The most important contributions of the years 1940 to 1950 are reviewed by R. Andreotti in ‘Il problema di Alessandro Magno nella storiografia dell’ ultimo decennio’ (
, I, 1950, 583–600), while G. Walser provides an excellent summary of recent Alexander scholarship in ‘Zur neuren Forschung über Alexander den Grossen’ (1956), reprinted in
Alexander the Great: the Main Problems
, ed. G. T. Griffith (Heffer, 1966). E. Badian’s ‘Alexander the Great, 1948–67’ in
Classical World
65 (1971) 37ff 77ff. (now published separately) is an invaluable account of recent work on Alexander. A more comprehensive survey, extending over almost a century, is given by J. Seibert,
Alexander der Grosse
(Darmstadt, 1972).


I give here a selection only of the most important recent writings on Alexander, mainly in English. Those reprinted in
Alexander the Great: the Main Problems
are marked with an asterisk.


A. R. Burn,
Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World
(2nd edn, Macmillan, 1962). An excellent introduction.


P. Cloché,
Alexandre le Grand et les essais de fusion entre l’Occident gréco-macédonien et l’Orient
(Neuchâtel, 1953).


Peter Green,
Alexander the Great
, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970 is superbly illustrated and stimulating.


R. D. Milns,
Alexander the Great
(Hale, 1968). An up-to-date account for the general reader.


C. B. Welles,
Alexander and the Hellenistic World
(1970). and the four classics:


G. Radet,
Alexandre le Grand
(6th edn, Paris 1950). Relies excessively on the ‘vulgate’, but probably undervalued today.


F. Schachermeyr,
Alexander der Grosse, Ingenium und Macht
(Wien, 1949). A brutal Alexander bent on world conquest.


Sir William Tarn,
Alexander the Great
, 2 vols. I. Narrative II. Sources and studies (Cambridge University Press, 1948). An idealized Alexander, which has stimulated much recent work on Alexander, often in disagreement.


Ulrich Wilcken,
Alexander the Great
, trans. G. C. Richards (London, 1932). This, the most sensible modern biography, has been reissued (New York 1967) with valuable notes and an excellent ‘Introduction to Alexander Studies’, by Eugene Borza.


E. Badian, ‘The Death of Philip’,
, 1963, 244–50.


A. B. Bosworth, ‘Philip II and Upper Macedonia’,
Classical Quarterly
, 1971, 93–105.


V. Ehrenberg,
Alexander and the Greeks
(Oxford University Press, 1938).


G. T. Griffith, ‘The Macedonian Background’,
Greece and Rome
, 1965, 125–39.


J. R. Hamilton, ‘Alexander’s Early Life’,
Greece and Rome
, 1965, 117–24.


N. G. L. Hammond,
A History of Greece
(2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 1967).


F. Mitchel, ‘Athens in the Age of Alexander’,
Greece and Rome
, 1965, 189–204.


T. T. B. Ryder,
Koine Eirene
(Oxford University Press, 1965).


H. Bengtson,
Persia and the Greeks
(Minerva, 1969).


A. K. Narain, ‘Alexander and India’,
Greece and Rome
, 1965, 155–65.


A. T. Olmstead,
History of the Persian Empire
(Chicago, 1948).


Sir Aurel Stein,
On Alexander’s Track to the Indus
(London, 1929).


Sir Frank Adcock,
The Greek and Macedonian Art of War
(Berkeley, 1957).


E. Badian, ‘Agis III’,
, 1967, 170–92.


A. R. Burn, ‘Notes on Alexander’s Campaigns’,
, 1952, 84–91.


A. R. Burn, ‘The Generalship of Alexander’,
Greece and Rome
, 1965, 140–54.


G. T. Griffith, ‘Alexander’s Generalship at Gaugamela’,
, 1947, 77–89.


J. R. Hamilton, ‘The Cavalry Battle at the Hydaspes’,
, 1956, 26–31.


E. Badian, ‘Harpalus’,
, 1961, 16–43.


E. Badian, ‘The Administration of the Empire’,
Greece and Rome
, 1965, 166–82.


E. Badian, ‘Alexander the Great and the Greeks of Asia’,
Ancient Society and Institutions. Studies Presented to Victor Ehrenberg
(Oxford University Press, 1966), 37–69.


G. T. Griffith, ‘Alexander the Great and an experiment in government’,
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society
, 1964, 23–39.


*J. P. V. D. Balsdon, ‘The “Divinity” of Alexander’,
, 1950, 363–88.


E. A. Fredricksmeyer, ‘Alexander, Midas and the Oracle at Gordium’,
Classical Philology
, 1961, 160–68.


*J. R. Hamilton, ‘Alexander and his “so-called” Father’,
Classical Quarterly
, 1953, 151–7.


E. G. Hogarth, ‘The Deification of Alexander the Great’,
English Historical Review
, 1887, 317–29.


H. W. Parke,
The Oracles of Zeus
(Blackwell, 1967).


*E. Badian, ‘Alexander The Great and The Unity of Mankind’,
, 1958, 425–44.


E. Badian, ‘A King’s Notebooks’,
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
, 1968, 183–204.


P. A. Brunt, ‘The Aims of Alexander’,
Greece and Rome
, 1965, 20–215.


*C. A. Robinson, ‘The Extraordinary Ideas of Alexander the Great’,
American Historical Review
, 1957, 326–44.


*F. Schachermeyr, ‘Die letzten Plane Alexanders des Grossen’
Jahreshefte des österreichischen archaeologischen Instituts
, 1954, 118–40.


R. Andreotti, ‘Die Weltmonarchie Alexanders des Grossen in Überlieferung und geschichtlicher Wirklichkeit’,
, 1957, 120–66. With extensive bibliography.


M. I. Rostovtzeff,
The Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World
, 3 vols. (Oxford University Press, 1941).


Sir William Tarn,
The Greeks in Bactria and India
, 2nd edn (Cambridge University Press, 1951).


Sir William Tarn and G. T. Griffith,
Hellenistic Civilization
, 3rd edn (Arnold, 1952).


C. B. Welles, ‘Alexander’s Historical Achievement’,
Greece and Rome
, 1965, 216–28.


Sir Mortimer Wheeler,
Flames over Persepolis
(London, 1968).


E. Badian, ‘The Death of Philotas’,
Transactions of the American Philological Association
, 1960.


*E. Badian, ‘Harpalus’,
, 1961, 16–43.


A. B. Bosworth, ‘The Death of Alexander the Great’,
Classical Quarterly
, 1971, 112–36.


*T. S. Brown, ‘Callisthenes and Alexander’,
American Journal of Philology
, 1949, 225–48.


G. T. Griffith, ‘Alexander and Antipater in 323
”Proceedings of the African Classical Associations
, 1965, 12–17.


Ramón I. Harris, ‘The Dilemma of Alexander The Great’,
Proceedings of the African Classical Associations
, 1968, 46–54. A psychological study.


A. R. Bellinger,
Essays on the coinage of Alexander the Great
(Thompson, New York, 1963). Might have come under ‘Administration’.


M. Bieber,
Alexander the Great in Greek and Roman Art
(Zeno, Chicago, 1964).


M. Bieber, ‘A Portrait of Alexander’,
Greece and Rome
, 1965, 183–8. Essentially a summary of the foregoing.


S. Perlman, ‘The Coins of Philip II and Alexander the Great and their Pan-hellenic Propaganda’,
Numismatic Chronicle
, 1965, 57–67.


I take the opportunity of this (1976) reprint to add a few general works on Alexander. Interested readers will find in them references to much of the extensive recent periodical literature.


Robin Lane Fox,
Alexander the Great
(London, 1973).


Peter Green,
Alexander of Macedon
(Penguin Books). A revised and enlarged version, with an extensive bibliography, of his
Alexander the Great


J. R. Hamilton,
Alexander the Great
(Hutchinson University Library, 1973).


Fritz Schachermeyr,
Alexander der Grosse: Das Problem Seiner Persönlichkeit und Seiner Wirkens
(Wien, 1973). A greatly expanded version of his 1949 book, with additional annotation, appendices, and excellent illustrations.


An important event is the reissue of A. G. Roos’ Teubner text of Arrian’s works, I. The
. II. Scripta Minora (1968), to which Gerhard Wirth has contributed some 50 pages of
Addenda et corrigenda
, as well as substantial bibliographies and, in the case of the
, a list of translations. All of these, unfortunately, are out of print, with the exception of E. I. Robson’s Loeb edition based on the antiquated Didot text of 1846 which contains many inaccuracies, some of them important, in the translation. E. J. Chinnock’s reliable version (London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1884 and 1893 (with the
)) is sometimes available second-hand. The only book entirely devoted to Arrian is A. B. Breebaart’s
Enige historiografische aspecten van Arrianus’ Anabasis Alexandri
(Leiden, 1960) in Dutch with a brief summary in English, although H. Montgomery includes a chapter on Arrian’s narrative technique in his
Gedanke und Tat
(Lund, 1965).

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