The Broken Curse (5 page)

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Authors: Taylor Lavati

BOOK: The Broken Curse
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"Do what, Eury?"

"This," I say, gesturing between the two of us with my pointer finger.

"According to you, there is no
," he says, mimicking my hand gesture perfectly.

"You're right," I say as I stand up, huffing to exaggerate my annoyance. My head rushes a little bit, and I reach for the Gatorade. Of course, Ari reaches it before me and takes it into his own hands. "Give it back," I whine, reaching for my drink.

"Just tell me one thing," he counters, pulling back, his movements much faster than mine.

"Fine." I rock back on my hip and cross my arms over my chest, tilting my head to the side.

"If you can feel something, just when I enter the room, then why are you so adamant that I'm not your soul mate?" he asks. I promised myself that I wouldn't feel a single thing. But his eyes have always shown his emotions. And looking into them now, I can see how broken he is—how much I'm tearing him apart.

"The truth is, I don't know who it is. All I know is that I don't care about the curse right now. I don't care about our drama. There's a bigger picture to worry about here, and sorry to tell you, but you aren't in it."

Before I have to face him again, I grab my bag and forget about the Gatorade. I sprint out of there and right to Professor Onassis' house. I make it in just mere seconds. I don't hear him; he doesn't follow me. I can't keep running into him like that. He's ruining my plans.

I knock on her heavy door, glancing behind me to check if Ari is trailing. When I don't see him, a mixture of emotions flutters through me—from relief to disappointment. I guess a part of me wished he would follow, pursue me.

Cece comes to the door, cheery-eyed and smiling ear to ear. "Well come on in, dear. I told you not to bother knocking. It's not like I go anywhere," she says while stepping back into the house. I follow and shut the door behind me, making sure it's sealed shut.

"I just thought I'd come say hi."

"Well, it's a good thing because I have to talk to you," she says as she sits down in her living room. Her house is almost identical to Ari's except for the interior design. Where his place has dark tones and masculine features, hers is light and airy with pastel colors and soft fabrics, homey accents, and memorabilia from her life everywhere.

The living room has a large sofa against the back wall and a smaller love seat where Cece sits. She gestures for me to sit across from her, so I move over and place my bag on the floor next to the coffee table. She reaches between us and pulls the string on her lamp, lighting the room in yellow tones.

"Oh, I'm supposed to give you this," she says and reaches backwards. She slides the yellow Gatorade across the table, and I catch it, shaking my head at Ari. I actually crack a genuine smile.

"How did he beat me here?" I ask myself in pure disbelief.

"He's a fast one. He cares about you," she says, and I look over at her. She's got those motherly eyes that are searching me for answers. I hate it and love it at the same time. But it reminds me of my mother, which brings unwelcome feelings that I'm not ready to explore.

"So, what's up?" I ask her, trying to change the subject.

"Well, I thought I'd discuss a plan of action. I've let you mope around campus for long enough. We have to start taking measures to end these curses and get your life back on track. We're running out of time."

"I'm already working towards removing the curse. I can handle it by myself. I don't want anyone else involved." I won't budge on my plans. I refuse to let more people get hurt, or worse, killed, on my behalf.

"Well, people are already involved who want to help you. At least just hear me out," Cece says, her violet eyes getting to me, tugging on my heartstrings. I nod, taking a sip of my Gatorade, and she continues. "Do you remember the meeting we had months ago where I explained the two curses?"

"Yeah," I say. "To finish one, you have to finish the other. I have to kill Ari at the altar in the Underworld to void them both."

"There's another way. Do you remember it?" she asks.

"Something about the blood of the Originals," I mutter, trying to remember back some months ago to her exact words. I find it hard to even remember last week, so I come up empty handed.

"Your life depends on this, Eurydice. Please, take this seriously."

"I am," I say, but my words are empty.

"We can use the blood of the Originals and mix it with your soul mate's. That voids only your curse and leaves Hades tied to the Underworld. Nobody has to die."

"Nobody has to die," I mutter under my breath, trying on the words.

"It won't be easy. Hades will surely have an army to protect the blood of the Originals, especially since he's probably figured out that we know about the loophole. We'll need to create our own army, just for show, to intimidate Hades, distract him even, so we can get the vial and mix it on the altar before he gets a chance to stop us."

"Let's say I'm on board. Where are we going to get an army?" I ask.

"You may not believe this, but there are many people who support you and will stand by you. Like I said, the chances of this escalating to an actual war are slim. We just need an army to show that we're serious."

"No. I'm not letting my friends go down there. It's dangerous. They aren't strong enough."

"And you are?"

"I'm going to be."

"Please don't tell me you're planning a suicide mission." She levels her eyes with mine, and I cower. Her eyes lock onto mine with meaning. I try to look past her, but it's almost as if she sees right through me. Her gaze latches onto mine and squeezes with its grip. I can't look away from her disapproving stare.

"It's not a suicide. I'm just doing what is right."

"You think it's right to leave all your friends behind? This is bigger than just you. Hades could come to Earth and wreak havoc. We must do this the right way. We only have one shot."

"I don't even know who my soul mate is. What if we choose wrong?"

"I'm working on that, too. Can you just trust me?" she begs.

"Can I just think about it? You're asking me to put my friends' lives on the line," I beg her back, not ready to make a solid decision. I know I must sound like a child, but the thought of Kara fighting a god like Hades makes my stomach turn.

"Of course. I'm sorry if I'm being too harsh on you, but I know you can handle the severity." She nods at me, ever so confident in my strength. Little does she know what a wreck I am. Little does she know that my insides are so twisted in knots that I could never untie them.

"I've got to head out, but I'll come back soon." I stand up and swing my bag over my back. Cece comes over and stops right in front of me. She's much shorter than she was before—or at least it seems like it. Her body is smaller, hunched over, and frail.

She leans up and gives me a tight hug. Her hands are cold against my back, and a chill runs up my spine. She leans back and takes both of my hands in her. She's a little shaky, but I try not to think of it.

"Tonight dream about the future. The things you see might help guide you to your decision. Please, decide soon. I have connections—people who are willing to help the cause—but we can't wait too long. I've already noticed some of Hades's followers lurking around campus late at night. Be careful."

Cece kisses my cheek and lets me go. I nod, my emotions shut in a steel box, and head back to the front door. Cece follows me down the hall, taking the door from my hand when I step through the threshold.

"Thank you," I say over my shoulder. Cece nods, smiling again, and I head back to the gym. I need to get focused. If we're really creating an army, then I need to lead it. I need to be strong for everyone.


missing in action

I glance down at my phone and realize that the day has flown by. I'm emotionally exhausted and physically feel as if I was just punched multiple times in the arms and legs, internally bruised from top to bottom. I can barely walk out of the gym, let alone sprint home.

I quickly text Kara to see if her and Junior are in the room. The last thing I need is to walk in on them making out. I just want to shower, climb into bed, and then do it all again tomorrow. I need to get an early start tomorrow since it's supposed to get very hot by midday. I want to make sure my run is done by the time the temperature peaks.

I'm rounding the corner by the student center, and she still hasn't texted me back, which leaves me a bit worried. Kara's cellphone is attached to her hip. She doesn't leave without it, doesn't even pee without it. So, I call Junior.


"Hey, do you know where Kara's at?" I ask him, trying not to worry him or completely freak him out.

"Last time we talked she was up in your room. She felt really bad for your 'sort-of-fight,' as
she called it. She said she was waiting for you to come back."

"I texted her, but she didn't answer," I say, frowning to myself.

"Maybe she's in the shower?" Junior offers.

"Maybe," I answer, but to be honest I'm not convinced. "Listen, I'll talk to you later."

"'Kay. Love you, Ryder," he says, and I hang up. I put the phone in my pocket and continue my long walk back to the dorms. If I had any ounce of strength left, I'd sprint there.

I'm just turning around the side of the building when I hear a muffled cry from the edge of the woods. I immediately drop my gym bag on the ground as quietly as I can and peek around the back corner of the brick building. The streetlights don't shine back here. It's hard to see much, but soon my eyes begin to adjust. The screaming leads me right to them.

Two decent sized men have Kara pinned against the wall. One holds her up by her waist and neck while the other one paces in front of them. Kara's legs are dangling a few inches off the floor, and her face is red and puffy, like she can't breathe.

I know I can't act now or else they may seriously hurt Kara. I have to wait for the right time to show myself and then act. I quiet my breathing, only inhaling through my nose as I watch the scene unfold.

"Where is Eurydice?" the pacing man snarls. He leans forward, his nose so close to Kara that I'm sure she can feel his breath across her lips. I grit my teeth with anger and tighten my grip on the brick wall.

"I don't know. She hasn't been here in a month," Kara lies. The pain and terror in her voice dig into my soul. But she's strong. I pray she can hang in there.

"Liar," the man yells and slaps Kara across the face. I have to dig my hand into the brick side of the building to stop myself from running over there and attacking the man on the spot. I'll get my chance though.

"We know you're hiding her here. Hades is becoming restless."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Kara spits at the man, her nose wrinkling and her teeth gleaming. He snarls and backhands her, his hand unrelenting. Blood spurts out of her mouth, and I can't take it anymore.

With my new speed, I sprint towards the man who hit Kara and pull him backwards by his neck. He's so surprised, he can barely react before I turn his head quickly, the cracking in his neck like gunshot going off in the still night.

I look behind me, and Kara is wrestling with the other man on the ground. Kara is on top, but just as I start to move forward, the man kicks Kara in the ribs, and she flies back about ten feet into a pile of dirt.

This fuels me to sprint and lunge off a rock. I land right on the guy, which successfully knocks him to the ground. We both scramble to get re-acclimated, but I'm faster—stronger.

I grab his arm and pull it backwards, holding him in place. He cries out as I bend his arm further, making it twist at a strange angle that I'm sure is painful. His discomfort actually makes me happy. The adrenaline within me drives me mad with energy.

"Who are you?" I ask him, wanting information before I kill him.

"Even if you kill me, the others will come. It's only a matter of time before they make you choose. Soon your little boyfriend will be dead, and us demons will rule the world," he snarls. He leans forward and spits blood onto the dirt.

I twist his neck to end his demonic life in an instant. His body crumbles to the ground in a lazy heap. Kara runs over to me and wraps me in a hug, her chest heaving.

My body is still trembling from the adrenaline rush while hers trembles with fear. My hands shake; my heart spikes. But slowly I come down from my high. I look at Kara, and I can see the fat tears rolling down her face.

"Where did they find you?" I ask her, separating us.

"Outside the hall," she pants.

"We need to stay inside. Come on. We have to talk," I tell her. I don't bother waiting for her. I grab my bag and head into the dorm, with Kara trailing behind me, her soft footsteps constant.

I sprint up the stairs and make it into the room before Kara can even catch her breath. By the time she enters, I'm waiting on her, sitting on the bed, trying to rehearse what I'm going to say to her.

"First of all, way to be a dick and leave me," she states with a frown as she sits across from my bed on her own. "Secondly, this must be big, since you barely talk lately."

"It is," I say, narrowing my eyes on her. "Professor Onassis thinks we need to create an army to go into the Underworld."

She urges me to go on. "And…"

"You knew?" I ask her, amazed. I idly wonder where I've been lately. Why am I the last to know these important things?

"Of course, Ryder. Not all of us have been in summer hibernation. That's all you wanted to tell me?" she asks as she touches her face, right where she was socked.

I notice that it's red and a bit puffy, so I go into the bathroom and drench a washcloth in ice cold water. I bring it back and put it right over her left cheekbone. She takes it from my hand and holds it there, still glaring.

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